Bridge between the Terrestrial and the Beyond
- Theory and Practice of Transcommunication -
by Hildegard Schaefer (†)
12. The broad-band method
For this method we need a wide-band receiver appropriate to simultaneously receive all the wave-lengths normally provided for in a radio receiver. Simultaneously means that this receiver must not dispose of tuning possibilities, say that all transmitters can be received at the same time. We here speak of units not manufactured by the industry, but from specialists in electronics or technically talented amateurs. With the broad-band method very good results are obtained, since the availability of so many frequencies at the same time correspondingly increases the chance of receiving voices. This unit is designed to receive all wave lengths between 10 m short wave and 2000 m long wave. Here is a construction plan published by Hans-Otto Koenig in 1981.
Breitband-Empfaenger von Langewelle - UKW = Broad-band receiver covering long-wave- to ultrashort-wave ranges
Rauscharmer Vorverstaerker, uebersteuerungssicher (ca. 68 mV - S 1%) = Low-noise pre-amplifier, safe against overload (approx. 68 mV – S 1 %)
Antenne 5 - 10 cm = antenna 6 – 10 cm
Mikrofon-Eingang 200 - 600 Ω, ca. 0,2 mV/μbar = microphone input 200 – 600 Ω , approx. 0.2 mV/μbar)
z. Diode 7,5 V = Zener diode 7,5 V
Ausg. 1,6 mV/μbar = output 1,6 mV/ μbar
Gesamtverstaerkung betraegt 18 dB (1:8) = total amplification is 18 dB (1:8)
Grenzfrequenz 200 MHz = cut-off frequency 200 MHz
Schalter S 1 und S 2 = zweipoliger Aus/Einschalter = switches S1 and S2 = double-pole on/off switch
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