Bridge between the Terrestrial and the Beyond
- Theory and Practice of Transcommunication -
by Hildegard Schaefer (†)
19. The Generator - Invention of Hans Otto Koenig
In all fields of research, of whatever kind they may be, there come periods of going thirsty, when nothing happens, no progress is looming up. But suddenly arrive times of striking into new paths in a fast sequence, and of events precipitating themselves.
After the short intermezzo with the SPIRICOM built in the USA in 1981, it was a German, specialist in electronics Hans Otto Koenig (49) of Moenchengladbach, who presented, also in 1981, a new device designed and built by him (ultrasonic system), the Generator.
Also to Hans Otto Koenig applies what I have said earlier in this book, namely that the starting point of his research is to be seen many years earlier. Like many others, he one day stumbled over the tape-recorded voice phenomenon. As a specialist in electronics with objective mind, he however could not get to like their paranormal interpretation. As an expert predestinate to deal with technical matters, he thought he would be able to prove the implausibility of the “voices” by means of appropriate tests. But things turned out otherwise. Koenig had surprisingly good recordings, contacts with his deceased mother, with friends and acquaintances, so that finally he had to acknowledge the “Beyond thesis”. Now he exerted himself entirely for improving the recordings, for deepening the contacts and developping new devices.
Also to him success did not come overnight; it took many years till he could realize his ideas and plans and present his invention to the public. The latter he did on the occasion of a symposium of the VTF (Verein fuer Tonbandstimmenforschung – (association for research on tape-recorded voices)) in Fulda on November 6, 1982. The installation functioned well, and several fade-ins came out loud and clearly hearable.
While on this symposium only a few hundred people had the experience of taking part in this debut, millions of people were listening when on January 15th, 1983, Koenig’s system was presented in Rainer Holbe’s transmission “Unglaubliche Geschichten” (Unbelievable stories) over Radio Luxemburg. The following messages were received in a loudness up to that time unachieved:
When Hans Otto Koenig asked: “May I try to get in contact with you ?” the reaction was: “Versuch !” (“Try !/Test !”)
To the question “Can you hear me; I think I’ve got the right frequency” a particularly loud voice replied: ”Wir hoeren Deine Stimme.” (“We hear your voice.”)
Calling his Christian name Hellmut, Hans Otto Koenig addressed an acquainted, whereupon the first-named said: ”Ich komm nach Fulda.” (“I come to Fulda.”) (Fulda is the town where the symposium was held then.)
Another voice from the Beyond announced: ”Otto Koenig macht Totenfunk.” (“Otto Koenig doing radiophony with the dead.”)
This voice caused a particular to-do, on the one hand, because it cited Koenig’s name, on other hand, because of the word “Totenfunk”, which is a neologism and which pressed exactly the situation in the studio at Radio Luxemburg.
How does Hans Otto Koenig’s installation work ?
In March 1989, Hans Otto Koenig explained the working principle of the “Ultraschallgenerator” (“ultrasonic generator”) in his periodical Parastimme (Paravoice), where he also published new diagrams, circuit diagrams of the “Generator” and of the infrared system.
Illustration 1: Ultraschallgenerator (ultrasonic generator)
Zaehler = counter / G 1, G 2, G 3 3 Generatoren fuer Festfrequenz = 3 generators for fixed frequency / G1-G3 Mischer = mixer / VLF-Mischer = VLF mixer / WG 1, WG 2, WG 3 Sender = sender / Synchron-Regler fuer Wobbel-Frequenz = synchronizing control for wobble frequency / Stereo-Rekorder = stereo recorder / Einspielraum = recording room / Raum-Lautspr. = room loudspeaker / Mikro fuer Fragestellung = micro f. questions / HF-Ampl. = HF amplifier / Pre-Ampl. = pre-amplifier / HF-Pre-Ampl. = HF pre-amplif. / Demodulator = demodulator/detector / Vlf-Nf Parametr. Filter = VLF-LF parametric filter / Empfaenger = receiver / Messgeraet = Oscilloscope / Schreiber fuer Sender + Empfaenger = registrator for sender + receiver
As it is generally known, the entities in the Beyond have a significant waveform, which is beyond the perception ability of our five senses. In order to transform this “information picture” into our audibility range, the entities in the Beyond need an additional waveform which is dependent on the existing technical complex of oscillations, and on the experimenter or experimenters. The technical installation developped by Hans Otto König for the “relaying” of such paranormal voice-communication results, which works with ultrasonic frequencies, represents, for the time being, the summation of the values gained during many years from the experiences of hundreds of different experimenters. The Generator is the result of a logical and consistent development.
