The Power of Thoughts
by Rolf-Dietmar Ehrhardt
(Translated by George Wynne, USA in Jan 2006)
Can They Be Rendered Visible?
Can They Be Observed?
Can They Affect Physical World Directly - Not Only the Thoughts of Others?
Every reader is likely to have had the experience that his/her thoughts influence their feelings of wellbeing. Sadness and cheerfulness reflect feelings and attitudes and in this way they have a major impact on an individual’s mental attitude. But it not only subjective feelings that are affected, physiological processes themselves undergo changes if certain thought processes are maintained over a long period.
A physician can objectively determine these physiological changes. This represents the simplest case of a person finding out for himself: Yes my thoughts can have an effect and I recognize that I like them or not. A subcategory of medicine known as psycho-neuro immunology (PNI) has now determined ‘scientifically’ what has been known for a long time – the human psyche, our thought processes influence our immune system. More information on this complex subject can be found by clicking on Illness as the Path (to recognition) ?!!! (Only in German yet)
One might ask whether research already exists that has taken a look at the question whether thoughts can be ‘seen’. Clairvoyant individuals can see the human aura and state that they are able to see changes in the aura triggered by changing thoughts. But can this be actually demonstrated?
Please come along with me on a path that may also claim your interest and that will lead us to:
Charles W. Leadbeater/Annie Besant and their reflections
A computer program that demonstrates the moving human aura
The manifestation of thoughts in water researched by Masaru Emoto
This not the place to discuss the numerous experiments in psychokinesis such as the bending of spoons and metal objects and the moving of compass needles, match boxes and book pages by mental effort because these have been documented extensively by word and picture. These experiments to show how thoughts can influence material objects directly.
I want start with quotations from a very perceptive book by Charles W. Leadbeater (1847 – 1934) and Annie Besant (1847 – 1933) titled Thought Forms that appeared as early as 1901 which will demonstrate that this knowledge has been around for a long time already. (Online version on )
The authors write that while thoughts themselves are invisible each definite thought produces a double effect--a radiating vibration and a floating form. The pictures shown below drawing and painting of the Thought-Forms observed separately or together by Annie Besant and Charles Leadbeater were rendered by three talented friends of the authors Mr. Varley, Mr Prince, and Miss Macfarlane.
The authors note that on the occasion of a funeral two thought-forms utterly different in every respect of colour and form and meaning, were seen, simultaneously coming from separate mourners. They represented two very distinct points of view with regard to the same occurrence and observed during the funeral by the clairvoyant authors. “They exhibit the feelings evoked in the minds of two of the "mourners" by the contemplation of death. The thinkers stood in the same relation to the dead man, but while one of them was still steeped in the dense ignorance with regard to super-physical life which is so painfully common in the present day, the other had the inestimable advantage of the light of Theosophy”.
“In the thought of the former we see expressed nothing but profound depression, fear and selfishness. The fact that death has approached so near has evidently evoked in the mind of the mourner the thought that it may one day come to him also, and the anticipation of this is very terrible to him; but since he does not know what it is that he fears, the clouds in which his feeling is manifested are appropriately vague. His only definite sensations are despair and the sense of his personal loss, and these declare themselves in regular bands of brown-grey and leaden grey, while the very curious downward protrusion, which actually descends into the grave and enfolds the coffin, is an expression of strong selfish desire to draw the dead man back into physical life.
“It is refreshing to turn from this gloomy picture to the wonderfully different effect produced by the very same circumstances upon the mind of the man who comprehends the facts of the case. It will be observed that the two have no single emotion in common; in the former case all was despondency and horror, while in this case we find none but the highest and most beautiful sentiments. At the base of the thought-form we find a full expression of deep sympathy, the lighter green indicating appreciation of the suffering of the mourners and condolence with them, while the band of deeper green shows the attitude of the thinker towards the dead man himself. The deep rose-colour exhibits affection towards both the dead and the living, while the upper part of the cone and the stars which rise from it testify to the feeling aroused within the thinker by the consideration of the subject of death, the blue expressing its devotional aspect, while the violet shows the thought of and the power to respond to, a noble ideal, and the golden stars denote the spiritual aspirations which its contemplation calls forth. The band of clear yellow which is seen in the centre of this thought-form is very significant, as indicating that the man's whole attitude is based upon and prompted by his intellectual comprehension of the situation, this is also shown by the regularity of the arrangement of the colours and the definiteness of the lines of demarcation between them.
