A site devoted to the commemorisation of the fine channelling of
Miss Cummins was a prolific author and the majority of her books were done by a process of automatic writing from sources in the spirit world. This site focuses on her channeled works and others related to them. All except Swan on a Black Sea were published before 1963 and a careful check of U.S. copyright office records shows that none of these works has had the copyright renewed, which places them in the public domain in the U.S.A. This site offers a sampling of her works, many of which were so popular that no used copies are any longer available. |
"For it has been my lot to be concerned in a work more important and more successful than anything in my own capacity or character could have led me to expect. I have been one of the central group concerned in a great endeavour; the endeavour to pierce, by scientific methods, the world-old, never-penetrated veil. The movement which took overt shape in 1882, with the formation of the Society for Psychical Research, was aided indeed by help from other quarters, but in its essential character was the conception of a few minds, and was piloted through its early dangers by a small group of intimate friends. With this endeavour to learn the actual truth as to the destiny of man I have from the very first been identified and, so to say, incorporate. Edmund Gurney worked at the task with more conscientious energy; the Sidgwicks with more unselfish wisdom; but no one more unreservedly than myself has staked his all upon that distant and growing hope." --Frederic Myers |
Being a description of the after-life purporting to be communicated
by the late F. W. H. Myers
Being a detailed description of the Future life purporting to be communicated
by the late F.W.H. Myers
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