Report for H: 4 g
Date: Dec 15, 2000
from: Ehrhardt
EEG devices to be added on a PC
After studies on many websites (see Report for H: 4 h) I came to the result that the
BrainMaster Type 2 E module & software
would be the best one, if I take capabilities and price into consideration.
To see and evaluate all the specifications I recommend to visit the website:
I had an email exchange with the producer and he told me that all the measurements wanted from me could be done using this device. A German Institute and distributor (also for other EEG instruments) confirmed that information in a personal email. For further information, including samples of brain waves obtained with this device, have a look at website:
With this device the brain activity (EEG) could be measured and a certain brain pattern could be trained using a feedback method. That pattern is a combination, a mixture of different brain waves like alpha, beta, delta and theta. By giving a "desired value" for each wave type one can train to reach that.
Price includes: unit, 5 electrodes, 20/20 gel and VHS Video training cassette $ 975,- + shipping from USA.
In Germany: same device DM 5.500,- that equals about $ 2.500,-
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