Vol. IV, Sonderheft (special booklet) 1999
Transnames - For Interpretation pls. see identically entitled Article
ABX - Juno, transpartner in Darmstadt (Peter Haerting) |
Leuschner, Bruno, former socialist |
Extraterrestrians, unknown |
Majo, Buriatic Shaman, unknown |
Bender, Hans, former parapsychologist in Freiburg, FRG |
Mueller, Doc George, former NASA physicist |
Bodelschwingh, founder of Bodelschwinghsche Anstalten in Bethel, FRG (home for handicapped) |
Mutter mother of Adolf Homes |
Boden, Manfred, former Experimenter |
Nachbarin lady neighbour of Adolf Homes |
Braun, Wernher von, former builder of rockets |
Pleiadians, identical with FDL |
Busch, Wilhelm, former poet |
Raudive, Konstantin, former VOT experimenter |
Claudius, former emperor of Rome, spoke via medium Franz Schneider |
Salter, Swejen, female transpartner in Luxemburg |
Dreyfus, Alfred, French free-thinker |
Schneider, Franz, former trance medium (Claudius) |
Einstein, Albert, theoretical physicist |
Schreiber, Klaus, former experimenter |
Extragalaktian, unknown |
Seth, transpartner of Jane Roberts |
Extraterrestrian, unknown |
Seth 3, not identical with Seth |
Gilaidos, Konstantina, allegedly lost her life during the earthquake on the Ionic Isles in 1953 |
Telemach, unknown |
Guigne, Anne, French girl, deceased in 1922 |
Thomas Becket, former archbishop of Canterbury |
Harald 2, transentity at Harald Wessbecher |
Transgruppe 2109 |
Hoess, Rudolf, former commander of the Auschwitz concentration camp |
Transgruppe Centrale (Mutter = mother of Adolf Homes) |
Jahwe, Hebraic-Israelite God |
Transgruppe FDL (Federation of the Light) |
Jan, guardian spirit of Adolf Homes |
Transgruppe Schamanen (see Majo) |
Jung, C. G., former psychologist, transpartner of Mirabelle Coudris |
Transgruppe Zeitstrom, transgroup timestream in Luxemburg |
Juergenson, Friedrich, former VOT experimenter |
Unbekanntes Wesen von HDE unknown being/entity of HDE |
Kommandant commander of a spaceship, unknown |
Yogananda, Paramahamsa, Indian-Christian master |
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