The quintessence is a concentrate of conclusions generated by the attempt to boil down all acquired knowledge to its essence after studying Eastern and Western philosophy and religion.
We have “tested”, “checked” and “double-checked” this quintessence on ourselves, our friends and family and within the accessible, comprehensible world and its events. Thus we were able to note that all events, be they positive or negative, can be explained by this quintessence. Please note that explaining events does not mean approving them.
Long discussions and detailed information are usually necessary regarding every point of this quintessence and there is a large offer of courses and seminars about them.
Our suggestion:
Be honest to yourself and check if this quintessence also applies to you.
1. Nothing on this Earth has been especially created for the sake of mankind, be it in the mineral, vegetal or animal world. Man has only learned more or less quickly how to use and/or exploit nature (energies for all purposes, food, etc.).
But man’s existence on Earth depends on other life forms to support it (i.e. find work, a home and food, transformation of energies, etc.).
2. If a man wishes to live an ethically higher life, he should try to cause as little damage as possible by his mere existence. This damage can be physical or psychological.
3. In order to do as little harm as possible, the following word of wisdom can help:
Don’t do to anyone else what you don’t want him to do to you.
According to his level of realization or conscience or sympathy or will, man can consider the vegetal, animal and mineral world as “someone else”. If this wisdom was an actual way of living, a lot of misery would vanish from this Earth and even the environment would be treated better.
4. The point where his development starts is different for every man because of the variety of conditions in which everyone comes to this Earth – genetics, family (or substitute), educational environment. It is the state of the person’s conscience, which can (and should) change with time, his will and aptitudes that determine the way he thinks, feels, acts and expresses himself.
5. This should be the basis for every man’s life on Earth:
Live in a way that makes you content, possibly happy,
without harming too much other forms of existence living together with you.
6. It is exclusively man’s thoughts, with the resulting words and actions, which produce the according consequences and determine the course of his life.
7. Even in conditions that one may or may not have provoked, one should act according to the following principle:
May God give me the force to change the things I can change;
to accept the things I cannot change
and the wisdom to distinguish them from one another.
According to one’s religion or sensitivity, the word “God” can be replaced by other expressions (great spirit, infinite sprit, omnipotence, higher intelligence, creator, eternal source of energy, Manitou, etc.).
One could also say: I pray for the force to change things…
This principle exists in various forms, for instance:
Accept and let go! Things are the way they are and I accept them.
8. Transforming these thoughts into actions (which is the only thing that matters in life) can be seen difficult or nearly impossible, depending on every man’s possibilities.
9. Every human being eager to change his life in a way he considers as positive can take full advantage of the large existing literature, according to his belief and personal interests. He can extend his knowledge and make discoveries (and eventually deepen them). He can thus find his own way to practice point 5.
10. A change in every man and eventually of mankind as a whole starts with every single person. How could anybody believe he could change other people if he lacks the will to change his or her self?
What you wish others to do for you, do it for them first.
Understanding, change and thus peace start at the level of the single person. Or they don’t start at all.
11. In the impossibility, for whatever reasons, to live according to point 5, one feels sooner or later a growing discomfort. If this indisposition is accepted as unavoidable instead of being stopped, it will result in physical problems, including psychological diseases.
The only possibility to change this situation, which is considered as unpleasant by oneself, is the practice of point 7.
An escape into drugs of whatever kind only delays the decision that must be made.
This decision is:
“ On the basis of my means and possibilities and taking in account my genetics, education, (social) environment and experiences, do I wish to become a joyful (maybe happy) man? If I am not joyful yet: what am I willing to do for a change? ”
12. Each man should be entirely convinced of this:
Everything has a cause and an effect! Or: Nothing comes from nothing!
I will harvest what I sowed (thoughts, words and acts).
If I want to obtain or achieve something, I have to give something in exchange (most if the times at first): be it time, money, understanding and/or patience, etc.!
I have to judge if the aim I want to reach justifies the necessary effort at this particular moment or within this particular time span and by respecting point 5.
Nov 2004
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