Vol. IV, Sonderheft (special booklet) 1999
Under ‚Dimension’ already have been mentioned the difficulties that exist in giving an unambiguous, plain definition of this notion. Consequently also multidimensionality eludes an exact grasp – one should in no case refer it inconsiderately to mathematical-physical dimensions. Appears to be comprehensible rather a structure as conceived by Heim-Droescher [9] wherein eight of twelve ‚dimensions’ can be given well acquainted meanings. A plausible interpretation lies in the ‚multidimensional’ multiplicity of the influences that contribute to a specific effect - in contrast with the simple (mono-)causality that reduces an effect to one single cause. In other respects ‚multidimensionality’ is an easy-going commonplace under which one may/can also imagine, for example, the complexity of mental/spiritual structures, such as psyche, consciousness, soul.
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