by Ernst Senkowski
You need the para-progress.
On the problem of paraphenomena, hardly any contribution from the psychologists’ side can be found that would be worth mentioning [158]. Worldwide at least 15 different schools of psychological thought are in disagreement on essential issues relating to the description and understanding of human behaviour; an adequate picture of human beings does not exist in predominantly materialistic basic concepts. For CONDREAU, psychology can impossibly be a science. DUBROV (p. 140) states: ‘The theoretical weakness of psychology was made dramatically evident at the International Congress of Psychological Sciences in Paris in 1976’. Analytics and practised behaviorism [159] are the leading theories, the methods less oriented towards natural sciences occupy exceptional positions: synthetic (ASSAGIOLI), humanistic (MASLOW), transpersonal (TART), consciousness-oriented (JAMES) psychology. The ‘subconsciousness’, made suitable for presentation by FREUD, at the best, is a (working) hypothesis, while JUNG’s ‘collective subconscious’ and the ‘archetypes’ appear to be an already better approximation to reality. Till now, their farther reaching importance has been neither recognized, nor appreciated in an adequate manner. Not least due to his own experiences, JUNG showed an open mind for parapsychology, and even FREUD, in his later years, put forward that he would choose it as his branch, if he could begin all over again.
[158] The situation at the University of Freiburg, Germany, is an exception in as far as at the institute of psychology of this university a minimum of parapsychological research is carried out; see BAUER/LUCADOU 1987. [159] KREJCI: ‘Rattologie’ (‘» behaviour of rats) |
If one follows the critical expositions presented by scientific publicist Rolf DEGEN in “Lexikon der Psychoirrtuemer” (encyclopaedia of errors in psychology) (EICHHORN Verlag, Frankfurt, 2000) the state of psychoanalysis has not changed considerably during the last 25 years.
This author presents a listing of 27 ‘established’ forms of therapy, and another 63 ‘esoteric, partly bizarre psycho techniques’, and he names eleven ‘errors, myths and lies’ as examples for unsustainable psycho-therapeutical claims. His sum total is:
‘Even after now one-hundred years of soul-research, (the soul experts) have not succeeded in solving one single enigma of the human psyche in a satisfactory manner.’
‘Not any of the psychotherapeutical schools is able to produce healing effects greater than the effect of a sugar pill without an active substance (placebo).’
From a historical perspective, and partly conditioned perhaps by the choice of words, parapsychology (DESSOIR) appears to be an irritating, unloved ‘appendage’ to psychology, although, according to LeSHAN, it has meanwhile become clear that the inner psychic processes are essentially identical [160]. The word ‘paranormal’ does not describe occurrences or abilities, but rather indicates the boundaries that shape the Western world-view (HOLROY/LeSHAN). The term ‘paranormology’ (RESCH) has not yet won through on a general scale, even though it does far more justice to the given facts which ‘go beyond the norm’. As a collective term, ‘parapsychology’ is very poorly defined; in 1978, the Bundesgerichtshof (Germany’s Federal Court of Justice) declared it to be ‘superstition or insanity’ – certainly to WIMMER’s/PROKOP’s and GERTLER’s/MATTIG’s (ex GDR) satisfaction and pleasure. In the suite of the US “Committee for the Scientific Investigation of the Claims of the Paranormal”, in the FRG a “Gesellschaft zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung der Parawissenschaften” (‘society for the scientific investigation of para-sciences’) (journal “Der Skeptiker” (the sceptic)) sings the same tune. Moreover, the professional designation ‘parapsychologist’ is not protected by law. A point of importance is that in different countries the concept ‘parapsychology’ involves different understandings; in Italy, for example, an ‘alternative parapsychology’ of rather spiritualistic-religious orientation marks off from the materialistic worldview, and the Spanish show hardly any allergy against spiritualistic interpretations. Regarding psychotronics: [161].
