An Essay on Time |
past? |
present? |
future? |
Time allows people to perceive motion. Furthermore, people perceive it differently. One might feel that his perception of time and its manifestation is within a timely context and its justification, regardless if near or far. On the other hand, another person might perceive time as a hand on a clock that moves along minute by minute, validating each change as a sequence of time.
It is utmost important to understand that the concept of time is not easy to explain and not easy to comprehend; even among each other. Especially complicated it will get if one introduces the concept of an afterlife and the probability of time existing in those spheres of existence. The question arises, if time does not exist in an afterlife: How can communication take place between the two spheres?
Hoping to better demonstrate the events that take place, I would like to introduce a model to shed some light on this important aspect of exploring the afterlife.
First of all, it is important to distinguish between the existence of a physical - mathematical term of time and the existence of a consciousness term of time within each human being.
All of us are aware of the phrases: "Well, that took a long time!", "That went fast!", "How much longer will that take?" and so forth. No conflict arises with the physical term of time, since we do have scales to monitor time, as we know it, with explicit accuracy. But, does time exist without the existence of a human being, who interprets what time is - with his human consciousness? Simply put, does time exist without someone reading the clock?
To demonstrate the variety of explanations of this phenomenon, I would like to use a few quotations of other possible models:
the one-after-the-other-correspondence of things.
the succession of happenings, to be experienced as an irreversible sequence of events, a longitude of change, incidents in nature and history.
to be viewed, depending on scientific (philosophical) views, as finite or infinite, homogenous, divisible continuum, which under specific points of view and appropriations act as a scheme of order.
(c) Bibliographisches Institut & F. A. Brockhaus AG, 2001 [german translation]
Time in physics
In physics: time is, by experience, not influenceable. However, it is according to the theory of relativity with the instance of motion of a time measuring observer and its dependent base quantity (t) and seconds (s).
Newtonian, classical physics (non-relative), declared time independent of matter and independent of its variations in its material change, with a clear causal connection (earlier-later-relation) to equally go off in every space of the universe at the same time. By definition of a time interval with a beginning and an end of randomly reproducible events, independent of the measures of the experiments as a unit of time and durance, time becomes precise.
(c) Bibliographisches Institut & F. A. Brockhaus AG, 2001
is the basic concept necessary to comprehend the motion of matter. Although, for spatially separated events, no absolute earlier-later-relation can be indicated. Yet it is possible for timely separated events and especially for points of a world-line ( = explanation of the movement of a point through a curve in a four dimensional space-time-world); for those, the direction of time is fixed.
(c) Physiklexikon Band 2 , VEB F.A. Brockhaus Verlag
is for the casual perception a continuous progression in which all changes take place. Within the space-time-continuum all statements are relative. Each statement depends on the location of the observer and his motion relative to the observed object.
(c) "Das neue Taschenlexikon" Band XYZ, Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag
Time (by Stephen W. Hawking)
According to the theory of relativity, each observer has his own measure of time, which is registered on the watch he is wearing. Watches on different observers do not have to register the same measurement of time. Therefore, time evolved into a personal concept, depending on the observer who is measuring it.
(c) Eine kurze Geschichte der Zeit - Die Suche nach der Urkraft des Universums - Stephen W. Hawking - Rowohlt Verlag
[(c) A brief history of time - from the big bang to black holes - Stephen W. Hawking]
Time and Cosmology
Time came about with the big bang, since time before the big bang is could not be defined. The big bang theory suggests: Before matter, space, and time came to being, everything was concentrated within a singularity of extreme density and temperature. Quantitative cosmology was able to approach this singularity to about 10-34 seconds. Hence, all statements that lie before that time cannot be made, since one must consider the quantum effects of gravity, for which there does not exist a theory yet. Time within a black hole does not exist.
Time and Consciousness
Because of the scientific method, the physical-mathematical concept of time is determined without any reference to human consciousness. But time is something that every person experiences. Each day we fill it, time that is, with meaningful things.
A universal determination of time must therefore include an experiencing individual, the perspective of a first person, and that of others as well. Contrary to the scientific concept of time, a lifetime is an existential dimension. Forecast or the look back do not exhaust themselves in a distant registration of facts and their causal connection. Through the consciousness of time, a correlation can be found to ones own behavior, goals, motivations, and consequences. Past and future are equally judged. Goals can be set, accountability of possible consequences can be taken, and guilt can be restored.
(c) Bibliographisches Institut & F. A. Brockhaus AG, 2001
Time within Human Consciousness
The passage of the present is experienced differently within the human consciousness; the non-reversable passage of events, which is experienced as past, present, and future in the context of things coming to be and passing away.
We experience the world as a directed process which allows a conceptual division of space and time. Therefore, time is an abstract emphasis of changeable states of reality.
(c) Bibliographisches Institut & F. A. Brockhaus AG, 2001
the feeling of change in moments, hours, days, months, years.
