Bridge between the Terrestrial and the Beyond
- Theory and Practice of Transcommunication -
by Hildegard Schaefer (†)
20. The Euro Signal Bridge and the Duplex Device at Maggy and Jules Harsch-Fischbach
Maggy and Jules Harsch-Fischbach, living in Hesperange, Luxemburg, are, both, at the age halfway between thirty and forty and are both working, he as a Ministerialrat (high administrative official), she as a teacher. They have been engaged with the - at that time usual - magnetic-tape recordings since about 1983/1984, and this with great enthusiasm. They participated in all symposia/meetings and congresses, built a group of like-minded, and quite frequently held interesting lectures evidencing their idealism and their comprehensive knowledge.
It was on the congress held in Milano in June 1985 - in which the couple Harsch-Fischbach took part and where Jules held an informative lecture about the research on tape-recorded voices in Luxemburg - when I first heard of their direct contacts with voices coming directly out of the loudspeaker or the radio receiver, which implies that it was not necessary to track such voices while playing the tape.
At that time, they both were rather shocked with these extraordinary, as yet unknown, direct contacts, of which I could convince myself when hearing the cassettes they had brought. In the course of the more and more improving contacts they had with deceased friends, relatives and acquaintances, a particularly intense contact with the deceased voice researcher Dr. Konstantin Raudive came about. After this had cemented, in summer 1986, they were surprisingly addressed by a – somewhat strange to hear - voice speaking with computer-like rhythm. Harsch-Fischbachs first thought of a passed technician, because this entity gave technical information, and because each communication from the Beyond was announced as well as “organized” by this entity. The contacts were preceded by some counting with which the (“Techniker”) "Technician” each time tried to tune the frequency of his synthetic voice and that of the other entities coming through with the frequency of the radio receiver of Harsch-Fischbach. It was the “Technician” from whom they received all the information required for building a very specific installation (Eurosignalbruecke ESB – Euro Signal Bridge), and for the set-up of a second installation (Gegensprechanlage GA 1 – duplex device). The latter allowed duplex operation (talk-back), say better dialogues. Very frequently the experimenters received instructions for improving and completing these installations.
This “Technician”, who transmitted and surveyed the set-up and the performance of the contacts, amazed by his extraordinary knowledge about electrical engineering, physics, mathematics, astronomy, natural sciences, the future and the past; he was an impressing polyglot and disposed of the memory of a computer. Additionally he had the eloquence of a man of learning and still knew the tongue of common people.
He said, his functions were those of an archivist or a librarian, but they may also call him “Technician”. In their news letter of February 1987, Harsch-Fischbach wrote about the “Techniker”:
“Some call him an angel, others see in him the protector of the door between time and eternity; for us he is the “super-human technician”. A kind of unselfish love unknown to us emanates from him, and in his words we recognize the truth, the positive, the respect and the care for all that lives.”
Regarding his identity, the “Technician” explained to the couple Harsch-Fischbach:
T: “I am no human, I never was incarnated – I am not and never was an animal – I am no energy and no celestial entity – I was and I am a super-human being and am competent for the planet earth.” („Ich bin kein Mensch, ich war nie inkarniert – ich bin und war nie ein Tier – ich bin keine Energie und kein Lichtwesen- ich war und bin ein uebermenschliches Wesen und zustaendig fuer den Planeten Erde.“)
ESB contact – Message of Konstantin Raudive of July 20th, 1986:
Dear friends ! Konstantin Raudive speaking. Yesterday, dear friends, you also spoke of reincarnation. To this, I would like to read to you the following Epitaph of Young Benjamin Franklin:
The body of B. Franklin, Printer (Like the Cover of an Old Book Its Contents torn Out And Stripped of its Lettering and Gilding) Lies Here, Food for Worms. But the Work shall not be Lost; For it will (as he Believed) Appear once More In a New and More Elegant Edition Revised and Corrected By the Author.
Dear friends ! You must imagine the installation here as a computer; what you say arrives here in writing. Great help is Senkowski, professor, a clever man.
On the third level in the Beyond, the human being finds back to its proper self. When I was living on your side, I always tried to be somebody else than I really was; most men try to present an image of themselves which is not the image really conform to them. Now, that I am here, I avow myself more to what is my innate ego.
Messages of Konstantin Raudive on August 5th, 1986 (shortened):
The existence, as it presents itself to you today, could be compared with a motorway. The motorway comes from anywhere and leads to anywhere. Travellers are continuously coming, stay for a shorter or a longer while, and then continue their travel. Mankind are those sitting in the motorway service area. They believe their stay there to be their entire life and the only form of existence. Most of them see nothing or little of the motorway, and when they pass the door, they forget what had been before, the travel or the service area. So, the service area is only a service area, but nevertheless one could or should keep it fairly proper and in order, since new guests will continue to follow. Unfortunately, the present time’s service area guests do not at all behave accordingly. They soil/contaminate it, like the industrialized countries do, or they allow too many guests to stop off, till there is no place left, and till there is nothing more to eat and to drink. - There is a sense behind the service-area. One could recover there and gather strength for the continuing of the journey and study it, since it is unavoidable. But men stun themselves and get drunk, and when they have to get out, they no longer know where to go. It is sure, the earth is no paradise, but there is no implicit necessity to make it a vale of tears. Every research, every science should have one purpose only: to inform and to serve the transit passenger.
To this statement, and to one or the other of the following contact examples, I would mention that the entities in the Beyond have quite frequently indicated that it is easier for them to have recourse to texts already written down somewhere, though sometimes in a modified form, similar to the famous cross-correspondence of Frederic Myers. It is therefore well possible that the reader finds in the foregoing contact example, or in the following ones sentences he/she has already read in a similar form in an other text passage.
Contact via Eurosignalbruecke (ESB) (Euro Signal Bridge) in the presence of Prof. Dr. Ernst Senkowski (ES) and Mrs. Adelheid Senkowski on September 6th, 1986:
Konstantin Raudive addressed Prof. Senkowski:
KR: Good evening dear friends – good evening, dear colleague Senkowski.
ES: Good evening !
KR: We on our side are glad to welcome you here this evening. – You know, dear colleague Senkowski, that men of today are torn between extreme poles, and so they prefer to flee, above all from what has to do with the sphere of death. You have received the sentence of the storage room.