It is the thought, the attitudes of people that are responsible for the way they talk and act. But can "thoughts' be rendered visible or is it possible that they might be perceived in a different sort of way? And in reference to spirit beings on the other side of the great divide, one might ask: "Can these spirit entities with whom we communicate, discern our own spiritual makeup, to wit: do they know what are thinking and how we are motivated?" Every reader will ask, as I did: "How were these pictures created, and are the pictures and shapes the same or similar among different people thinking the same thoughts, etc?"
Let us give the word to the authors of the book mentioned above:
The thought forms that Leadbeater and I or both of us have observed were drawn and painted by three of our friends: Mr. John Varley, Mr. Prince and Miss MacFarlane. It is our earnest hope--as it is our belief--that this little book will serve as a striking moral lesson to every reader, making him realise the nature and power of his thoughts, acting as a stimulus to the noble a curb on the base.
The study of thought forms is one of the most interesting paths from the from the physical to the astral.
Dr Baraduc obtained various impressions by strongly thinking of an object, the effect produced by the thought-form appearing on a light sensitive plate; he quite rightly says that the creation of an object is the passing out of an image from the mind and its subsequent materialization. (Note: These experiments have also been conducted in the present period.
To understand It is our earnest hope--as it is our belief--that this little book willserve as a striking moral lesson to every reader, making him realise the nature and power of his thoughts, acting as a stimulus to the noble,a curb on the base.
Very few of us have any clear idea as to what kind of thing a thought is, and the object of this little book is to help us to conceive this.
Our conception of space is limited to three dimensions, and when we attempt to make a drawing we practically limit ourselves to two. In reality thepresentation even of ordinary three-dimensional objects is seriously defective, for scarcely a line or angle in our drawing is accurately shown. All that we can do at the best is to represent a section of the thought-form; and those whose faculties enable them to see the original cannot but be disappointed with any reproduction of it. Still, those who are at present unable to see anything will gain at least a partialcomprehension, and however inadequate it may be it is at least better than nothing.
Three general principles underlie the production of all thought-forms:-- 1. Quality of thought determines colour. 2. Nature of thought determines form. 3. Definiteness of thought determines clearness of outline.
Before passing to the consideration of our illustrations we need to make the point that every one of the thought-forms here given is drawn from life. They are not imaginary forms, prepared as some dreamer thinks that they ought to appear; they are representations of forms actually observed as thrown off by ordinary men and women, and either reproduced with all possible care and fidelity by those who have seen them, or with the help of artists to whom the seers have described them.
Another example that demonstrates the way those pictures come into being.
Radiating Affection.
[Quote] |
From my perspective I can only attempt to provide you with a fleeting impression of a very complex subject. I hope that the excerpts from this book will stimulate your interest to delve deeper into the subject matter. You can download the profusely illustrated Leadbetter/Besant volume without charge from the Internet at
Every person is endowed with their own individual thought patterns and forms, it is highly unlikely that there are identical personalities. A high degree of similarity of thought forms among certain individuals will result in mutual understanding and resonance. Perhaps we can add to this their contact partners on the other side. Could they not recognize affinities through a resonating energy field and make use of telepathic means of communication?
Three more illustrations from the book cited above will give you an impression of the multiplicity of thought forms:
FIG. 36. |
FIG. 39. |
FIG. 23. |
If you would like to see additional images from this book, click on: and if you would like to pursue the theosophical concepts mentioned by Leadbeater and Besant check out this Internet home page:
The Human Aura in Motion
This would really be something important I thought when I saw stands with ‘aura photographers’ at some of numerous exhibits and fairs that I attended. I realized relatively quickly that the aura is not static but is constantly in a state of flux. While its basic structure may remain the same, but changes in mood bring about powerful changes in its composition.
And so I went from stand to stand with the idea of first getting a photo of my aura, then to the Orgon radiator to ‘tank’ more energy and then back to the photographer to check out whether my aura had changed. When I mentioned this idea to the aura photographers they told me immediately that the aura is far from static and that every photo would only show what it looked like at that very moment. This saved me the expense of the photos, their interpretation along with those of the orgon ray treatment. Because if there were a change I still wouldn’t know whether it was due to the orgon treatment or some other cause.