The circuit diagram of the Generator comprises two arrangements:
Ultrasonic sender (left side) and ultrasonic receiver (right side)
On the sender side, a certain mix of frequencies is generated which is radiated into the room via a resonant circuit. By this, a third frequency form produces, the interference frequency, which acts as the carrier of the transcendental information. The sender consists of three basic generators – G1 – G2 – G3 -, each of which generates a square wave in order to obtain the maximum possible number of harmonic oscillations. This complex signal is sent to a mixer – G1 to G3 – to delimit a certain area.
The three sweep generators (wobblers) – WG1 – WG2 – WG3 – scan with absolute synchronization the frequency ranges transmitted by the entities in the Beyond. Subsequently, these frequency ranges are, via a HF amplifier, transmitted to the Beyond as an oscillation bridge. Between sender and receiver a mixed frequency produces, which situates between the information vibration and the synthetic vibration field offered.
The ultrasonic receiver receives the two vibration forms and amplifies them. A demodulator filters out the third, i.e. the interference frequency, which then arrives on the running magnetic-tape recorder in form of audible speech. - Everything happening in this moment is recorded by means of a highly sensible measuring arrangement (frequency recorder).
The important thing is to find the specific vibration frequency of the entities in the Beyond by effecting certain measurements, in order to be able to later generate an analogous synthetic field.
Needs to be added here that the structure of the experimenter’s thoughts must resonate with the interested level in the Beyond so as to be in a position to complete the connexion.
In this relation, the disposition of the experimenter or the experimenters is of great importance (alpha state). This is equally valid for doing experiments using the conventional methods. – The basis for being successful is a positive attitude in respect of the contacts.
Illustration 2: Diagram of the Infrared System
Blockschaltbild Infratrot-Anlage = block diagram of infrared system / IR-Empfaenger = IR receiver / IR-Sender 6 Frequenzen = IR sender 6 frequencies / paranormale Energiefelder = paranormal energy fields / Sender 37,5 MHz = sender 37,5 MHz / Empfaenger 37,5 MHz = receiver 37,5 MHz / Verstaerker = amplifier / Rekorder = recorder / Messgeraet = measuring unit = oscilloscope / Block-Schaltbild = block diagram
The diagram of the infrared system shows the most recent state of research. The arrangement has been recommended by the friends in the Beyond. Contrary to the Generator, this is an equipment entirely tuned to correspond to the structure of the experimenters’ thoughts, i.e. to Hans Otto Koenig’s and his collaborator’s.
When establishing contact, a psychoenergetic unit is created (experimenters – equipment – group in the Beyond – resonance). The sensibility of the components is essential. According to Hans Otto Koenig, the infrared system enables contacts with the levels 5 to 7 in the Beyond. He is of the opinion that we can here speak of an obvious key for the understanding of transcommunicative events (harmonically structured vibrations).
Explanation on the circuit diagram of the infrared system:
On the right of the diagram you see the infrared sender radiating six different frequencies in the infrared range, pointed at the infrared receiver, at two to three meters distance. The radiation values received are transformed down in seven steps, the differential signal is demodulated and directed to a low-capacity sender at 37,5 MHz. The demodulated voice received is returned to the infrared sender. This produces a feedback loop effecting a certain stability. The result also is recorded on a sound carrier and is made visible by means of an oscilloscope.
