Part # 5 of 5 (each about 130 KB in size) |
Perhaps the most helpful thing I can do is share information which has come from wise old souls who have already traveled much further along life's highway than I have. That is, persons who are currently dwelling on what we call Mental and Causal Planes. The information which they supply is summarized in this photo which points to the proven path for individual self development. Do these admonitions sound familiar? They certainly do! They are basically a summary of points first presented 2500 years ago in the 8-fold path of Buddha, and 500 years later in the Sermon on the Mount by Jesus. Our communicators from the Mental and Causal Planes tell us that this is the only time-proven, safe, sure, quick and enjoyable route for each soul to travel now and through out the coming centuries. |
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Another question relates to the same general subject. One of our early listeners said, "I am miserable and unhappy. Will everything be better after I die?" |
Now let us consider the controversial subject of reincarnation. Some of you may feel as Leroy does in this cartoon. |
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Perhaps I should put my personal experience on record. I grew up in a strictly orthodox mid-western Christian Protestant denomination. During the decades of study, searching and world travel, I continued to reject the concept of reincarnation. Not until I was well past the age of 60 had I assembled sufficient knowledge to change my views. Not until I had logged hundreds of hours of voice contact with beings now actually alive in the worlds of Spirit, did I find the evidence overwhelming and convincing. Only then did my conscious mind accept the evidence so that I could be comfortable with the concept of reincarnation and become personally convinced of its reality. |
We might call this diagram, "The Original Recycling Plant." In recent years as the world's raw materials have become scarce and high in price, there has been a trend to ward recycling. In the past we sent vast quantities of material to the dump or incinerator. Today we have started to reclaim some items. We carefully gather beer and soda cans and sell them back to the mill. At the recycling plant they are melted and molded into ingots. Similar recycling plants are set up for newspapers, shipping cartons and many other useful and increasingly valuable materials. Has it not occurred to you that if death is the end of us, our Creator's plan is a very wasteful one? What, in all the world, is more precious than your very own soul? Stop for a moment and think about it. Do you have any material item which is any more valuable than your own self, your soul? Does it make any sense to think that an all-wise Creator is going to send your precious soul to the dump, the graveyard of your dreams, the incinerator? Science, in this century, has shown that energy cannot be destroyed-that it can only be changed from one state of vibration to another. What could be more logical than the recycling of your soul? |
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[If you find the foregoing material on reincarnation objectionable, that is perfectly OK. Your belief or disbelief regarding this, or any other subject will not prevent you from living forever! When you someday reside on a Higher Astral Plane, you will have opportunities to learn more about the subject and enlarge your perspective.] |
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In closing, I call your attention to the vertical yellow arrow with the words, "The Purpose of Life: Continuing Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Growth." Literally, the sky is the limit. With the help of insights provided by the material in this booklet, you can clearly understand why you must stop thinking of yourself as a body with a soul. You must always think of yourself as a soul only temporarily occupying a physical body. The opportunity for the soul to continue to grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually, is unlimited. YOU HAVE ENDLESS AND EXCITING HORIZONS IN ALL THE CENTURIES AHEAD. |
I hope that from now on when you see a rainbow you will be reminded that it is seven colors of light energy in vibration. The lower As we continue to grow in consciousness by further developing mentally, emotionally and spiritually; we are figuratively "climbing the rainbow." |
I hope that you, like Snoopy, now have a better understanding of |
********************* Yes, there is a funeral at the end of the present road. But now you understand the seeming magic by which soul and mind, memory banks and personality will be very much alive. YOU are going to be living forever. ----------------------------------------------- * Another book listed therein, As We See It From Here by the Holmes Research Team, goes an important step further. It provides perspectives which can only be obtained by those who have already walked through the door we call death and now want to share their findings with those of us who are still occupants of the earth plane. |
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