by Ernst Senkowski
Senki puts funnel times on.
The many endeavours undertaken to come to an understanding of the paranormal phenomena on the basis of quantum mechanics (WHITEMAN, ZEIGER), went without tremendous success, perhaps simply because the quite different interpretations of the theory prevented an integrated statement right from the outset. Costa DE BEAUREGARD mentioned as the most important question
‘whether in the underground, in the background of the world we can get to know about through measuring technique, exist ‘concealed parameters’ which control all and any events in a regulating manner, and cause an informatory coupling between all the events in the cosmos, events that to us appear to be independent from each other. At that hidden side of the universe, the psyche has to be lodged. Information, organization and knowledge flow from there and to there, and sub speciae aeternitatis nothing is written without the other side’s will and consciousness.’
Following a request, in 1982 a 34 pages long article of JAHN was published in the Proc. of the IEEE (Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineering): “The Persistent Paradox of Psychic Phenomena: An Engineering Perspective”. After a critical summary of the problems of parapsychological research, follows a report on an engineering-type planning and carrying-out of border-science investigations in the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory (PEAR), Faculty of Engineering/Applied Science. Thereafter a series of “Technical Reports” were published, and the treatise “The Margins of Reality”, in which equipment details, the carrying-through of experiments, their results and evaluations, as well as the outsets for a theoretical description, as well as the technical and general human implications were detailedly described.
In remote perception experiments the predominant questions is the development of an optimal methodology for acquiring the characteristics of the target descriptions destined to obtain a computerized evaluation of standardized statements of the agents and the percipients (see PUTHOFF/TARG). A 15 % of the percipients’ statements resulted as an anomalous residue within the scope of non-accidental positive gain of information (ratio 100 milliards (am. billions) : 1). The results of experiments performed with ± several days time difference and over distances of up to several thousands of kilometers were substantially identical with those of the synchronized ‘transmissions’ over relatively short distances.
The experiments on weak psychokinesis were dedicated to the statistical seizing on the mental influences exercised on electronical and mechanical processes. For 40 mio. bit, the well-directed modification of electronic processes delivered a rate of 10000 : 1 anti-chance probability. With a total of 2 mio. bits, the best volunteer arrived at one to two changes per 1000 bit, which correspnds to 1 mio. : 1. The mechanical PK experiments furnished comparable results (see also: H. SCHMIDT, W. von LUCADOU).
While, initially, it was frequently presumed that successful PK effects were bound to the nearness of the acting persons, it meanwhile has shown that, like in remote perception, they are independent from the distance between them. Up to spatial distances of 9000 miles, and time differences of max. 3 days prior and up to a fortnight after the experiment, the results of the interplays between man and machine differ not essentially from those obtained online within a near surrounding. At present, two deductions seem to suggest themselves:
Not only the acquisition of information (in remote perception), but also the entry of information into a system (in psychokinesis) are correlated in a similar way with conscious intention and will. The attempt to interpret these correlations as a transmission of information assumes a space-time referential. However, the results coerce – like in the case of the EPR paradox – a much more radical interpretation: We seem to have to do with a fundamental resonance of both parts of the system of interactions (man-man or man-machine), which calls the formal distinction between precognition and psychokinesis in question (Technical Note PEAR 91003 – 11/1991).
‘When looking at these results at one’s leisure, they may well spoil one’s night’s rest. Either one has to ignore them totally, or they jeopardize several fundamental aspects of time and space’ (JAHN/DUNNE).
In the report ‘On quantum mechanics of the consciousness, with applications to anomalous phenomena’ (JAHN/DUNNE), common ideas of the quantum theory are metaphorically applied to the human consciousness and its interplay with the world. Information is considered to be the only ‘currency’ of all and any reality. It can flow in two directions: the consciousness picks up information from the environment, by which it is modified, or it lets information ‘flow into’ the environment, and by this modifies an area of reality. Reality and experience are formed or created through the reciprocal effects between consciousness and environment. As long as the physical and physiological mechanisms are recognizable within the usual scientific framework, we speak of normal events/processes, if one of theses groups is unknown, we speak of anomalous or paranormal ones [205]. To the theoretical astrophysicists, wormholes and time machines to space-time short-circuits within a universe, or for connecting different universes, since recently appear to be discussible (MORRIS according to FRIEDMANN).
