The Theory of Reality
Or why, if we understand Reality, the Theory of Everything is an impossibility.
Or how to establish basic principles that clarify physical, mental and paraphysical phenomena,
and to dispose of concepts such as non-locality, placebo and chance.
by Rinaldo Lampis, Italy
Science no longer identifies reality with the physical universe,
for mind and consciousness belong to the unseen world.
Sir Arthur Eddington
The aim of this paper is to establish basic principles that:
Define a comprehensive Reality – also called Complete Reality – independent of scientific discoveries and individual perceptions, which is composed of “visible” as well as of “invisible” parts;
Show that, in Physics, the idea of non-locality is no longer necessary; and that the concept of independent observer an impossibility;
Point out, in Medicine, to a different way of perceiving and treating physical and mental problems, and indicate the unreliability of the placebo concept;
Introduce paranormal phenomena into the mainstream of Physics.
The introduction of basic principles (energy / vibration / resonance / systems) in the theory will allow a description of Reality as a simple continuum of elements. Thus defined, Complete Reality will contain all elements, with no element existing outside of it.
The advantage of the Reality approach is that both “physical” and “non-physical” elements can be similarly described, becoming undistinguishable as far as the treatment goes. That is, a physical process will be “seen” by this approach in the same manner as mental or paranormal (physically unexplainable) processes; the only difference being of an energetic/vibrational nature. So defined, the Theory will be able to explain the formation, interaction and evolution of all the elements belonging to Complete Reality. It will also be seen that the Principle of Emergence can be used both to support the Theory and be itself the Theory. Indeed, Reality could be considered as the total, final Emergence.
Key words: energy, vibration, systems’ resonance, paranormal phenomena, emergence, reductionism, non-locality, placebo, invisible world.
By physical world we mean all those elements of the physical world, as we commonly know it, that we are able to quantify through some kind of measurement. They can be natural or man-made objects; visible (as a tree or a car) as well as invisible ones (as an elementary particle or a radio wave).
By invisible or subtle world we mean every element beyond the ordinary physical world as defined above. That includes thoughts and emotions of whatever kind, plus the full range of paranormal and “supernatural” phenomena. By Total or Complete Reality we mean the sum total of the elements of the physical and invisible worlds. To fully grasp the completeness of Total Reality it should be clearly understood that, by definition, no element that the mind can perceive or conceive could exist outside Reality.
Trying to describe the workings of Complete Reality seems at first an impossible task, as we aim to join together all measurable, concrete elements belonging to our physical world, to qualities and manifestations of the subtle/invisible world, which are often more elusive to grasp than a fistful of water.
But the difficulty resides only in the perspective (the proximity) with which we analyze reality. In order to solve the problem, an educated and alert mind should accept:
a) |
The reality of the fundamental natural laws that guide everyday life, like gravity and electromagnetism, and the physical, chemical and biological laws whose discovery and employ have generated in Man some understanding of the workings of physical reality; |
b) |
That the material, physical nature is only the “terminal station” of energy; the concrete precipitation of subtler energies. That, beyond the material world, lie ever-subtler aspects of nature, which surround, envelope and interact with the physical world; |
c) |
That, because of this continuous interaction, nature has not a static behavior, as presently interpreted by observers, but is endowed by a dynamic behavior. That is, it is in a state of perennial “becoming”, with energy continuously oscillating between its higher vibrational nature and its matter form. The oscillation (rhythm) is necessary, for instance, in plant and animal generation and explains the functioning of homeopathy. The approach of Emergence, which will be dealt with further on, is beginning to reveal this mechanism. |
d) |
That physical nature is thus only the “tip of the iceberg” of this energy manifestation, which expresses itself in an energy continuum. |
The reductionist approach of the Greeks (the theory that reduces complex data or phenomena to simple terms) has produced some marvelous scientific results. Indeed it has served us well. Certainly, without the simplifications made, we wouldn’t have been able to describe in a useful way the complex reality in which we live. The technological conquests made possible by the reductionist method have improved considerably our quality of life and deepened our understanding of physical Nature. But, as we proceeded with its exploration, we have come to realize that the method provides only coarse approximations to the real, complete nature of the elements observed. For instance, it is not suited to describe holography, entanglement or the behavior of the mind, and it doesn’t recognize or predict emergent physical phenomena – manifestations in matter regulated by higher organizing principles.
