RWG Invitation #1
ITC, or instrumental transcommunication, is the use of technical equipment to get in touch with the worlds of spirit. We have learned that resonance or harmony among the folks involved in an ITC project (on both sides) is the most important element in an ITC bridge. It is the resonance that creates a clear "contact field" that allows our spirit team to "come through" our TVs, radios, computers, phones, and other equipment in ways that seem miraculous to us today.
Therefore,, our nonprofit organization, has decided to initiate our first serious working group devoted to resonance, and we are looking for a few good people in different parts of the world who "resonate" to the idea and would like to participate with us, in order to strengthen the earthly part of the resonant field, or contact field. (Like attracts Like).
RWG Invitation #2
Dear Prospective RWG members,
Thanks so much for your initial interest in this project. We are nearly finished with the plans for our working group, including finishing touches on an online forum or chat room that will be at the center of the group. It will be a private forum, open only to members, and most communications among us will go through the forum. But that's just one of several important topics we wanted to share with you before the group is actually formed.
BASIS. The two of us have spent many years developing an understanding of resonance as it applies to groups on earth and beyond. Through it all we have emerged with certain terms and concepts on the subject of resonance, and we have built those terms and concepts into the foundation of worlditc and especially into the basis of this working group. It is important that we all "talk the same language" on the subject of resonance, so we urge you to digest the information in five articles, which are currently residing on our website,, and are also residing at the private RWG forum which we mentioned above. The articles are:
In ITC introduction:
1 DefinitionsIn Theories:
2 Resonance, a key to ITC
3 How ITC works
4 A model for ITCIn Decency:
5 Personal decency*
INTERNET FORUMS. It will be necessary for RWG members to become familiar with the RWG forum or chatroom, as it will be our central point of communication with each other. If you're already familiar with internet forums and chatrooms, great. If not, you might want to look at the forum on our website just to get an idea. Our RWG forum will be nicer and more personalized than the forum, and it will be very private, but still, you can get an idea if you wish. Once the RWG forum is completed, we will ask you to place a picture of yourself and some bio information on your page in the forum. We will provide simple instructions on how to do that. Then, if you have any troubles placing your information there, one of us will be glad to help you. (But we cannot actually do the work for you, since each member's page can be controlled personally only by that member.) Of course, members are welcome to communicate with each other outside the RWG forum as well as through the RWG forum (personal emails, letters, FAXes….).
LIST OF THINGS TO DO. Finally, let's not forget about the "things to do" that were included in the introductory letter:
Heart meditation at least 3 times a week at times you choose.
Awareness of other members.
- Think of each other during meditation and prayer.
- Communicate with each other e.g. email and chat.
- Visit each other if and when it is convenient.
Commitment to mutual trust, confidence, appreciation, and friendship among all members.
Awareness of our own thoughts, words, and actions, with an on-going aim of decency*.
Openness to and awareness of our increasing psychic receptivity.
Encouragement of ethereal beings in our work and in our lives (evoking their help through prayer and good will).
Acknowledgement of positive spirit teams working with us.
If you think you can commit to all those conditions (which the two of us have very carefully gathered together as effective techniques for us all to sustain harmony or resonance among us), then please acknowledge one more time--let us know you are still interested--as invitations will soon be sent out, along with instructions on how to access and become a part of the RWG forum.
Mark Macy
* There is a new article about Personal Decency on the website (in the "Decency" section), and that article will also be in the RWG forum.
(November 27, 2003)
RWG Information #3
Hi Friends, and welcome to RWG.
We assume you have all read the first two letters we sent out to prospective members. If not, please contact . You cannot become a member otherwise. Also, you must have an email address to be a member (which you all do at this time). If you wish to maintain more privacy, you can open a free hotmail email account for the purpose of this forum. Now, the considerations for all of us:
First, here are the steps Mark used to get his picture and some biographical information onto our RWG forum. Once Mark has registered you as a member, you might be able to use similar steps, depending on the version and type of Messenger (MSN, Microsoft…) you are using:
Write a bio in Word or some other program and save it.
Get a picture of yourself converted to jpg format.
Click on http://xxxxxxxxxxx and then add the site to your list of Favorites, so in the future you can access it with a single click.
Include your picture and any extra personal information you wish to share. (Note that the four windows only allow a very small amount of text. That is not the place to add your bio information).
To add your bio information, click on Members Info on the left, then on New Discussion in the middle. Copy your bio from the Word document, and paste it in.
We hope to have all members’ bios and pictures on the forum by December 15. If you have any trouble at all completing that task, please let us know.
Second, our names are a form of energy. We can register you as a member only when your name in our group contains at least part of your real name, so that we can all identify you. For example, Mark Macy is using itcMarkM as his group name. If you already have a name that does not include part of your real name, please remove your name from the list and ask for membership again.
Third, what is your personal goal as a member of RWG? We think it can help our cause if we all state our personal goals as members. You might want to include your goal in the My Favorite Things window on the RWG homepage. (You can see Mark’s page to determine if that’s what you want to do on your page.)
Fourth, there are bound to be misunderstandings, since we are from many different cultures and life experiences. Clear communication is an art. We should give each other credit. Our personal goals as members should all be compatible with each other. When little incompatibilities and misunderstandings occur, we should meet them with a sense of humor, if possible. Chatting in a chatroom can be frustrating when two or more people are typing at the same time and their thoughts and messages are evolving in different directions. To minimize the frustration, you might consider adopting a convention that the two of us use. If one of us is sending a message in several pieces, we end each piece (except the last piece) with an ellipsis (…). The ellipsis indicates there is more to come. We end the last piece with a number sign (#) to indicate we are finished talking for the moment and ready to listen.
Fifth, as we mentioned before, the MSN-RWG forum is very private. (Theoretically,) no one can get onto the site and look at our information unless he or she is a member. As of mid-December, the group will be closed to all newcomers, except under very unusual circumstances. One of those circumstances has to do with spouses. If your spouse is compatible with our group and has read the two letters, he or she is welcome to be a member and to have a personal page on the forum. Another circumstance might have to do with geopolitical-cultural diversity. If our group seems to be short of representatives from, say, the Far East or the Middle East or Africa, we might allow an individual from such an area to join later on.
May our exciting new venture be rewarding to us all in many ways!!!
Mark Macy
(December 03, 2003)
Membership into the RWG was closed on December 15, 2003, as the 40 or so original members have begun to get organized and to practice techniques for achieving resonance. There is a chance that there will be opportunities for new members to join later on in 2004. If you are interested, please email with your intent, and your name will added to a list of prospective members.
Thank you very much,
Mark Macy
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