Bridge between the Terrestrial and the Beyond
- Theory and Practice of Transcommunication -
by Hildegard Schaefer (†)
17. Marcello Bacci’s and Luciano Capitani’s contacts with the Beyond
I know that Dr. Ing. Carlo M. Trajna, Italy, among other items, mentioned on the nineth national congress of A.I.S.P., held an October 25th/27th, 1985 in Arezzo, that the group of researchers Marcello Bacci, Luciano Capitani and collaborators have been experimenting with great success in their “psychophonic laboratory” in Grosseto since more than fifteen years. Consequently, the experimenting activities of this Italian group date back at least to the year 1970, reason for mentioning these in the first place.
I regret not having had the privilege of convincing myself personally of the situation, but I had the opportunity of meeting the gentlemen Bacci and Capitani on the congress held in Milano on June 7th/8th, 1986, where I could follow the simultaneous translation of their lecture and the results. It was a persuading experience.
In my following account I base upon press reports, lectures of Dr. Ing. Carlo M. Trajna, the mentioned congress in Milano and, last not least, upon information received from Prof. Dr. Ernst Senkowski, Mayence, who has personally taken part in recordings in Grosseto and who, on several occasions, has done translations of Italian publications into German.
Indeed, in the Italian translation of Konstantin Raudive’s book Ueberleben wir den Tod ? (Do we survive death ?) (1976), Marcello Bacci gave a short report on the active and successful work of his group in Grosseto, but in German language little has become known about it, neither in the years before, nor in the following ones. According to a statement made by Dr. Ing. Carlo M. Trajna, this is due to the fact that Bacci has always been prepared to cooperate and to assist newcomers and people in need of console, but was too modest for pushing himself and his successes into the centre of attention.
A book of Marcello Bacci was published in 1985 by publisher Mediterranee, Rome, under the title Il Mistero delle voci dall’aldilà (German: Das Geheimnis der Stimmen aus dem Jenseits, English: The mystery of the voices from the Beyond), and publisher Salani, Florence, published in 1980 Dr. Ing. Carlo M. Trajna’s book entitled Ignoto chiama uomo (German: Unbekannt ruft Mensch – English: Unknown calls man). Unfortunately neither of the books is available in German.
Properly speaking, the Italian group directed by Marcello Bacci does not count among the “inventors” or “discoverers”, since the modalities of their contacts did not comprise newly developped equipment that could be regarded as “triggers” for the “voices”; it consisted of known and current instruments. However, the effects – and these are decisive – are similar to those achieved with equipment of recent design. This is the reason for which I deem it justified to go into particulars on the Italian group here.
In a report written by Dr. Ing. Carlo M. Trajna and translated by Prof. Dr. Ernst Senkowski, Mayence, we literally read:
“………that the voices of Grosseto probably represent something absolutely unique. Comparable with the results of this group are only those of the Metascience Foundation in the USA, and the results of Hans Otto Koenig in Moenchengladbach, Germany, but the difference is, that in Grosseto they do not work with equipment as used in the USA or in Germany.”
Like thousands of experimenters, Marcello Bacci works with a radio receiver only, and the major part of the voices come directly out of the loudspeaker – similar to what happens in the groups in Hesperange, Luxemburg and Darmstadt, described in following chapters. Exactly as it is with these groups, in Grosseto, too, the voices come out at a level of loudness making them understandable for everyone.
As far as known, in the terminology of radioengineering the only hypothesis establishable is that of a considerable increase of the capacitor’s capacity, this in such way that the tuning is shifted from the short-wave range to the long waves, perhaps in the direction of the ultrasonic range or the audible range (frequency range). In such case, a full turning of the tuning knob would in fact only effect a minimum capacity change and leave it for ever in the acoustical band. But what causes such an increase of capacity ? There can be no other corresponding hypothesis than a paranormal one. In this context it is worth noting the circumstance that the manifestation of the voices becomes better when Bacci touches the capacitor with his finger.
