The Mr. X Story
X’s posting in the guestbook:
(With this posting our contact started)Is this a joke or what? Surely nobody falls for all this rubbish? Haven't any of you ever asked yourself why people involved in this generally end up writing a profitable book on it to profit from the gullible that believe in it all. The "evidence" provided on this site alone is completely laughable. Take for instance the pic of the dead Doc Mueller on the front page - it's the same frikkin pic as the alive one, but with his glasses photoshopped off. What a laugh! To the creators of this site: If you are going to try to pull off some elaborate hoax have the decency to acutally employ someone to make your pics look more convincing. And as for the recordings I simply don't know where to begin.
Rolf replied to him in the guestbook:
Hi X,
Your reaction shows that resonance is working perfectly. Something has been touched inside of you. BTW, the same happened to me in 1986 when I started with all this new knowledge. So, I fully understand you. :-) As you might know I am a physicist on the experimental side--used to "hard facts" and figures. But I made experiments myself. And please take into consideration that we are as smart as you are (to say the least :-)). Do you really believe that I / we will use my time to "produce" rubbish?? Should we manipulate pictures only to show something that doesn't exist? We don't like to convince anybody. What we do is to show what happens around the world and we mention our own experiences. Obviously you haven't visited the section "Researchers' Results" yet. I (Rolf) am not that type of person you might think I am. Instead of producing rubbish I would prefer to use my motor bike and have fun while riding. Can you imagine how I felt when I saw that my wife could bend a spoon while I couldn't do that? What do you think of making your own experiments? When you are open minded then surprises might wait for you. :-)
Greetings Rolf
P.S.: BTW, I don't like to write a book because you will find all valuable information for mankind already on paper. Until now this website needs money and time--no profit in money yet. :-)
X replied in the guestbook:
Hi Rolf,
OK, I am open minded otherwise I wouldn't be arriving at a site like this in the first place. However you do have a picture of Mueller on the front page that is so obviously photoshopped I would expect a first year graphics student to spot it. If you wish to maintain any sort of credibility I would suggest that you remove this obvious hoax that someone has sent you.
Rolf replied in the guestbook:
Hi X,
This picture is no hoax. Take time and read the entire story behind it.
X replied in the guestbook:
I believe that you may THINK it isn't a hoax but I can assure you it is - I spend a good deal of my time spotting a lot better hoax pictures than that one. I could go to the trouble of overlaying the two faces over the top of one another if you like, so you see that the shadows appear in the same places. But there is no need to as it is as plain as day. The person who removed the glasses in photoshop didn't didn't bother removing the shadow to the bottom right of the right eye that was caused by the frames of the glasses. School boy error I am afraid.
Rolf sent X an email:
Rolf-Dietmar Ehrhardt
- Germany - (in German)
Hi X,
What do you think of moving this type of discussion to our Forum? Others could take part in that too. I can assure you that these pics were not modified. Do you know in which year these pics were received? The experimenter did not have that type of software (Photoshop).
But when you feel better that this is a hoax--then this okay for you. Let me know whether we should move this thread to the Forum. So each of us can move it so it looks "originally posted".
X sent an email to Rolf:
Feel free to move it to the forum, I was thinking the same - would that mean I have to register in order to copy my posts over? I was using the term photoshop loosely as meaning anything that can edit photos. I have never been involved in photo-touching that hasn't been done on a PC but I am aware of the techniques available to editors going way back when doing it by hand was the only method. Maybe this is why he made such a bad job of it! I can prove almost conclusively that the two pictures are of the same origin. But like you said it would be better in a discussion forum.....
Comment by Rolf: As you see here we agreed upon moving this discussion to the forum. Having moved all postings, there was no need to keep these postings also in the guestbook.