ES: Yes. (remark: During a recording made in Grosseto on June 10th, 1986, Prof. Senkowski had received the sentence: “The storage room is the last.”)
KR: It has to be pronounced: as long as humanity has not solved the problem of death and has not made dying decent, humanity’s entire progress is of little worth. Until that time they remain semi-conscious animals. Man, as a partly space-timeless being, belongs to the most different fields and dimensions.
KR: Hello, dear friends, here is Konstantin Raudive again. – It was said, the impulse of speech were different; it was said, the voices were not exactly the same. Friends, the paranormal is not repeatable. – We will try to adapt (anformen) and to carry through our equipment everywhere.
KR: K. looks after the entire organization. – K. is ahead of his time now, in the most literal sense of the word. (Regarding the last message, it is of interest to know that Rudolf K., whose full name is mentioned, is a colleague of Prof. Senkowski.)
Message of December 13th, 1986; shortened text:
You often think what shall I do when falling back into making certain mistakes again and again ? Man must not give a loose to his emotions, but he must keep himself under control. Of course, this is an art, and it needs training. If a man really has the desire to become good, but simply lives in a happy way without undertaking retrospects, then it will not be possible for him to achieve this. However, when every morning he proposes to himself with all his soul not to offend anybody, to be good to everybody, then he has to bear these good intentions always in mind; at the beginning, this will be difficult for him, for he rapidly forgets his intentions and falls back into the previous mistakes. But as time passes, he will succeed. Retrospection is a basic condition one has to fulfill. As time goes on, will come the strength and the cognition for mastering oneself and, by this, giving something to many people.
Konstantin Raudive on February 8th, 1987:
Science is sceptic, naturally a great part of the men in the streets, too. Of course, all have been confronted with a materialistic philosophy of life from childhood on. New ideas are accepted by the majority only if they recognize them as suiting their view of life. Our task shall be to widen the view of life, to create a new one in which there will be room for many truths. – It is correct what Metascience spreads, namely: In my father’s house are many mansions.
(Remark: The message was put through on February 8th, 1987 in the presence of Prof. Dr. Senkowski. Text shortened.)
On February 13th, 1987, in the presence of Dr. Ralf Determeyer, the following contact with Konstantin Raudive came about via the “Eurosignalbruecke” (EURO Signal Bridge ESB):
Many people suffer from the fact that transcommunication in the form as it is made accessible to you today, or, for example, with the SPIRICOM method, or with Hans König, or in Grosseto, has not yet fallen to their share. For the life on your side, this is an impediment not to be underestimated, impediment leading even to setting free a tempest of defamation against this transcommunication, if it will continue. Counterarguments, so ridiculous or cunning the investigation of these may be, are taken up and repeated from almost all sides, without verification. The majority of men simply does not want to realize that there are humans who, after their passing to the Beyond, have found ways and means for reporting to the other side, say to you.
The survival of men after their bodily death is a fact. Not before the last rests of niggling emotions and hostilities will have been cast off, mind and spirit will be in a position to come to learn and to understand cosmic spheres. This needs a wearisome process of death and reincarnation. It is not possible to revise the view of life of the mass overnight. (Shortened excerpt)
Excerpt from a message passed by Konstantin Raudive on March 13th, 1987 in Luxemburg in the presence of Hildegard Schaefer:
There are also people who, if they do not receive messages or news from a relative known to them, doubt all transcommunication, or the specific problem, or the phenomenon via which such personal information is expected to come. Dear friends, I can tell you that, same as with you, we have on our side groups of entities interested in the matter (or in a speciality) who join in groups. These groups are, so to say, on the same level of vibration.
Your daughter, Hildegard Schaefer, is active in an artistic group that has met here to the supreme glory of the Omnipotence/the Almighty.
During the same recording, a feminine voice then says:
Most people forget that the heart is important for friendship: the heart of the friend is the source of all the good. With all your acts try to listen to your heart, and you will have good advice.
Statement of Konstantin Raudive via ESB on June 11, 1987:
KR: Last Friday, according to your chronology, you have consolidated a noteworthy break-through within the scope of transcommunication. We, who are assembled here on our side, thank each (contributor) individually. The causes for the difficulties of the contact were that the hall was filled with too many people, what we could not foresee - and - that a distance of approximately two meters - in your system of units - is to be observed between the ESB and the audience in the hall. (Shortened.)
Also in June 1987, Konstantin Raudive speaks during a public recording attended by about seventy persons:
KR: On the one hand, men of all peoples and nations pronounce not only their preparedness, but also their longing for peace and concord after an end of the distressing fear tormenting them every day. On the other hand, without critical faculty, there is consent on the thesis that humanity were selfish, irreclaimable and aggressive, therefore incapable of achieving a social order which is progressive and peaceful at the same time. A social order that gives rein to harmony and dynamic of the individual creativity and initiative, in which, yet, cooperation and reciprocity are the supports. Men’s true nature is not at all selfish and aggressive. This statement represents a distorted image of the human mind/spirit. On the contrary: Constructive social forces are in accord with human nature and favour concord and cooperation instead of wars and conflicts. If humanity wants to survive, it must aspire to one only social order whose borders are those of its planet. Same as man as an individual, humanity as species has lived the stages of development of a baby and a child; it has arrived on the meridian of its rather wild youth. The evil, dear friends is superable, for it is nothing else than the absence of the good, same as darkness is a lack of light. Unthought-of possibilities are ahead of mankind. Men have arrived at that point where the voyage leads them to the long-awaited majority, is to say, (they are) inmidst the flow of evolution. It is up to them, to each individual, of course, particularly up to those attending this evening, in what way they intend to dedicate themselves to positive transcommunication in order to spread the true power of mind/spirit and to carry it to perfection.
Dear friends, the continuance of man’s life after his bodily death is a fact. – Contact end for today.
Statements of the “Techniker” via GA 1 (duplex device) in Luxemburg – some of the first statements made in September 1986:
T: I am no human, I never have incarnated – I am not and never was an animal – I am no energy and no celestial entity – I was and am a super-human being and am competent for the planet earth !
To a question relative to the pain of men:
T: The pain which man must or shall bear and live, is part of his own ego, partly deserved due to his own actions, or intended from a higher power in order to speed up the learning process for improving cognition and for perfection.
