from Rolf-Dietmar Ehrhardt
to the Book
"Voice Transmissions With The Deceased"
by Friedrich Juergenson
For those among the readers, that are not so used to that matter EVP/ITC I like to give some introducing words using the reverse page of the book mentioned above:
By chance Friedrich Juergenson observed in the summer 1959 strange voices on his tape. First he believed to have included parts of an other radio program - until under that he noted voices that he knew and that came from persons that had passed away for a long time. |
As already mentioned at an other place, I had had my "AHA"-experience in the year 1986 through the TV program of "The Incredible stories" (Die Unglaublichen Geschichten) of Rainer Holbe on RTL. From that date EVP/ITC became a topic I was interested in because I had received my first voice at the same evening with own devices and in own rooms. These were good assumptions for an experimental physicist, to be with a matter that was not known to him (me) until this date.
As a matter of fact, the above mentioned book was necessary to read. I took note of a lot of things with astonishment and most of it could not be understood because I was "new" in that field. Today, at the end of the year 2001 (for a given reason), I read this book again - and can't stop being astonished all time reading it. Without any doubts, that I see the book today with completely other eyes after 15 years of more or less intense occupation with the topic EVP (which is a subcategory of ITC). Of course I had to study all the other fields resulting from the fact that a spiritual world exists. Some chapters which I so incidentally had taken note of formerly are for the ITC of great importance. This knowledge, already to be found in that book, I had acquired myself in the meantime (1986 to 1997) going a quite different way and using other sources of information. I'm glad that everything fits together. Independently from which angle or side one approaches this subject, the consequences and results are always identical after a long study. You will find further information on that in the essays on the website (only in German yet). I would like to notice, that the website displays only a part of the studied phenomena and knowledge fields which I was occupied with in the course of the years.
The main reasons why I make the following remarks to that book are:
To give a stimulation for English speaking people to read that book also. Perhaps they will find out that many ideas forged by spiritual thinking researchers in ITC today have been published already in 1981 by the pioneer Juergenson. And Juergenson was a successful experimenter.
To encourage people to make their own experiments using a way that is successful. The results from these experiments will help to recognize that there is more than expected. And that could lead to a development of the own personality. Doubts and fears are bad advisors in life and a brake for development. Convince yourself!
To make clear to people that ITC/EVP is a very complex matter. One can't be familiar with this making a few attempts. Please have a look at the need of time involved coming to those results mentioned in that book. Before you judge the results give the researchers credit please.
I'm aware that every reader will make his own considerations and might come to quite different conclusions here. Important is to me that everybody might find his way to recognition.
Following I like to give some quotes and make some remarks.
Quotes from the book and the chapter where to find them |
my remarks |
Foreword: |
that shows: reverse voices are a well known fact. Perhaps one should try to look at the principles behind them. |
Chapter 5: |
"magic metaphors" take place since the beginning of EVP/ITC |
Chapter 5: |
the human with his personal spirit is the bridgehead on earth and not the equipment used. The "energetic field" needed to get in contact consists to a very high degree of human's (experimenter's) psychic strength and elasticity. |
Chapter 5: |
Juergenson no longer assumed but discovered these facts. All successful working experimenter know these facts and use that in their experimental work. |
Chapter 5: |
through his experiments he had found out that there are different life and consciousness fields (indeed here onto earth and in beyond) |
Chapter 7: |
that shows that Juergenson had special capabilities which might be very important or even essential for his success in EVP. His human part of the "energetic field" had without any doubt a special structure and strength. |
Chapter 7: |
doesn't explain this very much?? |
Chapter 8: |
that are direct voices and those will only received by psychic. Please listen to: |
Chapter 9: |
ditto. |
Chapter 13: |
if there is a stable bridge to beyond (here with Lena), then the experimenter is informed from there how the contact can be bettered |
Chapter 17: |
ditto. |
Chapter 17: |
the entities in beyond know best what and how to better the conditions on earth in order to increase quality, durance and frequency of the contacts |
Chapter 19: |
ditto. |
Chapter 20: |
it is obvious that there are several spheres/stages of consciousness/areas in beyond where entities can "reside" |
Chapter 20: |
if somebody gets busy with this theme intensively then there is no way around these findings |
Chapter 20: |
I got this information long before I read this book from another EVP researcher in Berlin/Germany |
Chapter 20: |
there is no doubt that Juergenson had special capabilities which are normally characteristic for a medium |
Chapter 21: |
everyone has the chance to convince himself that these statements are correct - presuming that he has the correct attitude and commits himself to this matter |
Chapter 24: |