(c) Deutsches Woerterbuch 1996
Interestingly, perception, observer, assessment, consciousness and judgment are important elements in all definitions and descriptions of time. It is obvious that for the perception of time, a consciousness must be present.
For example a watch on Mars with no observer - digits will change! But is this considered a measurement of time? More and more explorers of established sciences believe that something becomes existent only through observation - even our universe itself. Please remember that all of our perception is based on five senses. However, far more things exist which cannot be perceived by our five senses. Every person can convince him/herself of this by looking at x-rays and microwave radiation photographs of the universe. Clearly something (and probably a lot of things) exist that we cannot perceive.
On the Human Plane (our 3 dimensional world) we experience different types of consciousness':
The "I" - consciousness still exists regardless whether I turn off all signals to my sense organs, that is if I loose contact with my outer world and my own body itself.
The waking-consciousness; the opposite to the loss of consciousness.
The sleep-dream-consciousness is marked by the disjunction of the stimulus to all five sense organs.
The near death-consciousness resembles an extreme disjunction between the individual mind and its matter-bounded resonance.
Lets take a look at a simple and well known example:
While sleeping, we do not register the time sequence known to us during the waking state. Our sleep-dream-consciousness is therefore completely different from our waking-consciousness. Could it be that time, as we know it, does not exist if I slept forever? Or could that mean that only for me common time did not exist? It is quite obvious that only for me common time would not exist. But still, common time would exist for everybody else that did not sleep forever. But who asked in the first place? Is it the "I" of a human construction which is limited by five senses?
It is obvious that the perception of time is tied to MY natural state of waking-consciousness.
Sleep, a common state of consciousness, allows us to experience that time does not exist - as we know it. For the individual mind, the state of consciousness during a lucid dream can be useful for the following day of a waking state of consciousness.
Yet, our wake-consciousness depends on our world which is made up of three dimensions, to even allow the perception of time.
Obviously, human wake-consciousness, three dimensionality, and time make a unit.
Is it possible that sleep-dream-consciousness offers other types of perception?
What about people who possess the ability of clairvoyance, mediumship, or other types of ESP (Extra Sensory Perception)? Do these people bridge the concept of time which never existed in the first place?
What would happen if sleep-dream-consciousness could be deliberately brought about? Would we be without time, in the known sense, but yet with a body and not being conscious of the absence of time?
Some people are able to deliberately put themselves in a state of mind that permits the perception of just that; the sleep-dream-consciousness. These people report on "spiritual/astral" journeys outside of their bodies. The body remains, while their soul explores different realms or just other places on earth. Distance and time seem not to matter anymore. Bilocation - the ability to appear in two different places at the same time - is just another phenomenon which suggests that time and space exist in ways other than those known to us.
What has changed? Obviously the state of consciousness of the person, the one who carries the soul and the individual spirit.
Is human consciousness independent of its body? This obviously must be the case.
Are there different types of consciousness connected to a person? Yes, recall the definitions.
Is it possible, that in the moment when a person is unable to relate to himself and his environment with his 5 senses, part of his consciousness travels -- independent of time and space? This seems not only possible, but a fact (i.e., while dreaming at night).
So what aspect of consciousness, what exactly travels? It is the soul.
Doesn't this suggest that a person, within the three dimensional existence and his concept of time, is without time during this specific state of consciousness? Yes, since he cannot perceive time as we know it. To him time does not exist.
Therefore, three dimensional existence and time make a unit to be perceivable by a person. Who else supposed to perceive it?
Does time exist in the afterlife?
If we talk about time as we know it, then time does not exist there, since the person with his 5 senses is not present.
Could it be, that a different measure of time exists? How can one define it? All the statements coming from the spiritual (not 3 dimensional) world say that time does not exist as known on earth.
How can we picture reality in a spiritual world? When one looks at the state of consciousness of the bodily/spiritual self as an energy field, as an aura which can be seen by someone with the right skills, a means of understanding opens up.
Hypothetically, let us consider that the energy field of a person (possibly more) exists and that clairvoyant people are able to perceive it. Furthermore, we want and can assume that this energy field distinguishes itself from person to person by its color, arrangement, distribution, density, and in its intensity. |
How are such changes within a person noticeable? From changes in the structure and intensity of the energy field. Some may say: The person's vibration differed as he 'moved' into a different frequency or into a different plane of vibration.
Let's further assume that entities in the afterlife possess an energy field as well and moreover, consist purely of energy. What else would they consist off? The "body" could consists of a fine matter, which cannot be perceived by our 5 senses - but this would be also connected to an energy field. It could also be true that entities in the afterlife, depending on development of their consciousness, do not require a body made up of fine matter.
We now approach the subject, that we can call 'time', since we have established a condition before the development of consciousness and one following it. What exactly is that, that lies between both? Is that time??? Especially, who perceives this change of consciousness?