T: You are living in a time where truth is readily distorted and where wrong speculations about the eternal life are prematurely avered as the only correct.
In the course of the winter months of 1986, the “Technician” made suggestions for improvements in order to stabilize the contacts via the GA 1 installation. His indications on diodes and frequency translator enabled the dialogues to become continuously clearer. Repeatedly, attention was callen to the problems faced with the building of a bridge from the other dimension to this world.
T: For being able to receive this kind of contacts, perhaps via radio receiver, the regular microphone recordings have to be intensely fostered. Otherwise the different groups here on our side cannot adjust themselves to the human voice.
T: Humanity must try to dominate the atom. Presently the earth is on stage 4 of evolution. (Evolution stage 4 seems to be a relatively low one.)
T: The universe is spherical in its four dimensions.
”Techniker” on December 2nd, 1986:
T: We refer to the mathematical structure and have designed a functional instrument whose purpose is to subject the mathematical reality to the machine (or: …. is to subdue the mathematical reality of the machine).
”Techniker” on December 9th, 1986:
T: With God there is no reputation of the persons, whether a person is a king or an other high-ranked personality – before God, only the spiritual standing counts. When a person does not enjoy the esteem of his/her fellow-creatures, many turn away from him/her. It is likewise in the spirit-world. If the person does not have the necessary spiritual esteem, the spirit-world turns away. Our world (spirit-world) turns aside from humans arriving here after their bodily death, if they have laid too many things to their doors.
”Techniker” statements of February 1987 and March 1987:
T: No dust corn pursues its path without this being intended in the universal plan.
January 24th, 1987 – Comments on the “fall of man” were requested.
T: The major part of what has been written about it is not relevent: it is not right that men shall win something back what they have lost. Men have not lost anything; they are on the way of progression. There was no apostasy from God, but men are on the way to become what they call “gods”. It is the ideal that men will achieve some day.
January 29th, and February 1st, 1987 The “Technician” built up a “double bridge”, which means that we experimenters could reach him over two points of the scale, between 88 MHz and 90 MHz, and over 87 MHz.
T: My endeavour to reach you is comparable with that of a pilot wanting to land on a small island, and this exactly on this day and at this time… a very delicate coming-on flight; but the landing has come off well.
February 2nd, 1987 – We are talking about the frequency tanslator:
T: It houses a built-in microphone: the vibrations of this microphone in conjunction with the respective user’s brain waves generate frequencies which penetrate to us; this in combination with this type of radio receiver. (Philips D 2225)
February 12th , 1987 – Question: Does the Akasha chronicle exist ?
T: Every human coming from your side to our side has the opportunity to experience part of the Akasha chronicle on the so-called third level. Everything that ever has happened is noted down, so to say. So, Ernetti’s explanation is correct, but he knows it anyway. What he does not know is that the Akasha chronicle is part of the third level, a so-called world chronicle. It is, as we could say, integrated in the third level of the Beyond.
(When classifying, the “Technician” explained repeatedly that he sticks to the classification according to Myers.)
February 15th, 1987 – Question: “Do the human emotions produce difficulties with contacts ?”
T: Too strong emotions distort the vibration patterns; like, for instance, exaggerated pity, euphoria, too deep mourning, exaggerated happiness, fear….. perfect inner balance is to be recommended.
On February 13th , 1987 – via GA 1, a dialogue came about between the “Technician” and Dr. Ralf Determeyer, Kirchzarten. After the usual welcome from the “Technician’s" side, Dr. Determeyer voiced particularly his great pleasure about the fact that this extraordinary contact has been made possible. The “Technician” requested Dr. Determeyer to be brief, for
T: Time is short for transcommunication via GA 1. Put your questions.
Dr. D.: What is the best way to bring transcommunication to the people ? Will its existence propagate ?
T: The catholic church will play an important role. On all sides, the responsible personalities have failed to convey to men an acceptable view of life. The pope knows about transcommunicatiion and has initiated research works. The catholic church will be well advised if it will use the chance now made accessible to it.
Dr. D.: What can we do to propagate the existence of transcommunication most efficiently ?
T: Discuss about the phenomena in expert circles. A spreading to masses of people would not yet make sense at this moment. Many people even would not understand the meaning/importance. Only then the evolving of transcommunication will be possible and make sense.
Dr. D.: May I address you also otherwise than using the designation “Techniker” ?
T: You may also call me “librarian” or “archivist”. All this corresponds to my duties. I am competent for the earth.
Dr. D.: How does it come that, from so high astral levels, you, of all the languages, speak to us in German, a very earthly form of communication ?
T: I am adapted (angeformt) to your language. I could also speak to you in other languages (says a Russian sentence.) See, I could also speak to you this way, if you would understand it.
Dr. D.: With the sight of your high astral level, you are most likely able to tell us if an all-embracing spiritual entity exists that we call “God” ?
T: It would not make sense to explain God to you, because you simply do not have the imaginative faculty for it. In relation to a pail of water, your view of life compares to a drop.
Dr. D.: I have read a book of a medium named Forsboom: “ Kundgebungen des Geistes Emanual” (“Manifestations of Spirit Emanuel”) dealing with creation and the eternal laws of God. – Is Emanuel from your astral level and are his statements correct ?
T: Emanuel exists, and his statements are correct.
Dr. D.: Who else has such good transcommunication connexions, and do other people also get them ?
T: They also exist already in Scandinavia and in Germany, and a few others will also get them.
Dr. D.: It is said that the Russians, too, have already transcommunication contacts. Is that correct ?
T: (After a short hesitation) The Russians, too.
Dr. D.: Can transcommunication influence the securing of world peace ?
T: It is the most important instrument for the evolution of human consciousness out of twilight sleep. For this, bridges and master-builders between your world and the spiritual world are needed. You are a master-builder.
Dr. D.: This makes me very glad.
T: You had racked your brains on whether Hanna Buschbeck showed on the screen. We have sent you Hanna Buschbeck via video.
(Remark: It is correct, Hanna Buschbeck in fact has shown on the video screen at Harsch-Fischbach. Pls. see the chapter on video recordings in Luxemburg.)
Dr. D: says good-bye and the “Technician” says:
T: End contact via GA 1. – (Shortened.)
