Burkhard Heim
childhood and youth
heavy blow and planning of a new life
first steps to a unified field theory
the way to the mass spectrum of ponderable particles
about life before and after death
the not-material background of the world and its effects
support, envy and ignorance
armament and civil fights
a visit to the Heim family, Gerda Heim - guardian angel and loving soul
I translated this text with help of AltaVistas translation machine. I tried my best to make better english out of this but there might be some errors left. Please feel free to improve my English! |
Please contact me, if you want to write an article about Burkhard Heim by use of information presented here! |
Burkhard Heim was born in 1925 in Potsdam, Germany. Already as a small boy he was characterized by large curiosity and a certain inclination to play tricks. Still today he loves to tell gladly of his early excursions and natural sciences. His special preferences were applied to biology and explosive chemistry.
One day some friends and he decided to assemble a human skeleton whose parts had come to daylight in a Potsdam building site. His biology teacher was also happy about their diligence. However in the end he was surprised at the fact that the male skeleton has had a female basin.
Another story happened in one of the Potsdam winters. A friend of Burkhard Heim had noticed that the ice flowers at the windows had very different forms and these forms often reminded in their shape of plants. They looked at this shapes thoroughly. Finally a theory was found that the shape of ice flowers possibly corresponds to the shape of the plants, which were actually located in those rooms. Thus they finally began to ring at the people: "Excuse me, we only want to know whether you do have a kind of this or that plant in your room, don't you?" Their first impression proved true again and again. The shape of the plants had settled in a way unknown to us in the shape of the ice flowers.
In 1941 Burkhard Heim made an invention in the field of explosive technique. By instruction of the German arms command he was send from front to the chemical-technical Reichs institute in Berlin in 1944 where he had to work. There in 1944 an accident occurred during laboratory work. He lost both hands and 90% of his eye and aural acuity by an object exploding in his hands.
This heavy blow fell only 19 years old Burkhard Heim into a deep crisis. Up to this time he's been extraordinarily awake, reflect-joyful, humorous and knowledge-thirsty, and he deeply enjoyed his existence in the world. By the accident he became almost completely shielded from this world. At the end of this crisis Burkhard Heim decided to continue with the things which had remained - his curiosity and his intellectual capacity.
In these weeks he decided a timetable for his further investigations, which he had followed purposefully until today (more than 50 years!). He wanted to understand the way life and psyche are connected into the material processes of our world.
Burkhard Heim realized very fast that such a theory only could base on a complete theory of material world, which he had to find first. For this purpose it was necessary to become a physicists. Despite his heavy handicaps and complete disablement Heim began a study in chemistry at 1945, and (4 years later) in 1949 a study of theoretical physics in Goettingen. He was 24 years old at this time.
In 1950 Burkhard Heim married his wife Gerda, who became an affectionate guardian angel to him. She assisted to him in his scientific work until today.
In 1954 Heim finished his study in physics with the main diploma. Afterwards he operates two years on Max Planck institute with professor von Weizsaecker. In 1958 he founded his own institute in Northeim to be able to check the effects experimentally predicted by his gravitational theory. Because of limited financial means this venture however had to be shifted into future times.
Already in the first year of his studies in physics Burkhard Heim started independent work regarding a general field theory. His target was to describe all physical fields and their sources uniformly as dynamic characteristics of purely geometrical structures of space.
1949 |
Heim extends Newton's gravitational law by considering field mass of the gravitational field |
1952 |
Heim unites quantum mechanics and macroscopic fields to a non Hermitian unified field theory in 4-dimensional space (4-dimensional metric eigenvalue equations) |
1953 |
Heim is able to represent his unified Hermitian field theory in a six-dimensional space R6 (6-dimensional metric eigenvalue equations) |
1958 |
numeric calculation of horizontal intensity of magnetic field of earth and the moon succeeds. These magnetic fields appear therefore as consequence of mass rotation, its strength can be estimated from coupling of rotary mass and magnetic field . |
1959 |
Heim calculates a geometrical quantum of space (area unit) (geometry of metrons in R6) |
In 1959 Burkhard Heim publishes his first article "principle of dynamic contrabarie" ("Das Prinzip der dynamischen Kontrabarie") in German magazine "Flugkörper". There he presented the results of his research for discussion. He draws a vision of technological realization of his results in shining colors by describing a space flight to mars. (Some years later his attitude regarding maximization becomes more critically.)