[205] HEIM’s definition of ‘paranormal’ differs from that presented here, and from the generally usual. It calls normal such events/processes that take place on the virtual, or on the real ‘level’; all reciprocal effects between the two levels are – in a larger sense – paranormal, to which, f.i., also belongs the (reputedly) normal drinking of a glass of beer. |
Starting point of the theoretical approach is the quantum-mechanical model of the funnel of potential for describing the energetic of atomic structures (Ill. 40). With the tunnel effect exists for an electron imagined as wave a finite probability for penetrating a potential barrier, even when the latter is unconquerable for the electron as a classical particle because of insufficient energy. When transferring this model, the human consciousness appears to be centered on the somatic structure and limited to the immediate environment in respect of the interplay with the world. It is impossible to pass over the walls of this ‘spacetime trap‘ in a ‘classical’ way, the effective radius of the information flows corresponds to that of sensorymotor functions [206]. In the quantum-mechanical analogy, the consciousness wave functions (CWF; also: Eigenfunctions) form tunnels through the habitual barriers. They are able to interplay with the CWF of other consciousness carriers, and the matter waves of ‘inanimate’ structures. The doing so creates coupled systems featuring new properties – comparable to the formation of molecules from atoms [207]; in the psychic domain: ‘multi-soulism’ (see F-37.12). Communication could also be understood as an ‘existence of semantic intersections, is to say as significant informatory structures, which are ‘understood’ (with sufficient similarity) by the communication partners.
[206] In A-1 it is pointed out that EM telecommunication has considerably enlarged the informatory effective radius. [207] The theoretical cogitations go considerably beyond what can be conveyed here! |
Generally speaking we have to do with a kind of integration in form of a process for building a system of a higher order from relatively autonomous (sub-)systems of a lower order; the subsystems that constitute the higher system enter a reciprocal dependency, and their autonomy and independence are reduced. HEIM’s formulation given in “Ein Bild vom Hintergrund der Welt” (a picture of the world’s background) reads: ‘In general, every interrelation between two individual elements brings in its train that the elements entering in it lose their individuality and, as a compound, structure a superordinate system whose characteristics may be of a completely different kind than are the properties of the correlating components.’
With regard to ITC, several statements of the PEAR team are significant:
Over relatively long time periods, charateristic ‘signatures’ of individual volunteers were documented in the course of the deviations from the expected statistical values. As compared to these, the results showed poor dependency from the material equipment. JAHN: ‘We are of the opinion that in this experiment the volunteer’s individual characteristics constitute the primary variables.’
When looking at the PK phenomena in the sense of the extended theory, there exists resonance between the consciousness wave functions (CWF) and the technical equipment’s wave functions (WF). The coupling enables an anomalous influence by the experimenter on the ‘behaviour’ of the equipment, and vice versa. The necessary adaptation process may perform double-tracked: Consciousness either tunes its WF to those of the equipment, or it modifies/changes the equipment’s WF in such manner that it enters in resonance with the person’s. With that, considerable consideration has to be given to the potential funnel’s profile, which is (co-)conditioned by the environment. JAHN: ‘All this reveals a complex, complicated, difficult to grasp syntonizing process featuring many degrees of liberty, of which some are of technical, some of psychological kind’ [208].
The participants’ efforts to (rational-analytically) observe the processes in more details appear to influence the capabilities in a negative way.
JAHN and DUNNE regard the animistic hypothesis as a generally inadmissible restriction. They do not exclude the existence of spiritualistic phenomena and mystic experiences, and also mention the question of survival after death [209].