„Have you questions – Hans Otto Koenig, we hear you.“ (“Hast du Fragen – Hans Otto Koenig, wir hoeren dich.”)
„We have many contacts via Generator, Hans Otto Koenig – frequency window for us – we are trying in the possibility.“ („Wir haben viele Kontakte ueber Generator, Hans Otto Koenig – Frequenzfenster für uns – versuchen wir dabei in der Moeglichkeit.“)
„Have good contact via infrared.“ ("Haben guten Kontakt über Infrarot.“)
„Frequency I switch one off – Otto Koenig – take a different frequency – we raise frequency – we hear you better – Hans Otto Koenig – a/one frequency is missing.” („Frequenz schalt ich eine ab – Otto Koenig – nehme eine andere Frequenz – wir heben Frequenz an – wir hoeren dich besser – Hans Otto Koenig – da fehlt eine Frequenz.“)
Raudive got in touch with him several times. Once he said:
„Raudive for Koenig – here Raudive – Raudive greets – I live – I greet Hildegard Schaefer.” (“Raudive für Koenig – hier Raudive – Raudive gruesst – ich lebe – ich gruesse Hildegard Schaefer.”)
∙ Koenig was given the advice:
„You need a mirror for our picture.” ("Du brauchst einen Spiegel für unser Bild.”)
Koenig interpretes this somewhat strange message as follows: “We here have to do with a frequency mirror, which must be structured analogous to the fields of the Beyond."
To Otto Koenig’s question whether mediumistic abilities are required for the contacts, the answer was: ”Listen, Marlene Dohrmann is medium for Hans Koenig.” ("Marlene Dohrmann is a collaborator of Koenig.) (”Hoere zu, Marlene Dohrmann ist Medium für Hans Koenig.”)
When Koenig said that he was not able to express in words all he would like to ask and say, the reply was:
„We all hear your questions.“ (“Wir alle hoeren eure Fragen.”)
Koenig furthermore said: “We have many parents in the hall who have lost their children through accident or illness.“ – The answer from Beyond:
„All children greet.” ( „Gruessen alle Kinder.")
This was certainly addressed to all the parents present.
Another statement:
„Care/worries is/are your life. – Keep peace. – Have we a wonderful world. – The death is a new life.” („Sorgen ist euer Leben. – Haltet Frieden. – Haben wir eine schoene Welt. – Der Tod ist ein neues Leben.“)
When Koenig inquired if they can describe their world, the reply was:
„You cannot understand it.“ ("Ihr koennt es nicht verstehen.”)
The statement
"Margret gives us firm strength” (“Margret gibt uns feste Kraft”)
refers to Mrs. Koenig who keeps up loving spiritual contact with the group regularly getting in touch with her husband and herself.
The statement
“Everything remains extant” (“Alles bleibt erhalten”)
confirms again that men, animals and plants continue their existence.
Further messages:
„We live in love – think of the good.“ (“Wir leben in Liebe – denken an das Gute.”)