An international transcommunication experiment:
On April 22nd, 1987, Prof. Dr. Ernst Senkowski, Mainz, received a telephone call from George W. Meek, Director of the Metascience Foundation research group. From his place of residence, Franklin, USA, Meek imparted that the group Life-Line, with which he is in contact via the medium Patty Ann, intended to do a transcommunication experiment the next day or the day after the next. They intended to try to get in touch - via the transcommunication connexions of the Zeitstrom-Gruppe (time-stream) (Harsch-Fischbach) – with Luxemburg at 10 h, 13 h or 18.30 h. Prof. Senkowski indicated that only the last mentioned hour would suit, because both these experimenters are working.
Prof. Senkowski spoke the news in this form on the telephone responder tape in Luxemburg; some time later, Maggy Harsch-Fischbach confirmed and promised to go on receipt at the specified hour, together with her husband.
On April 23rd, Maggy Harsch-Fischbach reported the successful performance of the experiments by phone to Mayence . A cassette (copy of the original fade-ins) was sent to Prof. Senkowski.
Since the experimenters did not know via which installation the contacting would come through, they switched on both (ESB and GA 1). About one minute after the preparatives, began the communication with an American speaking voice, beginning by saying “Good afternoon”. The communication went on during about three minutes.
Here the messages - without the previous fade-ins of the “Technician”, who apparently was the responsible for the coming about of the contact.
M = Maggy Harsch-Fischbach; R = Rockefeller.
After the welcome „Good afternoon“:
M: Good afternoon – I am hearing you
R: I suppose you can hear me ?
M: Yes – I am hearing you – here is Maggy Harsch-Fischbach, Luxemburg
R: …. please confirm this – you can hear me ? Answer me – yes or no.
M: Yes
R: My name is Nelson D. Rockefeller – I speak to you once again – wooo – and I had the honor to talk to you through Dr. Raudive’s speakaphone (Speakophone or Speakaphone is an antiquated English term for “telephone”.)
M: Yes – I remember, Mr. Rockefeller
R: I am once again very honored to be able to speak to you – this is an experiment.
M: Yes – I am hearing you. (Here came a short interruption by a an ultra-short wave radio transmitter)
R: Tell….
M: Hallo (hello)
R: You can hear me ?
M: Yes – I hear you
R: Tell Dr. Senkowski: The Mahatmas are reality.
Followed a repetition of the last statement, and after a short interruption, again a repetition:
M: I hear you – I can hear you.
R: Tell Dr. Senkowski: The Mahatmas are reality.
M: Yes
R: …. to George Meek
M: Yes
R: to Patty Ann
M: I have understand – yes
R: They are on the right way
M: Yes - I understand you
R: We end this contact now
M: Hallo – yes –
R: Contact finish
M: Yes – contact finish. I did understand you, Mr. Rockefeller.
Subsequent to this, a dialogue with the “Technician” took place, in which reference was made to this contact with Mr. Rockefeller, and the “Technician” confirmed his identity.
In a report written by Prof. Dr. Senkowski on this communication, it is said at the end:
It is clear to every insider that this successful experiment, in which two trans-groups (Life-Line and Time-Stream) on higher levels have cooperated with two earthly groups, namely the telepathic channel Patty Ann of Metascience Foundation in Franklin, N.C., USA, and the technical-mediumistic channel C.E.T.L. in Luxemburg, represents a first, documented confirmation of transcommunicative possibilities and realities which – same as the results of the pioneers Jürgenson, Raudive, Bacci, O’Neil and Koenig – are of historical significance.
On April 2nd, 1987, a meaningful, convincing recording was made at family Harsch-Fischbach in the presence of the following persons: Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Resch, Theologian, Innsbruck; George W. Meek, Director of Metascience Foundation, USA; Jean Paul S., Ingenieur (engineer); Maggy and Jules Harsch-Fischbach.
Three different voices were heard. The first voice called itself Konstantin Raudive, the second one did not give a name, and the third voice pronounced as follows:
“My name is Henri Sainte Claire Deville. I left your world in 1881 and I am speaking to you in my name and in the name of our staff, of “life-line” the scientists.”…..
The messages read as follows (re-translated from German):
My name is Henri Ste. Claire Deville. I left your world in 1881, and I speak to you in my name and in the name of our corps of Life-Line scientists. Your task, same as that of Life-Line and that of Time-Stream, is to inflame the spirit, inflame the spirit in your world, and in this moment of trying to master time, I can give you a few explanations. The void/nothingness dreams the universe, but the void/nothingness is unconscious: the universe has consciousness and is able to control the voice.
A strong force, the languor of normality reigns over the universe. Therefore the universe always chooses the same state as before, it sustains itself, it delimits itself. I repeat: the universe is dreamt of the void/nothingness: it is formed differently of fibres; of fibres of virtual existence, of sequences callen selectons. Selectons are in fact tiny points consisting of a completely unrolled/rolled up circle. – They constantly roll back into the void/nothingness; permanently other bits of the void/nothingness join by rolling to exactly replace them: All these selectons join by rolling in the same direction till compact, therefore time in the universe flows in one direction. In our space the selectons are not rolled up, hence in the never-ever all time is one and timeless.
These contacts were recorded via the ESB; radio receiver PHILIPS type RB 192/7 oz was adjusted to frequency 87,5 MHz.
Prof. Dr. Ernst Senkowski (physicist) gives the following explanations to the several difficult messages.
1. Henry Etienne Ste. Claire Deville, 1818 – 1881, one of the greatest chemists of the 19th century, among other things, studied the characteristics of crystalline silicium.
2. Life-Line is a trans-group, cooperating with the Metascience Foundation, USA, via a telpathic channel.
3. Time-Stream – Zeitstrom – is a trans-group which, via technical-mediumistic means, is in touch with the experimenters in Luxemburg.
4. Selectons literally are the “selectors”. Notably Burkhard Heim has introducted in his “Allgemeine sechsdimensionale Feldtheorie” (general six-dimensional field theory) operators which he calls Selektonen (selectons).
5. “Bits” can be interpreted as “tiny pieces” or particles; may be it is a reminiscence of the terminology of the dual system, current in computer language.
6. The term “never-ever” tries to bring near the idea of a structure “existing beyond” time; which, in our languages, can only be formulated in pairs of opposites that appear to be paradoxial.
