Bridge between the Terrestrial and the Beyond
- Theory and Practice of Transcommunication -
by Hildegard Schaefer (†)
Voices from an Other World is the title of my book published in 1978 on the research in transcommunication. Today, ten years later, the voices from an Other World, or better an other dimension, have not ceased; the narrow, unsecure path between the terrestrial world and the Beyond, on which in the past we advanced by feeling our way, has become a wide and passable bridge.
The communication with the Beyond, earlier limited to cassette and magnetic tape recorders, Psychofon and diode, has amplified and expanded to further technical and electronical equipment and appliances. It has conquered telephone, computer and television so that today, after almost thirty years of research, it is no longer adequate to speak of “magnetic tape” voice research. This term would no longer do justice to the presently performed experiments and results.
Physicist Prof. Dr. Ernst Senkowski formulated the word transcommunication, a neologism impossible to find in any dictionary or encyclopedia (“trans” = to pass through – across – beyond). A better definition of the present multiple-type contacts could hardly be found, I think.
The voice phenomena research, ten years ago smiled at, or even ridiculed by many people, by some misregarded as nonsense or superstition, meanwhile has grown to a transcommunication bridge with a multitude of effects. It has to be taken very serious and it is a fact about which press, broadcasting and television media report quite frequently and worldwide.
We owe the present degree of spreading of the knowledge about paranormal phenomena to Rainer Holbe’s radio and television transmissions (RTL, Luxemburg), to the preparedness of press media to report about these phenomena, to meetings, symposia and congresses held by the different research groups in our country and abroad, and last not least to a number of particularly engaged scientists and researchers informing the public through lectures and press reports.
The pioneers in research: Juergenson – Raudive – Seidl – Buschbeck – Schmid – have already left the earthly world, but others - physicists, specialists in electronics, technicians, and non-specialized interested people having recognized the eminent importance of these contacts with the Beyond - have taken their place and continue the work begun with not less idealism.
I had the great luck of having had the opportunity to cooperate with the guard of the first great researchers and I am very thankful for having now the chance to live and see together with all those treading in this guard’s footsteps the great extent and progress of this new era of transcommunication research.
When, ten years ago, I asked Dr. Konstantin Raudive - who had during about twelve years had been intensely engaged in this research and who had gone to the Other World in 1974 - how I, without having special technical knowledge, could serve this research, he replied via tape:
“ueber die Forschung tu schreiben !“ („do write about research !).
This can be clearly heard as the seventieth and last example on the cassette I have published with voice examples (Verlag Hermann Bauer,
I followed this advice and, looking back, can state that it was a correct and very important advice. Thousands of mourning people found console and help in my book giving them the conviction that men’s existence continues after the body’s death.
Again from an other dimension, then came the inducement to write a farther reaching book presenting the results of the research undertaken in the course of the last ten years. Via contact bridge ABX Juno in
“Da Frau Schaefer anwesend ist, moechte ich noch einmal darauf hinweisen, dass für sie Ende Oktober eine Botschaft vorgesehen ist.“
(„Since Mrs. Schaefer is present, I wish to point out again that a message is foreseen for her by the end of October.”)
I think it is understandable that at that time I asked myself “why this message is announced to me twice instead of being transmitted at once?” I thought: why does this entity calling itself ABX Juno torture me for more than two months ? As happens quite often in transcommunication research, I realized the sense and the coherence only later. In this case the ominous predictions became clear to me when I finally received the announced message on
“Frau Hilde Schaefer sei gesagt: Sie soll ihr Buch schreiben, aber den Fluss der Mitte nicht ueberqueren.“
(„Mrs. Hilde Schaefer shall be told: She shall write her book, but shall not cross the middle river.”)
I have to explain here that for some time already I had been reflecting about writing a new, up-to-date book on the immense progress made in this research, all the more as many people had asked me to do so, and the inquiries were getting more urging. On the one hand I hesitated because I was reflecting if I would be up to describing the many technical novelties, on the other hand I was quite aware of the need of it.
Every year the Frankfurter Buchmesse (Frankfort Book Fair) takes place in the first half of October. When there, I had the opportunity to speak with several publishers on the subject of transcommunication. I noticed with surprise that, contrary to previous years, they now reacted with great openness and showed their preparedness for such a publication.
For me, this experience was needful, because it was stimulus and motivation to bring my plan of writing a new book to maturity. Probably those in the Beyond knew this and their message after the book fair decided the start-off. – I was sure then, I simply had to write this book.
Each of the readers may interprete the words “not cross the middle river” differently, but I knew spontaneously what it meant. My assumption was confirmed after I had communicated this message by phone to mediumistic Klaus Schreiber in
“… keinen in den Himmel heben – keinen in die Hoelle schicken – keine Kritik an den Unverbesserlichen – in der Mitte gibt es keine Stroemung.“
(... do not lift anyone into the sky – do not send anyone to hell – no criticising of the irreclaimable – there is no streaming in the centre.”)
I hope having observed this when writing down my manuscript and did not “cross the middle river”.
At this point I want to mention that friends and colleagues supported me willingly and unconditionally by making their experience available to me and placing their plans and sketches at my disposal. I wish to express my sincere thanks to all those having given me their help to overcome the technical hindrances.
My biggest wish is that - like the first one - this book will be able to convince many people in mourn over a beloved of the immortality of the soul to thus comfort the bereaved in grief.
It is also my wish that the delineated uprooting successes achieved in transcommunication may be sufficiently conclusive to convince the always doubting, the men of science, theologians as well as all skeptics so that they will no longer be at the mercy of a vague belief, but will see answered by knowledge the most important problem of humanity which is the question “Is there a life after death, or not ?”
And the progress made in research shall be motivation for all those having so far been experimenting with more or less success, or those who, as “greenhorns” want to begin establishing contacts. Research in transcommunication has become a wide field, on which the experimenters will be active not only all in the same direction, as in the past, but where they will be able to try in a multitude of directions in accordance with their respective interests and possibilities.
Since the sentence coined years ago, i.e.,
"Nothing is more important than transcommunication”
actually proves to be right more than ever, I wish my book to be a call to join us in cooperation and research.
In the present times, afflicted with negative influences making the originally harmonical structure of nature lose balance, the research on transcommunication may lead us back to what most of us have unlearned: contentedness – remembering our spiritual forces – regard to each other – esteem for all that lives – deep respect for the wonders of creation – in brief: love.
Goldbach, in Spring 1989 Hildegard Schaefer
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