by Ernst Senkowski
This is a consequence of the action,
this will be a solution in practice.
In the preceding sections the development of ITC, and the linkage of its results with several specialist fields of natural science, arts, and border areas of science have been dealt with. The following chapters contain mainly physics-oriented theories, hypotheses and speculations likely to contribute to an understanding of the paranormal phenomena and of TC. With a few exceptions, they stem from ‘outsiders’ and have no official acceptance. Nevertheless, the presumable direction of its future developments can be derived from many similarities. The sequence chosen is more or less arbitrary; HEIM’s general field theory, with the inclusion of its expansion from six to twelve dimensions, has quite consciously been accorded the top position because TC is integrated in it. The Princeton groups’ (JAHN/DUNNE) works differ from the other outsets inasfar as the theoretical reflections base on experimentally acquired data that evidence the existence of long-distance (tele-)perception (TP) and psychokinesis (PK).
As an introduction let us try a brief overview on the present situation. In a most general form, TC has been defined as an exchange of information with normally not accessible psychic (mental-soul) fields, which in normal language usage are called (personal) subconscious, collective unconscious, superconsciousness, or ‘Beyond’. A complete analysis of the many informatory linkages would be tantamount to the - according to GOEDEL (A-1) - impossible self-understanding of the complex system ‘man’, or to the understanding of systems of even greater complexity [184].
[184] AUGUSTINUS: ‘What seeks is what is searched for’, and the mullah, gallopping on his donkey through Baghdad, who replied to the people’s question: ‘Where to, in such a hurry?’ shouted ‘I am looking out for my donkey’]. |
To the waking western consciousness, the ‘outer world’, inclusive of its own corporeity and co-conditioned by this, appears to be material-energetic. The physicists investigate this excerpt of the overall reality by using GALILEI’s method. The numerical seizing (measuring) of physical magnitudes, and the mathematical representation of their reproducible linkages in form of rules and ‘laws’ - in the technical sense - have ‘proved’ so well their worth in the description of the ‘inanimate nature’, for which they had been conceived, that they were, mostly unreflectedly and without hesitation, used for ‘dominating’ biological and psychical structures and processes. But, according to LeSHAN, now applies ‘a new precept: you shall not transpose any category of a specific field of experiences to an other one’!
In the attempt to finally attribute everything to specific characteristics of matter and/or ‘accidental’ combinations of elementary ‘particles’, the thus constructed materialistic-mechanistic world view (DYKSTERHUIS, SCHLESAK) bases upon a paradox, or an unnoticed circular argument. Without any doubt psychical and material rheomorphisms are inseparably and intimately interlaced in the living human, and no mystic is able to permanently sever out during his earthly existence. It is less sure, however, whether the two components are on a par with each other. In fact, man never experiences any exterior ‘physical’ occurrences, but exclusively his inner mental/spiritual phenomena (constructivism; BEARDEN). All and every contemplation and consideration are realized within the psyche, and the extreme materialist tries to prove with his limited mental capabilities that they either do not exist at all or, at least, are of second-rate importance [185].
[185] This is the typical ‘cock-and-bull story’, say pulling oneself at one’s own hair out of the marsh. |
Apparently the psyche disappears with the destruction of a somatic carrier structure and continues to evade the usual access [186]. However, the paranormal phenomena evidence not only their relative independence from time, and their superiority over ‘matter’ (BENDER), but they indicate, also in TC, the (continuance of the) existence of psychical complexes, beings or entities outside of our system, in which their eventual materiality (‘subtle materiality’) is not seizable.
[186] Such and similar properties enable those psycho-logists blind for mind/spirit to study ‘soulless’ men. |
Since PLANCK, EINSTEIN, and their illustrious successors saw themselves obliged to introduce absolutely new terms/concepts, like relativity, quantum theory, matter waves, indeterminacy/indefiniteness, probability, chaos, order, and others, for describing partly very simple, incomprehensible, ‘anomalous’ physical phenomena, the importance of the classic-mechanistic theoretical views has decreased considerably. The elementary processes elude the cause-effect scheme, and can be dealt with statistically only. The critique of the measuring process (von NEUMANN) evidenced the non-separability of the observer and the observation (results). Since then, the research of consciousness, and of its connection with the brain and the ‘exteriror world’, appears to be the top scientists’ most important task, for the fulfilment of which it is attempted to concert physics, informatics, cybernetics, and neurophysiology.