The most important and surprising aspect of this recording are not only the statements, which will hardly have their likes, but also the fact that none of the seven participants knew anything of this Sainte Claire Deville, had never heard of him. All the participants confirmed this fact by their signature and an affidavit.
The enigma of the person Deville was solved by Ing. S., who, in the night from May 2nd to May 3rd , found the information in the dictionary Larousse Universel, volume 2 of the edition of 1923, page 857.
Already a few months earlier, Henri Sainte Claire Deville had shown in Luxemburg via video, and had been classified « unknown » by the experimenters. Via ESB, the “Techniker” confirmed that the paranormal TV picture shows Deville. (Pls. see also: Paranormal video recordings with Maggy and Jules Harsch-Fischbach, Luxemburg.)
On May 15th, 1987, Dr. Ralf Determeyer sent to Harsch-Fischbach, Luxemburg, a letter containing many substantial questions with the request to have them answered by the “Technician”.
Already the same evening this text was read to GA 1. The “Technician” promised to answer the questions one of the next days, what he did. The “Techniker” entered into all questions by even descending to details. The entire catalogue of questions being too voluminous, I can here only choose some of the questions and answers, taking those which to me appear to be the most important for the general public.
Dr. D.: Why is is the memory of preceding incarnations so hermetically shielded at the time of each new incarnation ? Might it not be that intense memory and conscious learning from mistakes could deliver men earlier from their “consciousness of animals” ? As well as a better memory of the respective stays in the spiritual world ?
T: If men would remember their stays in the spiritual world, this would lead to deep depressions, because on the earth they cannot reach this beauty they have already experienced. The intense remembrance of mistakes made in times past would distress men. Many feel joy when having done good things, but many are also able to feel joy when having done evil things, and they would do evil things again to repeat the joyous feeling. - The animal consciousness has been forced on men, man in himself is not bad. Prior to the last ice-age men lived peacefully together, man with man and man with animals.
Dr. D.: What kind of help is particularly needed for the progress of transcommunication ?
T: The most important help is that, which the catholic church must bring.
Dr. D.: Can this project not be helped also when establishing contact with material extra-terrestrians ?
T: Near the planet earth there are no material extra-terrestrians with whom you can get in contact. But you can make contact with so-called extra-terrestrians in the Beyond. And this is already happening. I remind you of Wolske, Schreiber, etc. – It will be possible to meet in bodies; a suitable apparatus is going to be developped, either by the Meek group, or by an other group, in any case in the USA. The process consists in changing the materialization of the body, comparable with the out-of-body results of Werner Zurfluh.
Dr. D.: What can we do, Prof. S. and myself, in order to achieve better results in research ?
T: You can’t do more than what you are already doing, your day counts twentyfour hours only.
Dr. D.: asks a question on Jesus Christ:
T: I have said already that Jesus Christ is a spirit entity of very high evolution, a leader of humanity who fills an important part also in our spheres. He is a light that is held up in darkness, a life-boat in high sea.
On May 28th, 1987, the “Technician”, via GA 1, dictated Maggy and Jules Harsch-Fischbach a very long text dealing exclusively with dying and death and, above all, represents a comment on the euthanasia topic. From this unusually long message I here give a few passages:
The increasing technicalization in medicine, especially in the fight against death, has meanwhile callen forth a counter-movement: it arose on the one hand from human aspects, from humanity, at the same time it resulted – as it is right in the epoch of science – from the scientific research on dying. Thanatology, the science of death, has researched the proceedings of dying and found that many dying persons, from a certain moment on, do no longer want to be kept alive with the aid of equipment and devices against death, but that they wish to have peace, because they probably feel that resistance and rebellion are becoming unpromising. Therefore, from that moment on, they ask more for human nearness than for the presence of experts.
As it is with every new movement, especially when it offers resistance against medico-technical progress, those of the findings of thanatology are disputed which mainly base on psychological experiences. Frequently, medico-technologists criticize them as being a lack of scientific consequence. In the background is the fascination which for many people emanates from the technical progress, regardless of the result obtained from it. Basically is at stake the dispute if the feasible - in this case the upholding of the purely biological life – should or may always be done.
Man’s behaviour in this world has decisive influence on his future life in the Beyond. This leads cogently to the inclusion of dying into life. Once this has been understood, a contrast to this, as, for example, a baptism and a funeral, do no longer cause trouble. One then knows, of course, that the church of God is not only a ship on the ocean, a lamp kept up in the darkness, a pond in the desert, a let-down ladder, no; the church is a tunnel also, and the souls rush through it like trains.
Summary and excerpts from the contacts of May 29th and 30th, 1987:
In the course of the recordings some disturbances occurred, which the “Techniker” commented as follows:
These concern a technical disturbance on our side, a malfunction at the fluctuating vibratory oscillator lamp. – You may tell those persons interested in transcommunication that it is right to set up a measuring unit during the recordings, a metronome or a similar timer, like, for instance, an Omnifive lamp. An alarm clock with loud ticking also fulfills the purpose of a timer.
(In the chapter dealing with “further variants” for recordings, I already explained under item 5: “clocks or timers” the probable purpose of these indications, namely facilitating the adaptation to our earthly time.)
To the question on what is the late pope Johannes XIII’ task in the Beyond:
T: He assumes a very simple task here, he administers an olive mountain. He was a good man.
Question: How do react men having been high-rank personalities on earth when they come to your side ?
T: Many of them do not find their way about, because they never learnt to create/work with the power of thoughts. Some of them are unsuitable in our world, and we have to send them back to earth. Those have been too much accustomed to explore in (their) thoughts negative power only. Others here work with their hands, you can compare it with your side. There are workers in the mountains, on farms, real dairy-farms of the Middle Ages.
Question: Could you tell me something about foetuses: Do they develop in your spheres after abortion or natural death ?
T: Life originates from life. It are cells that divide. As soon as fecundation has taken place, a human being proceeds, an animal or a plant (from fructification), and it will continue to live. The moment the cell divides, the spirit/mind enters the body.
Further messages from the contacts of May 31st till June 7th, 1987:
T: Many foodstuffs are absurdly destroyed on your planet. In your case, you however need not to worry, even though you have not used these plants as food: humus is a force potential that returns and offers propellant for new nutriment. – When you think of all the soldiers buried on the world’s battlefields, whose corpses rot away there, then you know: there truly is no need to mind the salad or carrot you did not use.
