Resonance Working Group
The purpose of this worlditc working group is to sustain resonance or harmony among a stable network of ITC researchers* in various parts of the world over an extended period of time and, in so doing, to establish fruitful, endurable ITC bridges with the help and support of ethereal beings. We will begin with a two-year trial period. The measure of our success during that period will be the quality of contacts among our members over time. If we experience significant breakthroughs in our results, the group can continue indefinitely, opening a new communication frontier for our world. That is the long-range purpose of this project.
Members of this group will commit themselves to certain attitudes and activities to do their part for group resonance. At present, this is the member's list of things to do on behalf of the group:
Heart meditation 3 times a week or more, whenever you wish (see the description in the article, "Heart meditation for resonance").
Awareness of other members, 1) especially during meditation / prayer, also 2) through occasional communications such as emails and online chats, and 3) during meetings and personal visits if and when they occur.
Commitment to mutual trust, confidence, appreciation, and friendship among all members.
Awareness of our own thoughts, words, and actions, with an on-going aim of decency.
Openness to and awareness of our increasing psychic receptivity.
Encouragement of ethereal beings in our work and in our lives (evoking their help through prayer and good will).
Acknowledgement of positive spirit teams working with us.
These "things to do" will help us in our main focus, which is to strengthen the connections within ourself, with each other, with ethereal beings, and with our spirit team(s).
All members are free to work with scientists, political groups, religious groups, media, other ITC associations and other working groups in any way they feel is appropriate, however there will always be a separation between outside interests and our group as a whole. (The members will not bring their science, politics, religion, media, etc. into our group.)
Experience has shown that animosities from outside sources will not harm our group, our work, or our lives if we sustain resonance by holding onto the confidence, trust, and friendships among all of our members, and we can receive the appropriate support from ethereal beings.
Members must be able to communicate in English during the two-year trial period, preferably with personal fluency in the English language, or at least with access to translations (via spouse or friend, for example). We apologize for this condition, which is unfair to non-English-speaking researchers. Hopefully that condition will change in the future.
We expect a major leap in the quality and duration of ITC contacts on a frequent basis. If that does not happen, the experiment can end after the two-year trial period unless there is enough desire to continue.
During the two-year trial period, if we determine that a member is experiencing serious doubts or fears or other attitudes that are harming the contact field, and if that member is unable or unwilling to make the necessary adjustments, we might ask that member to withdraw from the experiment for a period of time.
* ITC researchers are not necessarily experimenters. They might have any skills that are valuable to the group--writing, publishing, networking, counseling, organizing, and so on (as mentioned in our Work Groups section).
MM November 16, 2003
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