In view of the ever-widening gap between theory and observed reality, it appears obvious that the reductionist ideal has reached its limits as a guiding principle, as Nobel laureate Robert Laughlin suggests [1]. Many researchers and scientists must understand this truth, or risk to be left behind by history. They must declassify reductionism from its present status of scientific dogma to the status of method, the way it was originally meant to be.
[1] R. B. Laughlin and David Pines, The Theory of Everything, PNAS, Vol. 97, p. 28. |
To describe as faithfully as possible Reality, what it’s needed instead is an approach that includes as many variables as possible [2]. This is the approach here followed.
[2] Even a Theory of Everything cannot be seriously formulated if it doesn’t take into account the energies of the invisible world and their interactions among themselves and with the physical world. |
The Foundations of the Theory
The fundamental supposition on which the Theory lays, is that Reality needs to manifest itself (emerge) out of an energy continuum, of infinite dimension, into which it is fully immersed. We can begin by stating that:
All elements of the Universe are composed of vibrating energy;
This energy spreads out and interacts with itself in an infinite continuum [3].
[3] “Recognition is given today, by thinkers, to the factual nature of energy. Energy is now regarded as all that IS. The physical manifestation is the manifestation of the sea of energies, some of which are built into forms, others constitute the medium in which those forms live and move and have their being, and still others are in the process of animating both the forms and their surrounding, substantial media. It must also be remembered that forms exist within forms; this is symbolized in the intricate carved ivory balls of the Chinese craftsmen, where ball within ball is to be discovered, all elaborately carved and all free and yet confined. As an example, the human body in a room is a form within a form; that room is itself a form within a house, and that house (another form) is one of many similar houses, together composing a still larger form. Yet all these diverse forms are composed of tangible substance which - when coordinated and brought together by some recognized design or idea in the mind of some thinker - creates a material form. This tangible substance is composed of living energies, vibrating in relation to each other, yet owning their own quality and their own qualified life”. Alice Bailey, Telepathy and the etheric vehicle, Lucis Trust Publishing. |
By element we intend a distinct part of the whole that can be identified by the mind, like an object or a concept.
By energy we intend a force, a tension that arises where energy manifests itself. Energy is never at rest (it perennially moves and vibrates), manifesting an infinite variety of expressions and intensities. Because of the richness of its activity, it displays a sort of “pressure” on everything, meaning that it has the tendency to fill with itself the smallest void.
By continuum we intend an energetic, coherent whole; a sequence/progression of values or of energetic elements that vary continuously by small, stepwise differences. The stepwise behavior is noted, for instance, in the microscopic world by the quantum laws. The growth of a flower or a plant, the chromatic scale, or the differentiation of animals (even between human beings and apes) are other examples of stepwise behavior.
Although the stepwise behavior must exist, the steps must be sufficiently small to maintain the continuum. Marked divisions that arise from the apparent binary nature of reality, such as visible/invisible, high/low, one/zero are simply energy polarities embedded in the continuum. For example, the concepts of visible and invisible exist in separate parts of the same continuum; they simply describe two aspects of the same Reality.
Visible |
Invisible |
continuum | continuum | continuum | continuum |
The fundamental supposition of the existence of an energetic, stepwise continuum, although not excessively demanding to our rational mind, is pregnant with strange (to say the least) implications, which will be dealt with in a short while. For the moment, taking the continuum as having a “physical” basis, we can state that the invisible aspect of Nature “must” exist and that the energy transition from visible to invisible must be gradual, because of the stepwise behavior of the continuum. Historically, we could make a reasonable analogy of the visible/invisible continuum with the acceptance, within mathematics, of both arithmetic (composed by only positive numbers) and algebra (holding both positive and negative numbers).
The existence of the invisible aspect of reality shows also in human affairs and thought; we notice it in the so-called dematerialization of the economy, in the idea of “navigating” into cyberspace, or in the attempt at formulating multidimensional theories. It seems evident that, the more we will continue to explore aspects of reality, the more we will understand that the final, physical results are always generated by some immaterial forms. The objects observed could be human works, “materialized” under the impulse of thoughts, or natural structures, that acquired their form and function by reason of immaterial energetic impulses. With this perception, the creation of a flower or of a human being comes thus from similar laws and sequences.