„Call we – we hear – radiophony with dead, we hear – want to say much – we close contact – we have new technique.” („Rufen wir – wir hoeren – Totenfunk, wir hoeren – wollen vieles sagen – wir schliessen Kontakt – wir haben neue Technik.“)
„Contacts with the dead for Koenig – television generator – many will show – we make the contact – not all can speak – here a new life comes – happiness and contentedness here – we have little force/power – we need your contacts – everyone who gives love – many want to speak here – all children greet their parents.” („Totenkontakte für Koenig – Fernsehgenerator – viele werden sich zeigen – wir machen den Kontakt – es koennen nicht alle sprechen – hier ein neues Leben kommt – Glueck und Zufriedenheit hier – wir haben wenig Kraft – wir brauchen eure Kontakte – jeder der Liebe gibt – viele wollen hier sprechen – alle Kinder gruessen ihre Eltern.“)
At the beginning of a recording it is said:
„Mr. Koenig – so, Mr. Koenig – try, you“ (“Herr Koenig – so, Herr Koenig, versuchen Sie“)
To this follows a reaction by Mr. Koenig, and a voice says:
„Now it is o.k. – We hear, the rest is still calling. We can see you and greet.” (”Jetzt ist es gut. – Wir hoeren, der Rest ruft noch. Wir koennen euch sehen und gruessen.“)
And they continue:
„We can speak already – go to the Generator – we must fade us in. We try to fade-in a certain frequency. – Today we live – we are all happy here.” (“Wir koennen schon sprechen – zum Generator hingehen – wir muessen uns einblenden. Wir versuchen, eine bestimmte Frequenz einzublenden. – Heute leben wir – wir sind alle gluecklich hier.“)
During a symposium in Bad Kissingen something special occurred:
A voice said: “We make music and play.“ (“Wir machen Musik und spielen.”) Thereupon resounded beautiful flute playing.
An other voice explained:
„The child plays for its mother.“ („Das Kind spielt fuer seine Mutter.“) The mother was present, deeply moved and declared that also during her lifetime her daughter had played the flute. She had frequent contact with her daughter via magnetic-tape recorder.
At the Basler PSI-Tage held early in November 1985, Hans O. Koenig requested counsel regarding the “New Age”. To this, the following answer was received:
„Everyone is responsible for his doing.“ („Jeder hat Verantwortung fuer sein Tun.“)
And to the question who of those in the Beyond were present, the names of passed children, whose parents were present, were put through:
“Christian, Michael, Heli and Anja.”
It was in the course of a symposium held in Boppard in autumn 1985, when a sentence came through that, I think, contains the most beautiful message:
„Love is life for ever.” („Liebe ist Leben fuer immer.“)
During a recording with infrared, made in Buedingen in 1987, Mr. Koenig received, among others, the following messages:
„Have we contact field – have improved contact – structure of thoughts gives power field – Frank, Christian, Stefan, Birgit, Heli help for contact bridge – Leni Schade greets, live here with many friends – greetings Gretel – everything is o.k." ("Haben wir Kontaktfeld – haben Kontakt verbessert – Gedankenstruktur gibt Kraftfeld – Frank, Christian, Stefan, Birgit, Heli helfen fuer Kontaktbruecke – Leni Schade gruesst, lebe hier mit vielen Freunden – Gruesse Gretel – alles ist gut.")
"(We) greet all men/humans; ask for understanding and love – experience all over the world (you) have for possibility to help. Dead call for information – your contact is important – contact field improvement – we get in touch again later.” ("Gruessen alle Menschen; bitten um Verstaendnis und Liebe – Erfahrung in aller Welt habt fuer Moeglichkeit zu helfen. Tote rufen für Information – eure Verbindung ist wichtig – Kontaktfeldverbesserung – wir melden uns spaeter wieder.“)
„Mama, I see you – Listen – Mama, I am with you and help.“ ("After some trials to get in contact with Anja Dohrmann: „Mama, ich seh dich – Hoer zu – Mama, ich bin bei dir und helfe.“)
During a recording made with infrared in Buedingen, the friends in the Beyond put through columns of figures whose meaning was recognized by Koenig only later. They revealed to be double figures of frequencies in the infrared range. These six new cut-off frequencies lead to better communication with less distortion; in addition, they enabled longer functioning times of the “transbridge”. Here is this message:
"Listen: („Hoer zu"): 935,5 – 937,8 – 927,2 – 948,1 – 934,2 – 928,3 nm (nanometer)“
Hans Otto Koenig has repeatedly been invited by Rainer Holbe to come to Luxemburg for doing live recordings. In the course of a telecast in 1987, a series of very individual messages came through:
„Contact field for Marlene Dohrmann and Hans Otto König – Anja will speak – mama, hello, contact – mama, Hans, I greet you – mama – send my love – Birgit and Frank Toelke are here, too – tell all men that we live – Rainer Holbe we express thanks for information – do not forget us – we need your contacts – peace through cognition and love – mama, your love for me is a great help for me.” („Kontaktfeld fuer Marlene Dohrmann und Hans Otto Koenig – Anja wird sprechen – Mama, hallo Kontakt – Mama , Hans, ich gruesse euch – Mama – sende meine Liebe – Birgit und Frank Toelke sind auch hier – sagt allen Menschen, dass wir leben – Rainer Holbe sagen wir Dank fuer Information – Vergesst uns nicht – wir brauchen eure Kontakte – Friede durch Erkenntnis und Liebe – Mama, deine Liebe zu mir ist für mich eine große Hilfe.“)
An important event in the era of Hans Otto Koenig was the “mammoth” congress in Milano, organized by Mrs. Virginia Ursi, President of the Italian association for tape-recorded voices (CE.M.M. – Centro Milanese Metafonia), held on May 7th and 8th in 1986.
