Solid evidence of other-worldly contact
© 2002 Mark Macy
Most of our invisible colleagues have lived physical lives as we are living now, subject as we are to the limitations of the five physical senses and the brain. They understand the skepticism on the part of many people toward the phenomenal contacts being made since the 1980s, so they take extra pains to convince us that ITC is for real.
In this article we look at several situations which lend evidence to the legitimacy of ITC work:
Two pictures of spirit colleague Anne Guigne received 71 years after her death, received at the same time by different experimenters,
A letter to Mark Macy, received in 1995, from a 19th-Century journalist named Arthur Beckwith who since then has become Macy's principle spirit contact,
A personal letter to American ITC pioneer George Meek from his recently departed wife Jeannette, received in 1991, and
Verification of spirit phone calls.
Anne Guigne's likeness
Among the massive quantity of paranormal messages received by Maggy and Jules Harsch-Fischbach in 1993 across their computer and FAX machines, were several short messages by a newcomer to their group of spirit colleagues. A young woman identifying herself as Anne Guigne (pronounced "GeenYAY") introduced herself.
Anne Guigne (lifetime)
Nevertheless, the messages continued. On November 10, 1993, two pictures of Anne Guigne were received by ITC experimenters: one through a computer owned by Maggy Harsch-Fischbach in Luxembourg ...
Anne Guigne via computer (spirit picture)
... and the other through the TV set of Adolf Homes in Rivenich, Germany.
Anne Guigne via TV (spirit picture)
The computer image delivered to the computer of Maggy Harsch-Fischbach was accompanied by the computer text:
Anne Guigne. Born at Annecy 1911 April 25. Transition made 1922 January 14. Guardian angel of Remy.
Following are excerpts of a longer message received both in Luxembourg and in Germany along with the pictures. (The message to Adolf Homes arrived in his Commodore 64 computer.)
As a little girl in France I got very ill. I was an important source of information (for higher beings monitoring her life on Earth). Through spiritual insight and prayer I learned from the Omnipotence that I was better able to understand the things I needed to know here on the third (mid-astral) level and could do more for mankind from here than on Earth.
(At some spiritual level) I desired the change into a multi-dimensional world and was allowed a fast passing over to a world some memory of which was still alive in me. It is the same beautiful world you have heard about from others like me . . .
Anne's letter goes on to talk about her role as the leader of the Group for the Protection of All Newborn Life, a group of physicians and theologians in spirit who are concerned about people who die on Earth as children. She discusses the responsibilities and retribution of the adults responsible for tragic, premature deaths of children.
Arthur Beckwith letter
On 1995 October 7 we received a letter from a man who died in 1912, and it wasn't the post office's fault. The man, Arthur Beckwith, delivered his letter through a computer in Luxembourg from his home at Spirit Group Timestream where, as he states in his letter, he is in charge of reviewing the newspapers and reports published by INIT editors in various countries--publications such as this one. Following is the letter:
Dear Mrs Harsch,
This letter is addressed to you as I know you are the main communicator on your side for messages like this. My name is Arthur Beckwith. I suppose you don't know me, although I know you very well.
I am in charge over here at Timestream station doing analyses of your newsletter, also the comments resulting which are published in different countries (for example my home colleague Mark Macy).
With this I intend to give you and my fellow researchers in the States ... some details allowing them to make serious and complementary research on "deceased persons" just like me.
I was born in Houghton-le-Spring Sunderland (UK). I was in Jamaica in 1857 where I met my beloved wife Susan and was employed at the Sun, the Brooklyn Daily Eagle the Citizen.
I am here now, at Group Timestream, together with Scott Joplin, Marjorie Hamilton, Bill O'Neil, Jeannette D and my friend Bill H. Lynch who was (as he told me) in his terrestrial days rector of St John's Roman Catholic Church in Lambertville N.J. (He seems to have had some difficulties in offering to perform marriages during 1912 without cost) and Francis H. Glazebrook of Morristown (a medical doctor).
The message came as a surprise. First of all, no one in ITC was familiar with the names Arthur and Susan Beckwith, Marjorie Hamilton, Bill H. Lynch, and Francis H. Glazebrook. The other names--Bill O'Neil, Jeannette Meek and Scott Joplin--are more familiar to us all. Mr Joplin (V 1917) was a well-known ragtime composer and pianist who has made contact through Luxembourg. He became a casual friend of Jeannette Meek after her transition. Jeannette is the late wife of ITC pioneer George Meek. Bill O'Neil was Mr Meek's principal colleague in the development of Spiricom. Since their transitions, Mr O'Neil (V 1993) and Jeannette Meek (V 1991) have been working with others to assemble a spirit group and ITC sending station around my ITC experiments in Colorado.
