Bridge between the Terrestrial and the Beyond
- Theory and Practice of Transcommunication -
by Hildegard Schaefer (†)
Part 5 – Transcommunication via Telephone
With the entities in the Beyond nothing is impossible. Already the contacts via magnetic-tape have shown this, in particular the backward voices; the video images and the changes made in computer texts have shown it, as well as the inputs into computers. Now I would like to make the reader acquainted with a further phenomenon: the telephone contacts.
Perhaps the afore described possibilities of contact have already taxed some readers’ readiness to believe to such extent that they plainly refuse to additionally hold such kind of communication for imaginable. But perhaps many a man finds in this report confirmed that all of that having already happened to him was no hallucination. In the course of many years I learnt that more men than generally supposed experience paranormal phenomena, that they, however, do not want to speak of such because of fear for being considered to be unfit for reasoning or even mad. Not earlier than when hearing other people reporting of occurrences happened to them, they dare speaking of what they have experienced.
This may apply particularly to the telephone contacts. I have concrete evidences for these contacts in form of cassettes made available to me by persons who have received such phone calls and have recorded these with a recorder. But I must conform to their request of not indicating their names.
As to people accepting magnetic-tape contacts and also video-/television images of entities in the Beyond, I find the viewpoint somewhat strange, for why should the partners in the Beyond, who dispose of and use all the cited possibilities, not be able to make use of a telephone set ?
A few years ago, I myself had a telephone contact with my deceased daughter, but this call did not come about directly, is to say, there was no ringing, but the fade-in of her voice happended during a telephone conversation I had with Mrs. K. in M. This lady could enter several cases in her books, in which the voice of a passed person had switched in during a normal telephone call and had addressed to an interlocutor with whom it was acquainted or of whom it was a relative.
The initial scepticism regarding tape-recorded voices has mitigated to a large degree in the course of the last years, and also the video images from the Beyond have meanwhile obtained a certain degree of notoriety. And though, as yet, little has become known to the public about paranormal computer texts, these are no more a novum in expert circles. But people know nothing – or almost nothing about telephone contacts.
Nevertheless this phenomenon existed already in earlier times, and even books have been written about it. In the book A Life after Death S. Ralph Harlow describes several cases, and also Bessor of Butler of Pennsylvania has published telephone contacts in a book. The parapsychologists D. Scott Rogo and Raymond Bayless collected many cases of paranormal telephone calls, interrogated witnesses and had vivid correspondence on these. Many indications on telephone contacts could be found in the American periodicals Fate, Esquire Magazine, Coronet, Future Science, and in parapsychological literature. In the course of about three years work, they collected more than seventy cases, and part of these they examined themselves.
Scott Rogo wrote the book Phone Calls from the Dead in which he described exactly the greater part of the telephone phenomena collected. I would like to go more detailedly into one of these contacts:
The actress Ida Lupino lived in Los Angeles when, during the second world war, her parental home in London was destroyed by a bomb. Since the family knew nothing of a testament, difficulties arose with regard to the inheritance. Just then the daughter in Los Angeles received a telephone call from the deceased. He informed her that they should search in the cellar of the bombed house for a heritage document. The friend of the actress, Mrs. Pendleton, who lived together with her, was witness of this telephone conversation and reported to Bayless that Ida Lupino had a great shock after this call. - The father’s information was absolutely correct. The document was found.
In Germany, the telephone uproar of Rosenheim will still be remembered well. In the chambers of attorney Siegmund Adam a great number of telephone calls were registered which the attorney never had made. Also the timing service’s number was dialled a dozen times per day. The attorney’s telephone invoice became immense so that finally he had recourse to the police and the authorities competent for the telephone network. However, they could not find any explanation for the strange occurrences. They had to file that case unsettled.
Telephone contacts at Manfred Boden, Buehl, FRG
Beginning in summer 1981, Manfred Boden experienced telephone contacts in a varied manner. First he received anonymous calls, inexplicable wrong connections and certain numbers of cracking sounds in reply to questions he had put. Also music and singing sounded through the telephone.