We can generalize by saying that, within the continuum, an immaterial, energetic matrix underlies all formative procedures. The incorporation of this reality into Man’s mental processes will allow for a qualitatively superior observation of the workings of Nature.
3) | Energy is structured into systems; |
4) |
Systems of similar energy or vibration are in resonant or semi-resonant communication among themselves. The interaction enables them to assemble into new, more evolved structures. |
5) | There are no isolated systems. |
By system we intend a vibrating energy aggregate, sufficiently complex to differentiate itself from its surroundings. The definition of system includes, for instance, subatomic particles, molecules, cells, animal organs and forms, people, and natural and artificial physical structures, both visible and invisible, such as grains of sand, states of matter, man-made objects, suns, thoughts, memories and abstract concepts.
Any two or more systems having a similar vibratory construction possess the ability to communicate (resonate) with each other. Therefore, not only musical instruments and radio apparatuses can communicate among themselves, but also similar physical/mental/emotional systems existing between people or in crowds. Furthermore, similar memories and behaviors in animals or Man can share their own structures to build more evolved systems, instincts, thoughts, and collective memories.
Regarding point (5), since any structure (system) is an assembly of simpler systems, there is always some resonance between the simpler systems that make up the larger structures. We can thus state that all systems are in communication with themselves, whether we are dealing with telepathy, man/machine interfaces, a vacuum chamber surrendering to outside pressure, or an iron bar that rusts itself away [4].
[4] It is possible to artificially isolate a system from other systems, but only for short periods of time. Consciousness can sometimes accomplish this by isolating the mind from its surroundings, such as during concentration. In Physics, the phenomenon of entanglement (resonance) of simple particles is possible because the experimenter is careful to isolate the particle system from the influence of all other systems. On the opposite side, we have extreme cases in which Consciousness is able to cause resonance with systems, external to the physical body, whose interaction is not normally available to the average person. We have then the ability to absorb energies that sustain the physical body without any food intake (Therese Neumann, the Breatharians), without breathing (Fakirs), or by manifesting stigmata thought-forms (Saint Francis, Padre Pio). |
We notice an example of resonance between different systems in the “theory of signatures”, in which the appearance or quality of natural objects indicate its utility in medicine. For instance, there is a similarity between a walnut and the human brain; therefore, the theory states, there are principles in the nut that are beneficial to the brain.
But Complete Reality does not deal only with the material manifestation; it also postulates the existence of a boundless, subtler world. In this vast expanse of seething energy, variously structured in countless levels, also reside energies such as instincts, emotions, thought-forms and archetypes. Thought-forms are the most important systems as far as mankind is concerned. Their continuous interactions cause a steady modification of the component systems, resulting in the creation of new thoughts that often outlive the older ones. By this evolution an individual and mankind progresses.
The invisible world’s stepwise existence in the continuum, by force, gives rise to some unexpected qualities and elements. The following are but a few of them.
Mental Systems. Phenomena like telepathy, clairaudience and clairvoyance are just different aspects of resonant mechanisms between people (telepathy and clairaudience) or between a person and a physical structure (clairvoyance). The claim of someone of being able to “see into the future” is simply an attempt by the person’s mind to resonate with the dynamic evolution of existing systems [5].
[5] Attempts by science to study the man/machine interface have shown already an incontrovertible influence of man’s thoughts over some simple machine – see, for instance, the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research, Princeton University, USA; and the IGPP ( Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene) in Freiburg, Germany. Now that a link between the two elements has been proven, it should be scientifically more rewarding to study the wider mind/matter interface as glaringly shown, for instance, by the Filipino psychic healers. See Alfred Stelter, Psi-Healing, Bantam Books; and George W. Meek, Healers, Theosophical Publishing House. |
Hierarchies of Beings. Given that the quality of energy in the continuum must vary by small, stepwise amounts [6], the boundary visible/invisible and the vast expanse of the invisible world must be “peopled” by an elevated number and variety of “beings”. They vary from elementary manifestations, dimly conscious, to semi-sentient to sentient to super-sentient kind of entities [7,8].
