by Ernst Senkowski
Slowly the work must progress.
1899 Radio signals of unknown origin (see KEEL in STEIGER: „Mysteries“). Predictions of ITC and new energies via mediums.
1901-02 On an expedition in Siberia, during a Shamanist ritual, ethnologist Waldemar BOGORAS records direct voices with a portable EDISON phonograph.
1920 Mediumistically gifted wireless operator MELTON builds a ‚ghosts telephone’. GRIERSON experiments with a ‚psychic telephone’, the construction details of which are unknown.
1928 JOBSON, KIRBY and ASHDOWNE develop a TC system. Deceased JOBSON continues his collaboration via a medium.
1928-31 EDISON is working on an apparatus which, he hopes, will allow communication with the dead.
1931 In Belgium, VANDERMEULEN is granted a patent for a signalling unit by means of which those in the Beyond can announce their readiness for contact. 1992 MONTAGNE continues its development.
1931-37 MARCONI works secretly on an appliance for capturing voices from the past.
1937 Von SZALAY attempts with a Packard-Bell disc cutter/record player to capture paranomal voices on disc records. He receives a few voices of poor quality.
1940 Subsequent to mediumistically transmitted data given by EDISON and STEINMETZ, WRITH and GARDNER use with success an installation, a similar form of which was later employed by THOROGOOD.
1941 WEINBERGER (Research Director at RCA) studies the TC properties of plants. The frequency of delivered electric pulses is contingent on his mental attitude.
1947 The Dutch ZWAAN claims the generation of non-electromagnetic ‚super rays’ said to be unprovable with the usual measuring instruments.
1947 Von SZALAY documents on a Sears Roebuck wire recorder voices of a little better quality. The wire frequently tears apart so that this method is abandoned.
1950 Von SZALAY begins to work with a magnetic-tape recorder and receives several quite clear voices.
Regarding the outsets of the development see also SENKOWSKI: „Fruehe elektromechanische TK-Versuche“ (‚Early electromechanical TC experiments’) in ZSTK I/4 (1992).
1952 Padres GEMELLI and ERNETTI in Milano record voices of G.’s deceased father. They report to Pope PIUS XII.
1956 BAYLESS experiments together with von SZALAY. In 1958 he writes an article in JASPR that escaped notice (published in 1959).
1959 JUERGENSON records birds’ twitterings, and when playing the recording discovers extraordinary voices. In 1963 he reports on his discovery on a press conference.
1964 JUERGENSON’s book is edited in Stockholm. Von SZALAY for the first time receives voices of deceased relatives.
1965 At JUERGENSON, RAUDIVE, Lettic psychologist and philosopher, convinces himself of the genuineness of the phenomenon, and in Bad Krozingen (Germany) begins doing his own experiments. – BACCI and his collaborators in Grosseto, Italy, start doing weekly contact experiments.
1967 Via trance medium SEUTEMANN, EDISON speaks about the endeavours he undertook in 1928 to develop apparatuses for receiving ‚voices from the Beyond’. He gives recommendations for the modification of a TV set with which AFFOLTER receives transmusic during several months. – In Vienna, SEIDL develops the „Psychophon“. – RUDOLPH builds a „Goniometer“ for RAUDIVE.
1968 Roman Catholic Priest L. SCHMID, Switzerland, studies the voice phenomenon. His book „Wenn die Toten reden“ (When the dead speak) is published posthum in 1976. – RAUDIVE publishes „Unhoerbares wird hoerbar“ ((The) Unhearable becomes hearable) which bases upon approx. 70 000 recordings.
1970... In Germany, Italy, Austria, and the USA interested persons join in rather big groups. At BACCI, the initial VOT evolve to direct EAV (DEAV/DRV), which, via radio, transmit relatively long messages and partly are capable of dialogue.
1971 COLIN SMYTHE, England, edits an extended English translation of RAUDIVE’s book: „Breakthrough – An Amazing Experiment in Electronic Communication with the Dead“.
1972 BANDER, England, writes „Carry on Talking“.
1973 After having read „Breakthrough“, the brothers LAMOREAUX, USA, record paranormal voices.
1975 Playwright and screenplay writer WELCH, Hollywood, writes „Talks with the Dead“.
1977 Foundation of „Gruppo Sperimentale di Audizione Metafonia GSAM“ (experimenting group for receiving/listening to metaphony) by Roberto MANGANI in Italy.
1978-79 GREMESE and D’ARONCO begin making VOT experiments in Udine.
1983 Foundation of „Circulo di Metafonia e di Metavisione“ (circle for metaphony and metavision) in Udine.
1987 OLSEN/JUERGENSON: Video „Die Bruecke zur Unsterblichkeit“ (The bridge to immortality)
1991 OLSSON/ECKARDT: Video on ITC in Swedish language
Subsequently VOT are verified in other countries too.
1971 US Americans JONES, MEEK, and HECKMANN establish a laboratory destined for the first serious attempt to develop a bi-directional communication system, which would be far more complicated than the usual devices for receiving VOT.
1978 O’NEIL, using a modified sideband receiver, has short, convincing contacts with an American medical practitioner who states having died five years before.
