by Ernst Senkowski
It is well possible that behind our sensory
perceptions hide entire whole
worlds we have no idea of.
The texts and images reproduced in this documentation are representations of paranormological phenomena in form of a great number of transcontacts which (on our plane) have come to pass independently, part of them linked in respect of time and contents and supporting one another. The author joins OHLHAVER (“Die Toten leben” ‘The dead live’, 1st edition 1916, p. 104):
‘May be made the objection that my investigations do not suffice scientific requirements. I will accept this. It was not my intention to advise others by my examinations, I wanted nothing more than to convince myself, and I attained to it. But I think I may say that the investigations I have made fully satisfy practical requirements.’
This statement be extended by two remarks:
The development of the transcontacts at Adolf HOMES in Rivenich - almost completely available to the author - continued till his demise, and is to be regarded as an independent corroboration of the technically supported communications in Italy (BACCI, ALFIERI), in the USA (O’NEIL, MACY, BUTLER), in Germany (BODEN, HAERTING, KOENIG, SCHREIBER), in England (WEBSTER, SCOLE), in Luxemburg (CETL), as well as in Brazil, France, Mexico, and Spain. The ‘paranormal character’ of the problematic telephone contacts is supported by a multiple networking. A few simple examples may demonstrate these connections:
On September 20th, 1993, HOMES received one of the relatively frequent telephone calls of his deceased MUTTER (MOTHER). For the following week she announced that several contacts by Franz SCHNEIDER were to come through in different places. On September 27th, at 09:52 a.m., both the computer systems in Rivenich and Luxemburg printed out an identical text under this name. Be again underlined that the equipment units were not telecommunicatively networked.
A TE whose existence ‘with certainty’ was unknown to the receivers of a message is called a ‘drop-in communicator’. Though, on principle, an ‘absolute’ evidence is not possible, the history of mediumism is full of examples for which it could be excluded that the medium had acquired knowledge via normal ways, especially in those cases in which, in addition to name and official data, personal details came through whose confirmation – which often required a considerable lot of energy and time - was possible at a then future time only. The English direct-voice medium Leslie FLINT was able to score many such convincing cases, and this especially when no prominent figures, but ordinary persons were concerned.
In a larger sense also those communicators can be joined to the ‘true’ drop-in communicators whose names were known to the receiver, who, however, transmitted details of which the receiver did not know anything. To give examples, here follow three occurrences experienced by Adolf HOMES:
The most complex case regards the spontaneous computer ‘dialogue’ that took place in Italian and German language with Kardinal August(yn) HLOND. In this case, like in the following one, essential details and connections were clarified and confirmed not earlier than by investigations undertaken by the author, who himself received an undoubtedly paranormal telephone call of the Kardinal a few weeks later (F-38.4).
On April 5th, 1993, the name Bruno LEUSCHNER appeared for the first time in a transtext. After the author had found two persons with identical name, he asked HOMES to inquire in the Beyond for the identification of the unknown TE. The following day, while the experimenter was absent, the answer came through via radio by giving data that allowed to unambiguously assign the TE to deceased Bruno LEUSCHNER (F-38.12).
After, on June 19th, 1991, Prof. Hans BENDER, who had died on May 7th, 1991, via radio had spontaneously got in touch with Rivenich in form of a radio message of about 10 minutes length, and at the same time, via computer, the same text had appeared under the same name in Luxemburg, HOMES – subsequent to three further contacts in February and March 1994, and on April 8th, 1994 - documented a message in which BENDER mentioned a number of details for his identification. All these details can be found in a biography published by GRUBER, of which Adolf HOMES knew nothing.
One wonders how these and similar cases could be ‘explained’. A first neutral ascertainment refers to the conformity of at least two groups of defined data that reach the receiver from two different sources, or via two independent ways of communication. The one group manifests in an incomprehensible way via mediumistic, or mediumistic-technical ‘channels’, the corresponding other group is found, more or less easily accessible, f.i., in literature.
As the most plain interpretation appears the orginazing will of the communicators’ in the Beyond. There is little probability that a (mediumistic) human should select out of an ‘information space’ a meaningful combination of details indifferent to him/her and should construct from these a ‘surviving’ person unknown to him/her. And even this presumption would require the acceptance of informative linkages ‘lifted’ out of unconscious domains and made conscious. An analogous consideration is applicable also to those cases where rather long transtexts, or transimages are related to contents are already known to the experimenter, or to those discovered ‘by chance’ at a later time only.
The changes made in the 3rd/4th edition, mentioned in this book’s foreword in a general form, mainly refer to two fields of the documentation section:
Some of the previously more detailedly represented mediumistic communications were deleted or abbreviated in order to provide space for more recent texts. Particularly the instrumental contacts documented by HOMES only could be adequately taken into account through the shortening of other texts.
In the course of the past years it became more and more apparent that the kind of the technical communication channel is subordinate to the psychic conditions. With this view the contacts are primarily telepathically directed via the experimenter’s mind, and the technical appliance - which constitutes the last mesh of a ‘transmission and picturing chain’ - realizes the TI within our sensory world. This cogitation is also valid for VOT. The full meaning of the apposite Italian term psychophony hitherto had not been grasped. The living experimenter’s psyche operates in an ‘animistic’ way, the TE’s in a ‘spirit(ual)istic’ way. In fact we have to do with dynamic overlappings as semantic intersections, or with reciprocal effects/interactions within the holomorphic information space. The resonance-like collaboration of the experimenters’ psyche in selecting and structuring the TI often is recognizable. GOETHE: ‘The mind/spirit you grasp equals you’; and there exist ‘mind/spirit families’ in which – according to what is required or necessary – different forms of ‘multi-soulism’ come true, which by us are perceived as dependent on time (see in particular CLAUDIUS/TESLA and AARON/EINSTEIN, F-37.10, 37.12, and DELAVRE in G-39.1).
The contents of transcommunication can be classified in three groups:
personal details, taken into account only in exceptional cases;
communications of general ‘spiritual – philosophy of life’ character referring to the cosmos, the earth, and humanity;
messages to ‘scientific-technical’ questions.
The contents of groups 2 and 3 frequently appear in a mixed form, and it is not possible to classify them according to the orthodox scientific and religious systems. Why the TE’s answers to scientifically oriented questions eventuate relatively vague, remains unclear. It seems that semantic difficulties counteract an unambiguous transposition of notions of incompatible consciousness structures, and perhaps are a cause for the well-directed blocking of relevant information, and for additionally interspersed disinformation from the side of ‘aliens’ because of a ‘galactic embargo’ to which the earth is subdued (DEARDORFF in C-20, and MARCINIAK).
Several deceased pioneers of TC and radio-engineering, and some scientists have made contact via different channels either spontaneously, or in reaction to the calling of earthly experimenters.
This incomplete list suggests to suppose connections between these humans’ activities during their lifetime and their post-mortem endeavours; see also in F-38.10 SCHREIBER, where former Abbot WIESINGER points out that earthly topics of interest are pursued in the Beyond.
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