Mrs. Ursi addressed her son who had died eight years ago, and he got in touch by saying:
”It’s me, Umberto – hello mama.“ („Ich bin es Umberto – Hallo Mama.”)
Mrs. Ursi spoke to her son in their native language, put many questions to him, and he replied in Italian. Finally Umberto Ursi said good-bye with the following words:
„Good-bye, mama, we greet you.“ („Auf Wiedersehen Mama, wir gruessen euch.“)
An interpreter translated the Italian words for the German guests. In a second recording, Koenig requested to name the persons who were with us, and the reply was:
„Anja, Heli, Stefan, Michael, Frank, Umberto.“
They further announced:
„We, who are here, are not dead, we see you. Soon we all show (us) in television.” ("Wir, die wir uns hier befinden, sind nicht tot, wir sehen euch. Bald zeigen wir uns alle im Fernsehen.“)
Further contacts:
„Contact ! – We know your questions – Listen ! – The manner of dying is decisive for the transition – There are different stages of development – You know that there are seven stages of development – Each development stage comprises a new birth, which you call death but is not related with your earthly death – With us there are no language problems – We are able to converse through telepathic exchange – Every human brings his needs at the beginning with him, which, as time passes, decrease – Every human is subject to an evolution, which he has to go through from the basic substance up to the cosmic sphere – There is no spiritual entity that has not gone through the interlacing of existence(s) – Each human has its original personality; there is no partial personality, as you presume. – The cosmic sphere is the highest one which a spiritual entity can reach; it comprises all the vibrations of the levels.”
(„Kontakt ! – Wir kennen eure Fragen – Hoere zu ! – Die Todesart ist entscheidend für den Uebergang – Es gibt verschiedene Entwicklungsstufen – Ihr wisst, dass es sieben Entwicklungsstufen gibt – Jede Entwicklungsstufe beinhaltet eine neue Geburt, die ihr den Tod nennt, aber nicht mit eurem irdischen Tod in Verbindung steht – Bei uns gibt es keine Sprachschwierigkeiten – Wir sind in der Lage, uns zu unterhalten über telepathische Vermittlung – Jeder Mensch unterliegt einer Evolution, die er von der Grundsubstanz bis zum kosmischen Bereich durchmachen muss – Es gibt kein Geistwesen, das die Existenzverflechtung nicht durchgemacht hat – Jeder Mensch hat eine eigenstaendige Persoenlichkeit; es gibt keine Teilpersoenlichkeit, wie ihr vermutet. – Der kosmische Bereich ist der hoechste Bereich, den ein Geistwesen erreichen kann; er umfasst alle Schwingungen der Ebenen.“ )
Finally here a series of messages from the Beyond received in the course of the symposia held in Buedingen on November 21st, 1987, May 14th, 1988 and November 19th, 1988, and a telerecording.