Juergenson as well as all the other successful experimenter knows that cooperation between "beyond" and "earth" is required in order to be successful. There is no "voice-catching" by simply record something/ someone's voice hoping that it will be a meaningful message. |
Chapter 24: |
Juergenson had also these experiences of having a permanent contact bridge. Experimenters who have the same experiences today are confronted with fraud reproaches and at least with distrust as far as quality and quantity of the voices/ pictures received by them are concerned. Example: Recording of information from beyond also with absence of the experimenters! |
Chapter 25: |
reading of thoughts of the experimenters on earth by the entities in beyond is also well known in ITC/EVP |
Chapter 25: |
ditto. |
Chapter 26: |
many "problems" that are still discussed in the EVP/ITC scene could find the answers here |
Chapter 26: Question # 6 |
what was clear to Juergenson earlier than 1981 is still discussed in the EVP/ITC scene. Wouldn't it be better to start very concrete researches? |
Chapter 27: |
this characteristic is confirmed of other experimenters and allows to classify many voices easily |
Chapter 27: |
the tape recorder is only a "documenting device". The contact itself takes place with the broadcast. Not to forget: Juergenson is able to hear voices in the room (ESP). In "normal" EVP sessions words appear only on the tape recorder, while Juergenson can hear the words also directly in the broadcast and could understand them. ---- The entities in beyond must learn also of how to make contact to us on earth. That is easier for them and us when we make contact to a certain being in beyond and stabilize and strengthen this bridge. |
Chapter 27: |
the problems in beyond to "meet" us here on earth in "time" has been reported by several experimenters who got this information from the entities in beyond. To have a contact "person" in beyond helps to solve this problem. |
Chapter 28: |
ITC allows to make an old known evidence "communication with beyond" in an objective way |
Chapter 36: |
that are recordings of animistic kind. |
Chapter 36: |
EVP/ITC contacts take place with entities at this stage of consciousness |
Chapter 38: |
of course this effect takes place this way because: the human brain compares sense impressions (that includes also the hearing) with already stored datas; if there are not any datas, one has very often no use of this information received by the ears f.e.. If the words are given by another person then they are suddenly easy to hear because the brain can now compare: the information coming from tape or radio with the word said. The experimenter must know therefore ahead of time what he likes to do: does he like to convince other people or is he only interested to gather information for himself. And when you are trained like Juergenson then you have a lot of data in your brain you can compare the information received with. |
Chapter 41: |
since Juergenson had a continuous contact this new type of contact is no longer surprising. It is only a further variant of the establishing of contact, because the bridge into beyond is stabilized due to the fact that the resonant conditions match. |
Chapter 43: (Recording via microphone) |
please look at Chapter 26, question # 6 |
Chapter 44: |
it is the known phenomenon: |
Chapter 45: |
if the human part of the "energetic field" is strong enough then it doesn't matter which equipment will be used. You will find the same message on each recorder (that is my own experience too) |
Chapter 46: |
please look at Chapter 26, question # 6 |
Chapter 47: ... To a large extent success depends on us. Much depends on the way and means with which we seek to take up contact. We ourselves can promote or inhibit the contact. It is best to act completely naturally, to avoid all solemn, exaggerated, pompous moods. ... ... The language of the dead is the unvarnished pictorial language of the subconscious. Free of any compromises whether these may be caused by false politeness, stylistic prettiness or moral concerns of any kind, the “language of the dead” transmits directly the truth of the heart. ... ... I have often been asked the question as to the best method to use to get into contact with the dead. As I have already said before, it depends exclusively on our motives, but also on our patience and persistence. ... |
that are other words for that what I call "human part of the energetic field" needed to get in contact to another type of consciousness |
Chapter 47: |
there is no successful experimenter known to me who have constant contact to beyond without the help of an entity in beyond |
Postscript: |
often the "contact entity" in beyond has a strong emotional connection to the experimenter on earth |
I consider the information as very important as it is given also in the chapter 25 that the "dead" (the entities in beyond) can read our thoughts and know our motivation why we request the establishing of contact for example. Drawing other conclusions from these quotations is left to everyone as a matter of course.
After study of the relevant literature lasting for years, after many conversations with experimenters and due to own experiences I can confirm only, that the information published by Juergenson already in the year 1981 corresponds to mine, on completely other ways acquired, state of knowledge. Other information sources which are not to be assigned to the field of the ITC show the same information. In these articles I attempted to take my findings together and to give everyone the possibility, by means of the indicated literature and own experiments, to put his own puzzle together.
rodiehr June 16, 2002
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