Still today it is very impressing, how Heim marked out the destinations of his future work here (calculation of mass spectrum of ponderable particles, understanding life, syntrometrical method).
"Apart from mathematical-physically accessible processes there still are life processes bound to material happening, whose elementary process cannot be understood mathematical-physically despite its linkage to material happening. The biological description way again fails, if one seeks to understand the psychological process bound to life process ... Thus it appeared reasonably to me to develop a completely new analytic method. Application of these methods to physical description of nature is planned; however for this it is necessary to generalize the mathematically formulated physical laws of nature in such a way that an assertible system develops which is closed in itself ." from "the principle of dynamic contrabarie" (Das Prinzip der dynamischen Kontrabarie) 1959 |
Illobrand von Ludwiger writes in his essay "uniform 6-dimensional quantum geodynamics of Burkhard Heim" (Die einheitliche 6-dimensionale Quanten-Geometrodynamik nach Burkhard Heim) (MUFON CES) in 1979: "This method of formal composing of most general term structures (syntrometry) ... already was developed 20 years ago by B. Heim. And the formalism already was prepared on several hundred pages in 1962 for subsequent publication." (P. 313)
Since that time Heim worked on a unified description of elementary corpuscles. This theory was developed during the next 20 years (!) under very difficult conditions and partly published since 1975 in several steps.
1961 |
with help of a world selector equation (world formula) it is possible to examine whether a theoretical structure can be item of the real physical world or not |
1962 |
to examine effects of structure-describing absolute Cartesian coordinates x5 and x6 qualitatively, development of a multi-valued logic becomes necessarily (syntrometrical method) - among other things this will permit translating a complete system of concepts into another . |
1964 |
from the "cosmogonical relationship" between the diameter of the whole physical world and the smallest geometrical quantum (metron) Heim calculates parameters of the world at time=0 (trinity of spheres, nine interacting geometries) |
1966 |
to examine self-dynamics of self condensing space Heim develops a flow algebra of metric exchange processes |
1969 |
analysis of possible exchange processes supplies 2 fundamental symmetries (baryon number, isospin) and 4 symmetries of higher order |
1970 |
mass formula of all conceivable elementary particles can be represented as simple result of these internal geometrical characteristics of space |
Now from union of field theories and quantum mechanics a six-dimensional space could be designed, which contains our real world and describes these two different sections of reality at the same time. An investigation of its characteristics led to different patterns of cyclic internal condensations. A part of them could be understood as ponderable mass-filled physical particles. The mathematical description of this group of cyclic condensations supplies the spectrum of all conceivable physically mass-filled particles.
(Indeed this spectrum is relative compact and it contains many values, which were never observed any time. Possibly this happens because life span of the processes underlying them is too short to be observable as interaction. Later Heim takes his statement back he were able to calculate life span of this particles. However in 1997 he decides together with Droescher to try another way to calculate life spans.)
Heim publishes the results of his work in 1977 first in short form in his essay "suggestion of a way to the unified description of elementary particles" ("Vorschlag eines Weges zur einheitlichen Beschreibung der Elementarteilchen", "Zeitschrift für Naturforschung", 10 pages, received on 5 August 1976). There is no publisher for a global representation of his theory, because no consultant is able to in-imagine into this complex theory. For the physical establishment the way and results of the Heim theory are too out of way. They do not want to deal with with it.
