by Ernst Senkowski
It is exactly the phenomenon in which
absolutely nobody believes.
Some time after the publication of the MUELLER-O’NEIL Spiricom contacts arrived news from Italy, which relativised the priority and uniqueness of the communications in the USA. According to these news, a group of experimenters, led by Marcello BACCI and Luciano CAPITANI in Grosseto, Italy, in their weekly ‘psychophonic séances’ had technically supported direct contacts in which, in addition to uncounted deceased relatives of contact seeking bereaved, some repeatedly manifesting TE spoke, among them female TE CORDULA and male IL SAGGIO (the Wise), and GREGORIO.
Later the there undertaken ITC experiments were expanded by classical spiritistic séances, in which rappings, materializations out of light balls, the playing of musical instruments, and other phenomena appeared. According to information received from BACCI personally, CORDULA materialized in one of the séances, ‘her hands appeared lively like a girl’s, her touches let feel extraordinarily long finger nails’.
In June, 1986, the author participated in two contact experiments. The verbal communications in Italian and German language were supplemented by a multilingual Morse message (see B-9.5 and B-12.4). Some words and sentences were immediately understandable and by way of repeated listening to the tape recordings, the bigger part of them were interpreted with intersubjective conformity. Unmistakable were the names mentioned, and the relations to defined persons and situations. On the basis of the surroundings and the form/way of appearance, the author excludes every ‘normal’ causation.
June 9th, 1986, Italian: It is an instrument that we have been using since centuries, which however has characterized the modern epoch in a fundamental manner. German: What love here does, in my view, will bear (up). – What happens at the boundary of life? (Was Liebe hier tut, aus meiner Sicht, wird tragen. - Was geschieht an der Grenze des Lebens?) (see CETL F-38.11.1 RAUDIVE).
June 10th, 1986, German (as a reply to the previously repeatedly expressed request for advice in respect of improvements): SENKOWSKI’s wishes brave (good/worthy) for CORDULA’s help in spite of these ungraspable communications. (SENKOWSKI’s Wuensche brav fuer die Hilfe CORDULAs trotz dieser unfassbaren Kommunikationen.)
(The Italian originals of the first text, and of the following ones, exist.)
In the three monographs so far published it is not always recognizable whether one has to do with VOT or with (D)EAV. In the translation the – also in the original - unusual word order has largely been maintained. The following examples have been taken from BACCI’s “Il mistero delle voci dall’aldilà” (The mystery of the voices from the Beyond).
I see that in front of me is a wide horizon, one of those infinities for discovering that there is an other infinity. – In order to generate the frequency, I have used the maximum to do the semantic work. – For (the) communication via radio is CORDULA. – (For) the human (sense of) hearing here has been realized (by) CORDULA yet important information: the radio contact. – The great problem is knowing decompose waves for communication, here we are still in the very first stages of research. – We think TESLA waves – the electromagnetic field of the sun. – telemontecord (distant-mountain-connection?) powerful contact. – Your life accepts (a) phenomenon of extraordinary recorded gravitation(al) forces, extreme ultraviolet and you (plural) (are charged) to study infrared. – Here we wish a direct (information) flow in (with) your (singular) life, we can cooperate. – It is difficult to answer your (sing.) questions and regarding the technique of technology of the new energy; don’t you (pl.) know that you (pl.) have direct experiences, you (pl.) make extraordinary contacts. – This field of research can give you (s. or pl.) more social aspects of your (s. or pl.) life: our problem from the viewpoint of research can be realized through the experimental actions of the researchers which hear/listen. – With full heart, with all mental powers and with the entire body: that is the melting pot which serves (for communication). – Blessed the names of those who alone have carried the research forward, they have experienced it at first hand. – The cardinal point of life is the mind, again and again I have to stress (to you) that times are urging, (it is) very good when we are called, and expedient that the dialogue is continued.
After CAPITANI’s/PAGNOTTA’s “Terre tuttora inviolate” (The lands/countries as yet uninjured) was edited PAGNOTTA’s “Risveglio alla vita” (Awakening to life/Raising from the dead to life) as the third report on the group’s work. The title had been suggested by JUERGENSON post mortem.
The contacts last between about 20 min. up to an hour. After having switched on the receiver, they come off, also without an invitation, on a free frequency and begin with a characteristical signal. In the course of the years 1990/91 an exponential increase of the number of contacts was observed. There were no successless experiments, but when BACCI was absent, all the experiments were futile ones. The voices manifest electroacoustically via radio. They assure that man was the catalyst. BACCI holds that this kind of contacts has nothing common with VOT. One would have to do with a mediumistic phenomenon.
