by Ernst Senkowski
Believe it, so it shall be, the beginning has been made.
Since 1983, Peter HAERTING (Darmstadt) had been doing VOT experiments, often together with Jochem FORNOFF. Due to information received about the European Personal Call System at CETL, he enlarged his installation early in 1987. Surprisingly, thereafter an initially unclear DEAV (Direct Electroacoustic Voices) / DRV (Direct Radio Voices) manifested on April 21st, 1987, which called itself ABX-JUNO. After around 30 messages, comprising a total of 4000 words, the communication ended at the beginning of December 1987, because the experimenter had to stay in hospital, and after his death it was not possible to take it up again, though using his unmodified equipment (see HOMES in F-38.12.3).
Average number of words per message approx. 130 (min. 32, max. 257), varying understandability, interpretation often difficult because of the voice’s very deep register and extremely slow speaking velocity. In the course of the messages of ABX-JUNO relatively frequently additional, mostly low voices were recorded, whose interpretation was in part possible when listening to the recordings later. The ITC realized in Darmstadt is an independent confirmation of the direct contacts at BACCI, O’NEIL, KOENIG, CETL, and HOMES. The reproduction given here is somewhat shorter than the - in the substance complete - reproduction published in the 3rd/4th edition of this book. The indicated dates refer all to 1987.
April 21st: ABX-JUNO ueber Eurobruecke (ABX-JUNO via Eurobridge) – rhythmic rapping – hint at further messages/sendings.
April 27th: ABX-JUNO: Announcement of further contacts for July. Brief information to those attending persons who were addressed with their names.
July 13th: Take the A for “aussen” (outside/outer side) or “ausserhalb” (outside of) your earthly boundary. The B for biological, the X for experiment. Understand it as an experiment coming from outside which penetrates into your biological life form. JUNO is my name - with which you can/may address me. -
July 27th: ABX serves for the communication of two different life forms and not for investigating or increasing the human weakness. These properties on your side are fully known to us. Believe me. We will also not interfere directly in your course of life. This shall be unmistakable/clear for all of you. – Not all of your relatives are interested in a connection (with) their former form of life.
August 3rd: It is not easy for us today to receive your voices. – Again and again we are asked if it is good to make contact with us from your side. See it this way: without our friendly agency even your most intense endeavours would be in vain.
August 12th: As long as the earthly man is pulled into the wrong direction by wrong emotions, these (transcommunicative) endeavours continue to be patchwork. It will still take long till the human can adjudge a minimum of realization to himself.
August 20th: For the doubters be added: The human soul is not subject to decomposition. It can be destroyed neither by itself, nor by any other power.
August 27th: For some of your visitors be said: The inclination to imaginary belief is gaining the upper hand in many a place.September 2nd: You both (spouses HAERTING), and this be said clearly and in the cosmic sense, are for us a unity, and this already since very long, and for ever.
September 7th: To some of you I would like to give an advice for the future: In every reality something positive can be found.
September 17th: Mr. H., you regard the conversations (we) had as not satisfactory. Believe (it), thus it shall be, the beginning has been made.
September 21st: The power of light is great. In the future please switch the TV set off. Our experiments have ended. The telephone communications at Mr. BODEN are correct. Although, we have no influence on these.
September 26th: ‘Since Mrs. Schaefer is present, I would like to again indicate that for her a message is foreseen for the end of October. (This indication was given prior to the “Frankfurter Buchmesse” (Frankfort book fair) where Mrs. S. - without that she herself had any such plan - was contacted in respect of a re-edition of her book - see below). Get in touch with Luxemburg (CETL). Your call is waited for. The mind/spirit overrules all our thoughts.
September 30th: Unfortunately a circumstance has come on in TC which does not meet with my benevolence. Bear in mind: The free will shows as a result of the fact that the human has the capability for realization/comprehension, which is able to grasp the good unconditionally and genuinely.
October 2nd: Listen: In the human’s inner resides the desire to recognize the cause of the effect that is meant. Who wants to force the soul, in vain fights with straw the diamond’s hardness. Question: Can we receive you at any time? Also amidst clear benevolence be this question answered with no. Only if/when ABX-JUNO is willing to enter in contact with you, this will happen.
October 10th: The TC in Luxemburg has in no way any relation to ABX-JUNO. Bear in mind: The wind’s spirit is infinite.–
(On an other occasion ABX-JUNO referred to earthly establishment of contact with CETL, where he made a short contact on January 31st, l988. For further contacts see HOMES F-38.12.3.)
October 20th: Mrs. Hilde SCHAEFER be said: She shall write her book, but not cross the Fluss der Mitte (river of the mid), (see above). Mr. H. be said: The path of going is limitless.
October 23rd: Measurements by our technicians have shown that a for us important part of your installation in Darmstadt has become weaker. Please check. (After some time of searching a defective potentiometer was identified. ABX confirmed the repair.) Generally be said for all: You can accept advices and indications from ABX-JUNO. But you cannot teach me anything. The way to the light is much farer from your side than is mine.
November 5th: I would like to say directly that we have noticed that the human health of family H. has been availed of too much by us. I regret this. We will place at disposal everything within our power in order to initiate improvement with you two. For (a) further connection you are highly needed by us.
November 9th: For you all be generally said: Men who wish to do (something) good for others should not wait for a confirmation from my side. Furthermore I will never interfere in personal concerns. We are not here to influence your course of life. –
Mr. BODEN (loud interruption like in BODEN’s telephone contacts: Hello CHARLY), not all who have contacted you are of a good mind/spirit.
November 16th: For all of you be said: Try to distribute your earthly doing more justly. The human is no image of God. But you are able to go forward. Reflect on this. ABX-JUNO is not far from you on the path of going. Nothwithstanding it is endless for your senses.
November 19th: Tell Prof. SENKOWSKI we will help him to the completeness of the thought.
December 2nd: It amazes ABX pretty often how some of you want to claim TC for themselves personally. Think: The sea has its pearls, the sky has its stars, your heart however shall have its love. Like you are free to act, you are also free to abstain from acting. And where you can say ‘no’, you can also say ‘yes’. Mr. FORNOFF be said again: Technique does not replace the power of thought. Stay all in connection with HANNA.(Experimenter: H. BUSCHBECK)
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