[160] This recognition is not even that new, it can be found already in DRIESCH’s book of 1943 (p. 93). DUBROV/PUSCHKIN (p. 140/141) state: ‘The nature of normal psychical … phenomena is in every respect as mysterious as is that of the parapsychological ones’. [161] An explanation for the new conception ‘psychotronics’ (DRBAL, REJDAK, SERGEJEW), created in the 1970ies, was furnished by the USPA (United States Psychotronic Association) in 1993: ‘Psychotronic is the science of the relations between mind, body, and environment, an interdisciplinary science on the interactions between matter, energy, and consciousness. – We believe that a true understanding of the universe has to include the spiritual and the technical (domains).’ This comprehensive definition seizes upon an immense number of extraordinary interactions between human beings and EM fields, part of which have been observed already many decades ago. – SCHOPENHAUER reports of the year 1843 that a somnambulist, in four repetitions of an experiment, without making any use of her hands, but exclusively of her will, had deflected a compass needle over 7 degrees and 4 degrees respectively by means of fixing her eyes on it (quoted according to NIELSEN). – Engineer GRUNEWALD began in 1917 to study the magnetic properties of the medium JOHANNSEN. Magnetic poles and force line spectrums in iron filings showed on glass plates above the head and the hands as an irrefutable proof of ferromagnetism. The magnetic centres seemed to pulse with the breathing rhythm, and to be identical with those spots on the body from which the phenomena of materialization emanated. – The author observed and documented the EM oscillations in the 1000 Hz range with voltages of around 100 V, generated by a volunteer - with high probability physiologically - between his feet and his hands. – In the course of the last years, Elmer GREEN acquired with measuring technique quasi-electrostatical phenomena in the surroundings of healers. For summary literature see, e.g., SMITH, SHALLIS]. |
All this appears to be the more or less ‘official’ actual situation. But the problem of defining the field of action has not been overcome, not even within the “Parapsychological Association” (PA), the ‘only international organization of scientifically working parapsychologists’. Around a third of the about 300 members are not convinced of the authenticity of ESP (BAUER/LUCADOU).
According to LeSHAN (p. 99, p. 146):
‘The great mistake of the representatives of parapsychology is their endeavour to solve their problems as if they were physical problems of the realm of the senses. In their desire to be accepted as scientists, the parapsychologists have adopted uncritically what they took to be the scientific view of the world. Thereby they made themselves to technicians in lieu of scientists’.
Maybe that the subjects of the last PA congresses let us see a certain ‘opening’. The industry appears to be less saddled with ‘scientific’ concerns. According to publications in the Asian Wall Street Weekly, prominent Japanese industrials and government representatives (e.g., the President of NEC and the former Director of the research laboratories of the Japanese Ministry for Post and Telecommunications) already decided several years ago in favour of a research on the ‘mental/spiritual activities of the human’. Quote: ‘The studying of the sixth sense and of telepathy with certainty will become the cornerstone for future modes of communication’. McCaw Cellular Communications – the biggest US company for wireless telephone communication – deliberate upon an ‘telepathical implant’. ‘A form of telepathic communication by means of electronical pulses from the brain will become feasible’. At the other end of the scale, experienced ‘esoterics’ are capable of calling up special ‘memory contents’ of unknown persons with high hitting quota (personal information by ROSSNER, I.I.I.H.S.).
On the evaluation of parapsychology, see also GEBSER’s “Die Doppelwissenschaften” (the double sciences), p. 593 and followings). LeSHAN criticizes the preference given to laboratory research and the neglect of the spontaneous phenomena for failing in doing justice to the total complex field. To the great frustration of the diligent researchers, the effects to be provoked ‘react’ with a two-fold ‘evasiveness’: the more rigorous the experimental conditions (in order to be proof against fraudulent manipulation), the more dismissive the leader of the experiment, and the more unfriendly the atmosphere, the lower become the success rates, which anyway are only statistically detectable. The endeavour to ‘stringently’ observe and document spontaneous paranormal occurrences in status nascendi ends in a cul-de-sac: maliciously, the phenomenon occurs in a moment of inadvertent distractness, and at this very moment the technical equipment breaks down (see W.V. LUCADOU in D-27). But if, on some rare occasions, a spectacular paranormal occurrence is nevertheless successfully documented, visually and technically, fraudulent manipulation is presumed first, then it is devalued as an ‘anecdotal’ isolated case, and after sufficient ‘erosion of the evidence’ has taken place, it is quietly filed in the cellar together with the records covered with the dust of decades, instead of accepting its reality and crying out its importance to indicate the erosion of an already superseded, reputedly scientific world-view ([162] and B-9.7 BERGER). Even though a cautious line of conduct of ‘unprotected’ parapsychologists is understandable, are puzzling those reactions described in [163]. In marked contrast is the former astronaut and founder of IONS, Edgar MITCHELL:
‘Psychic research is a challenge which science can no longer hedge. It may become an important element in the search for the since long conjectured formula, in order to enrich human consciousness, to build society anew, and to assist nature in progressing on its evolutionary way.’