Thus catholic publisher professor Resch was going to publish the Heim theory in his own publishing house although printing of such a complicated book (great quantities of formulas) represents a large business risk. In 1980 "elementary structures of matter - volume 1" goes to print in Resch Verlag ("Elementarstrukturen der Materie", manuscript submission September 17, 1978.) Nevertheless the first edition contains so many errors that it is replaced in 1989 by a corrected second edition.
In 1984 Burkhard Heim publishes the second section as "elementary structures of matter - volume 2" in the same publishing house. Thereby the Heim quantum field theory is present to the public in relatively complete form.
Heim had found his unified field theory and he could prove its usefulness by calculating the spectrum of ponderable mass particles purely from internal characteristics of physical space (without use of additional artificial calibration factors).
After the material world so far was understood, he finally could turn to the question how life is an phenomena which is according to physical laws of our world. Among other things this lead to the question whether structure-giving processes exist, which work against the general destruction and balance tendencies of dead nature (entropy). Where are these processes to be settled, and how do they work?
The term of "life" can be regarded as permanent structuring process (e.g. in a cell) which is always adequate to environmental influences. Thus it was necessary to examine, which internal structures and laws do exist inside the structure-controlling coordinates ( x5, x6), which can cause such a phenomenon.
At the same time it became necessarily finding a way to change over from computingable mikromar area into the area of higher complex systems. Because processes for example in a living cell are no longer calculable in detail, they must be described with their qualitative characteristics. Thus a way had to be found to translate regularities of a logical predicate system (that of calculable processes) into another. This the syntrometrical method should carry out, whose bases Heim had already developed in his time of studies..
Beyond that the question rose, whereby thinking humans stand out against the general life process, and where this special "different thing" can be settled in physical world. Whether there is such a thing like a non material mental principle which is expressing itself in the material world by means of a material bodies making experiences there.
1950 |
first beginnings to a formal method of multi-valued logic (syntrometry) |
1971 |
complex structures in the world develop their own regularities |
1979 |
by indirect conclusion predicates are possible about laws of higher structured metroplex totalities |
19?? |
extensive occupation with palaeontological data concerning origin of species on earth (still today Heim tells gladly about different types of sauriers, which brought successively new building principles into terrestrical history) |
19?? |
Investigation of planetary prerequisites for genesis of life: |
19?? |
analysis of independent living conditions of structures in x5, x6 (independent of R3) |
Structure-giving processes of the material world are obviously controlled by not-material high-complex "structures" in coordinate space (x5, x6), which exist there as dynamically changeable "structural drawings". Understanding of these structures is very difficult to imagine because these structural drawings exist both timeless and localless, thus they can work always at each point in time and at each place of this world.
However their actual working requires the presence of suitable material building blocks, which have to be selected out by a evolution-like process. (Otherwise this would equal the attempt to build a computer with help of an exact electrical connection diagram in stone age.)
On the other hand these structural drawings themselves experience modifications, they make experiences with itself and the material world. The personality core of a human being can be understood as such a structure in x5, x6, possessing a very high complexity (T > 25) . The question was, what is occurring with this structure during biological death or an accident when material body disintegrates which was connected to it. And - if this personality core may survive - on which way it is possible that it takes up contact with a new developing biological body. Heim examined for this purpose (among other things) the question in detail, what characteristics material structures must possess, so that such couplings can take place. He discusses in detail carbon chemistry and the characteristics of DNA.
In his writing "Postmortale statuses?" ("Postmortale Zustände?" 1980, 122 pages) Heim discusses these questions. However this writing is extraordinarily difficult to understand, because Heim uses exclusively the categories of his syntrometric method, which the reader has to know.
In the conclusion Heim takes up a metaphor by ECCLES. Here personality core plays a symphony as organist on his biological body (organ), which is recorded in spirit (as on tape). After the last chord is finished (beginning of death) the organist rises and transfers this symphony to a record with use of filters. In postmortal status he reflects over this arbitrarily reproducible symphony. The symphony is unique, however the organist can play it varied again.