Within months of his transition Bill O'Neil developed an apparatus on the other side that is superimposed over my radio system in an invisible dimension, and emits Spiricom-like buzzing sounds through the radios that are modulated into voices. Since then the voices have become clearer and clearer.
When Arthur Beckwith was brought into the project with the above letter of introduction, he soon became my principal spirit colleague. I am told that all contacts are initiated by him and a higher being named Isar who directs and supports the project here in Colorado. Arthur Beckwith and I apparently have common interests (such as communication), and perhaps a spiritual connection as well.
After some digging in libraries, Brooklyn city government offices, church records, and the National Archives, we've learned quite a lot about the man and his background. Arthur C. Beckwith was born 1832 May 23, at Houghton-le-Spring, Sunderland, England. Like his father, Arthur was educated for the ministry in the Church of England. In 1857, as a 25-year-old Anglican minister, he wound up in Jamaica, where he married a young woman named Susan Thomas. They had a daughter May and a son Arthur Jr., the latter of whom was born in February 1864.
In 1869 or 1871 the Beckwith family immigrated to the United States. They settled in Brooklyn, New York, and lived at several addresses, including 66 Livingston Street and 235 Schermerhorn Street.
Arthur became a journalist and took a job at the New York Sun. Then he worked for several years on the Brooklyn Daily Eagle (which was published from 1841 to 1955). Shortly after the Brooklyn Citizen was organized in 1887, he took a job with that paper, where he worked for the rest of his life as a court reporter. (That newspaper was published until 1947.) There was also a Brooklyn Sunday Sun which lasted for about three years, from 1873 to 1876, but Arthur apparently did not work on that newspaper. In his 1995 letter to us from Beyond, the "Sun" he refers to is most likely the New York Sun, which was mentioned in his obituary.
According to national censuses taken in 1900 and 1910, Arthur Beckwith was a 68-year-old widower in the year 1900, boarding in the large Brooklyn home of J.A. Bingham, a 45-year-old carpet salesman from Canada, at 150 Schermerhorn Street. It was fairly common at that time for an extended family to live together in the same large house, and that was the situation at the Bingham home. One year earlier, Mr Bingham had married a woman named Alice (Day) who had three daughters: Mary C., Bertha, and Florence. Alice and all three daughters were natives of New Jersey. Bertha (20) was married to Charles Divine, and the two lived in the Bingham house. Florence (18) married Dudley O'Neal in 1907. The oldest of the three sisters, Mary C. (born January 1877) was married to Arthur's son, Arthur Beckwith Jr. His mother (Arthur Sr's wife, Susan Thomas) was from the West Indies. She had died before the 1900 census, as Arthur Sr. is listed as a widower.
In 1900 Mary Day Beckwith was 23, and her husband Arthur Jr was 36, employed as a clerk. They had a daughter that year and named her Alice M. after the baby's maternal grandmother. (She would die a few years later in infancy.) The young Beckwith family were living at 301 State Street in Brooklyn, although Mary was listed as a resident of her father's home as well (where Arthur Sr. was now living).
Arthur Sr. died at his boarding home on 1912 April 14, at 8:40 p.m. Interestingly, he died about the same moment that the luxury liner Titanic hit an iceberg and began to sink. At the time of his death he was the oldest journalist in Brooklyn and a venerable community figure. Funeral services were held April 16, 1912, 8 p.m., at his home, and he was buried at Greenwood Cemetery. Some years later his remains were moved to Belvidere NJ Cemetery.
Note: Some of the information in this article was found by reader Betsy Moyer who has been working on her own genealogy as a hobby for the past six years, and has become quite good at it. During a recent trip to the National Archive in Washington D.C. she took some time to dig into the life of Arthur Beckwith. For those interested in genealogy, Betsy Moyer recommends the book Psychic Roots; the role of serendipity and intuition in genealogy, by Henry Z Jones, Jr.
Jeannette Meek's love letter
Jeannette Meek died on April 2, 1990. As a well-known pioneer of ITC research, her husband George W. Meek of Franklin NC knew his mate would make every effort to contact him through a very successful receiving station in Europe--the CETL lab in Luxembourg.
click to enlarge
George and Jeannette Meek (lifetime photo)
George took his last trip to Europe in July 1990 and spent a weekend with the Luxembourg experimenters, Maggy and Jules Harsch-Fischbach. He observed the assembly and operation of a new ITC system which employed electronics, ultraviolet light, and crystals, and the three friends reminisced about dear Jeannette.
On February 21, 1991, George Meek was back home in North Carolina writing a letter to his friends in Luxembourg to ask if they had received word from Jeannette. That same day the CETL experimenters returned to their Luxembourg home from their full-time jobs to find their computer running, and a new file on the computer disk.
The file contained a long message from their spirit colleagues, including this letter from Jeannette:
Dear G.W.!