[6] If the amounts of variation were not small, the energy “pressure” would fill the empty gaps, and the stepwise behavior of nature would force manifestation to be of a “small, stepwise nature”. We also know, from Physics, that Nature abhors continuous manifestations (i.e., a light ray or the flow of a river possess a stepwise nature). |
[7] We must remember that our perception of sentient or semi-sentient entities is only given by the different complexity of the mental structures encountered. The necessity for the existence of a variety of beings follows from the “small, stepwise nature” already explained: because of the existence of Man, there must exist a long evolutionary scale of other beings at either side of the scale. |
[8] It must be understood that the invisible world itself is not a “location”, but an infinite assembly of states of energy, which must express themselves in “small, stepwise changes”. Its “dwellers” reside in it according to the level of their own energy systems. |
Using the western, Christian terminology, we can name some of them as positive and negative spirits, nature spirits, souls, spirit guides, angels and Archangels. There exist also great hierarchies of guiding intelligences endlessly extending on the ladder of life.
On the borderline of the visible we have instead semi-material, fringe “animals” like the Yeti, the Sasquatch and the Loch Ness “monster”. Their natural territory spans both the visible and the invisible world. A small, instinctual change of their vibratory system makes them cross the boundary. Their permanence in our visible world is facilitated when the energy systems in which they move are similar to their own.
Resonance with other Beings.
Since in Complete Reality there are no isolated systems, often there are interactions (resonances) between entities of the invisible world and human thought-forms. Many have heard of communications of higher beings and saints with spiritually-minded people; there is also a much more frequent but less known interaction, if not intrusion, that takes place between the inhabitants of the subtle world and the unaware average person. The extent of the interference depends on the mental make-up of the human, but generally it pervades many human activities and structures. From Man’s point of view, these dwellers can also be seen as thought-forms of different complexities; some sort of mental interference that increases the amount of difficulty experienced in a person’s life. In extreme cases these interactions might be responsible for a physical disease (some of which are now vaguely classified by doctors as having “miasmic” or “psychoneuronal” causes); while in other cases they are responsible for mental illnesses [9]. Recent experiments have shown that appropriate procedures can remove these interferences from the person’s system.
[9] In the practice of so-called “black magic”, some misguided individuals purposefully “call” on negative entities to interfere physically with a person. The immediate results obtained depend on the skills of the perpetrators and on the mental structure of the targeted person. But, once a resonance with those kinds of sentient energies is established, the final result is invariably the mental “cannibalizing” of the perpetrators, done by the negative entities contacted. |
Non-Locality and the Disappearance of Space.
Curiously, by using resonance as the fundamental manner of communication between invisible systems, the concept of distance disappears. The only requisite being the systems’ vibratory similarity, not how far apart they are located. Entanglement and telepathy are two examples of the mechanism. The concept of non-locality becomes therefore redundant, as is the need to use space to describe a system. Structures so expressed have the quality of being present in any point of the Universe, as far as another system of similar vibrational attributes is concerned. This aspect of Nature has been mentioned already in old Veda scriptures.
Placebo Effect and the Attitude of the Experimenter.
Another consequence of resonance is the “interference” that an experimenter always exerts on any system towards which he/she directs his/her attention. The concept is known already in Quantum Theory. In our context, it relates to the tainting of the results of any research or observation with an “imprinting” related to the experimenter’s attitudes. This aspect has been noticed in studying the “memory” of water, and in the fluctuating performance of psychics while in the presence of favorable or hostile observers [10].
[10] Alfred Stelter, Psi-Healing, Bantam Books. |
For the same reason, the reliability of the idea of placebo is no longer scientifically tenable, since the very act of its application causes a transmission of information (a resonance) among the people involved and the quality of the “pills” used. This mechanism has also been observed experimentally [11].