A question put again and again is where are the “inhabitants” of the Beyond, if they can be localized in the cosmos, if they stay here on earth, or at what place they live.
T: We are distant from you relating to space as well as to dimensions.
The “Techniker” is inquired about suicide in a certain case.
T: Expecting death composedly is something quite different from consciously giving death to oneself. Only humans know that death projects into their existence and only man has the capacity of killing himself consciously and willingly. Suicide becomes a philosophic problem if it contains the specific characteristics of egocentric egoism and pinpointed aggression and by this becomes suicide: Suicide with an altruistic motivation, or as it has been tried by …., is perhaps a self-sacrifice, it is not a suicide. The lines of time are manifold, the ramifications are numerous.
Another statement in this context:
T: Only who had to give up hoping for love, gives up life; so paradoxical it may first appear: in many – also serious – suicide attempts a self-preservation tendency is inherent.
An interesting case happened on June 5th, 1987 on the occasion of a public recording session at the Nobilis Hotel in Luxemburg. By error, this recording was made with a radio receiver without batteries. And connection to mains supply had not been made either. Since not any other energy source was given, it must have been astonishing for all attending persons that voices were hearable despite of this, though they were lower than usually. Two days later the “Technician” was questioned, and he replied:
T: In this case we have to do with an electric field which we have activated within the modules of the radio receiver. – We had problems with the measuring of the new rooms; it was only the second time that you were experimenting in this place; also, we had not expected so many visitors. In the next public recording we will succeed in getting through better. The equipment must not be set up so compressed. You must particularly take care to keep the two-meter-distance of the ESB from the people.
It results clearly from this message how important it is to always do the recordings in the same place and at the same time, for the interlocutors in the Beyond have to adjust themselves to it.
A question regarding Zenta Maurina, the passed wife of Dr. Konstantin Raudive was answered as follows:
T: She is on a level where one has no tasks any more. She has already progressed very much in her development. After your decease as a human, after having passed through the entire cycle, you become an energy form comparable with a “telegraphic” impulse, crudly expressed in your human language, of course.
A question regarding the speaking possibilities:
T: We on our side here speak one only language comparable to telepathy. It is done using words and it is a complete language. When speaking to you, we translate our language into your earthly languages. According to your human notions, the language comprises 27 000 characters. Of the purely acoustic, I do not want to speak. The language is at hand immediately after the bodily death.
Question: Regarding the secret revelation of John:
T: At present, it has become in vogue again on your side to interprete the revelation as it had already been tried thousand years ago. Also in these days, not much more will be found out than at that time. Not any living human will ever understand the revelation ! There is also talking about the Bible having been written by a human. This is partly correct. The most simple explanation I can give you: It may be compared with a directory on your side; here too, it looks as if this book had been written and edited by one only person - and yet, it were many. These many, however, are named as one whole under the collective “post”.
Regarding the eating of meat:
T: There are men who wish to eat vegetarian only; but is it not the same when cutting off the head of an asparagus stalk ? For, a plant, too, is a living being. The eating of animal meat, if done moderately, also (seen) from the causes, is not so bad, since it is dead matter. The living being itself continues to live in our spheres.
Regarding: sexuality
T: The entitiy incarnating in the human body will one day no longer need the method of copulation. But it continues to need the solidarity/fellow feeling, friendship, love. Through incarnation in many stages, the human being will leave sexuality behind.
When, on June 17th, 1987, Jules Harsch-Fischbach returned home, the computer and the radio receiver D-2225 had switched on by themselves. Group 2105 had left a message, and Harsch-Fischbach needed only to have it typed out. The switch-on time indicated by said group was 9.57 h; the message was discovered not earlier than at 17 h. To this the “Technician” said:
T: We have remarked that the equipment in your home has switched on; we have no contact with this group. It is possible, that it is a group of a parallel world shifted in time: an alternative world, in which the Spanish Armada has not sunk.
Another statement on the topic “language”:
T: Here, we use a language comprising 27 000 characters. Everyone arriving on our side is immediately master of this language. He is also able to write it. Those men arriving here at the river of eternity, who, for example, spoke Italian – or German, or English - during their earthly lifetime, do not suddenly know everything on what concerns language: but this “great language” is mastered by everyone, and it is callen “the language of the river of the third level.”
Further messages of most different kinds:
T: An important precondition for the contacts to our dimension are a pure heart and an untainted mind/spirit.
T: With information reaching you from our spheres via mediums – consequently also with mediumistic writing – the medium’s psyche comes more into prominence than with technically supported transcommunication. With messages via mediums in trance or semi-trance, etc., = 4/5 psyche, 1/5 Beyond; with technically supported messages = 1/5 psyche, 4/5 Beyond.
T: One day – and it will even not take too long time – a big parent association will come into being, which will be dealing with this voice research, this transcommunication. The name of this association is unimportant. It will be an association comparable with, for instance, the UN, which will unite several numerous countries.
T: Man shapes God according to his human idea/conception, or according to his (own) image. God, or the principle, is an entity incomparable to anything. Of course, the spiritual world knows feelings, but they are totally different from yours; it cannot be described with words and cannot be compared with the human emotions and feelings.
T: If a higher power is not willing, you shall try to let things follow their own course. Do not try to strive against the current. Do not judge on why these or those experience misfortune or affliction. Everything has its implication. This, however, does not mean that man shall let himself drift along. Every man shall go his way in pursuing his aim.
Man should try to adorn his soul and to care for it, and to develop the precious light that is within himself. By means of meditation, he should try to break through the mental fogginess.
Prof. Dr. Ernst Senkowski and Dr. Ralf Determeyer planned to realize a world congress in Basel within reasonable time. In October 1987, Dr. Determeyer assisted at a recording in Luxemburg and informed the “Techniker” that, with regard to the planned first world organization for transcommunication, first contacts had been made in Basel with Prof. Alex Schneider and the Direction of the Basler Mustermesse, and that he had been signalled interest and preparedness for holding the world congress on transcommunication on the occasion of the Basler PSI-Tage.
Dr. Determeyer asked the “Technician” about details. A long dialogue took place between him and the “Technician” (fives pages of typed text). – Surprisingly, and all of a sudden, Konstantin Raudive got in:
K.R.: Dear friends, dear colleague Determeyer ! I would like to pass the short message to you that Friedrich Jürgenson has arrived well on our side. He will be able to get in touch with you via station Luxemburg in the near future. It would make me - as well as Friedel - glad, if you could give colleague Senkowski a short ring-up to inform him on this.