So, after all, is it high sensibility or mediumistic giftedness ? Considering the description of the technical aids employed - which hardly may represent congruity with the success achieved – the question regarding mediumistic abilities is cogent. The fact that Bacci, as reported by one of his guests, held his hands over his face during the recordings is, it is true, no absolute proof justifiying the affirmation of this question, but entices to such speculation. It is well known that particularly the human hands – and especially the finger tips – have a “radiation field” apt to influence phenomena – as it is the case with healings through the laying of hands.
Sehr unzusammenhaengend unsere Ebene
(very incoherent our level)
Vereinigung ist gewesen historische Gruppe.
(association has been historical group).
These statements indicate clearly that the interlocutors are deceased, that they live on different levels, depending on the mental or cultural level on which they live.
As can be deduced from some fade-ins, the persons most contacting the Grosseto group belong probably to a scientific group.
Ich moechte ausbeuten einen gemeinsamen wissenschaftlichen Trick – Hoffnung ist wissenschaftlich – durch unsere Art, die Wirklichkeit wahrzunehmen.
(I would like to exploit a common scientific trick – hope is scientific – through our way of perceiving the reality).
It is said further:
Dies ist eine magische Nutzung; schon mit der Idee gemacht vollstaendig – das ist schon das Produkt – bald der Weg entwickelt sich mit vollen Segeln.
(This is a magic utilization; already by the idea made complete – this is already the product – soon the way develops with full sails.)
Unsere Magicokratie wird nicht machen bestimmten Punkt heute.
(Our magicocracy will not make certain point today.)
With these words it is expressed that they do not wish to end the contact; and an absolutely new word is used: magicocracy, a neologism that might mean that they make use of a scientific magic and, so to speak, are master of this science.
Further questions refer to what aim the persons in the Beyond pursue. Here a few answers to these:
Troestet euch – es ist nuetzlich sie muessen machen und ihr erhebt euch: ihr habt die beneidenswerten Gelegenheiten der Hilfe – bescheiden – den Noetig-Habenden.
(Solace yourselves – it is useful they must do and you rise: you have the enviable opportunities of help – modest – to those in need.)
Unsere Begegnungen – eine Hoffnung – Bruecke (ist) sehr interessant – wir hatten Gelegenheit, uns genaues Zusammenwissen zu konstruieren.
(Our meetings – a hope – bridge (is) very interesting – we had the opportunity to construct us exact joint-knowledge.)
The following sentence makes obviously clear to us here how little we understand, how pretentiously we proceed and how little we are predestinated to explain the “non-existence” of the deceased:
Sagt – was verstehen diese Wesen – welche einfach eingetreten sind unsere Nicht-Existenz mitzuteilen ?
(Tell – what do these beings understand – who simply have come in for informing of our non-existence ?)
And it is said again, how little we can seize at the bottom of our hearts:
Beginnst du hier mit Freund zuerst – aber nicht das Mindeste verstehen !
(You begin here with friend first – but not the least understand !)
But they also show comprehension of our human imperfection:
Die stumpfe Wahrnehmung der menschlichen Art.
(The blunt perception of human kind.)
To questions regarding the conditions for the contacts with the Beyond, among others, the following fade-ins came in:
Die Bedingung, uns zu hoeren, ist allein diese: Spiritualitaet.
(The condition to hear us is solely this: spirituality.)
And to the question why Bacci and his group get these wonderful contacts with the Beyond, it is said:
Glueckliche des Karma – es ist Glueck – Bestimmung – Zeichen des Schicksals.
(Luckies of karma – it is luck – destination - sign of fate.)