[11] Rupert Sheldrake, Experimenter Effects in Scientific Research: How Widely Are They Neglected? Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 12, No.1, pp. 73-78, 1998. |
Obviously, Complete Reality does not allow for chance to exist. In Totality there are only interactions of systems, with the strongest prevailing over the weaker ones. Even a lottery win or a car accident are caused by interacting forces, whose final resultant is what actually happens. For instance, supposing that the overall slant of mankind is towards goodness, during the Cold War it wouldn’t have been possible that a “mad sergeant” could have pushed the launch buttons of some nuclear ICBMs, starting “by chance” a nuclear holocaust. It just there was at any time neither enough energy nor systems’ resonance to have caused that reality. While the use of little energy of elevated resonance used in the September 11 terrorist attacks is still reverberating around the world.
Continuous Creation, the Law of Conservation of Matter and the Zero Point.
We have seen already that the pressure that energy exerts all around “space” (that is, itself), does not allow for energy gaps [12]. This force accounts for the blossoming of flowers as for the evolution of thoughts, or for the expansion of the Universe. The pressure of manifestation (as also noted in Emergence) is such that it can be stated that continuous creation flows from each point of Reality. In the organic world, this energy is used directly (see also [4]), or it is transformed into matter, if the working element so needs it (many experiments have shown this mechanism at work in the plant and animal kingdoms [13]). We can therefore state that the law of conservation of matter (and of energy) does not apply to the organic kingdom. This energy can be also directly extracted for useful purposes from the visible/invisible interface (because of its tapping point, it is called zero-point energy) [14]. Generally speaking, the zero point is the great physical divide that governs the transformation of energy into matter and vice versa [15].
[12] The energy pressure is also surmised indirectly by the endless quality of its manifestations. It is a concept derived by the old saying: “Nature abhors a vacuum”. |
[4] It is possible to artificially isolate a system from other systems, but only for short periods of time. Consciousness can sometimes accomplish this by isolating the mind from its surroundings, such as during concentration. In Physics, the phenomenon of entanglement (resonance) of simple particles is possible because the experimenter is careful to isolate the particle system from the influence of all other systems. On the opposite side, we have extreme cases in which Consciousness is able to cause resonance with systems, external to the physical body, whose interaction is not normally available to the average person. We have then the ability to absorb energies that sustain the physical body without any food intake (Therese Neumann, the Breatharians), without breathing (Fakirs), or by manifesting stigmata thought-forms (Saint Francis, Padre Pio). |
[13] Rudolf Hauschka, The Nature of Substance, Sophia Books; and Louis C. Kervran, Biological Transmutations, Swan House Publishing Co. |
[14] The type of energy extracted depends on the resonant apparatus used. We have therefore electrical, magnetic, anti-gravity, etc. energy. See Moray, B. King, Quest for Zero Point Energy, Adventures Unlimited Press. |
[15] The phenomenon of the reversal of matter into energy is known to occur also to few lucky individuals, who are able to “dematerialize” the bodily waste present in their systems, without recurring to the usual methods employed by the rest of humanity. |
Emergence and Morphogenic Fields.
The Theory of Reality has been formulated by using general observations and few, simple concepts. What other observed facts could support the Theory? At present, the closest sustainer is the Principle of Emergence formulated by Robert Laughlin, who comments: Solids and liquids sometimes play host to strange entities that bear little resemblance to the atoms making up the substance...What we call reality is a spontaneous phenomenon, emerging like a wave out of some forever unknowable cosmic medium...The underlying nature of reality is hidden from us. Everything is emergent....[16]. The Hypothesis suggests that higher formative principles dwell in matter; that the sympathetic resonance existing inside matter’s systems cause the emergence – in liquids and solids – of properties which are strikingly different than those that characterize their isolated elements. Interestingly, these higher principles are not derivable by the reductionist method.
[16] What Lies Beneath, New Scientist, pp. 24-27, 9 February 2002. |
Naturally, matter is the coarsest, slowest-vibrational manifestation of energy. The simple organizing principles now isolated by Laughlin indicate a modus operandi of energy; they are certainly the forerunners of more complex energy organizations to be discovered (such as the self-organizing properties that arise from single-cell reproduction, and the formative principles that transform energy into matter and form). Indeed, it can be said that not only the Principle helps to explain the Theory, but that Reality itself is the Total, final emergence.
Looking at the subtle world, another support to the Theory comes from Rupert Sheldrake’s concept of morphogenic fields. It postulates the existence of systems, which function as matrices in which are nested instincts, group behavior, memories and archetypes.