[162] A sad chapter is, for example, the treatment of the (metal) bending phenomena – with the significant exception of HASTED. These considerations should not be regarded as insignificant. The background of the parapsychologists world-view and their practical behaviour based on it, have been demonstrated frequently enough, also in this field! [163] The neutral publication in the periodical TransKommunikation of the essentially identical transtexts that had spontaneously appeard on June 19th, 1991 at HOMES in Rivenich and at CETL in Luxemburg were - without any further reference - commented (March 1992) in a circular of the Freiburger Institut fuer Psychologie und Grenzgebiete and Psychohygiene (institute for psychology and border domains and psychohygienics) with the following sentence: ‘Hans BENDER was no concealed spiritist as the already beginning transcommunicative creation of legends wants to make believe’. The author’s protestation against the implicit insinuations was replied to on April 30th, 1992: ‘We may come to the following agreement: if you abstain from publishing so-called ‘passings of messages’ from Hans BENDER, there will be no more reason for me to speak of a creation of legends’. After a pause of 32 months Hans BENDER made contact again via radio and asked to transmit his greetings to two ‘Freiburger’ gentlemen. One of them did not react at all, the other one, in a letter dated March, 17th, 1994, joined the “Zeitschrift fuer Spiritismus und verwandte Gebiete” (periodical for spiritism and related subjects) of the year 1987 in which was to read: ‘The editorship does not assume any responsibility for messages from the realm of spirits’. Even less understandable is the one-sided presentation of the person BENDER who had not at all continuously maintained the officially represented animistic mode of thought (see the results of examination of VOT and their evaluation in B-12.1, and GRUBER in 1993; regarding identification and the STEINER case, see F-38.12. One could let such episodes rest; they are cited - unfortunately not only in the FRG - as examples of the usual modes of reaction of academical parapsychologists whose minds are closed to transcendency, whom one can see as ‘unpolitely called second-class scientists’ like an English physicist did. As if these internals would not be enough, some years ago the German speaking intelligentzia was confronted with the following ‘scientific’ evaluation of VOT phenomena (“Fokus” 13/1994, p. 158/9): ‘Keine Chance fuer Spuk im Laendle’ (No chance for spook in the county): ‘(The parapsychological service center) frequently receives calls from people having heard voices from the Beyond. In Austria even exists the Verein fuer Tonbandstimmenforschung (association for research on VOT). Hobby researchers believe recognizing secrete messages in the welter of broadcastings on the medium-wave range. Then the cassette serving as proof is full of thrilling messages such as ‘Babanzel’ or ‘Auf Wiederkontakt’ (till a next contact). Among German ghosts, too, re-unification seems to have taken place. In Saxon dialect a voice said with a nasal twang: ‘Nu blitz nochmal’ (Now flash again). – Using phantasy, it is possible to interprete almost everything from the pretended messages, says LUCADOU. He smiles at the zestful voice collectors: ‘I rather pity the tape freaks. Therefore, I am very kind with them.’ One has to read the last sentence – apparently cited word by word – twice to believe the disdainful arrogance lacking any differentiation of facts, which delivered it. Those who have not yet had enough of it may study the ‘First Report on Field Examinations’, patched up with the cooperation of the named gentleman after a visit made to Martin WENZEL (published under BERGER in JSPR). Similarly to the way in which the phenomenon of VOT was dismissed subsequent to the inglorious publication by ELLIS, the gentlemen now have polished off the transimages. Finally (without claiming completeness!) be mentioned that in this same periodical JSPR was published a review on Ken WEBSTER’s book “The Vertical Plane” in which the reviewer, untroubled from any knowledge of the subject, disqualified the whole as Science Fiction. |
LOCHER provided an almost complete ‘grouping of paranormal phenomena’ (Ill. 33, simplified form). It conveys an impression of the wealth of neither understood, nor classified manifestations, for the systematic research of which far greater resources than those currently available would be required [164]. As regards the basic attitudes of parapsychologists, two extreme positions are noted. The reductionist animists, closed to notions of transcendence, confine themselves to attempts of explaining extrasensory (or: remote) perception and psychokinesis, as far as they do not doubt their existence on the whole. The spiritists/spiritualists, open to transcendence, concern themselves additionally with those sub-areas that suggest interventions of TEs, among which count in particular the mediumistic phenomena [165].
