Proof of afterlife with new ITC technologies
© 2001 by Mark Macy
There are two big obstacles facing ITC today: Most people have never heard about the research, and most of those who have, don't believe it.
Spreading the word
To help spread the word of ITC, I’ve written a book called "Miracles in the Storm" that was published in November 2001. About half the royalties from the book, after its publication, will be used to support research around the world—especially ITC research that focuses on the resonance aspects, or inner human aspects, of the work. That is where the future of ITC research lies, I believe: exploring methods of achieving harmonious collaboration among experimenters, not so much the technology involved. . . although new subtle energy technologies will also play an important role in the future.
In any event, there are many of us in many countries who are working hard to spread the word of ITC, whether speaking before a crowd or quietly assembling websites, journals, articles or books at the computer—Ernst Senkowski, Paola Giovetti, Sarah Estep, Ralf Determeyer, Maggy Harsch-Fischbach, Hans Otto Koenig, Paolo Presi, Marcello Bacci, Jacques Blanc-Garin, Sonia Rinaldi, Anabela Cardoso, Alfred Zogg-Meier, Rolf Dietmar-Ehrhardt, Siyoh Tomiyama, Irma Weisen, Theo Bleitgen, and Tom and Lisa Butler, to name only a few. So the problem of informing the world about ITC is now being solved. That leaves the problem of doubts, skepticism, and boggled minds, which disrupt the contact field and inhibit the spread of enhanced ITC beyond a few isolated receiving stations.
Making ITC believable
Today, some of us in ITC research believe it’s time to back up a bit and untangle the mess—to unboggle the minds that have been badly boggled. First, we have to develop an ITC system that provides convincing contacts under any conditions, in a mixed crowd. A number of us have been working on such systems. I’ve had some encouraging results in Colorado over the past year with a special subtle energy device called a "luminator."
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The author and the "luminator"
The luminator is a tower-shaped device about four feet high (1.3 meters), which radically alters the environment in an area that extends about 100 feet (30 meters) in all directions from the device. It has two internal fans which move air over a series of liquid-filled rings. As the air molecules go tumbling through the rings, unusual things happen to them, according to inventor Patrick Richards, including a reverse spin of electrons. (To get the inventor's own perspective on the luminator, its effects, and its use in non-ITC applications, please see
When I take a picture of someone with a Polaroid camera in the presence of the luminator, there is a good chance that there will be other faces in the picture after it develops a few minutes later—faces of people who are not present physically—that is, faces of spirit beings.
Last year, a picture of me was taken, but when it developed, it wasn’t me in the picture.
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Anomalous Polaroid picture
After studying it with a magnifying glass, my wife Regina and I became convinced that the only part of my face in the picture was a partial forehead up and to the left of the main face. The main face, we determined, was a composite image of two men who had recently died who were close to me: My father on the left, and on the right Dr Willis Harman, president of the Institute of Noetic Science, or IONS.
Lifetime images of Blair Macy (l) and Willis Harman (r)
accompanying a blowup of the Polaroid spirit picture
Regina and I both felt certain that those two men were in the picture, but to get a second opinion, I contacted their wives—my mother (who lives in Colorado) and Mrs Charlene Harman of Stanford, California. They both recognized their husbands right away. When I showed the picture to other people, some recognized my dad or Willis, and some didn’t. So I took the picture to a photo lab, and had some enlargements and reverse enlargements made. I cut them in two down the middle, fit the pieces together, and came up with two composite images. One of them is very clearly my father, Blair Macy. Anyone who knew the man can see the resemblance. I believe that the other is Willis Harman, the late president of IONS.
Blair Macy composite (l) and Willis Harman composite (r)
I’ve shared that composite image of Willis Harman with several people who had known the man casually during lifetime. Unfortunately, most of them don’t see or "feel" the resemblance to Willis Harman that Regina and I do. We’ll have to wait a few years to let the image be assimilated by more people who knew Willis Harman well, in order to draw a better consensus. Meanwhile, I think it’s reasonable to conclude that the left and right halves of the original image are clearly two different people.
A month later a series of pictures of me included one with no notable anomalies, and another in which my father’s face replaced half of my face. There were striking similarities to a lifetime photo. He had brown eyes, brown hair, and a brown mustache at the time he married my mother, when the lifetime photo was taken.
The author (l), with right half of face superimposed by spirit face (center),
and the author's father and mother (lifetime)
A series of pictures of Andy, a forty-two-year-old man, includes one with mild anomalies (out of focus), and another with his face almost totally replaced by the face of a female in a contemplative pose, wearing a headband.
Two-shot of Andy
A striking series of pictures of a twelve-year-old boy, Bryan, consisted of one picture with no notable anomalies, and two very clear pictures of a man whom the boy didn’t recognize. When his mother saw the pictures, however, she immediately gasped, "That’s my father! It’s your grandfather!" The man had died three years before his grandson Bryan had been born. A lifetime image of the boy’s mother and grandfather, posing on the shore in 1953, shows a resemblance between the grandfather as he had looked then, in the prime of life, and as he looks today in his spirit body. In this case, ITC has allowed the boy to feel a closer bond to his grandfather whom he’d never met in lifetime.