[208] BEARDEN: ‘(Hyper-)syntonization as a correctly synchronized (timed) complex of mind and matter-energy’. In HEIM’s representation, a shifting of similarity factor k in direction to 1 leads to a latching of the patterns at the critical value; see D-22. HEIM: ‘We need a probability amplifier’. [209] JAHN’s/DUNNE’s mental-spiritual background takes more effect in their book than in the ‘plain’ Technical Reports |
Point by point, we can compare these results with those of ITC:
The experiences made coincide. Persons with ‘mediumistic’ abilities obtain(ed) top results (BACCI, BODEN, CETL, HAERTING, KOENIG, O’NEIL, SCHREIBER, OAKES/WEBSTER). The technical side appears to be subordinate: instrumental contacts have been, and are realized with any wanted EM appliances.
In ITC, too, the psychic-technical ‘syntonizing processes’ cannot be seized. In any case, several experimenters, possibly in interrelationship with TEs, have the ability to realize such (hyper-)syntonizations more easily, more frequently and more successfully than a ‘normal’ human. To the unknown number of degrees of freedom presumably belong cosmic conditions. (see AARON/EINSTEIN, F-37.12).
Meditative attitudes of the experimenters’ (a state, resp. synchronization of brain halves) seem to support the results (see F-38.12.6). They are opposite to the left brain half’s disconcerting activities.
The Princeton schematic is to be complemented by adding autonomous TEs with greater adaptation abilities to it.
JAHN makes consider that in the era of highly sensible elelctronics and complex computerized control systems the (unintentional or conscious) paranormal influence on programmed processes may produce devastating consequences - merely by a change of one only bit. Here, reference be made to the incidents described in A-6.6, in particular to BENDER (interview). From a, possibly due to stress, unconsciously triggered computer malfunction, that leads to a programm crash, via ‘weak PK’ in form of a shifting of positive and negative pulse distributions as evidenced in Princeton, a direct way leads to the effects having occurred at BODEN, CETL, HOMES, and WEBSTER, which can be interpreted as transcommunicative ones). The differences have no principle character, they rather concern the scope, the content of information, and the eventual originators.
Here a quote from JAHN’s “The Complementarity of Consciousness” (Technical Note PEAR 91006, Dec. 1991):
‘It is clear: We have no explicit formula, even not now. But we now are able to stringently demonstrate on the laboratory table, and up to a certain degree by means of our corresponding models, that human will, will-power, wish, attention – one may it call as one likes – are capable of exercising important influence on the comportment of a simple physical system, or the course of an event/process, if they are applied in self-abandoning resonance with the system, and that the same application of human will in resonance with an other human consciousness is able to shape the mutual realities to a considerable degree. – It therefore is not unfounded to hope that the fundamental consciousness, is now finally able to integrate the complementary perspectives into a comprehensive superscience, in which, as a fully qualified partner with its cosmos, it occupies its place in the construction of reality.’
Be particularly hinted at JAHN’s and DUNNE’s book “Margins of Reality” published in the USA in 1987. In 1999, the PRINCETON team edited under the title “Two Decades of PEAR” an anthology of selected publications, which includes 15 important articles published by their collaborators mainly in the “Journal for Scientific Exploration”.
Within the scope of its “Individuelles Bewusstseinsprojekt” (project on individual consciousness), the private institution “Campus Studienzentrum fuer angewandte Naturheilverfahren” (campus centre of studies on applied natural healing methods) of Munich endeavours to acquire the consciousness-, resp. morphic fields of individual persons (CO MED no. 06, 2003, p. 60-62).
In “Einstein’s Schleier” (Einstein’s veil), Anton ZEILINGER (2003) describes the new world of quantum physics. It includes, a.o., the discussions on the realization of quantum computers, and the question, whether the, since long time known, non-locally interlaced effects nevertheless would not (contrary to Einstein’s limitation) enable instantaneous communication faster than light speed. In his more general reflections, the author advocates the ‘bear-in-mind sentences’:
‘Information is the original matter of the universe’
‘Reality and information are one and the same thing’,
and, in contrast with WITTGENSTEIN’s “Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist” (The world is everything that is the case), he closes with a statement that includes more than meets the eye:
‘The world is everything that is the case, but also everything that may be the case’.
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