1982 MEEK distributes worldwide cassettes with 16 excerpts from O’NEIL’s ITC with US scientist MUELLER, who died in 1968, and a 100-pages manual on the ‚electromagnetic-ethereal Spiricom system’. Publication took place within the framework of a press conference in Washington, D.C.
1982-89 KOENIG, Germany, develops several systems for which he uses low-frequency local oscillators, infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Dialogues with a group of passed-away young persons led by ANJA Dohrmann.
1985-88 HARSCH-FISCHBACH, Luxemburg, with spiritual help, build and operate two complex receiver systems. They obtain rather long messages and dialogues.
1987 HAERTING, Germany, extends his VOT installation, and during several months receives DEAV from a TE ABX-JUNO.
1989 HOMES and MALKHOFF, Germany, after rather long VOT experiments receive direct electroacoustic voices (DEAV) via simple broadcast receivers, and via a TV set’s sound channel.
1917-25 In Brazil, in the presence of mediumistically gifted persons, telephone conversations with deceased take place. D’ARGONNEL describes the results in the first book published on ITC.
1979 Subsequent to questionings, US Americans ROGO and BAYLESS publish in „Phone Calls from the Dead“ a great number of well attested cases in which deceased communicated via telephone with their surviving dependents.
1981-83 BODEN, Germany, after massive unclarified telephone disturbances, has spontaneous contacts with deceased, and TE of a non-human line of evolution.
1988 HARSCH-FISCHBACH receive telephone calls from those communicators who appear as the originators of the broadcast-, TV-, and computer contacts. Part of the messages are found on the answering machine. Relatively long dialogues are feasible. A monitoring of the telephone installation by the competent authorities remains without result.
Telephone voices manifesting at HOMES, which partly are capable of dialogue, correspond with the voices received via radio, TV-set, and with computer texts. Part of these contacts are timely and/or in substance cross-linked with those in Luxemburg.
1992 SENKOWSKI has a three minutes long telephone conversation with deceased Klaus SCHREIBER, and the former Polish Cardinal Augustyn HLOND. The paranormal character of the contact is assured by its personal, intimate content.
1994 A series of telephone calls that arrived at American experimenters, in Sweden, and in Brazil under the name RAUDIVE give rise to a discussion regarding their paranormal origin. Confirming TI arrive at CETL and HOMES via computer. Further telephone calls in Brazil at a later time.
1980-81 BODEN, Germany, documents spontaneous meaningful computer troubles, as their instigator appears a deceased acquaintance.
1984-86 WEBSTER, England, receives around 250 messages in form of computer dialogues with a person that had lived/lives in the 16th century. These messages are formulated in that time’s English. Historical details are confirmed in Oxford. A group 2109 of unknown TE declare to be responsible for this ‚time manipulation experiment’.
1987 HARSCH-FISCHBACH get computer contacts with several TE, including RAUDIVE. Questions they enter are answered, sometimes with considerable delay. Announcements of transcontacts and explanations to transimages are made via computer.
1989 With irregular intervals HOMES receives transtexts via his Commodore C 64 installation, frequently in form of answers.
1994 With mediumistically gifted secretary ALFIERI in Milano messages of deceased are printed out instead of the correct original texts. Thereafter follow computer texts in France and in Mexico.
1978 After long years of VOT experiments, and corresponding to repeated announcements via VOT, DELLA BELLA in Italy receives on the TV screen, in the presence of several witnesses, some subjectively observed images of deceased which are affirmed in lieu of an oath. In several countries, though without being able to document them, other experimenters, too, observe the spontaneous apperance of ‚dead’ on their TV sets.
1985 Following the instructions transmitted via tape recorder by his passed daughter KARIN, SCHREIBER, Germany, technically supported by WENZEL, uses an electronic-optical feedback video system for the evocation of paranormal images. In many cases they can be identified via transaudio, and a comparison with photos/pictures from earthly life. SCHREIBER’s works are object of a video documentation produced, and of a book written by HOLBE (RTL). DARNELL (Spain), FUCHS (Germany), BABCOCK (USA), GREMESE (Italy), MARTIN (Switzerland), REITERER (Austria), SIMONET (France) apply(ied)/use(d) this procedure.
1987 Via a black-and-white TV set, HARSCH-FISCHBACH receive increasingly better transimages which include short scenes with movements, and freezing-frame sequences accompanied by spoken information.
1989 At relatively long intervals, HOMES documents transimages of short duration that appear on a free TV channel and almost exclusively show persons. He receives the first coloured images.
1990 HARSCH-FISCHBACH receive digitalized transimages via their PC, presumably with the use of the graphics program stored on the hard disc for scanner operation.
1992 KOENIG, during the public meeting of the „Forschungsgemeinschaft Transkommunikation FGT“ (community for research on transcommunication), demonstrates for the first time good-quality transimage contacts accompanied by spoken texts. This also in 1993. In 1994 shows during 60 seconds the impressive face of a speaker whose lip movements a partly synchronized with the speech. – Further transimages manifest in France, Spain, USA.
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