Substantially is that the symphonies (acting as metaphor for life) are unique and passing, however the organist is not, expressing himself at this symphonies.
In 1982 Heims writing "cosmic experience space of humans" ("Der kosmische Erlebnisraum des Menschen", 49 pages) appears. Here Heim again justifies necessity for a six-dimensional description of material world. On one hand because of the requests of his uniform field theory. On the other hand from empirical experience of the Life process which only can be understood by structure-controlling effect of the additional transcoordinates (x5, x6).
More in detail these considerations are deduced in the following writing "elementary process of life" ("Der Elementarprozeß des Lebens" 76 pages, 1982). Here Heim combines his results of 30 years of research into this topic.
He starts with a summary of observable characteristics of organisms (self structuring, metabolism, symbioses, hierarchical structure layering from deadly atoms up to formation of states of organisms, reproduction, organic compounds and DNA).
A view on evolution processes on earth shows a remarkable characteristic, i.e. sudden breaking in of new building principles. A model calculation for possible natural mutation rates supplies the result that this sudden (typostrophic) emergence of new species cannot be explained with coincidental useless mutations, but in this phase physically limited number of mutations appears as ingenious fluctuations.
The question about the source of these shifts in probability again refers to the structure coordinates x5, x6. Their probability-shifting interaction expresses itself in real space as something you could call gravitons.
Analysis of material prerequisites for animatable structures leads on one hand to a small spread of necessary physically / chemical boundary conditions (carbon base of life, temperature range of liquid water is necessary).
Due to easy cosmological observations (rotation rate of planet-afflicted suns) and the circumstance of self structuring of planetary biospheres Heim comes to the conclusion that both life process and emergence of suitable planets are afflicted with amazingly high probability.
In addition this analysis of living conditions Burkhard Heim leads to a radical account with destruction of terrestrial living conditions by humans. In the last section of "elementary process of life" he confirms this dangerous future perspective with some mathematical models.
With Walter Droescher Heim had found an utmost care and thorough coworker, who was deeply inspired by the Heim theory. Finally he succeeded to draw things from it even surprising Heim. Thus he surprised Burkhard Heim with the fact that all coupling constants of physics could be derived from the primary number set of the world at time=0 by simple addition and multiplication.
Thereby physical world carries the characteristics of its temporal origin until today in itself. Heim was astonished about this, because he did not consider a theory of coupling constants feasible.
Burkhard Heim told in summer 1997, how he was surprised by Droeschers results: " Then Mister Droescher called me, quite excited. That worked afterwards so originally. (If Droescher excites himself, there must be a real reason.) "Mr. Heim, I've played a little with your 3 diameters of spheres. There're all current coupling constants put in it!" How is that possible, I asked. Mathematics is nevertheless more such a candy machine - you put 10 Penny in and bonbons for exactly 10 Penny will come out. We always have avoided the term of interactions at all! If I consider myself this - we would have to represent a dynamic process on an algebraic structure - and this does not go. "Yes", he says, "we haven't put it in, but it's come out!" Yes, but what would we then conclude from this? "Yes", he says "somehow we had luck ." Because there is no physical theory without experience and a certain amount of arbitrariness. A little bit of speculation there will always be - which is also permitted. He says, "somehow we had luck, somehow we must have met the correct things. Because we can not win correct predicates from a false beginning. And if we did not bring in the term of interactions at all, it is nevertheless better that this occurs. " There are probably numerical ratios, which are space and timeless, and which are representable as probabilities of original kind. These probabilities exist there as space and timeless values, representably by ancient elements of an ancient number set which is structured. If one applies principles of abstract theory of sets - in particular power quantities - then one gets certain space and timeless constant sizes, which are pure numbers. And if then one makes a cosmogony of matter it is found that these space and timeless constants always ran along from time=0. Then it will result that these are the current coupling constants and the building law of matter. That is unbelievable! One is reminded of age-old writings: At the beginning was the word... " |
The derivation of the dimension law in its general form also came from Droescher. Thus a early view was opened on a not-material background of the world (another six dimensions), without being able to know at this time what exactly would be resident in this space.
