Bridge between the Terrestrial and the Beyond
- Theory and Practice of Transcommunication -
by Hildegard Schaefer ()

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21. Contacts with ABX-Juno at Peter and Gisela Haerting and Jochem Fornoff 

Peter Haerting (41), sound man at the Staatstheater (state’s theatre) of Darmstadt, and his wife Gisela came to know about tape-recorded voices like a thousand other people did. – Books, radio broadcasts – press reports – participation in a recording session. The Haerting couple was as sceptic as many other people were when hearing for the first time of voice contacts between this world and the Beyond. And with Peter Haerting the scepticism was all the bigger because of his profession.  For a person having been active in the acoustic sector for many years, doubting must cogently come up when hearing of such kind of contact making for the first time. But the Haertings were open-minded as well. The voices Peter Haerting had heard when attending to a recording evening motivated him to experiment himself. Using the at that time usual devices – cassette recorder, radio – and the standard methods, Haerting, to his surprise, obtained good fade-ins which induced him, as a specialist in the field of electronics, to work with further additional equipment: Psychofon, pre-amplifier, broad-band receiver, and other devices completed his installation.

I had pretty often the opportunity to meet with the Haerting family and their collaborator Jochem Fornoff (45), vice-principal in his profession, either in Darmstadt or in my home, and I could eavh time convince myself of the excellent voices. Haerting/Fornoff built up a group in Darmstadt and since then have been organizing public recording sessions. Since 1985 they are also publishing a trimestrial informatory periodical. In addition to that, Jochem Fornoff undertook the manufacture of different additional instruments. They were always fully employed.

One day they learnt, like many others, of the spectacular events at the Harsch-Fischbach family in Luxemburg. There, voices manifested which could be heard directly out of the loudspeaker, without the, till then necessary, searching for “voices” on the magnetic tape or a cassette. This made it possible to have direct dialogues, which occasionally even lasted  30 minutes. So it is perfectly understandable that the technically versed gentlemen Haerting and Fornoff – since long staking themselves on progresses in the research on transcommunication – felt the burning interest to copy such an installation.

From Luxemburg they received, without much ado, the correspondig documents, according to which the equipment used consisted of the following appliances: two normal radio receivers – a television set – a field generator – a parametric filter – an UV lamp- a fluorescent lamp – a blinking bulb and a torch.

The radio receivers were set on the ultra-short wave range, at the side of the Euro signal (approx. 87,5 MHz), the televisor on channel 21. But the Darmstadt group did not know what to do with the blinking bulb and the torch, hence, after a few fruitless trials, they simply left these out. Later, they also omitted their self-built field generator, because they could not notice indications for success when employing it. Moreover, a parametric filter was left unused, so that Haerting/Fornoff worked with two radio receivers (ultra-short wave frequency), two psychofons, a television set, an audiomixer, a microphone amplifier and an UV lamp. Initially, fine tape-recorded voices came through, but no direct voice.  This changed on March 19th, 1987. And according to the report in the informatory periodical of November, 1987, success actually commenced due to an error.    

That day in March 1987, the participants in the imminent recording were still conversing after the known sound of the Euro signal had already been adjusted. Certainly, some persons believed hearing voices from the speaker, but they assumed the experimenters were still fidgeting on the different appliances. Since, in these moments, the tape-recorder had not yet been switched on, later verification was not possible.

Now, while they addressed to interlocutors in the Beyond, the Euro signal suddenly disappeared. Upon termination of the recording, it was found that the frequency had not been adjusted to 87,5 MHz on the left, but to 108 MHz on the right. Great guessing ! How did the Euro signal get to that frequency ? – Later the experimenters tried repeatedly and intentionally to catch the Euro signal in that place, but this was in vain. May it be that this was intended to be a sign ? Since in Darmstadt they then got in touch with an other group in the Beyond than that contacting Luxemburg, it might yet be possible that this group must use a different frequency. Anyhow, in future recording sessions the Euro signal was no longer employed, but instead the noise at 108 MHz. The first minuted success came on April, 21st, 1987. 


ABX-Juno: “We would like to hear us (each other) here again in July this year. Nineteen hours summer time, which you presently use.”
(Wir wuerden uns gern wieder hier im Juli dieses Jahres hoeren. Neunzehn Uhr Sommerzeit, die Sie gerade fuehren.)
Shall be noted here, that at the beginning, results were rather modest. Important was however, that this was not a may-fly, but rather that contact came about constantly at each recording and improved continuously.

April 27th,  1987:  in the presence of eight persons (Shortened)
Male voice: Etwas kommt noch.  (Something else (will) come.)
Second male voice:
Dear friends, still here is ABX-Juno very shortly. We will get in touch with you for a longer time in July, as promised.
(Liebe Freunde, hier ist noch ganz kurz ABX-Juno. Wir werden uns eine laengere Dauer bei Ihnen wie versprochen im Juli melden.) 
Low female voice:
July seventh(Siebenter Juli.)

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The attached plans of the installation at family Harrting in Darmstadt date from June 15th, 1987 and from August 1987. It is on purpose that I made photocopies of both circuit diagrams, so as to give interested persons the possibility to test both models. It is quite imaginable that with an other experimenter a different arrangement of the appliances promises success, just as the methods used in Luxemburg and in Darmstadt bring good results despite of being different.  