Thereupon, Friedrich Juergenson slipped in himself. He murmured:
F.J.: Good evening, my friends ! – Here Friedrich Juergenson speaking. I thank you for your coming. Of course, it is a different type of connection, a radar that has now been built up by our friends here on our side. I feel particularly glad being in a position to get in touch with you today. See, it is like this: a little bird; its life; its view … the little man who is caught in his every-day surroundings … man suffocates man.
Friedrich Juergenson’s message was longer, but several sentences were not clearly understandable. This was the first contact with Friedrich Juergenson who had left this earth a week before, on October 15th, 1987.
Early in 1988, an organizational problem arose for the planned world congress, so that it became necessary to shift it to the better date, say to automn 1989. Consequently, the partners in the Beyond knew much earlier that there would be a negative aspect for its realization. Originally, the direction of the Basler PSI-Tage had planned the topic “reincarnation” only. – The decision to organize a world congress on “research on transcommunication” was made afterwards, but was agreed to, because it was supposed that the persons interested in the topic reincarnation would not be sufficient to fill the rooms available. But things turned out differently. The topic was so well received that all possible avenues had to be explored. Because of the promise already made, it was left to Prof. Senkowski and Dr. Determeyer to decide if they wanted to hold the congress; they found the room capacity to be insufficient and therefore preferred to resign.
Consequently, the world congress “Research on Transcommunication” will take place in Basel in automn 1989, when much better preconditions will prevail. Since it is foreseen to organize an international mammoth program requiring very extensive preparatives, this solution is even the by far better and the more promising.
The last voice communication in 1987 was on December 28th, 1987, say shortly after Christmas, and this with the already mentioned old radio receiver ITT TINY-Cassette, without any further auxiliary appliances. This contact came about with the “Technician”, and it extended into a long dialogue, from which I cite the most important statements here below.
T: I continue in my competence for the planet earth, but many a thing have changed: through all the connections you have learnt more, together with us. One learns from the other. – You just have spent the Christmas days together. The import of these days is the good message. You know the good message, no need for me to cite it. The ancient values have validity for ever. Live in peace with your neighbour, do no wrong - and wrong is not always “wrong”, when deemed as such by men. You understand what I mean ?
T: We have changed the installation’s construction; as you notice, you need no auxiliary appliances on your side, and still we can communicate well: You may divulge everything of what you experience now. Write down everything, you may publish what I tell you. Also in the presence of other people, contacts will be possible. But in such occasions we will have to install equipment and will need auxiliary appliances. I will pass to you instructions for the building of a new installation.
ITT Tiny Cassette 220 Radiogeraet = ITT TINY Cassette 220 radio receiver / Feldgenerator (Koenig) = field generator (Koenig) /Mikorophon dient zur Aufnahme und ist an D 6920 Philips angeschlossen = microphone f. recording and connected to D 6920 of PHILIPS / Eine gegenueberstehende Armeelampe = one army lamp placed opposite / Die Lichtstrahlen der 2 Lampen kreuzen sich = The 2 lamps’ beam threads of light cross each other / CB-Verstaerker = CB amplifier / normaler kleiner Cassettenrekorder dient als Verstaerker der Stimmen = normal small cassette recorder serves to amplify the voices / Filter (Koenig) = filter (Koenig) / Altes UNIVERSUM televisor (anfangs kamen die Stimmen aus dem Fernsehgeraet) = old UNIVERSUM televisor (at the beginning, the voices came out of the televisor) / Abwechselnd kommen die Stimmen aus dem Radiogeraet B oder E = Alternately, the voices come out of radio receiver B or E / G + GI = Briefmarkenleuchten Type BL 366 nm - UV REG = G + GIlamps for post stamps, type BL 366 nm – UV ERG
Please click on diagram to enlarge
Schema - Skizze Senkowski Mai 87 = Diagram Senkowski May, 87
Klemmen zur Anbringung des Aussenleiter des abgeschirmten Kabels = clamps for fixing the external conductor of the shielded cable
Leuchtstofflampe 220 V, 15 W = fluorescent lamp 220 V, 15 W
eventuell Quarzkristall in ca. 6 cm Entfernung vom Empfaenger = eventual quartz at abt. 6 cm from receiver
Gestrichelt: letzte Veraenderung = dotted: last modification
five band portable receiver abgestimmt auf eine von drei speziellen Frequenzen um 90 MHz = five-band portable receiver tuned to one of three special frequencies around 90 MHz
etwa 15 cm = abt. 15 cm
Zusaetzlich: FM-Empfaenger im Raum 2 eventuell: Feld-Generator der ESB in der Hand zu halten = additional: FM receiver in room 2 eventual equipm.: Field generator of ESB to be hand-held
zwei Diodenschaltungen mit speziellen Antennen = 2 diode switchings with specific antennas
HF-Antenne vom Translator, Laenge 2,6 m = HF antenna from translator, legth 2,6 m
eingebautes Mikrofon = integrated microphone
In der Hand zu haltender Frequenztranslator 25 - 30 MHz, CB-Test-Oszillator AM-FM moduliert 100 mW, 9 V= = to be hand-held: frequency translator 25-30 MHz, CB test oscillator AM-FM modulated 100 mW, 9 V d.c.