From observation of the world it was clearly seen that apart from material appearances and processes just as well not-material phenomena exist e.g.: thoughts, nature-set and ideas, whose origin from material world are not to explain completely.
By means of syntrometric method Heim had succeeded to get a conception of inherent laws of structure-giving structures in x5, x6 (structure space S2 ). A picture appeared that timeless structural drawings for equivalent structures are stored there (so-called holomorphismes). These structural drawings implement themselves under suitable material boundary conditions and settle in reality, whereby matter strictly appears structured down from elementary particle up to the living organism.
During his research on life process Heim noticed that new structural drawings often had occurred at the same time within different animal species in the evolution of organisms on earth (e.g. wings appeared at the same time in different species of saurians).
Besides a mathematical estimation of natural mutation rates supplied that these phases of substantial generation of new species with ingenious modifications are not explainable with stochastic mutations. Rather it seemed that probabilities during mutation were controlled somehow in such a way that ingenious results developed with priority.
Now the question was, in which way such controlling of material world could take place, without violating their physical principles. Additionally he wanted to find out, where the structural drawings in structure space come from which cannot have developed out from itself.
At this time it only was well-known that the space of not-material coordinates R12 (x7 ... x12) is structured in two subspaces. A simply logical analysis shows "organization is materialized information".
Therefore we could assume coordinates (x7, x8) describing a space of ideas I2, and there must be imaging processes out from this space of ideas (I2 ) to structure space (S2 ). The mathematical description of these imaging processes was possible. About remaining coordinates (x9,...x12) it only was known that probably the sources of ideas are resident there. (There was not much to say about internal structure of this space from its effects into physical world.) Therefore Heim called this space joking G4 which will stand for "God only knows".
First a mathematical description of these imaging processes from G4 was not solvable. Heim had the idea of describing this by means of multidimensional Fourier transformations. However it was not clear, how to handle this tools exactly. One day Droescher coincidentally found an old book in a library, exactly describing this mathematical tool.
Thus a closed mathematical description of this imaging processes became possible. As result of this imaging chain exactly the descriptions of probability amplitudes appear as they are actually observed in quantum mechanics. (Whereby quantum mechanics cannot make predicates about the source of this phenomenon.)
Thereby an assertion was found, where in well-known physical regularities this control intervenes: indeed in the probabilities of mikromar quantum-mechanical processes. So controlling of material happening comes out from inside of the smallest constituents of matter.
198? |
Proof of existence of a hyperspace R12 with not-material coordinates x7 ... x12 by the dimension law of DROESCHER. This space is not constituent of physical space of the material world R6, but he can affect on it. |
198? |
Interpretation of function of the individual absolute Cartesian coordinates: space R3 (x1, x2, x3) |
198? |
qualitative understanding of a possible control of the world out from G4 by the following imaging chain: R3 + T <--- S2 <--- I2 <--- G4 |
1994 |
- mathematical description of control out from G4 of not-material world into the mikromar realm of R6 |
1994 |
derivation of physical coupling constants from the primary number set of the world at time=0 (DROESCHER) |
In his article "an image of the background of the world" ("Ein Bild vom Hintergrund der Welt", 1994, 12 pages) Heim represents in short verbal form the results of this work. He suggests that the possibility of this controlling interventions in particular is given at high structure levels (thus e.g. in organisms).
Additionally he raises the question whether there could exist timeless and bodyless entities in not-material background of the world.
In 1996 Droescher and Heim published their mathematical derivations in volume 3 of "elementary structures" under the title "structures of the physical world and its not-material part" ("Strukturen der physikalischen Welt und ihrer nichtmateriellen Seite").
Although Burkhard Heim relatively isolated developed his theory, it got around fast that there possibly was someone developing somewhat very spectacular in Northeim. Unfortunately sometimes the Heim theory attracted particularly the interests of airplane and armaments companies.