The two radios with the adjusted short- or medium wave range are equipped with  integrated speaker boxes; adjustment: very low, hardly hearable. 

The radio adjusted to the FM (ultra-short wave) frequency is, via the amplifier, connected to two external speaker boxes. Adjustment: stage 3-5, when max. is 30.

adjustment: sender mix, minimum. Built-in microphone amplifier on full capacity. 

Adjustment: stage 6 at max. 9 (Since the self-sender is also a Psychofon (self-made), the sender mix is not switched on.)  

The direct voice was each time heard through the external speaker boxes. Volume regulation according to quality of receipt.  

The parallely running magnetic-tape recorder receives the signals of the microphones, the Psychofon and that of the self-sender. The radio (FM) and the amplifier form a unit (receiver). For recording: FM position 

When listening to playing tape: Pos. tape 1; tape 1 is connected to the audiomixer (output).



  • Translation:
    TV Fernsehgeraet Kanal 21 (ohne Ton) = TV set Ch 1 without tone

  • Flackerlampe = flashing light source

  • Infrarot-Strahler = Infrared lamp

  • Schwarzlichtlampe = UV lamp

  • Mischpult = mixer

  • Radio KW 41 m-Band ca. 7300 kHz = Radio SW 41 m band about 7300 kHz

  • Selbstsender = selfsender

  • Verstaerker = amplifier

  • Tonbandgeraet oder Cassettenrekorder = Reel-to-reel- or cassette recorder

  • VTP 2 = Psychofon

  • Radio UKW ca. 108 MHz = radio FM about 108 MHz

  • H Hallgeraet = echo device 0 - 1,5 sec input 300 Ohm, adjusted to delay 0,5 sec, output 600 Ohm

  • Mikrofon-Vorverstaerker = mike preamp

  • Mikrofone = mikes ( Radio MW 1480 kHz = radio adjusted to 1480 kHz Juergenson wave.

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Regarding the Darmstadt voice examples, I would like to add a few explanations: First a statement: Recordings were made regularly every week, mostly not only once, but several times. The cited fade-ins represent only a small part of the results obtained, irrespective of having left aside that all personal messages have not been published anyway. Even though I did not always put the welcome phrase on the paper, the participants were welcomed friendly and with great benevolence in all recordings. In the same way, and exactly as it happened with Hans Otto Koenig’s recordings with the Generator, each recording ended with “contact end”. When these words have been spoken, it is not possible to establish a further contact.

The several indications of time made by ABX-Juno do not make absurd the thesis of spacelessness and timelessness in the Beyond. As it has been expressed severally, these are adaptations of the interlocutors in the Beyond to our conception of time.

Many an interested reader will be surprised to learn that also in the Beyond they work with material equipment. From the mere fact that in Luxemburg, for example, an entity from the Beyond establishes contact and admits to be callen "Technician" (“Techniker”), is to be concluded that – like it is here – in the Beyond also exist groups who have subscribed to the research on transcommunication and who, same as we on our side, have to fight with contact problems and disturbances of most different kinds.

Many indications made by ABX-Juno  prove that they are continuously working on modifications and improvements and that the “inhabitants” of the Beyond need our recordings urgently for being able to make further progress.

Same as a marksman needs a butt to be able to determine if he can shoot, our friends on the other level need our preparedness for receiving, so as to be in a position to verify the usability of their installations. In earlier years already, when we were not yet aware of the technical side in the Beyond, Dr. Konstantin Raudive received voices talking of receiving stations, of radar and other auxiliary technical means for bridge building. Friedrich Juergenson, too, again and again made the statement that in the Beyond technical equipment is used – like we do it here. At that time, such enouncements still met with great scepticism, but today’s results prove the correctness of that times’ conjectures.  

In the statements of May 25th, as well as in the following ones of July 7th and August 3rd, and in further ones, they speak of appliances unknown to us. And the technical advices given from the Beyond point, as well, to technicians who are working in the Beyond and dispose of abundant knowledge.

Apart from the technical messages, are particularly  interesting the several philosophic statements which sometimes read rather coded or symbolic.

It is known in the other dimension that the major part of mankind here on earth has not yet sufficiently matured for contacts with the Beyond, but they also show comprehension for it. On the one hand, ABX-Juno in fact requests cooperation, but on the other hand expresses certain doubts.

It results from the Luxemburg messages, as well as from those of Darmstadt, that also negative forces are active. Even the entities in the Beyond have problems in coping with these negative streams and sources of disturbances; how much more must we men be on the alert to avoid that dark powers slip into transcommunication, and to save us from damage.

In the recording of December 2nd, 1987, they communicated that Mr. Haerting would be able to shortly speak to, and to see  ABX-Juno. This happened in fact; but since the instruction for Peter Haerting was to give knowledge of this event only to the closest friends, I did not, and will not enter into it for the time being. I mention this expressly, because, when reading the passage concerned, many a man may wonder and may like to know more about it.

To all the persons wanting to engage in the research on transcommunication without being very skilled in technical matters, I would like to recall the words put through by ABX-Juno on December 2nd, 1987: 

„Technique does not substitute the power of thought.”  
(“Technik ersetzt nicht die Macht des Gedankens.“)

To my regret, I have to add an obituary to this chapter. After a serious illness Peter Haerting deceased on December 4th, 1988. This is a great loss for the Darmstadt group, but Jochem Fornoff will continue the group work in line with Peter Haerting’s ideas.

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