Quantum body and Astral body
After a few days, we shed the Quantum body and live in an Astral body. The Astral body is very light and subtle and has a fine vibration. So we move into an Astral world that is also very light and subtle. Essentially, we find ourselves in Paradise. From an Earthly perspective it's an absolutely perfect existence. No disease or hunger or illness. If the Astral body becomes injured, it heals quickly. Even lost limbs grow back.
Now the Astral realm SEEMS perfect to us on Earth, but in the big scheme of spiritual reality it's just an illusion. ALL worlds of form and structure are illusion, and the dense physical realm is the grandest illusion of all.
The greatest reality exists beyond time and space, beyond all form and structure. We can't really get close to understanding truth until we transcend the illusions.