Structure and intensity of an energy field can be perceived by someone who possesses the appropriate organs of perception, receptors, or resonators. (Every perception on earth follows the principle of resonance*.) Entities in an afterlife "recognize" other entities due to their vibration, provided that they can perceive them. And here as well, the principle of resonance is being enforced, which simply states: Like attracts Like. In other words:
Entities in the afterlife, with the same or similar energy fields, are in contact with one another whenever it is desired.
This type of contact is executed via telepathy, the transmission of thoughts (see "The Power of Thoughts").
Whenever a desire is present to reach other entities in the hereafter outside of our own perimeter, a change of consciousness must take place in order to change one's own thought process. Is time essential?? How does the consciousness of the entity changes that wishes a contact?
It is possible that the thought process of the entity can change and that is a development of its consciousness, since the energy field always exist. That is an action with no time needed, since the process of thought does not depend on time and is not limited by velocity or distance to change an energy field with its "frequency" and/or pattern.
What will change during the adaptation of the "sender" are the "possibilities of reception" - of the new consciousness through other entities. Entities, who "always" have been situated on that newly created "frequency" and/or pattern, are now able to register a "new" entity who is now sending its pattern of thought.
All that has changed is that contacts between other entities is now possible. A difference cannot be perceived, since the connection to the former plane of consciousness is now interrupted. That leaves us with the fact that a contact is possible between two entities, which comes to an end when no more resonance exist between their planes of consciousness, since one has changed its vibration / "frequency" and/or pattern. This could indicate a development.
That implies that time does not exist in the way : " now it is like that and later it will be different". Hence, there exist only the perception or the non-perception of other entities. It is only about - To Be.
In the so called ghost-plane, a stage of consciousness where deceased people "gather" with an especially strong earthbound consciousness, it is possible, because of the strong connection to earth, that earthly time is still being registered, since the deceased is in a frequency that is close to earth.
Accounts of this area often state that the deceased could "remain" in this state of consciousness for over hundreds of years ("measured while using the scientific method"), until they are ready to develop a new pattern of thought fueled by realization which now opens up to resonance with other planes of consciousness via telepathy - to achieve contact telepathically. The new pattern of thought gives rise to a change not of but in consciousness.
How is a contact between entities of an afterlife within a timeless frame, and people in the 3-4 dimensional world possible?
It is possible when the person on earth changes his consciousness in a way so time does not exist for that person anymore. This is possible during the sleep-dream-consciousness and in the so called alpha-state of the brain. If an entity shifts its consciousness such that resonance with a person is accomplished, a contact takes place.
Contacts between spiritual realms and our world only take place during a communication between the different states of consciousness.
If we transfer these ideas to the topic of the incarnation of a soul, we'll get:
The soul must reduce its consciousness, in order to become perceptible and knowledgeable within the 3-4 dimensional reality = incarnation- consciousness (IC).
To do just that, the soul must use an object, in our case a human body, with its qualities and limitations.
Since the soul remained in a timeless state of being, it has now the opportunity to experience time, since it is bound to a body that is subject to laws and conditions of a 3 dimensional existence.
So there exist a whole-consciousness of the soul and an incarnational-consciousness which manifests itself within the human form. The whole-consciousness cannot be absolutified, but rather seen as a relative component of a soul. That means, the whole-consciousness of soul # 1 is different from that of soul # 2.
The question of the necessity of time is a highly philosophical one. Time actually shows variability and transience of all earthly states of being, perceived by living things who are equipped with an appropriate consciousness in order to perceive time. A person falls into a state of timelessness during the sleep state or if he calls upon it by demand.
In Conclusion:
To view time as being existent, a perceivable consciousness is needed.
The daily exchange of wake-consciousness to sleep-dream-consciousness with the perception of timelessness by the sleeper only shows: Time only exist in one specific state of consciousness.
A person experiences other states of consciousness, in which the perception of time is not possible, unless he is in his wake-consciousness which allows perception of time as we know it.
Time, as we know it, only exist in 3 dimensionality.
Entities, after changing or adjusting their consciousness, have the ability to perceive happenings on earth which are bound by time. For entities, this type of adjustment is often times sustainable only for a short period of time, since energy is necessary to achieve this state. Most contacts are cut short because of the degeneration of energy; which is required.
Earthly time does not exist in the hereafter, as established above.
In conclusion, a quote from the book "Gehirn Magie" (Brain Magic) from Ulrich Warnke:
The most amazing journey in midst the theories of quantum mechanics is the one of traveling in the future and in the past at the same time. Today, understandably, this is very often ignored.
According to Einstein:
"For us trusting physicists, the separation between past, present, and future is a bare, yet stubborn illusion."
Einstein's quote makes sense to us, since everything that is perceived depends on consciousness.
In addition, if there exist a form of consciousness which is able to perceive time as presence, past, and future, then the process cannot be much different for people as reading a complex and long novel in which the end has already been defined, but the reader only perceives time when changing the pages. And if the hero of the novel would have decided differently on page x, then there must exist a second novel which would have manifested itself in a different book to be perceivable to the reader.
rodiehr July 24, 2002
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