Regular telephone contacts began by the end of 1982. They started when - while talking with his friend - he noticed that there were different voices in the line. First he thought an other telephone subscriber had erroneously switched in. But when this situation repeated in further telephone conversations with his friend, he had to exclude the “mere accident” supposition and started to precautionarily record the conversations with a cassette recorder. The unknown speakers did not only know the German language, but also mastered English, French, Italian, Spanish and other languages more. The voices were male as well as female voices and were perfectly understandable.
With the intention to check of what nature these strange co-speakers on the phone were, Boden put pinpointed questions, the answers to which he was the only to know. To his great astonishment the replies to many questions were correct.
These contacts, which either came about during a conversation with his friend, or which were direct calls of unknown entities, occurred in the time between December 1982 and May 1983. Real - at times long - contacts produced; Boden recorded them on cassettes, took minutes of them and filed these. It was strange that in such telepone conversations mostly it was only he who could hear the voices, but not his (earthly) interlocutor. When his friend said something impolite, the unknown speakers dropped her out of the line.
Little by little Boden began to feel uncanny with these phone conversations with “ghosts”, reason for him to have his telephone installation checked by experienced technicians and experts in wireless communication. They all came to the same result, namely that the supposition that a witty fellow were doing mischief, was to be excluded, because the scope of technical work involved for such way of procedure could hardly be put into practice. The ominous telephone conversations therefore had to be classified as paranormal. Mainly for the reason that in many contacts a deceased friend (Otto Mutz) got in touch with Boden; this friend’s CB-wireless name had been Serra 1. Since he spoke the dialect of Baden, it was possible to identify his voice uncontestably.
For Manfred Boden these unusual telephone calls were not pure pleasure, rather the contrary. They harassed him a lot because their frequency increased constantly. So, for example, one only day he received in total twentysix calls within fiftythree minutes. When no conversation came about, then any kind of sounds, noises or knocking/tapping were hearable.
These contacts gradually developped into downright terror so that Manfred Boden lodged an information against unknown. The installation was most thoroughly checked - with the result: absolutely faultless. The telephone calls recorded by Manfred Boden fill a series of files and cassettes. Out of this abundance, I wish to pick out a few examples and lay them down here below to demonstrate to the reader of what kind they were. Often they dealt with banalities, trivialities, were commonplace conversations, or the exchange of civilities (I welcome you – hello – how are you - good evening – here I am again – listen – are you still there ? – and so on). The following examples however indicate that it must have been entities from the Beyond.
Here speaks Serra in the fourth dimension. So much light is here.
(Hier spricht Serra in der vierten Dimension. So viel Licht ist hier.)
Question: Are you (plural) deceased ? (Seid Ihr Verstorbene ?)
Answer: Yes, we are.
Question: Can you tell me the day of death of KGR ? (Koennt ihr mir sagen den Todestag von KGR ?)
Answer: We do not know any numbers – we live without time.
Question: In what dimension are you ? (In welcher Dimension seid ihr ?)
Answer: We are in the seventh.
Question: What is your (singular) name ? (Wie ist Ihr Name ?)
Answer: I am a ghost.
Question: Could you (plural) perhaps nevertheless tell me a name ? (Koennt ihr mir vielleicht doch einen Namen nennen ?)
Answer: We have no names. (Nous n’avons pas de noms.)
Question: How do you (plural) come to me, how do you have the possibility to dial my telephone (number) ? (Wie kommt Ihr zu mir, wie habt Ihr die Moeglichkeit, mein Telefon anzuwaehlen ?)
Answer: By power transmission. (Durch Kraftuebertragung.)
Question: What kind of power is it ? (Was ist das fuer eine Kraft ?)
Answer: This is an energy transmission. (Das ist eine Energieuebertragung.)
Question: How is it possible that my set rings ? (Wieso ist es moeglich, dass mein Apparat laeutet ?)
Answer: Through energy, through electric energy. (Durch Energie, durch elektrische Energie.)
Question: Can you see what I am doing just now ? (Seht Ihr, was ich gerade mache ?)
Answer: You are smoking. (Sie rauchen.)
Question: If you are ghosts, then you must also know what I ate today at lunchtime.
(Wenn ihr Geister seid, dann muesst ihr auch wissen, was ich heute Mittag gegessen habe.)
Answer: No - we are not interested in it.