In the 50's there were even attempts to pull progressive Know How by kidnapping German researchers who should operate abroad for special companies then. In the preface to the 1959 essay "the principle of dynamic contrabary" Helmut Goeckel writes: "Heim could write an evening-filling detective story about his experiences with criticism, fraud, theft, tried kidnapping on his own person, suspicious evaluation by small and large intriguers. Only an unknown lady and Hamburg publisher Nannen had supported Heim, who had to fight alone."
Heim extracts himself from adjustments of arms industry by turning for a while to paraphysical research, which he was executing together with professor Bender (among other things they experimented with instrumental transcommunication). On one hand Burkhard Heim succeeds thereby in installing an image to be a kind of crank which discredits him in intended way to the management. On the other hand he made in this time experiences, which convinced him of the existence of rare paranormal phenomena. Later Heim defines these phenomena as transitions between the two worlds of physically normal and psychologically normal phenomenas. (This transition isn't completely not understood until today, although it constantly takes place unnoticed everyday in some areas of normal life.)
Burkhard Heim always wanted to understand the possibility of these transitions and he wanted to describe them as item of his theory.
Also at this time he got known with Andreas Resch. On his congresses to this topics Burkhard Heim often was a regular guest. He became acquainted there with different scientists, from whom he received many suggestions, which settled into his concept formations. Besides it is to be owed to Andreas Resch that we have today access to the printed works of Burkhard Heim at all.
Perhaps publication of the Heim theory was not possible in physical technical periodicals, because Heim began too late to try to publish the results of his theory. Nevertheless it was the result of 30 years of thinking at this time (1977). No technical periodical in this world would risk publishing a scientific work without evaluation. But which consultant wants to work himself into a theory grown in more than 30 years? Another handicap may have been that Heim's beginnings were too unusual. |
On the other hand we can read in the preface of his 1959 article "being an outsider in the beginning, his theories are checked now with acknowledgment and he found coworkers and material support."
Dr. L. Boelkow of the MBB company supported Heim's researches over many years. On november, 25. 1976 Heim held his legendary lecture at MBB Ottobrunn, in which he presented all of the thoughts of his quantum field theory in free speech (a paper exists).
Illobrand von Ludwiger of MBB was entrusted to train itself into the Heim theory. Over long years he dealt together with Burkhard Heim with the question, how they could acknowledged experimentally his predicates for manipulation of the gravitational field. In his own MUFON articles von Ludwiger indicates some MBB notes to this topic as sources.
Among other things he mentions a note of Heim from the year 1985, in which Heim suggests an alternative experiment for the investigation of coupling between magnetic field and angular momentum density to MBB .
However Heim informs that these attempts failed because of practical boundaries of physical reality. In order to prove the interconnection of gravitation and magnetic field it was suggested among other things to rotate a rock crystal ball with very high speed. However such a rotary mass possesses a so enormous striking power that safe execution of such an experiment could not be ensured.
Another experimental setup would exist in generating an enormous amount of modifying magnetic field within a short time, which would produce a gravitation effect of e.g. 1 g. However it isn't so easy at all to consider itself an arrangement which can produce a so powerful collapsing magnetic field fast enough and strongly enough. Because of the characteristic of self induction a coil endeavors to keep the magnetic field when powering off current. Thus the temporal modification will become too small. An arrangement would be conceivable, in which this coil was lightning-like destroyed, e.g. by an explosive charge. But how do you want to measure still 1 g during such an explosion?
Heim experienced once that a lecture, which he had held on a congress appeared literal in a magazine where a foreigner stated to be the author.
Since then he is mindful to announce his priority by printing of his works. Indeed the books are only badly suitable to reconstruct the theory completely in all mathematical-physical aspects. One should always consider the unbelievably difficult conditions under which it was developed!
Heim dictated the books to his wife which is typing them into the typewriter, formulas are added by hand thereafter. To publish a book under these circumstances, is a large performance.
