Burkhard Heim and his Theory
The IoTC (which is now incorporated within WorldITC) is very glad that we are allowed to present here copies of some information in English already to be found on the Internet. We thank Olaf Posdzech and Illobrand von Ludwiger very much for this permission.
Olaf Posdzech and Illobrand von Ludwiger knew Burkhard Heim in person. They discussed also the problems ref. Transcommunication and Instrumental Transcommunication. Both phenomena will find its place within that theory of Burkhard Heim without violating the laws of physics known until now.
Please study this information here with an open mind. It needs month to get an overview what Heim has achieved with his theory.
We give you here some more links and other information:
Protosimplex - The Ideas of Burkhard Heim Germany (article in English)
IGW Institut für Grenzgebiete der Wissenschaft Austria
Burkhard Heim: Einheitliche Beschreibung der Welt
Burkhard Heim: Elementary Structures of Matter - and so on
Dr. Klaus Ludwig Germany (article in German)
on the website of Rolf-Dietmar Ehrhardt
Journal of Scientific Exploration
1992, Vol. VI, No. 3, pages 217 to 231 by Pergamon Press
"Heim's Theory of Elementary Particle Structures"
by Prof. T. Auerbach and Illobrand von Ludwiger
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