Well, it seems as if there are still people who do not believe in the contacts your friends here at CETL are having. Here are some details which except you and Molly (give her my warmest greetings, I miss her) nobody can know:
In 1987, end of April, tenant Debbie called to say her refrigerator was off. It must have been on a Thursday morning and no connection with the storm we had before. At the close of her work day she called again to say she was having more trouble. This time she had left her purse on the seat of the car of the lady with whom she had been riding. This lady was quite far from Franklin so Debbie asked to borrow our key to her place.
Another story: on April 29th, Ann Valentin wrote a letter saying that she had not received the Magic of Living Forever booklets they had ordered, but Harlequin novels.
Third story: John Lathrop (I don't think Maggy and Jules ever heard THAT name!) shut off the electricity at the "C" house to put in the new light. He wasn't down there very long but charged $20 service in addition to $40 for the bulb itself plus tax.
Don't try to explain this, Honey. My never-ending love to you. I miss you so much, but I know we will be together.
Love forever.
J. to M: Please Maggy, forward this to George. He can be of great help to you all. Send my best wishes to Loree also. Thank you.
Jeanette Duncan Meek.
End of contact.
Maggy called George and read the letter to him over the phone. George realized that the three items in the letter were known only to himself, Jeannette and their assistant Molly, and he was struck with the realization that the message from his beloved wife was perhaps the best hard evidence ever produced that life continues after our short lives on Earth, and that ITC is legitimate.
Verification of phone calls
ITC contacts coming through public networks (e.g. phone calls) are subject to question by skeptics, who point out that such contacts could be Earthside pranks played upon unsuspecting experimenters. To prove that phone contacts are indeed made by spirit, various European experimenters have had their phones monitored closely by their phone companies so that every call is traced. (We can't do that in the States without the involvement of law enforcement authorities, and only then when we are receiving threatening phone calls on a regular basis.)
ITC experimenter Adolf Homes recently set up a dedicated phone line and arranged with the German phone company Deutsche Telekom to have all his phone calls monitored and traced for a period of two months. After being equipped with complete monitoring and Caller ID services, Mr Homes received four paranormal calls on that line on January 15, January 30, February 15, and another date unspecified. No other calls were received on that telephone during that time. After the trial period the phone company reported as follows:
Refer to: Order of 1995 December 13
File #: PKV 1-5 Thomas Binz
Concerning: Determination of incoming calls to Telephone terminal 06508 7511
Dear Mr Homes,
We have concluded the requested monitoring of your telephone line during the period from 1996 January 11 to March 11. During that period, no calls were made to you. A charge of DM 127.00 will be included in your next Telekom bill for this service. With the best of greetings, Thomas Binz.
Most ITC researchers theorize that phone calls from spirit do not come through the public networks. Instead, our spirit colleagues assemble invisible apparatuses in invisible realms that might sit right there in the same room with our own technical devices. It is these unseen apparatuses of our unseen friends which interact directly with our equipment. The results of Mr Homes' test with Deutsche Telekom would support that theory.
To support the legitimacy of spirit phone calls made to the States, some of them are confirmed within hours or days, by cross-contacts to other experimenters. For example, Konstantin Raudive first called me on my home telephone on January 21, 1994, to announce that the bridge from spirit group Timestream to the States had been completed. He then called ITC researcher George Meek and others, mentioning in some of those calls that he had already contacted me.
A month later, on February 20, German experimenter Adolf Homes found a text file in his desktop computer (which was attached to nothing but the power outlet in the wall--no modems, no internet connection of any kind). The message, translated from German, began:
This is Konstantin Raudive via the devices at Station Rivenich. Dear Colleague Adolf Homes, I herewith confirm my own contacts with Mr Malkhoff and Mr Meek and Macy in America. More contacts have been made successfully...
When phone calls are not verified objectively by such methods as those described above, we rely on our instincts (which become increasingly reliable with ITC experience). When Konstantin Raudive is on the phone with us, we feel his calm, focused and good-hearted personality in the call. That was the case when on February 6, 1998, he gave me technical advice for the radio configuration in my lab. He told me to purchase:
...a VLF receiving converter. It's a receive-radio-navigation beacon, and you have standard frequencies--ship-to-shore, and European "Alvalue"(?) broadcasts. You have also a 1750-meter license-free band, and so on. And you can have a converter. You simply connect the VLF converter to your HF radio's antenna input, and a suitable VLF antenna. Then you convert the entire VLF band, let's say 10 kilohertz to 500 kilohertz, up to 4010 to 4500 kilohertz, respectively.
When I dialed *69 after this call, the taped voice said the call could not be traced. That in itself was not a verification of the call's legitimacy, but I immediately KNEW from previous phone calls that it was indeed the voice and personality of Konstantin Raudive talking to me. It was an inner knowing. Also, the person on the phone displayed a good knowledge of the technical capabilities of my radio setup, suggesting to me it would have to be a close colleague either from Earth or from spirit.
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