Bridge between the Terrestrial and the Beyond
- Theory and Practice of Transcommunication -
by Hildegard Schaefer (†)
5. Vicar Leo Schmid
In the history of research on tape-recorded voices from Beyond, Vicar Leo Schmid is a particularly important personality: there have always been and most probably there are still today men and women who were/are of the opinion that the research on tape-recorded voices from Beyond were something forbidden, something impossible to be brought in consonance with religion.
Leo Schmid was born on
Since 1969 and up to his decease, Vicar Schmid has been intensely engaged with the “voices”, and this with the authorization of the highest of his clerical superiors. He became one of the most enthusiastic proponents of the phenomenon and was not afraid in representing his conviction in full public, in the radio, on television and on many international conferences and congresses.
During many years Vicar Schmid has been in close contact with all the capacities in the field of research on tape-recorded voices. Almost daily he sat in front of his equipment so that, as the years passed, he could put more than twelve thousand voices in his archive. Same as Jürgenson and Raudive, Vicar Schmid received voices in different languages, for example, in Latin, French, English, Swiss German and literary German.
In February 1972, in the assembly hall of the
During the years of his activity as a researcher Schmid - who under the pseudonymous Gerold Schmid had wun high reputation as the author of a great number of juveniles - wrote a book about his findings and experiences. Wenn die Toten reden (When the dead speak) was edited shortly after his death. Unfortunately it is no longer available.
Vicar Schmid died on
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