„We will partly answer your questions – we are not allowed to answer all questions.” („Wir werden zum Teil eure Fragen beantworten – alle Fragen duerfen wir nicht beantworten.“)
"Our development/evolution is not influenced by your contact." (Unsere Entwicklung wird durch euren Kontakt nicht beeinflusst.")
"For each life the dying-day is pre-determined." ("Fuer jedes Leben ist der Sterbetag vorbestimmt.")
"Every incarnation is free-will: it is a facet and fulfilment of evolution." (Jede Inkarnation ist freiwillig: sie ist eine Facette und Erfuellung der Evolution.")
"The law possibilities for reincarnation are given - …. you yourselves choose your parents – the parents give you the most necessary for realizing this reincarnation." ("Die Gesetzes-moeglichkeiten der Reinkarnation sind gegeben ... sucht ihr euch eure Eltern selbst aus – die Eltern geben euch das Noetigste, um diese Reinkarnation durchzufuehren.")
"The nuclear war will not injure/prejudice the astral body." ("Der Atomkrieg wird dem Astralkörper nicht schaden.")
"We are in a position to influence your technique. But we ourselves have equipment for getting in contact with you." ("Wir sind in der Lage, eure Technik zu beeinflussen. Wir haben aber selbst Apparatur, um mit euch in Verbindung zu treten.")
"Bear in mind that we have a world equal to yours, but with different material values." ("Bedenkt, dass wir eine gleiche Welt haben wie ihr, mit anderen materiellen Werten.")
"Time counting is unimportant for us; time does not exist; you have coined time yourselves." ("Die Zeitrechnung ist für uns unbedeutend; es gibt keine Zeit; die Zeit habt ihr euch selbst geprägt.")
"Here is no separation of peoples and races – we are all equal." ("Bei uns gibt es keine Voelker- und Rassentrennung – wir sind alle gleich.")
"There are also no language- and understanding problems." ("Es gibt auch keine Sprach- und Verstaendigungsschwierigkeiten.")
"Also, there is no religion – you have made religion yourselves." ("Ebenso gibt es keine Religion – die Religion habt ihr euch selbst gemacht.")"
We can all enter in communication with plants and animals, you will recognize this when/if you learn." ("Wir koennen alle mit Pflanzen und Tieren in Kommunikation treten, das werdet ihr erkennen, wenn ihr lernt.")
"Your behaviour towards the animals has carmic consequences. You will yourselves have to accept the responsibility for it." ("Euer Verhalten zu den Tieren hat karmische Folgen. Ihr werdet selbst die Verantwortung dafür tragen muessen.)
"We can prove you contacts to an other dimension. Is important for your life." ("Kontakte zu einer anderen Dimension koennen wir euch beweisen. Ist wichtig für euer Leben.")
"God is there for all that lives. Everyone carries God within himself – this is a power of love." ("Gott ist fuer alles Leben da. Jeder traegt Gott in sich – das ist eine Kraft der Liebe.")
"Here are many men/persons who would like to get in contact with you." ("Hier sind viele Menschen, die mit euch in Kontakt treten moechten.")
"Many children are here who wish to greet their parents. They are happy that they have come." ("Viele Kinder sind hier, die ihre Eltern gruessen. Sie freuen sich, dass sie gekommen sind.")
"Please be not sad; they cannot all speak with you. But you will be able to get in touch with them through your trials." ("Seid bitte nicht traurig; sie koennen nicht alle mit euch sprechen. Aber ihr werdet mit ihnen in Kontakt treten koennen durch eure Versuche.")
"The modification of the infrared system effects new possibilities for contact to us, and we will answer many questions." ("Die Aenderung der Infrarotanlage bewirkt neue Kontaktmoeglichkeiten zu uns, und wir werden viele Fragen beantworten.")
"We thank Hans Koenig for his work and the possibility of the contact bridge." ("Wir danken Hans Koenig für seine Arbeit und die Moeglichkeit der Kontaktbruecke.")
"Please have understanding for the difficulty of communication to us." ("Habt bitte Verstaendnis fuer die Schwierigkeit der Kommunikation zu uns.")