[164] On a general scale, the means officially obtained for parapsychological research are insufficient. Thanks to the engagement of private foundations, the situation in the US is considerably more favourable, the universities included. It is probable that ‘secret research’ is performed. [165] ‘You know, the materialistic world-view is not the result of scientific research, but it is a consequence of the researchers’ opposition against the tutelage by the church. – By the way, this attitude of the learned men is prevailing still today, and considering the most recent results obtained in PSI research, many people behave like young pigs which somebody wants to drive into a sty unknown to them; they try to escape in any direction and , f.i. with animism, … make absolutely improbable assertions solely with the aim of – to quote HAECKEL’s words – not having to dig out the age-old ‘soul-ghost’ (OBERTH). But: Ein Gespenst findet immer einen Weg. (A ghost always finds a way). Historical reviews can be found in SCHLESAK’s work. |
The prevailing leanings are conditioned by the respective geographical and cultural environment.
While, in times past, the honorable founders of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR) had moved out in order to study also, and particularly, the mediumistic phenomena, and after their deaths a series of excellent mediums over many years received messages (in particular crosscorrespondences) whose causation (by persons) from the Beyond is obvious, no summary of their results has been ventured on in recent times. Presumably it was TYRELL († 1952), mathematician, communication expert, and during long years President of the SPR, who was the last to treat the entire complex; he did so in his recommendable work ‚The Personality of Man’ of 1947. At that time, ITC could not yet be taken into account.
According to BENDER, the relative independence of living man’s psyche from space and time - stated by parapsychology – allows to conclude that there is an, in our sense, bodyless existence after death. Moreover he did not want to exclude that effects could be produced from the Beyond (VOT), however, in respect of a perhaps positive valuation of ‚anecdotical isolated cases’ he was extremely reserved. Moreover he conceded in a SAT1 TV broadcast the non-separability of the ‚personal subconsciousness’, the ‚collective unconsciousness’, and (eventual) ‚transcendental influences’. Other experienced parapsychologists (e.g., TENHAEFF) and authors were more open in expressing their conviction that personal life continues after death. FERGUSON: ‚PSI is not a social game. The phenomena remind us that we have access to transcendental areas, to a sphere limited neither by space nor time’.
The ‚official parapsychologists’ aversion to instrumental contacts with the Beyond can be traced back at least to 1927. According to ROGO/BAYLESS (p. 132 and followings), PRINCE ‚condemned’ a book of Mrs. GELDERT in which she reported on morse messages received from her deceased son by means of a switched-off radio, and she refused to pass on further information to HYSLOP, ‚mainly because he believed in the impossibility of instrumental contact’ [166].
[166] The quality of the EADV during a public demonstration by CETL was unexpectedly poor. When unrigging the equipment, it was discovered that the receiver had not been connected to the mains. And it turned out that it had no set of batteries. To the subsequent enquiry as to how it could have functioned at all, the TECHNIKER’s reply was: In diesem Fall handelte es sich um ein elektrisches Feld, das wir aktiviert haben innerhalb der Moduln des Radiogeraetes. (In this case it was a matter of an electrical field which we activated within the modules of the radio set). – From England a computer spook was reported during which ‘images’ appeared on the monitor without that it was connected to the mains supply. The confirmation that the members of the ‘group for spontaneous phenomena’ of the SPR had taken cognizance of the relevant video recordings was, upon the author’s request, complemented by the sentence ‘…but you will admit that the seeing of a tape is not identical with the (personal) perception of the actual coming about of the phenomena, and does not provide any evidence as regards the energy source, whether it be the electric network or any other supply’ – what the author does not mind to admit. |
To the author’s knowledge, BENDER’s first investigations into VOT in 1970 remained an isolated event. Several more or less private commentaries can be found in the books of JUERGENSON, RAUDIVE, SCHMID, and BACCI, and with HEINTSCHEL and UPHOFF. The dubious comportment of ELLIS has been delineated in A-6.1 already. As an absolutely ‘supreme performance’ be caricatured the ‘repeated investigations’ of the TX phenomena undertaken by ‘the SPR’ at WEBSTER. Eight times groups of ‘(computer) experts’ – their leader had temporally been member of the SPR – had turned up on the spot, part of them giving their names, others remaining anonymous. Others deceitfully had presented themselves as members. The commentaries of the ‘leader of the investigation’, who is ‘lost’ since then, and who did not give any report to SPR, did not get beyond meaningless phrases. [167].