Many agree that the way we perceive important concepts such as life, nature or reality is not objective but subjective. Our perception of things depends from the way we have been thought to “see” the world. By changing the angle of view, we will automatically change the perception. This is the aim of the Theory, but we are aware that, for many, its acceptance is equivalent to a leap into an unfamiliar limbo. If someone has defined the workings of the zero-point as a mutant strain of non-linear physics [17], the Theory of Reality could risk to be described as a total aberration!
[17] Nick Cook, The Hunt for Zero Point, Arrow Books. |
But reason must always prevail. We cannot ignore the existence in nature of simple evolutionary laws that apply to all organisms – including science – and the lessons that the past has given us. For instance, when people were trying to understand the Solar System with algebra and geometry, they could only describe the planet’s orbits. To understand what was actually happening took calculus. Also, we shouldn’t forget the epochal change that happened in mankind’s visual perception, when Piero della Francesca’s tri-dimensional drawing perspective was introduced. Before that, the eyes of Man were accustomed to see a flat, bi-dimensional world, as shown by painters like Giotto.
The Theory is only proposing a more detached view of the Place in which our Consciousness is spacing; it is meant to be a more holistic kind of Physics. On the other hand, we must accept the fact that all theories, including the present one, are only approximations to the Truth. Only if Man had an infinite mind he/she would be able to grasp Total Reality. By just verbalizing something, we have already approximated it. Math comes closer, but it isn’t either, because Nature has too many domains from which it emanates. As for the Theory of Everything, its inherent open-ended outer edges (that is, its determination not to take into account subtle or mental phenomena) doesn’t allow us to take it too seriously.
It remains to be seen which, of all theories, is the better approximation. What seems to be experimentally sound is that the Universe is more correctly seen in terms of interacting wholes. The fact that Emergence appears only in systems indicates that the Principle is working in a holistic regimen.
The transition from the science of the past, so intimately linked to reductionism, to a systemic vision of Nature might be slow but is unstoppable. By using a simple, holistic approach, the Theory of Reality is able to create new, unsuspecting links among different aspects of Nature and to confirm old, controversial ones. It allows us to part with well-established, old-physics concepts such as locality, chance and placebo and to confirm the sound, physical base of controversial aspects of science like homeopathy and the memory of water. Because of its open-ended structure, it ties indissolubly the researcher to the elements observed, relating Consciousness to interference, and disposing of the idea of impartial observation.
By its very nature, it also requires the presence in its folds of all sorts of phenomena, especially those – “paranormal” ones – arbitrarily excluded by science for lack of a theory that would approve of their existence. All this in spite of the overwhelming physical evidence to the contrary [18]. Now these phenomena can be brought into the mainstream of science. Recent subtle-world research methods are already allowing for an unprecedented penetration into the workings of the invisible world; it is hoped that its exploration will be done with the greatest care and according to the highest ethical principles.
[18] Certainly, there is no theory in reductionism which is able to explain Padre Pio’s stigmata. |
Moreover, the studies that a new approach allow will hopefully help to shed more light into those highest organizing principles called Life and Consciousness, and to uncover their role in the establishment of Complete Reality. As time goes by, it will be ever more meaningful to Man the old maxim:
1. R. B. Laughlin and David Pines, The Theory of Everything, PNAS, Vol. 97, p. 28.
2. Even a Theory of Everything cannot be seriously formulated if it doesn’t take into account the energies of the invisible world and their interactions among themselves and with the physical world.
3. “Recognition is given today, by thinkers, to the factual nature of energy. Energy is now regarded as all that IS. The physical manifestation is the manifestation of the sea of energies, some of which are built into forms, others constitute the medium in which those forms live and move and have their being, and still others are in the process of animating both the forms and their surrounding, substantial media. It must also be remembered that forms exist within forms; this is symbolized in the intricate carved ivory balls of the Chinese craftsmen, where ball within ball is to be discovered, all elaborately carved and all free and yet confined. As an example, the human body in a room is a form within a form; that room is itself a form within a house, and that house (another form) is one of many similar houses, together composing a still larger form. Yet all these diverse forms are composed of tangible substance which - when coordinated and brought together by some recognized design or idea in the mind of some thinker - creates a material form. This tangible substance is composed of living energies, vibrating in relation to each other, yet owning their own quality and their own qualified life”. Alice Bailey, Telepathy and the etheric vehicle, Lucis Trust Publishing.
