Before starting experiments in spirit communication through technology, consider the following:
There are two types or levels of the work--EVP and ITC. EVP is the capturing of short, faint spirit voices on tape. Thousands of people have been performing EVP experiments successfully since the 1950s. ITC has been underway only since around 1980, and as we enter the new millennium there are only a handful of ITC experimenters around the world getting enhanced results, which include messages and images through computers, long messages coming through radio sounds, telephone calls, and convincing pictures that come through television.
Every successful ITC experimenter I know began with EVP experiments, which are described below.
There are vast spiritual universes beyond (and superimposed over) our own physical universe. Some of these universes are light and ethereal, inhabited by angels and masters. Others are dark and troubled, inhabited by the proverbial demons and lost souls. Between these areas of light and dark are the ancestral planes where most people who have died on Earth enjoy a multi-faceted, paradise-like existence. Beings from all these worlds--from the angelic to the demonic--work closely, silently with our world, and each of us draws into our life beings of like attitude. It should be the conscious intent of anyone contacting spirit partners for positive reasons, to cleanse their spirit, mind and body, and to purify their thoughts, words and actions. When you're inspired by the beauty of a glorious sunset and your heart feels a rush of energy, the angels, literally, are with you. When you're gripped by fear or resentment over situations in your life, you can be reasonably sure there are negative spirits working closely with you, fueling those feelings.
When conducting EVP experiments, take a sober, serious approach and focus on the positive. Experiment only when you're in a happy, enthusiastic, unfettered frame of mind.
Use an audiocassette recorder with an external microphone and a source of mild white noise (such as a radio tuned between stations).* Place the microphone a few feet from the radio. Turn on the tape recorder and introduce the session. For example:
Ask three or four questions, then replay the sequence and listen closely. A set of earphones can help make the short, faint voices more audible. Some people get voices on their very first try; others work for months before getting their first voice. So it was with EVP pioneer Konstantin Raudive, who experimented diligently for three months before getting his first voice, then went on to record, analyze and collect more than 70,000 voices, many under strict laboratory conditions.
As you conduct voice experiments on a regular basis, the voices might get louder and clearer as your contact field (the field of thoughts, feelings and life energies between you and your spirit friends) grows stronger. As mentioned above, however, it requires a clear mind, focused intent, positive thoughts, and a balanced temperament to ensure the best possible results.
Like channeling, Ouija boards and other methods of penetrating dimensions, the technology of EVP and ITC can help us contact departed loved ones, our spirit guides and guardians, enlightened masters and other good beings, or if used carelessly they can access confused or negative beings who can disrupt our life. So, as in all spiritual matters, proceed with care, focus on love, and stay anchored to God.
Germanium diode. Konstantin Raudive himself devised a way to improve EVP voices with a germanium diode instead of a microphone connected to the audio input of a standard tape recorder. Many researchers still use the technique today with good results. They solder a 1N914 germanium diode (available from Radio Shack) to a jack, or male plug, that will fit the microphone input of their tape recorder. They plug this diode-equipped jack into the recorder, turn the volume up all the way, and start recording. With this setup, the recorder will sometimes capture spirit voices, but no human voices nor other normal sounds in the room. A fascinating technique that separates the men from the…well, from the spirits.
Radios. Instead of a single radio, you can use several radios, or some other noise source altogether, such as running water. I've had best results using two or three radios with one of them tuned to a distant station with foreign language broadcasts, or even better, several overlapping foreign broadcasts coming through the same radio. Sonia Rinaldi in Brazil made an audiocassette of many jumbled voices overwritten upon each other, and used that tape as a sound source. In any case, spirit beings seem to find it easier to create their voice from existing voice fragments than to fashion one out of blank white noise. Foreign-language broadcasts make it easier to distinguish between the radio noises and possible spirit voices you receive in your language.
Tape recorders. Some people claim to get better results with a reel-to-reel tape recorder than with the more common cassette recorder, which I use. On cassette recorders it's good to have a "cue" or "review" function so that while the recorder is in "play" mode you can press down a bit on the "reverse" or "fast forward" button to move quickly a few inches backward or forward on the tape, then resume playing simply by releasing the "reverse" or "fast forward" button. You can include a mixer in the setup along with a second microphone for your voice.
Computers. Some voice experimenters today are using computers with attached microphones instead of tape recorders. Advantages of the computer include clarity of the voices, immediate playback, reproduction without loss of quality, and easy transportability of sound files to the internet. The drawback of computers is the fact that voice files take up a lot of memory, so each session must be kept short (a few seconds, or at most a few minutes in duration).
Minidisc recorders. Lately I've started using a minidisc recorder instead of a tape recorder. Like computers, minidisc recorders register sound in digital format (breaking down the analog signals into tiny bits of information). The advantages of the minidisc recorder over tape recorders include most of the computer's advantages. Plus, a stereo input allows the use of two microphones, one near the radios and the other dedicated to the voice of the experimenters. Additionally, each minidisc holds 74 minutes of data, so sessions can be quite long.
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