Question: I do not speak French. (Ich kann nicht Franzoesisch.)
Answer: We speak also French. (Nous parlons aussi français.)
Question: Dear friends, how did you now get into my line ? (Liebe Freunde, wie seid ihre jetzt in meine Leitung gekommen ?)
Answer: High power – by/high
Question: (B. speaks with low voice to himself) If they are more intelligent than we ? (Ob die intelligenter sind als wir ?)
Answer: Be careful.
Question: Can you pass me through the telephone number of my son ? (Koennt Ihr mir die Telefonnummer von meinem Sohn durchgeben ?)
Answer: No - we have no connection.
Question: Can you tell me with which method I shall do voice tape-recordings ? (Koennt Ihr mir sagen, mit welcher Methode ich einspielen soll ?)
Answer: Wireless – wireless
Question: With what frequency ? (Mit welcher Frequenz?)
Answer: Doesn’t matter.
Question: If you are intelligent beings, you surely must know everything ? (Wenn Ihr intelligente Wesen seid, muesst Ihr doch alles wissen ?
Answer: Not everything – we don’t know everything.
Question: Why can’t my friend Ursel hear you ? (Warum kann meine Freundin Ursel Euch nicht hoeren ?) (Note: Despite of her being through to him.)
Answer: She is not connected with us – she doesn’t understand us.
Question: Do men have to be mediumistic for it ? (Muessen die Menschen dazu medial veranlagt sein ?)
Answer: Yes – yes – yes.
Question: How many are you ? (Wie viele seid Ihr ?)
Answer: one – two – three – four – five – six – seven – eight.
Question: How does it come that I get in connection with you ? (Wieso bekomme ich Verbindung mit Euch ?)
Answer: Because you have spiritual power.
Telephone contacts at Maggy and Jules Harsch-Fischbach, Luxemburg
At the above-mentioned experimenters the telephone contacts with the Beyond came off in the second phase of their communication with other dimensions, is to say , with the creation of the so-called “Burton Bridge” described in a different chapter.
When, on December 16th, 1987, Maggy Harsch-Fischbach was thinking intensely of her friend Margret Mackes, passed in April 1987, and, in her thoughts, asked her to also help in building the bridge from their side, she – when back at home – found in the automatic answering machine the voice of deceased Margret Mackes, who clearly said:
I would very much like to assume tasks here – but for me, in the moment, it is probably still the most important task – („Ich wuerde hier sehr gerne Aufgaben übernehmen – aber für mich ist es im Moment wahrscheinlich noch die wichtigste Aufgabe –“)
From that time on, the calls arrived with increasing frequency , from Margret Mackes as well as from Konstantin Raudive, the “Techniker” and Swejen Salter. The first week of January 1988, the “Techniker” called even twice. Some calls arrived when both experimenters were present, the majority however when only one of them was at home. It seemed as if it were more energy saving when only one of the two took the contacts. Several dialogues via telephone lasted up to fortyfive minutes. Swejen Salter most times reported about her tasks, her commitments/duties and the life in the third level in the Beyond.
To be on the safe side, the couple Harsch-Fischbach had their telephone checked by the postal administration. The result was that the conversations had not been registered.
The difference between the contacts via telephone and those via radio is that the telephone contacts are much clearer than the radio contacts. Some of them are even so clear that they cannot be distinguished from an earthly telephone conversation.
On January 4th, 1988, Margret Mackes passed the following message via telephone:
M.M.: - So much nearer by our engaging in this matter. The other (things) are really so banal, and dead I even would like to say. This really gives such enormous upward surge, such a great pleasure, an unequalled impulse … I feel it like this and I believe it will not be much different with you. - (Sehr viel naeher, indem wir uns mit dieser Materie beschaeftigen. Das andere ist doch so banal und tot moechte ich schon sagen. Das gibt doch einen ungeheuren Aufschwung, eine so große Freude, einen Impuls ohnegleichen ... ich empfinde es so, und ich glaube, Euch geht es nicht viel anders.)