But also the conceptions of the structure of the physically described outer world had to be revised. This second revolution, which started with the EINSTEIN-PODOLSKY-ROSEN paradox of 1935, passed on silently, and has been ‘perceived’ by the public even less than the transition from traditional physics to quantum physics. The confirmation of BELL’s theorem (1964) by ASPECT in 1982 is considered to be the most fundamental discovery of science. Physics beyond the quantum suggest that the so-called real world is not objectifiable at all, and/or that ‘all-that-is’ is in momentary holistic-informatory reciprocal action. The consequences of this recognition are as phantastic as they are immense; they include a change of the conceptions we have of our selves and of the world, as well as ideas which, for the time being, are even beyond our vocabulary:
DAVIES: ‘Either there is no objective reality, and it is insignificant to speak of ‘things’ or ‘objects’ which have not any reality outside or beyond the psyche of, at least, the observer, or: communication of translight velocity is feasible with the future and with the past’ (CONRAD-MARTIUS, HERBERT, SHIMONY, TALBOT, TULKU, WILBER).
In view of this situation - DAVIES: ‘ASPECT has driven the last nail into the coffin of sound common sense physics’ -, is quite understandable the helplessness of the experts, whose first reaction was tacit neglect. Although, for the time being, the statements are valid for microphysical quantum systems only, macroscopic quantum effects, and the possibilities of a ‘transmission’ of information with translight velocity have been object of discussion on a conference held in New York in 1986 under the heading “New Techniques and Ideas in Quantum Measurement Theory”.
For some considerable time, scientists in several countries are concerned with experiments for exceeding light speed within a vaccum, which since EINSTEIN has been considered to be the maximum possible speed for the transmission of signals. After, at the University of Berkley, California, already a 1.7 times light speed of photons in a tunnel effect had been observed, Prof. Dr. G. NIMTZ (University of Cologne) reported that a passage of music from MOZART’s symphony no. 40 was transmitted over 12 cm (» 3 in.) distance with 4.7 times the speed of light. This experiment’s theoretical interpretation and its practical importance are pending. On the one hand, there result paradoxical consequences in respect of causality, on the other hand, for a while, no direct applications in communication engineering are to be expected, since in these experiments the microwaves are highly weakened already on short distances (Ernst MECKELBURG according to “NEW SCIENTIST”, April 1995).
The increased approach to the subjects of consciousness, reality, anomalies is eloquent first of all in the USA through publications and congresses of different organizations, part of which are of spiritual orientation.
The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM) is publishing the periodical “Subtle Energies” since 1991, see TILLER in D-29.
Within the scope of the Parapsychological Association’s (PA) 34th annual session (1991 in Heidelberg), RADIN (Contel Technology Center) reported the first results of a project started in 1990 for evidencing direct mental influence on physical systems. Among others, he quoted an information according to which the Japanese Government’s department for science and technology had decided to study the ‘human’s mental activities’ within the scope of a ‘creative program for the furtherance of science and technology’. President SAKIMOTO of the NEC Corporation stated: ‘The studying of telepathy and the sixth sense will certainly prove to be a corner-stone for future ways of communication’. Meanwhile has become known that SONY is operating two fully equipped ‘PSI laboratories’. A syndicate for the research of microcomputers and electronics in the USA ‘showed great interest in the development of a PSI-based technology of mind as part of the logical evolution of man-computer-interfaces’ (PA News & Annual Report, March 1993).
The Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE) held its 11th meeting in Princeton in 1992 in form of a ‘panel for the unprejudiced scientific discussion and taking issue with anomalies’, and its first European conference under ‘the challenge of anomalous observations’.
The conference, jointly organized by the International and the American Psychotronics Association in 1993, took place under the headings ‘Psychotronics and the Spiritual Sphere’ or ‘Science and Spirit’.
The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Laboratory (PEAR) had planned a two weeks international ‘academy for consciousness research’ for the summer in 1994. The TREAT group, whose foundation was called forth by the increasing number of ‘abductions by extraterrestrials’, some time ago had organized a congress on ‘mind and reality’; regarding abductions, see BLACKMORE, appendix to G-41.
In spring 1993, the Institute for Noetic Sciences (IONS) published for the first time a report of MACY on ITC. HARMAN and DE QUINCEY published a Research Report on ‘Adequate Epistemology of Sciences’ in 1994. At about the same time, HARMAN and CLARK published the anthology “New Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science”.
Arises the question if and when the new theoretical approaches and/or the results of pragmatical industrial research will show up the absurdity of the limited conceptions of those who constantly live in the past. In any case, ITC with the whole lot of its phenomenology has since long shown (one may even say ‘evidenced’) the existence of psychophysical interrelationships between men and machines, which point into transareas/-spheres, or to alternative realities.
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