Three-shot of Bryan, and a 1953 lifetime photo of his mother and grandfather
In February 2001, I took my luminator along to give a series of workshops in New York. At each workshop I took a picture of everyone in the audience in the course of the evening, and many people had pictures of spirits posing with them. One woman, Connie, was deeply moved to see the clear face of her late son in her picture. He had died recently at age 22.
Connie and her departed son
In November 2001 Jack Stucki and I took both of our luminators to Kansas City to give a presentation and all-day workshop. Everyone at the workshop had anomalous photos taken, including this picture of Jenny, one of the participants.
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Jenny and a spirit friend
(Note: "Andy," "Bryan," "Connie," and "Jenny" are not the actual names of the individuals above whose likenesses are included above. Their real names are withheld to protect their identities.)
At the Celebration Conference in Colorado Springs on April 20, 2002, Jack Stucki and I had both of our Luminators running, and we took pictures of about 30 workshop participants. Many of the Polaroid pictures had spirit faces posing with the human faces. The most notable were the two below.
Recently I had been corresponding with friends of John Denver, the well-known singer who died in a plane crash on October 12, 1997, and we had been trying to get pictures of him. One image we received at the workshop bore a resemblance the late singer. It occurred in a picture of "Joyce" (below left). A blow-up of the spirit face (center) is compared below with a lifetime picture of the singer (right).
Some of the quotes we've received from friends of the late singer:
I couldn't believe the resemblance of the photo he took and John Denver. The minute I saw it, his name immediately popped into my head.
-- C.B. Aspen, CO
I had an immediate energetic recognition when I saw the picture. I said to myself - now that's John.
-- S.W. Sedona, AZ
A picture of "Mindy" had Mindy herself (a white woman) on the right, and a spirit visitor (a black woman) on the left. We don't know the reason for the light colored area where the two faces overlap. Most of our questions about these anomalous photographs have no definite explanations at this time. That is why we are eager to improve voice contacts through radio and other means in the coming years: we hope to get many answers.
Again, the names of the workshop participants have been changed for this article, and their pictures are on file at Continuing Life Research.
About 400 years ago, Galileo used one of the first telescopes ever made to look up into the sky. He saw pock-marks on the moon, indicating that the moon was once bombarded by asteroids. He saw sunspots, suggesting that the sun was a ball of churning, burning gases. He saw moons around Jupiter, suggesting that Jupiter, Mars, and Venus were not just points of light in the night sky. They were planets much like our own Earth. So the Earth was not the center of the universe, as scientists and Church leaders believed at that time. And the universe was not a perfect creation.
At that time, mainstream science in the Western world was intertwined with Christianity, and the things that Galileo saw with his telescope threw science and religion for a loop. Scientists and church leaders didn’t know how to handle Galileo. They did not want to believe, and they could not believe, that the Earth was little more than a grain of sand along an endless cosmic beach. Galileo’s findings could shatter their worldview. After a lot of debate, they came out with a proclamation: "God is perfect, and all of God’s creation is perfect. Man is imperfect, and therefore his inventions are imperfect. Why should we use an imperfect invention like Galileo’s telescope to see God’s perfect creation? Wouldn’t that corrupt God’s creation?" Eventually Galileo was brought before the Inquisition and pressured to renounce his ideas, or face imprisonment or death.
Looking back on the situation now, most of us realize that those early scientists and church leaders came up with a contrived, almost convoluted argument to protect their worldview from a new and higher truth that was made possible by Galileo’s telescope. That telescope offered a broader view of reality that would soon give science a complete overhaul.
Today, the luminator offers a broader view of reality, and I believe that mainstream science is ripe for another overhaul. A few frontier scientists, such as Rupert Sheldrake in England, Burkhard Heim and Ernst Senkowski in Germany, and William Tiller in the United States, are talking about other dimensions of reality superimposed over our own, and the subtle energies and consciousness that can shape those realities. But mainstream scientists are not listening. Their conventional scientific model of reality is threatened by these new ideas, and so they are waiting for indisputable proof.
I believe that the luminator images provide that proof, so I’ve given my luminator a designation: the GT-21. That is an abbreviation for "Galileo’s Telescope of the Twenty-First Century." My luminator—the GT-21—provides a very basic and reliable ITC capability, allowing simple spirit pictures to be collected on Polaroid film in a mixed crowd.
The most logical and reasonable conclusion to be drawn from these luminator images, in my opinion, is that the faces in the images, which are often strikingly clear, are the faces of actual people who are alive in realms beyond the range of our vision, but who can nevertheless be close to us and interact in our lives, and in the right circumstances can show themselves on Polaroid film. Other explanations, again in my opinion, (for example the notion that our thoughts are creating the faces, or that the faces are just photographic defects) are less reasonable and perhaps more contrived.
Incidentally, we have tried various other forms of photography--35-mm cameras, digital cameras, VHS camcorders, and digital camcorders--but none of them have shown anomalous results during experiments in my lab, where only the Polaroid camera has provided spirit images in the presence of the luminator. (However, my colleagues Patrick Richards and Jack Stucki have told me that some anomalous effects have also been recorded at other locations on both 35-mm film and VHS recording tape.)
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