Vol. IV, Sonderheft (special booklet) 1999
„There are only two subjects on that to talk is worthwhile at all: love and death. They are the background of all our hopes and fears, all our downheartedness, and freedom; they oblige to love, or they endow us with the force to live/experience our life as an (individual) entireness integrated in an all-comprizing totality; they lend our soul the wings of a dream, and they travel across the world with an unaudible poetry of signs and symbols.“
Eugen Drewermann
Dear readers,
Part 1 of the article „The transcontacts of Adolf Homes – a retrospective“ (TransKommunikation Vol. IV, no. 1, p. 12-31) imparted a survey on the occurrences in Rivenich according to their sequence in time, and on the most important transentities who/that there manifested from the beginning of the operator’s contact attempts in 1988/89 up to his passing in October 1997. The article’s second part, a detailed deliberation on the groups of subjects touched upon in the messages, is foreseen to be the theme of the next serial number of this magazine (Vol. IV, no. 2).
When writing down part 1, it already showed that the volume of the material at hand would obstruct its reproduction within the scope of a normal article, or would require its reduction to an extent regarded as inadmissible. A way out of this dilemma presented the interim publication of the special edition that you now have before your eyes.
Regarding the structure of this additional publication, two possibilities showed up. The simpliest one would have been to write down all the contacts by following their sequence in time. This procedure would well have given the readers a complete insight into all goings-on, but they would have been confronted with a conglomerate of confused, diversiform themes, whose parts have been transmitted at different times by differently named sources. This solution appeared to be inequitable. Instead was chosen this present – admittedly still rather exacting - lexical form that may considerably facilitate the reader’s approach and access to it. Independently from the times of their coming-about, the contents have been grouped according to one hundred basic notions, and this by leaving out all dates, contact initiations,and set phrases that started or ended the contacts, and – apart from some exceptions - by leaving the respective ‚senders’ unmentioned.
Despite of these simplifications, the carrying through of this project turned out to involve quite a strain, and to be marked with three unavoidable subjective components. The first one concerns the basic notions, that have been determined according to the frequency of their appearance. The second represented a real challenge. Since a great number of the more than three thousand sentences mentioned contain several basic notions, in each case had to be determined the basic notion that was to have priority in the categorization. In order to avoid a mass of confusing crossreferences, multiple repetitions were unavoidable. However, they lend themselves to illustrate the complex cross-linkages of the contents. (In the original texts, no really identical sentences are found!) The third subjective component concerns the arrangement of cognate statements within one lexical basic notion. Here, too, an arrangement according to the correct sequence in time would have been unsatisfactory, because the separate appearance of identical, or similar, terms would not have allowed to directly recognize such intrinsic connections. The strived for bundling according to analogous senses, leading from more general statements to more specific messages, could not always be realized. However, it has been adhered to two stylistic peculiarities throughout.: One of these is that the statements frequently appear as laconic‚ apodictic mnemonic phrases’ that – in computer printings and in several automatic writings - rarely fit meaningfully together to form of longer passages. Therefore, these aphorisms often stand unconnectedly side by side. Furthermore, the transpartners claimed the ‚I’ and ‚we’ forms for themselves, and changed at choice their forms of addressing someone with ‚you’ in singular or plural (in German: Sie, Ihnen, Ihr and Euch). As a sign for a closer relation to the operator, the pronoun ‚you’ appeared in the singular form (in German: Du, Dir, Dich).
The transcommunicative contents and their sources – consciousness of thought(s) in the fields of eternity - perhaps may best be sketched with the statement of a transgroup that has given itself the unusual designation Foedus as a(n) ‚alliance, contract/agreement, union/association; regulation, law, promise’ of here developped mental/spiritual groups and associations/formations, as well as with that of an other group that presented itself as parts of eclectics and elasticity, consequently as those who select from the existing philosophies and worldviews what to them appears to be appropriate, and – in the sense of ‚blurred logics’ – who do not exactly define the words they use. The messages from various ‚levels’ follow a different logic, and endeavour to solve the semantic translation problem with multiple paraphrases. By creating new words, and assigning to current vocables from the usual deviating meanings, the ‚beings/entities’ reflect diverse aspects, and by no way transmit the last conclusion of wisdom. It should therefore hardly be necessary to quote an important statement that admonishes reticence, according to which with the here represented multidimensional contents we do not have to do with a religion or a belief in (a) sect(s), or, the work of all of us by no means should be understood by you as a sect’s cult. It is solely intended to transmit several information.
The analysis of the original texts unconsciously followed an advice from the transpartners that previously had been left unnoticed. This read: Since our contacts to you are yet limited in time, please classify our messages. The editor hopes having succeeded in reorganizing the material in form of fairly readable texts that, together with the explanations, allow an adequate access/entry into the essential parts of the transinformation realized in Adolf Homes’ environment mainly via electronic devices. In addition, the representation should contribute to a better understanding of the announced part 2. It rests with you, dear readers, whether you are able, or willing, to comprehend and/or fulfil a third recommendation from the transareas/-spheres, which reads See to your treasures, so that they will not be snatched away from you.
Kematen, Southern Tyrol, August 1999
Ernst Senkowski
*** Since a number of words (mostly nouns) suggest more than one interpretation, you will find the in the context meaningful interpretations written with a slash between them. ***
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