‘As their motivation, and as the essential implication of the messages and dialogues, the TE indicate belief, confidence and promotion of spiritual development. They claim a different structure of recognition – one without the usual rational kind of reduction. Not the literal interpretation of the messages, but the content hidden between the lines is of importance. The particular significance of emotion is underlined’ (see F-38.12). When comparing with the above quoted condensed passages, one notices a clear improvement of the style.
One should not forget that the energies are generated to such degree as someone has searched them, and by the searching of a new world which is not the end but the commencement of a new heaven. There is a lot that transgresses the horizon of human understanding. We again and again ask you to have regard to the symbolic notions, (which we have to use), in order to represent concepts not completely definable or understandable for you (see CLAUDIUS F-37.10) and KLIMKE (F-37.11).
We have to enter a new fatherland (home country), an absolute labyrinth, which we have to pass through with great effort. A dynamic world that does not know borders/limits, and which is made to spread ideas (for the spreading of ideas). How can one make comprehensible the way that leads into heaven, and give a report on those who experience it already, and who, freed from the body, reside in that place which you call the Beyond. Here are living (ones) who have died already, here are dead (ones) who live for ever.
The mind/spirit comes in for speaking, in order to adopt a bodily form so that it may succeed in sending its own message. To discover the sources of these phenomena by means of the/this communication: the universe is not ruled by the chaos (and by) the disorder, it is a true cosmos. The order is able (to do) everything, because in the order itself exists the secret of your origin, and that we go forward stepwise when we speak: and the result has to be read several times in order to comprehend the sense of the sentence. It is words that have become obsolete, it is words that have adopted other meanings, but bear (in themselves) the sense of a connection/linkage: who hears a serious word finds himself in the sight of a language like this one.
The linguistic construction is exactly that which we admire, these are amazing voices! That (yet) they would be made for listening (to them) and would be accepted as (a) language! One remembers much longer the words that have been spoken, and the contents; me, too, I must say that this experiment is truly fundamental, because through the extremest slowing down of the rhythm, here the memory’s possibilities cause the flowing of the words; but even if one makes a corresponding experiment, it has its (own) rhythm and its (own) time.
Each of these sound signals is an episode within the innermost mystery. It is a great exertion, in order to announce the mind/spirit, a sign of rebirth, of life; it is indispensable, one has to understand the entirety of the others, and the handshake manifests itself with regard to the occurrences.
What is physics? What a sum of laws, in the scientific studying of which the primitive persons (and) the children, but also those adults not yet too much victims of science, know to occupy themselves with the (them) surrounding inanimate objects, which populate the world of our experience, a system of references/bearings that remains to be explored, - (it is) more than a permitted statement to be aware of it that we perfectly know such human behaviour: I fear for you that I endeavoured in vain, and you are not yet ripe for discussing with me.
Man with his endless questions, and without fundamental answers, is alone. The problem is not to define the mystery, but to let oneself imbue with the mystery, through the eyes of faith, of confidence. Occurrences that do not belong to the scientific order, but to an other order. I have explained that the contact comes about by means of waves which are not physical ones, and that so-called preparedness waves build up within the listener.
The realm of the dead is spoken of (only) with fear: the Beyond as the place of rewarding and penalization does not represent the death: it is a concept of a completely different kind, a visionary conception inasfar as it transgresses the bounds of human space and time, in order to achieve understanding/insight in heaven with the (spiritual) guide’s aid (see F-38.11.1).
In many cases critical scientific questions were ‘answered’ in a typical way, i.e., properly speaking, turned away. The heart, experience, and love were opposed to the animistic-rational explanatory attempts frequently strived for in the working group. Luciano CAPITANI has died in the meantime. During a successful contact experiment, his trans-voice was recognized by eighty attending persons.
Three weeks after his passing, former collaborator Sergio GIOMO got in touch with unmistakable voice and spoke to Marcello BACCI with insistence. The translation of an excerpt from PAGNOTTA’s book (p. 14) can reproduce the Italian structure only with imperfection:
We are on this side, we are in the light here! I did explain it to you, you must recognize it! Well then: one continues living! The hills, the green meadows, there, too, is (the) life, but here everybody feels perfectly well. And you should remember that you there have spoken at the radio and communicated with the deceased, and (should) recognize that I need nothing! The cosmos is our’s, our mind/spirit is genuine/clear. Marcello, remember the problems of communication. Remember the mind/spirit and the good of love!
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