4. It is possible to artificially isolate a system from other systems, but only for short periods of time. Consciousness can sometimes accomplish this by isolating the mind from its surroundings, such as during concentration. In Physics, the phenomenon of entanglement (resonance) of simple particles is possible because the experimenter is careful to isolate the particle system from the influence of all other systems. On the opposite side, we have extreme cases in which Consciousness is able to cause resonance with systems, external to the physical body, whose interaction is not normally available to the average person. We have then the ability to absorb energies that sustain the physical body without any food intake (Therese Neumann, the Breatharians), without breathing (Fakirs), or by manifesting stigmata thought-forms (Saint Francis, Padre Pio).
5. Attempts by science to study the man/machine interface have shown already an incontrovertible influence of man’s thoughts over some simple machine – see, for instance, the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research, Princeton University, USA; and the IGPP ( Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene) in Freiburg, Germany. Now that a link between the two elements has been proven, it should be scientifically more rewarding to study the wider mind/matter interface as glaringly shown, for instance, by the Filipino psychic healers. See Alfred Stelter, Psi-Healing, Bantam Books; and George W. Meek, Healers, Theosophical Publishing House.
6. If the amounts of variation were not small, the energy “pressure” would fill the empty gaps, and the stepwise behavior of nature would force manifestation to be of a “small, stepwise nature”. We also know, from Physics, that Nature abhors continuous manifestations (i.e., a light ray or the flow of a river possess a stepwise nature).
7. We must remember that our perception of sentient or semi-sentient entities is only given by the different complexity of the mental structures encountered. The necessity for the existence of a variety of beings follows from the “small, stepwise nature” already explained: because of the existence of Man, there must exist a long evolutionary scale of other beings at either side of the scale.
8. It must be understood that the invisible world itself is not a “location”, but an infinite assembly of states of energy, which must express themselves in “small, stepwise changes”. Its “dwellers” reside in it according to the level of their own energy systems.
9. In the practice of so-called “black magic”, some misguided individuals purposefully “call” on negative entities to interfere physically with a person. The immediate results obtained depend on the skills of the perpetrators and on the mental structure of the targeted person. But, once a resonance with those kinds of sentient energies is established, the final result is invariably the mental “cannibalizing” of the perpetrators, done by the negative entities contacted.
10. Alfred Stelter, Psi-Healing, Bantam Books.
11. Rupert Sheldrake, Experimenter Effects in Scientific Research: How Widely Are They Neglected? Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 12, No.1, pp. 73-78, 1998.
12. The energy pressure is also surmised indirectly by the endless quality of its manifestations. It is a concept derived by the old saying: “Nature abhors a vacuum”.
13. Rudolf Hauschka, The Nature of Substance, Sophia Books; and Louis C. Kervran, Biological Transmutations, Swan House Publishing Co.
14. The type of energy extracted depends on the resonant apparatus used. We have therefore electrical, magnetic, anti-gravity, etc. energy. See Moray, B. King, Quest for Zero Point Energy, Adventures Unlimited Press.
15. The phenomenon of the reversal of matter into energy is known to occur also to few lucky individuals, who are able to “dematerialize” the bodily waste present in their systems, without recurring to the usual methods employed by the rest of humanity.
16. What Lies Beneath, New Scientist, pp. 24-27, 9 February 2002.
17. Nick Cook, The Hunt for Zero Point, Arrow Books.
18. Certainly, there is no theory in reductionism which is able to explain Padre Pio’s stigmata.
Copyright 2004 by R. Lampis. Commercial reproduction prohibited.
Rinaldo Lampis |
56040 Casale Marittimo (Pisa), Italy. |
Lampis Research Institute, |
email: |
Note: It is possible, within limits, to give some mathematical structure to the Theory here outlined. Any researcher who feels to have the know-how to check-up on what has already being done, or who wishes to contribute further suggestions, is warmly invited to contact the author at
November 2004
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