A frequently asked question is in what way the contacts come about. Here a few answers to it:
Bleibt bestrebt – den Kontakt aufrecht zu erhalten – du weißt – dass dieses hier uns nicht leicht ist – wer es wuesste, was macht die Toene der Toten ? Alles macht die Technik ! Man braucht drei irdische Sender – Wir sind in der (gleichen) Hoehe. Ich hoere, was ihr mir sagt – sie hoeren mich – die entdeckte Station hoeren sie immer. Ist jetzt geworden ein einziger Klang – was euch erregt (das) Meer (der) Zeit – insgeheim sehen wir, dass (dieses) ist Wirkung (der) Welle. Ich oeffne das Verschmelzen – jetzt weisst du dich auszurichten - ich habe erreicht/zusammengefuegt die Kreise der drei Umdrehungen. Ihr seid gross, wenn ihr verstanden habt die Grundfrage – gewitzt ! Ich wuerde vorziehen, dass klarer wuerde das Konzept, welches im Schaum – in der Schlacke die Worte sieht. (Es) genuegt der Irrtum, in dem wir euch belassen – es ist ein Haufen wiederholter Entschuldigungen unter dem Namen der uebermenschlichen Notwendigkeit. Aber hier wird koennen Studium – nunmehr weiß ich (es) – moeglich, dass wir finden diejenigen Instrumente, welche die Formen oeffnen – alle die Moeglichkeiten, die man hatte – erhaben hat die Mehrheit der Personen – verschafft vom allgemeinen Bewusstsein , mit welchem frueher oder spaeter – jeder muss machen die Bruecke/den Hinuebergang.
(Continue to strive – to maintain the contact – you know – that this here is not easy for us – who would know, what makes the tones the dead ? All does technique ! One needs three earthly transmitters – We are on the (same) height. I hear what you say to me – they hear me- they hear the discovered station always. Has now become one only sound – what you excites (the) sea (of) time – secretly we see that (this) is effect (of) wave. I open the merging – now you know to adjust yourself – I have reached/united the circles of the three rotations. You are great when you have understood the basic question – clever! I would prefer that would become clearer the concept which in foam – in the cinder sees the words. Is sufficient the error in which we leave you – it is a heap of repeated apologies under the name of super-human necessity. But here will be able studies – now I know (it) – possible that we find those instruments which open the forms – all the possibilities one had – elevated has the majority of persons – procured by general consciousness . with which earlier or later - everyone must make the bridge/the passing.)
Some of these formulations are difficult to understand, since spoken in symbols and in allegories, but also because grammar is turned upside down and interpretations assume already a different sense when there is the slightest deviation from the rule. On the one hand, we hear from these statements a certain resignation regarding the understanding between the Beyond and this earthly world, on the other hand, however, also the hope for improvement. Further questions refer to the point to what extent experimenters have a share in the communication. Here a few answers:
Macht die erforderliche Energie ! Du Freund vervollstaendigst mich – oft habt ihr gemacht Oeffnung – aber nicht Beweis von Potenz.
(Make the required energy ! You friend complete me – often you(plural) have made opening – but not proof of power.)
Der Tatbestand hat Wichtigkeit – der gesamte Zustand gehoert dem hier an – euer Lorbeer war fuer die Unsrigen – ch biete ihn euch an – für euer materialistisches Leben kann man ihn gewaehren.
(The (matter of) fact(s) has importance – the entire state pertains to that here – your laurels were for ours – I offer them to you – for your materialistic life one can grant it.)
The preceding question referred to the congress in Milano. Was the answer to mean that Marcello Bacci’s successes were, admittedly, to be attributed to the account of the interlocutors in the Beyond, but that they let the “laurel” to the earthly men, because they need it for their materialistic life ?
Now I will bring another series of questions and replies. The examples stem from different sessions of the Grosseto group, headed by Marcello Bacci and lawyer Luciano Capitani.
Bacci puts his finger on the oscillator:
Voice from Beyond: Du machst Versuch, wir beobachten. (You make test, we observe.)
Capitani says: “We are the old young people.”
Voice from Beyond: Du sagst oft dieses, mein Freund Luciano. (You say often this, my friend Luciano.)