And then one day it happened. A device appeared at the fairs that allowed one to see ‘the aura in motion’. The question that came up immediately of course was ‘how does this gadget work?’ Is the aura really being measured or is just a simulation? Because if the aura could be rendered visible by means of a physical/technical device the long standing debate as to the existence of the aura would be settled once and for all.
The new system (shown below) works as follows: The required physiological parameters are obtained from the subject by means of electrodes and input into a PC equipped with a special software program. This software simulates the human aura as it would ‘normally’ be seen by a clairvoyant as confirmed, one is told, in numerous test series.
Appropriately calibrated for the specific individual the software allows the technician who has mastered the system to make precise interpretations pertaining to the individual subjects, such as green means this, read means that, etc. The instructions are very comprehensive and the software is also capable of representing and interpreting the chakras.
Knowing that paper is patient, I exercised appropriate caution in confronting this hard/software combination. However, I had the opportunity to look at the system later in actual use in the offices of a practitioner with whom I am acquainted and I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised and impressed by the effective way in which it is working.
These photos were copied from the web site where detailed information concerning the device, software and the procedure may be obtained. The same site also includes a brief ‘aura in motion’ video.
What was decisive for me is the following:
The aura could be shown in real time and corresponds with in principle with aura photographs.
Every mood change was registered immediately on the computer monitor. A mother that took a baby in her arms registered a strong shift to red in her aura, whereas a man (not the father) who took the same baby showed no change in his aura of any kind.
Mood changes provoked, for instance, by a heated discussion became visible immediately on the monitor. When the subject calmed down this could also be seen on the monitor.
Even if no absolute measures or diagnostics are possible, the real time changes in the aura are enough for me to serve as an indicator that thoughts can give information that can be seen externally.
The mere realization of the fact that thoughts can impact and can be seen in the external world can lead to change and improvement in individual conduct. In a certain sense we are dealing here with a bio feedback device.
If clairvoyants have been able to “see” the aura from primeval days, isn’t it likely that our contacts on the other side can see our auras as well?
Thoughts Manifest Themselves in Water
It is to be expected that water, too, can be influenced by thoughts. Since we consist about 70% of water, the reader might consider possible consequences. I recently saw news reports to the effect that there is now a researcher in Japan who has examined this topic exhaustively.
Dr. Masaru Emoto has demonstrated with his microscopes placed in a refrigerated chamber at minus 5 degrees Celsius that thoughts and information influence the formation of ice crystals in water. His experiments started in 1994 and his procedures are discussed comprehensively in his book and the articles cited that is why I will just show some of his results in a few photos and discuss possible future impacts on the field of our ITC.
As to his procedure as described in Emoto’s book The True Power of Water: The water samples to be treated are:
Exposed to words, pictures, or music.
Divided into petri dishes, 5cm in diameter
Frozen at around -25°C
Examined. through microscope the following morning. Crystals formed as temperature rises are photographed.
500 people at a remote location |
This is what a water crystal exposed over night |
The results of the continuing experiments is that thoughts and the information they contain have a strong influence on water and as one might deduce on our life as a whole as we are made up at least 70% of water. Destructive words and expressions such as I am going to kill you, Heavy Metal Music, Adolf Hitler, stupid, etc., result in different crystal structures than positive words such as Thank You, Mother Theresa, etc. It seems that thoughts and concepts as well are also stored in water.
We should be aware of our responsibility for our thoughts, and we should also consider that it is our thoughts that will determine whether and with whom we initiate contact on other levels of consciousness (see: "A model for TransCommunication (TC)" by Rolf-Dietmar Ehrhardt).
You will find additional information on Dr. Emoto’s experiments at:
and even more using Google or other search engines
The sense and purpose of this contribution is to make us realize that thoughts (and emotions?) play a bigger role in in our daily lives than most people are willing to concede. I also want to suggest that readers pursue this fascinating material a bit further on their own.
Thoughts also have great significance for ITC. There are surely no exceptions to this. Thought is Energy! In our own interest, let us manage this energy prudently!
rodiehr Jan 10, 2002
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