An Electromagnetic-Etheric Systems Approach to Communications
with other Levels of Human Consciousness
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The following material is in no sense intended to be a complete statement on the subjects considered. It is presented only to stimulate the thought of any serious-minded student or scientist who might want to develop his own hypothesis as to how our two-way voice communication with Dr. Mueller is possible. An awareness of the subtle energies discussed here is essential in constructing such an hypothesis.
Considerations Regarding the Ether
History has shown time and again that important scientific discoveries generally happen only when one steps outside his regular discipline and looks at something from a fresh point of view. Then what should have been obvious all along comes into focus.
Capt. Edgar D. Mitchell
American Astronaut
While present knowledge of the nature of ether is woefully limited, we categorically state that before the modus operandi of a SPIRICOM - type of apparatus is understood, science will have to open a new window. Science must recognize that what is involved is an electromagnetic-etheric and/or electromagnetic-psychic system of communication. Only by a vast expansion of knowledge of ether and psychic energy "fields" will it be possible to move from the obviously primitive devices reported herein (Mark III and IV) to advanced systems for communication with what we currently refer to as "mental and causal planes consciousness."
The concept of an all-pervading sea of ether has had an on-again-off-again history. In the early 19th century when the wave theory of light was postulated, a carrier seemed to be necessary and was designated as the mythical ether. This was conceived as a "fluid" penetrating all matter and being at rest in the universe, or dragged along at somewhat less speed than matter itself.
When, at the start of this century the renowned English physicist, Sir William Crookes, did serious psychic research with spiritualistic mediums and also espoused the concept of a sea of ether, he was almost ostracized by his fellow members of the Royal Academy on both counts.
Later the famed Michelson-Morley experiment was thought to have disproved the ether theory. It merely seemed to disprove the existence of a measurable ether drift -- or drag. But this deduction was as invalid as if someone today declared he had disproved the existence of the atmosphere surrounding our earth, having arrived at this conclusion because his inadequate instrumentation could not measure any wind!
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Dr. H.C. Dudley in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. January 1975, under the title, "Michelson's Hunch was Right," wrote:
Michelson and Morley centered their attention on the Earth's orbital velocity (30 km/second). They had no knowledge of the existence of galaxies; of motions of galaxies in relation to each other; or the motion of our solar system in our galaxy ... Their negative results are explainable on the basis of pre-1900 classical mechanics, so provide no proof of the absence of the ether or Louis de Broglie's "subquantic medium."
Thus the limited information available to Michelson and Einstein is emphasised by recent findings.
And Dr. Dudley continues:
In fact, 1929 saw Michelson still attempting to experimentally demonstrate the ether, which his intuition and reason told him ought to be present.
Today most persons are largely unaware that the ether concept began to be seriously examined by two of physics' most notable theoreticians, Paul Diras in 1951 and de Broglie in 1959, both Nobel laureates. The ether is now being called the "nutrino sea" by astrophysicists, and has been characterized as an energy-rich particulate, subquantic medium. A rather voluminous literature on the subject is accumulating as indicated by a recent review, "The Cosmic Nutrino," with 665 references covering only the period 1955-1972 ... It appears that an open-minded examination of this area of physics is long overdue in order to open up new avenues of approach to this pressing problem.
Michelson, Dirac and de Broglie were not the only Nobel prize winners in favor of a reexamination of the ether question. Others were Stark , Arrhenius, A. H. Compton Lenard, H. Yukawa and Frederick Soddy, the British scientist who, during the convention of Nobel laureates in Lindau, 1954, described the current dogmas in physics as "an orgy of amateur-physics" and "arrogant swindle" -- with particular emphasis on the theory of relativity. ("The Wider Aspects of Atomic Disintegration," New World Publications, St. Stephens House, Westminster S.W.I.)
It remained largely unknown, even among physicists, that Einstein himself had serious doubts. In 1949 he wrote to his old friend, Solovine, who had congratulated him on his 70th birthday.
Now you thin that I am looking back at my life's work with calm satisfaction. But on closer look, it is quite different. There is not a single concept of which I am convinced that it will stand firm and I am not sure if I was on the right track after all.
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A Canadian scientist in a private communication stated:
The Myths around Einstein are not of his making as he himself often questioned his own conclusions, and I felt he was quite aware of his own limitations, which others were covering up. The physicists protect their members in much the same way the medical profession protects its own.
Einstein's illustrious contemporary, Nobel prize winner Max Planck, during a lecture in Florence, Italy, once made a truly remarkable statement which describes the problem facing the physicist today:
As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear-headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as the result of my research about the atoms, this much:
All matter originates and exists only because by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and hold this most minute solar system of the atom together ... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter. *
This is precisely the situation that faces any contemporary scientist who attempts to investigate the fantastically complex energy problems involved in SPIRICOM research. He will soon find it impossible to explain our repeated "loud and clear" two-way conversations with the "dead" Dr. Mueller, within the framework of the four recognized types of energy. He may also find that it is necessary to at last face up to what is now becoming known on the subject of "energy fields."
* It is of interest to observe that Meek-Tiller-McCausland were unaware of this view of Planck when in 1975 they created Fig. 18A, shown in chapter 4 of this book. If you will look at the bottom line of type you will see that this point is crucial to an understanding of the basis of holistic health and healing practices.
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