Immediately thereafter the „Technician“ spoke via telephone:
T.: Since contacts via computer are not possible at this moment, but contacts are desired, today this 4th of January, a direct contact via radio ITT Tiny Cassette is feasible. - (“Da Kontakte ueber den Computer im Moment nicht moeglich sind, jedoch Kontakte erwuenscht werden, ist heute am 4. Januar ein Direktkontakt über Radio ITT Tiny Cassette moeglich.“)
Be made note of here that the announced contact via the mentioned radio came about that same day at about 19.45 hours, without the use of any additional appliance. You will learn more about it in an other passage.
An interesting telephone message came through on October 21st, 1988. Konstantin Raudive was on the set. He said:
K.R.: After mankind has been sitting in the dark for years, suddenly the roof was lifted off above the head, and light has fallen in. One can hardly recognize anything, and there is great confusion. Shall one fly away or remain sitting ? – The big birds have already flown away – but with this arises the question about creativity – how lay eggs while flying, without that their shells break when they fall down ? This can be communicated to Senkowski. – The contacts continue. - (“Nachdem die Menschheit jahrelang im Dunkeln gesessen hat, hat man ploetzlich das Dach ueber den Kopf hinweggehoben, und das Licht ist eingefallen. Man kann kaum etwas erkennen, und es herrscht grosse Konfusion. Soll man wegfliegen oder sitzen bleiben ? – Die grossen Voegel sind bereits weggeflogen – dabei stellt sich jedoch die Frage nach der Kreativitaet – wie legt man beim Fliegen Eier, ohne dass ihre Schalen beim Fall zerbrechen ? Dies kann Senkowski mitgeteilt werden. – Die Kontakte dauern an.“)
Contact of Swejen Salter via telephone on June 2nd, 1988:
Swejen Salter: We continue to be connected to your time and would like to briefly inform you of the following: Our group takes part in a project; you are informed about the dying of seals. It has not only to do with the herpes virus. Approximately 3700 seals at the coast of Schleswig-Holstein are threatened from dying-out. The animals are befallen with herpes which causes a kind of pneumonia. The main cause is the contamination of the sea. We try here to help. Do not forget, also the life of an animal, in the eyes of our world, is “life that must be protected”. In case on your earth men should think we would care too much about animals, they shall consider that in our spheres one life weighs as much as the other. We will describe you an incident that has not got through to the public, in order to make you understand that we are informed of many things and that all occurrences on Terra are accurately analysed. In a place in India, at about 140 km distance from New-Delhi, twentythree men lost their lives during very hot weather. They insisted on walking around their temple according to the rules/regularions of their religion at about 48 degrees . They died from a stroke. What we wish to communicate to you is that many men bring their mischief upon themselves and the animals mostly have to suffer from the fault of men. -
(“Wir sind weiterhin an Eure Zeit angeschlossen und moechten Euch kurz folgendes mitteilen: unsere Gruppe ist an einem Projekt beteiligt; Ihr seid informiert über das Sterben der Seehunde. Es hat nicht nur mit dem Herpes-Virus zu tun. Ungefaehr 3700 Robben sind an der Kueste von Schleswig-Holstein vom Aussterben bedroht. Die Tiere sind von Herpes befallen, die eine Art Lungenentzuendung ausloest. Die Hauptursache ist die Verschmutzung des Meeres. Wir versuchen hier zu helfen. Vergesst nicht, auch das Leben eines Tieres ist in den Augen unserer Welt „Leben, das geschuetzt werden muss“. Sollten auf Eurer Erde Menschen denken, wir wuerden uns zu sehr um Tiere kuemmern, sollen sie bedenken, dass in unseren Sphaeren ein Leben wie das andere gilt. Wir werden Euch einen Vorfall schildern, der nicht an die Oeffentlichkeit drang, um Euch verstaendlich zu machen, dass wir über vieles informiert sind und alle Ereignisse auf Terra genau analysiert werden. In einer Ortschaft in Indien, etwa 140 km von Neu-Delhi entfernt, sind bei grosser Hitze dreiundzwanzig Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Sie bestanden darauf, nach den Vorschriften ihrer Religion bei etwa 48 Grad mehrere Male ihren Tempel zu umgehen. Sie starben an einem Schlaganfall. Was wir Euch mitteilen wollen, ist, dass viele Menschen ihr eigenes Unheil verschulden und die Tiere meistens unter dem Verschulden der Menschen zu leiden haben.“)
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