Mark replied in an email:
Rolf sent an email:
X sent Mark an email:
I understand your sentiments - I already answered your colleague and assured him I wasn't on a mission to try and discredit your site as you have spent a lot of time on it. I can tell you categorically though that the pic of mueller is a hoax. You could show that pic to any number of photographic experts (without prejudicing them first by saying its a ghost,) and they will all tell you the same. The two pics are the same, only one of them has had the glasses removed by either a graphic editor or by hand on a print, either way a very simple procedure.
Haven't you stopped to question this yourself? Why would spiritual faces on the telly haev shadows across them anyway?
Mark sent X an email:
I've seen numerous contacts that I know are legitimate that are puzzling. Some resemble earthside pictures. Of course I questioned that picture, and other contacts, but I took the time to research their background before categorically claiming them fraudulent. I'm a very discerning person. I also am familiar with Photoshop and know than any novice could doctor up a picture better than that was done. I've thought long and hard about those blemishes on Mueller's face where he'd worn glasses on Earth, and I have my own opinions on why they're there, but I know for certain they aren't the result of earthside doctoring-up of the photo..
I was a good friend of George Meek who along with O'Neil established initial contact to Mueller through Spiricom, and while I didn't know Adolf Homes (who received that picture through his TV), I am friends with Fritz Malkhoff and Ernst Senkowski, two very honest researchers who were very close friends with Homes, a simple and honest man. They are both intimately familiar with Homes' technique of getting video image through his TV set, and they know that that picture arrived as the other spirit images arrived on his TV set.
That said, you're welcome to hold onto your opinion of spiritual research based on limited knowledge and background of spiritual research, but in my opinion your like the desert boy judging the validity of a mountain lake upon first glance.
Mark Macy
And now X made his posting in the forum:
X sent Rolf an email:
Mark made a posting in the forum:
I replied with a private email:
X, You really should explore the website before making your ultimate judgments. If a child spent his life in a desert and saw a still mountain lake for the first time, he might say that the sky is in the water. I could tell him, no, it’s just a reflection, but he would argue, "I believe that you THINK it isn’t the sky, but I can assure you it is. I’ve spent all my life looking at the sky." Mark M
You sent another private email to me, then I replied to that:
X, I’ve seen numerous contacts that I know are legitimate that are puzzling. Some resemble earthside pictures. Of course I questioned that picture, and other contacts, but I took the time to research their background before categorically claiming them fraudulent. I’m a very discerning person. I also am familiar with Photoshop and know than any novice could doctor up a picture better than that was done. I’ve thought long and hard about those blemishes on Mueller’s face where he’d worn glasses on Earth, and I have my own opinions on why they’re there, but I know for certain they aren’t the result of earthside doctoring-up of the photo.. I was a good friend of George Meek who along with O’Neil established initial contact to Mueller through Spiricom, and while I didn’t know Adolf Homes (who received that picture through his TV), I am friends with Fritz Malkhoff and Ernst Senkowski, two very honest researchers who were very close friends with Homes, a simple and honest man. They are both intimately familiar with Homes’ technique of getting video image through his TV set, and they know that that picture arrived as the other spirit images arrived on his TV set. That said, you’re welcome to hold onto your opinion of spiritual research based on limited knowledge and background of spiritual research, but in my opinion you’re like the desert boy judging the validity of a mountain lake upon first glance.
Mark Macy
And this is where my dialog on this ends. I’ve explained in detail on the website how I know such contacts are legitimate spirit contacts. I have a busy schedule that gives me little extra time to contend with the doubts and fears of all the many skeptics.
Mark Macy
Rolf made a posting in the forum:
X tries 3 times to make the following posting in our guestbook
(which had been set to the moderator status meanwhile):hahahhahahahahhahahaa firstly guestbook entries get deleted when they expose the fraud on this site and then the forums get shut down when people start to explose the fraud going on on this site - whatever happened to freedom of speach. Fucking fraudsters. By the way people - all the material on here has been proved to be fraudulent. Oh - I don't expect this message to last too long either, but there will be another. By the way WorldITC - I am putting my name to the fact that you are a bunch of fraudulent charlatans that are extorting money from the gullible. In my country making such an allegation is libel, for which you could sue me for thousands - so why don't you?