Metall-Gehaeuse = shielded housing
Raum 1 - Raum 2 = room 1 and room 2
Empfaenger = receiver
abgeschirmtes Kabel = shielded wire
To this chapter about the extraordinary contacts – which till this day are certainly the most comprehensive and most expressive with high purport -, I wish to add a few elucidations before closing. Repeatedly the question has been put – and I am sure that many experimenters put this question to themselves – why these persons of all others are so blessed, favoured before others, crowned with success, be it callen as it may: why not me, too ? Why do I not succeed in getting such communication, despite of using the same devices, having set up the same installation ? We do not know any conclusive answer, but I have always been of the opinion that – in the case “Harsch-Fischbach” as well as in the case “Haertling”, not the equipment alone is decisive, but also other components are co-determinant. Once, in a letter addressed to me, Maggy Harsch-Fischbach expressed her opinion on this question. With her permission I may cite her words from that time, which I consider to be to the point:
On one occasion, the “Technician” explained us that the contacts have been released with us because we try to become “spiritually one”. This completion of both of us is essential: The one supplies knowledge, a good memory and strength, the other one spirit/mind and religious qualities. The one tries to show people the way to the light, the other one undertakes the organization. One gives the other strength and help, especially in situations of downheartedness and exhaustion, in times of malicious attacks or physical and psychical problems. When one hesitates, the other one encourages. It is a permanent process of learning, but every step reached gives a feeling of harmony and unfolds new forces. These, in return, effect improved contacts. Certainly, nobody is faultless, but the “inhabitants” of the Beyond honour the efforts for the objective. One can say that, according to the Yin and Yang principle, the fact that one person completes the other made it possible to get the contacts, thanks to the common concentration. But the affirmation of the cooperation with higher spiritual entities requires from the experimenters also the acceptance of certain conditions. They are confronted with the spiritual laws. Many people are prepared to contact their deceased, but not to mind the spiritual tenets. Also for Jules and me it was, at the beginning, not easy to accept the statements - communicated like an absolute matter of course – about reincarnation, the existence of parallel worlds and the powers of the congeniality of souls. By trying to obey to spiritual laws, one risks to draw away from men. The search for the right path never ends. The “Technician” told us that many people will leave us on the way, but that we shall continue on this way with him, despite of it. At the Haertling family in Darmstadt, too, the contacts were built up according to the Yin and Yang principle.
I think it is necessary to add a few words to this much telling “confession”. Surely, when fugitively looking at it, it appears as if it were a boundless grace to enjoy this preference given by the “inhabitants” of the Beyond. The attentive reader will however easily draw from Maggy Harsch-Fischbach’s letter that the dark sides are heavy. She speaks of downheartedness and exhaustion, of malicious attacks and of physical and psychical problems. I know that the couple Harsch-Fischbach sacrificed their entire free time for the recording and the lots of visitors received in connection with these, and that not a single free weekend was left to them. In addition, it was important to register everything and to file it all in archives, to answer letters and to have telephone conversations. Their hospitality had become a proverb, and it went even so far that they accomodated and boarded their visitors in their home.
In the course of time, their commitment and the overtaxing got out of hand to such degree that physical and psychical disorders actually arose. Further in the cited letter it is said that
one risks to draw away from men when one tries to obey to spiritual laws.
It became clear to the couple that they had to provide a very great potential of power, that too much was demanded from them. For this reason, the “Techniker” found means and ways to build the bridge between this world and the Beyond without that the experimenters had to expend energy. – The Euro Signal Bridge (ESB) and the Duplex Device GA 1 were superseded by an other contact bridge.
In December, 1987, a voice communication came about via an outdated radio receiver, without any supporting equipment. They were acquainted to the voice that came through: Friedrich Juergenson. After a welcome, he said:
F.J.: You need not to worry. There is no danger whatsoever from negative forces. The bridge via which we are establishing the new voice communication shall be named “Burton bridge”.
Then, in January 1988, the couple Harsch-Fischbach lived a great surprise. The computer in their apartment had switched on, and texts had been entered which could be typed out. During their absence, nobody had been able to enter the apartment. In addition, before leaving, they had made sure that all the devices had been switched off.
This phenomenon did by no means appear once only, it repeated. It mostly happened when the couple had left the apartment, sometimes also in their presence. Understandably, the experimenters took up a sceptic wait-and-see attitude at the beginning. Before reporting on it, they wanted to be sure on the kind of “inhabitants” of the Beyond they had to do with. They were convinced that this had to be contact trials from an other dimension, but they knew from experience that not only positive, but also negative forces may be active.
Finally it became clear that they had to do with a group which they could also contact via radio and with which they were connected through common guidelines and interests. This group called itself Zeitstrom (Timestream) and its endeavour was to inform the humans through their messages about their whereabouts and their possibilities for contact.
From that time on, a passed scientist, who indicated her name with Swejen Salter, got regularly in touch with them. She is the human chief of the Timestream (Zeitstrom) group and cooperates with Francis Burton (1821-1880), her companion. With her knowledge she improved the voice communication. Beginning in January 88, many other deceased humans got in touch with them over the Timestream group. From time to time, Konstantin Raudive took over the voice contacts containing philosophic statements, the “Techniker” spoke about spiritual guide lines, and Swejen Salter tried to prepare a new phase of transcommuniction through scientific messages for Prof. Senkowski.
In February, 1988, the contacts were particularly good. These were voice contacts as well as video contacts (pls. see also the chapter on video recordings). Nevertheless, the contact bridge was subject to very frequent changes so that it was impossible for the experimenters to draw circuit diagrams. Prof. Senkowski sometimes said the arrangement of the devices were a “wild combination of appliances”.
In the dialogues with the “Techniker” and Swejen Salter, the couple Harsch-Fischbach asked for technical instructions and requested to take the good will of many researchers into account. The answer was:
Try to orient yourselves according to the former SPIRICOM system of G. Meek (Director of Metascience). Try to experiment with a frequency mix. Do not foget to use UV light; it is particularly important. This system will only function when unity in mind has been achieved between the researchers.
Early in September, 1988, the "Technician" got in touch with them and in the course of a dialogue subdivided the contacts with the Beyond into three phases:
T: Phase 1: We use the psyche of four persons for building up the contact bridge from our to your world. Phase two serves to prove that we can put through contacts also without the aid of the human psyche, and that transcommunication cannot be held up despite of problems.
Phase two tends to its end and will soon be terminated. We will have to interrupt this kind of voice communication, because the energies will soon be exhausted.
To the question with what energy the Timestream group presently works, the reply was the following:
Swejen Salter: We work with orgon energy; ask Prof. Senkowski, he will be able to give you explanations. We also use rest energies, but these are pure positive energies, free of human influences.
Technician: Meanwhile we are approaching phase three. The operativeness of a new equipment and the further development depend on humanity. Unity between the researchers shall be achieved.
The last pages of this report make clear that Maggy and Jules Harsch-Fischbach, since a certain time, have three different contact bridges available. They receive voice contacts (radio, telephone) as well as video images and messages via computer. (The video contacts are detailedly described in chapter 28, in chapter 25 you can read on the computer contacts.)
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