Information about four deceased is asked for:
Voice from Beyond: Hier von gegenueber des Eingangs in die Erde hat der Boden eine hinreichende Liste der Leute. (Here from opposite the entry into the earth the ground/soil has a sufficient list of people.)
They ask how death comes to pass.
Voice from Beyond: Du findest dich schnell hier. (You find yourself quickly here.)
To the question whether there is reincarnation, the voice from Beyond replies: Ich schliesse, wenn sie danach fragen. (I close/end when they ask about this.)
Capitani asks to eliminate a disturbing transmitter.
Voice from Beyond: Besetzung von Erde. (Occupation from earth.)
Capitani requests information about a famed criminal case. Voice from Beyond: Ein Witzchen. (A little witticism/joke/gag.)
When Capitani continues: “it is no curiosity from our side” a voice from Beyond answers: Natuerlich. Es ist ein aussergewoehnliches Ereignis. (Of course. It is an extraordinary incident.)
Question: What activity is performed by the communicators during the sessions ? Voice from Beyond: Du hast versaeumt, Experiment zu lernen und stoesst die Toene noch in die Ferne zurueck. (You have missed to learn experiment and still/even push the sounds back into the far.)
A deceased is callen, upon which a voice from Beyond says:Dir wird noch einmal ein Zaepfchen gegeben. (You will be given a suppository again.)
This statement may sound somewhat strange. According to Prof. Senkowski it could be that they are doing certain “manipulations” with the entity callen. This reminds of the ectoplasmic speaking organs in sessions with direct voice.
To finalize, one more voice from the Beyond; it addresses a newly arrived who apparently has just died. Jenseitsstimme: Deine Welt ist zu Ende – hier ist eine Form – die du nicht wolltest – du (bist) gestorben – im Unendlichen ist dir nicht gezeigt worden; dass mit dem Unendlichen kein Geld war. Endlich bist du wieder emporgestiegen. Hier die Erklaerung: dich taeuschte der Name. Hier erlebst du den Tod schon, siehe, das Spiel mit dem Leben – trenne den Geist ab – du folgtest der ewigen Bahn – du, der heute hoert – du bist hinuebergegangen – wisst ihr, was man mir sagte ? Dieses habe ich (aus der) froehlichen Taufe – verstehst du ? Leere die Brust – du bist ein Mensch gewesen - hoere, du glaubst nicht – du warst betroffen – bete; du schnell auferstehst – dieses ist die Welt, die grosse Welt – vergiss die falschen Informationen, dich hat der Konflikt entgegengesetzter Gedanken verwirrt – Christus informiert uns auch ueber deine/seine Absichten.
(Voice from Beyond: Your world is finished – here is a form – which you did not want – you (have) died – in the infinite has not been shown to you; that with the infinite there was no money. Finally you have ascended again. Here the explanation: the name mislead you. Here you experience death already, see, the play with life – cut the spirit/mind off – you followed the eternal path – you, who hears today – you have passed – do you(plural) know, what I was told ? This I have (from the) joyous baptism – you understand ? Empty the chest – you have been a human – hear, you don’t believe – you were affected/concerned – pray; you quickly rise from the dead – this is the world, the big world – forget the wrong information, you have been confused by the conflict of opposed thoughts – Christ informs us also about your/his intentions.)
The cited statements from the Beyond are only a small selection from the plenty of material collected in Grosseto. It is said there is a huge archive of extraordinary recordings, which to examine, to classify and possibly to make public would take years.
According to Dr. Ing. Carlo M. Trajna, up to thousand words come through in one only session which normally lasts not longer than fifteen to thirty minutes. Despite of the fact that not all the voices are of a quality suitable for demonstration, this figure makes the magnitude of the success apparent. When taking into account that the messages of Grosseto have been running over a long time, at least a period of fifteen continuous years, with changing participants in the sessions, it has to be conceded to this group that extraordinary parapsychological-mediumistic effects produce there. In view of the unimportant technical supporting appliances it can be assumed that probably no other group exists that achieves equal success under such preconditions.
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