Everywhere in the world armament and aircraft industry is interested in new physical research, so they were in this case.
In 1993 I asked Burkhard Heim whether he would be afraid that his theory will give still more possibilities to the false people to use technology against the interests of life. His answer was "Oh, you mean whether they can build still better bombs with my books? No, no", he continued, "I omitted anything to pretend any mischief."
Heim is connected deeply to life. If one looked so deeply into the laws of nature, respect rises to the miracle of life and the world still more. While he focused still inspired technologically conceivable maximum in his article of 1959, Heim has engaged himself very much for preservation of life and nature later. Therefore he was very close to the ideas of green environmental protection unions when they were founded in the 80-s. In his hometown Northeim Burkhard Heim got very known when he supported some citizens in the fight against pulling down a section of the old part of town. At that time there were certain people intending to let the by-pass road sacrifice the old buildings in the city center because they promised themselves more sales from doing so. Heim stated that he used the laws of syntrometry in order to prevent almost decided destruction of the old part of town with very few but however very effective impacts. In some moments his home must have been looked like a headquarter of an army leader, where the powerless but however upright fighters met against the dictatorship of cash discussing their strategy. In the long run they triumphed. Today Northeim is an attractive city presenting its beautiful old town center with pride. |
In another anecdote Heim tells about once he got a call of some top managers of the German energy industry. They had heard the fact that he was operating on a possibly revolutionary theory. So they wanted to know, whether it would be possible with his theory to win unlimited energy in order to solve all energy problems of mankind. Heim answered : "If I knew exactly that my research arrives into the hands of responsible people, I would go through. However I must assume it arriving into the hands of salesmen. Those are people, which want to sell always as much as they can.
Let's make a thought experiment: You want to supply unlimited energy. What would occur? If energy consumption in the whole world - say - would increase tenfold (and that is not much based on what is used e.g. in America today) - then we would come into energy balance of weather of the whole earth within a few years. Because what is occurring with energy? At least it always is converted into heat. And this heat has to remain somewhere. Therefore I reject thanking." (You find this thoughts also in the last section of Heim's book "Der Elementarprozeß des Lebens".)
In his book "the cosmic experience space of humans" ("Der kosmische Erlebnisraum des Menschen", 1982 ) Heim writes about the consequences of human growth illusions:
"The normal impulse for an individual organization of environment will pervert in view of such technical powers into an undisciplined growth illusion; in particular if unrestrained expansion pretends an excessive increased value of self-manifestation of insignificant personalities. If this growth illusion is coupled with scruplesless mercantile egoism (which might be regular the case) then the consciousness of a growth-possessed maximizer of profit develops, who is expired to the illusion, it would be his right and serves progress to destroy everything which obstructs his profit and his expansion. This extremely dangerous life-threatening suicide program can never be stopped by appeals to the reason or the good will and also not by force, but alone by a profound modification of consciousness of the members of our rival societies... |
Heim's book "Der Elementarprozeß des Lebens" closes with an urgent proclamation to common sense stopping destruction of biosphere in this last minutes.
"A special honor was presented to Gerda Heim by the award of the Bundesverdienstkreuz medal which local district director Ralf-Reiner Wiese presented to her. The honored woman gave up her career as a concert singer and married war-blind and forearm amputated diploma physicist Burkhard Heim in 1950. Both they live and work at their house in Schillerstrasse 2. Since decades Gerda Heim is not only a loving and caring wife for her man, but also an energetic assistance with his research work, to which also foundation of the German research institute for field physics and general cosmology by Burkhard Heim belongs. She transfers the scientific publications to paper her man holds in Germany and abroad and she helps with the work on ultramodern computers. from "seniors today, Northeim magazine for seniors" ("Senioren heute, Northeimer Zeitschrift für Senioren" 2/88, P. 25 ) |
In the years 1996 and 1997 I visited Burkhard Heim several times in order to support him in his computer work. He had bought a voice recognition system that however was not ready to use. After long time attempts to train the system on his voice we had to give up without any result (his speech is strongly disturbed because his bad hearing). Additionally Heim possessed many 5,25"- disks with source codes of his old UCSC Pascal machine, which he wanted to use again in future. (At this time there already wasn't to be found a drive anywhere working with these diskettes.) We solved the problem by transmitting data disk by disk over the serial interface into his PC. After this I edited these files manually.
