Vol. IV, Sonderheft (special booklet) 1999
This is an ATTEMPT at instrumental communication between two realities. CONTACT EXPERIMENT mind/spirit via electromagnetics to receiver. The EXPERIMENT of connecting foreign instruments to us appears to be useless, because our electrostatic frequencies find, resp. convert the in Rivenich electromagnetic waves. The CONTACT ATTEMPTS are hindered by the physis. The EXPERIMENTS/ATTEMPTS from our side to get in contact with other humans remained without success via instruments, because psychic effects occurred. This should not represent an end of the EXPERIMENTS/ATTEMPTS. Men who have, or get, a negative feeling in CONTACT EXPERIMENTS/ATTEMPTS with us are from their consciousness state not yet prepared (to do so), they still should wait.
In the EXPERIMENTS/ATTEMPTS with Mr. Haerting it was, from our side, about trials, therefore our then (given) indications for the respective EXPERIMENTS. Although we could perceive the EXPERIMENT signals of the friends on 12.06.1997, a for you understandable message was not yet possible. AdaptionEXPERIMENT/ATTEMPT. Important appears to me (the fact) that a CONTACT EXPERIMENT/ATTEMPT has been made. The by some beings/entities as a failure interpreted CONTACT EXPERIMENT/ATTEMPT will be fruitfull. Our CONTACT EXPERIMENTS/ATTEMPTS in Mayence, Frankfurt, Schweich, Duesseldorf, and in other places on terra, (will) continue. A time will come when more of you (pl.) will be pepared/ready. Other EXPERIMENTS/ATTEMPTS are started from our side. We TRY to contact many stations on your planet. However, the difficulties are known to you as well as to us. Mother is TRYING again and again to reach Rivenich via telephone. It continues to be difficult. We TRY to send in Rivenich some pictures via television. TRY it with an other TV set. When you (will) make the first EXPERIMENT/ATTEMPT rests with you.
The secret of your being human still lies hidden in the dark, though several (people) TRY to get a scent of the secret. Our EXPERIMENTS/ATTEMPTS are necessary, because humanity is in an expressly produced, for us negative phase of being/existence, and we cannot influence the consciousness (directly). The CONTACT EXPERIMENTS/ATTEMPTS continue to be of importance.
Hitherto existing ITC is to be described as an experiment of an attempt for approaching the - as separate appearing - systems of this world and the Beyond, and for stimulating on indirect ways an expansion of the consciousness of the people we can reach. The motivation it is based on is comprehensible; possibly it is not indifferent for the whole lot of (cosmic) occurrences which events take place on the earth. Although on some other occasion the earth was called a tiny atom, its development could be of universal significance. The for us near at hand supposition that few contacts were practically without effect, looses validity when following the statement that the unhindered telepathic spreading of the material, and its discussion, contribute to the strengthening of the morphogenetic field, where (or by that) transcommunication comes true.
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