"The possibility of further development of the contact bridge increases, and we expect an evolution." ("Die Moeglichkeit der Weiterentwicklung der Kontaktbruecke wird groesser, und wir sehen einer Evolution entgegen.")
"We ask for engagement/efforts and help." ("Wir bitten um Einsatz und Hilfe.")
"Only by the companionship (you – plural) can find a way." ("Koennt nur durch die Gemeinschaft einen Weg finden.")
"Please help to pass on to all men that there is life after death." ("Helft bitte allen Menschen zu vermitteln, dass es ein nachtodliches Leben gibt. ")
"We know all your thoughts." ("Wir kennen all eure Gedanken.")"
There is life on other planets in other solar systems. They try to get in contact with you." ("Es gibt Leben auf anderen Planeten in anderen Sonnensystemen. Sie versuchen, mit euch in Kontakt zu treten.")
"Your incarnation is not bound to your planet." ("Eure Inkarnation ist nicht an euren Planeten gebunden.")
"At the beginning was the thought/idea. The thought/idea has become word." ("Am Anfang stand der Gedanke. Der Gedanke ist Wort geworden.")
"Through your positive thinking power and attitude you can spare the animals an evolution on the earth." ("Durch eure positive Gedankenkraft und Einstellung koennt ihr den Tieren eine Evolution auf der Erde ersparen.")
"Many men from an other level of existence are presently in your midst." ("Viele Menschen aus einer anderen Daseinsebene sind zur Zeit unter euch.")
"There is no death – everything is thought/intended for eternity." ("Es gibt keinen Tod – alles ist für die Ewigkeit gedacht.")
"The spirit/mind wins over the matter." ("Der Geist siegt über die Materie.")
"The men lack the insight." ("Den Menschen fehlt die Einsicht.")
"You must learn to learn; that life is inextinguishable." ("Ihr muesst lernen zu lernen; dass das Leben unausloeschbar ist.")
"You have the possibility/chance to develop in mind/spirit and to recognize that all life forms a unit." ("Ihr habt die Moeglichkeit, euch im Geiste zu entwickeln und zu erkennen, dass alles Leben eine Einheit bildet.")
"You are creators and creatures of your own world." ("Ihr seid Schoepfer und Geschoepfe eurer eigenen Welt.")
"Love is the highest power; it is stronger than everything else in the world." ("Liebe ist die hoechste Macht; sie ist staerker als alles andere auf der Welt.")
"All persons who can put themselves through via the contact bridge have already been incarnated (as) men." ("Alle Personen, die sich ueber die Kontaktbruecke vermitteln koennen, waren schon einmal Menschen inkarniert.")
"The building of the Babel tower could be repeated/ have a repetition." ("Der Turmbau zu Babel koennte sich wiederholen.")
"Your task is to live not from the research, but for the research." "(Eure Aufgabe ist, nicht von der Forschung, sondern für die Forschung zu leben.")
"No living creature will become older after the body’s death. Decisive is the point/question of the soul. Thus it is also possible, as you say, that a baby can put itself through from the other level." ("Kein Lebewesen wird nach dem Koerpertod altern. Entscheidend ist die Frage der Seele. Somit ist es auch moeglich, wie ihr sagt, dass ein Baby sich aus der anderen Ebene vermitteln kann.")
"A damage of the material body has no influence on the astral body." ("Eine Schaedigung des materiellen Koerpers hat keinen Einfluss auf den Astralkoerper.")
"A common way/path can only bring fruit through the truth." ("Ein gemeinsamer Weg kann nur Fruechte tragen durch die Wahrheit.")
This is only a small selection out of a long series of messages from the Beyond. They are only intended to impart an impression about the kind of the manifestations.
Before closing the chapter on the inventions of specialist in electronics Hans Otto Koenig, it has to be mentioned that the communication bridge built by means of his equipment has been functioning since 1981 - and still functions constantly, now as before.
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