During my visits I experienced Burkhard Heim again as very humorous man who were good for many jokes despite his handicap. Again and again he gladly tells capers and anecdotes from his own youth.
In the photo you can see his operated forearms, by whose assistance Burkhard Heim can manipulate with some special tools. For example he uses a type of slate pencil, with which he writes on his computer keyboard. Because of his very close visual field (only approx. 10%) he must look however each letter up individually.
Nevertheless under these circumstances Heim succeeded in writing some hundred lines Pascal source code in which he tried out his formulas. In order to optimize this work, he first had redefined each Pascal instruction to a very short new instruction word usually consisting of only one or two letters. In order to fit as much program code as possible on the display his source code is written without any line breaks. (This is because he scrolls with help of a foot pedal and a track ball).
This own programming language makes it almost impossibly for other people to reconstruct his program code or to modify something in the code. That is the reason why people stretched weapons when they wanted to occupy with Heim's programs.
Nevertheless Heim still found time apart from source codes also to type small joke programs for his wife from time to time. Often Heim sits at his PC whole night.
Most of his work wouldn't been possible without the helping hand of his wife. Gerda Heim typed his publications and inserted formulas by hand. Because of his reduced sight Burkhard Heim can't read any books, letters or articles. His wife is reading them to him. So correspondence to him is nearly impossible too. The best way to communicate with Burkhard Heim is to phone him.
Gerda Heim had a hard stroke of fate in her live too. Her dream was to act as a singer in concert halls. She had every reason to look forward to a successful career as a singer. Already during the war some people called her "Silesian nightingale". She acted even in a film together with Marika Roeck. Then it occurred by a tonsil operation - her voice took such a damage that this dream ended forever.
In May 1996 Burkhard Heim suffered a brief paralysis. He had driven in a taxi to the station because he wanted to travel. Suddenly he could not move any longer when he wanted to step out. Afterwards further short transitorily ischemic attacks followed (temporary brief consciousness loss by blood circulation disturbances). He got medicines lowering coagulation of blood, this weakened further accumulations. In autumn 1996 these medicines were omitted because of an operational intervention which is usual. However he did not get them back after this. Still during his hospitalization in Northeim he suffered a stroke at Christmas 1996, which bound him to bed for long time. He was almost completely paralyzed and could not speak for some days.
When I visited the Heim family a half year later, Burkhard Heim still had to fight with consequences of the stroke. By the long downtime many muscles were no longer trained, and he had to learn many simple activities again such as rising from bed or going up- and downstairs. Burkhard Heim was like always full of ideas in his mind and it was difficult for him to bear that his body did not wanted it to do as fast as he would. Despite daily attempts work on PC was not possible again yet.
Of course these weeks of fearing were particularly heavy for Mrs. Heim in several respects. It's not easy to structure hope for recovery and patience again and again each day. Mrs. Heim is a very spiritual woman. With large patience she helped her man to overcome this time. In the meantime his health is better though still much more muscle training is necessary.
Each time I visited them Mrs. Heim has spoiled me too. She is cooking very delicious dishes and I always looked forward to this meals as the fix points of my days.
Every time I look at this photo of Burkhard Heim and his wife I'm impressed deeply by their joy of life both of them radiate though they were checked so heavily by fate. Often I thought even if it were only that - this alone already is very much what we can learn from Burkhard Heim.
Olaf Posdzech
in spring 1998
used material: different articles, publishing program of Resch publishing house, stories by Burkhard Heim
© Olaf Posdzech, 1998
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