Mark sent an email to X:
X sent an email to Mark:
X sent an email to all posters listed in our guestbook on Jan 10th 2005:
Rolf sent an email to those addresses mentioned on the email list:
Dear visitors of our website,
I can assure you that no information on our site is a fraud. We have not manipulated any information. Some pictures may have been enhanced for sake of contrast.
The best verification or falsification is the own experiment. But as we all know from life: sometimes there is more than one attempt necessary to allow a judgement.
Thank you for your time!
Rolf Ehrhardt
(P.S.: Mark Macy is out of town.)
Forum related information:
Rolf posted this message on the forum:
Subject: Closure
Hi All,
This Forum will be closed for new postings from this moment on-Jan 06, 2005 - 11 a.m. CET and will be deleted in the next days.
Thank you for participating.
Mark posted this message on the forum:
Hi X,
It was getting unwieldy.
Doubters insisting on convincing us and everyone else that the work is phony. People insisting on getting information from us when it is already available on the website. They lack the time or inclination to search and research and want us to give our time to them for this. For us it is like jumping off the ladder everyday and starting from the bottom. Not the best use of our time.
Also, the bickering and dissension work against resonance.
Discussing differences of opinion in order to find common ground is a good thing in general, but our website probably isn't the best forum for that if it causes aggravation and stirs up the adrenaline of many visitors to the site.
Our main aim is to inform and allow people to use our information to grow at their own pace.
Wild dialog works against that, getting people's emotions in turmoil.
So, that's my position.
Here's what Rolf wrote to another visitor:
"We close the Forum because it is not fruitful enough and too much work to deal with all those ideas and feelings. As I see it people are not willing to work--it is easier to talk only. :-) They simply don't read the basics of ITC and in case they read it they don't agree or they don't understand. We can't start every 3 weeks at the bottom again. People might lift their level of information also. "
Thanks for your interest and participation.
Mark Macy
An excerpt from an email to posters who asked why we close the forum:
…. We know that our work is true and honest, as do tens of thousands of others around the world. We've answered you and others like you over and over until, frankly, we get a little sick of it. You have your own doubts to contend with, and you need to resolve them through your own search. It's not our responsibility in life to provide a forum for people with limited knowledge to attack us and our work.
We've laid out (thanks mostly to Rolf) an unprecedented, reliable library which people can use to understand the spirit worlds, as well as the great promise and the obstacles that face us in trying to communicate with them.
If you can listen more than speak, read more than write, then I think you'll get much from
Meanwhile, we're all better off going our separate ways - - Rolf and I in our way, you and other doubters in your way - - and you are welcome to find your own forums from which to attack things you can't accept.
Mark sent (Jan 11th, 2005) an email to many of those who received X’s unsolicited 1/10 email:
First, thanks to X for rounding up the contributors to our Guestbook. To you contributors, thank you for your good comments and your interest in our research.
As far as X’s accusations, of course they’re false, as most of you already know. This isn’t the first time ITC researchers have been attacked for the other-worldly truths they present (which often are hard to understand with terrestrial physics), and I’m sure it won’t be the last. I’ve seen it happen before: Someone stands proudly on the deck of their ship of misconceptions, until the ship collides with the rocks of truth . . . and that collision is inevitable. If the person survives the crash, he finds himself stranded on a beach of truth, and he has to adapt to the new life. Truth is solid and always wins out . . . if not in the history books (which get buried eventually in the sands of time), then in the akashic records which are timeless. The information and contacts on our website are among those rocks of truth, to the very best of my knowledge.
Mark Macy
And with that, hopefully we can all move on in our own directions, getting on with more important business.
Mark Macy & Rolf-D. Ehrhardt
Jan 12, 2005
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