[167] From that time on WEBSTER dubbed the abbreviation SPR the “Society for the Prevention of Research”. |
General literature on parapsychology:
‘The issue that is at stake here is of promising future. Science has just begun to be seriously concerned with the human soul, and in particular with the unconscious. Parapsychology, that makes us acquainted with undreamed-of possibilities, also belongs to the wide-reaching circumference of psychic phenomena. Truly, the time has come for humanity to become conscious of the essence of the soul, since it is gradually becoming clear with increasing plainness that the most serious danger that ever menaced mankind emanates from the human psyche, and thus from that corner of the world we experience about which we have the least of knowledge as yet. Psychology needs an enormous expansion of its horizon. This book here (Fanny MOSER “Spuk” (‘spook’), Gyr–Verlag, Baden near Zuerich, 1950) represents a landmark on the long way towards gaining insight into the nature of the human’s soul’ (C.G. JUNG).
Among the various authors and their works on ‘parapsychology’, Dean RADIN with his book ‘The Conscious Universe’ (the scientific authenticity of paranormal phenomena) should be given excellent ranking. We here have to desist from adding a detailed appreciation as published by SENKOWSKI in ZSTK (periodical for psychobiophysics and interdimensional communication systems), volume III, no. 4, 1998, p. 28-34. Instead shall follow a few selected quotations:
‘After more than 100 years with these endeavours, we dispose of an enormous wealth of scientific evidence. Contrary to the claims made by several sceptics, the question is not whether there exists scientific evidence, but: ‘What is the consequence of the adequate evaluation of all this evidence’, and ‘has all this evidence been given independent confirmation?’
RADIN cites the evidences for the existence of the most important paranormal phenomena (telepathy, remote perception, perception across time, interaction between mind and matter, experiments with fields of consciousness) and enters into the problems of their applications.
‘The great amount of the … mentioned scientific evidences shows that some PSI phenomena exist, and that they play a bigger role than supposed in the past. Since years, the major part of all this has been freely accessible. Thereafter one would have expected that the growing bonus of scientific proof for the authenticity of PSI would raise great interest … But that was not the case. … One of the reasons for it is that a relatively small group of very sceptical philosophers and scientists have suppressed and ridiculed the information. … The tendency to accept solidified opinions and to defend them unto death is incompatible with science, which consists essentially of a loose combination of evolving theories of different fields. … History shows that science progresses mainly by ‘burials’ of old teachings, and not solely by reason and logic.’
In his closing part, RADIN inquires into the deeper sense of the paranormal phenomena. He holds their acceptance to be ultimately ineluctable.
‘The effects are analysed in large industrial laboratories; the National Institute of Health in the USA is, among others, concerned with psychical healing. … (Meanwhile) the consequences of PSI are becoming more conspicuous. The phenomena challenge many of the basic aspects of science, philosophy, and religion, and this will cause science to subject the understandings on space, time, mind, and matter to a revision. … Since long, all this is overdue. … As yet, the cleavage between objective and subjective has not been regarded as a problem at all, and has been attributed to religion, not to science. This cleavage has also led to false technological developments and (sad to say) an increasing aversion to science in the public. … It is to be expected that those methods which impart a better understanding of the galaxies and genes to us, will also bring light on the experiences described by the mystics throughout all centuries.’
In fact, there is already an increasing number of scientists, of (in particular quantum-) physicists who ‘out’ themselves as protagonists of a postmodern view on matter, mind, and life. Deserves to be mentioned, f.i., Ervin LASZLO: ‘The fifth field – Vision of the New Sciences’, who deems it impossible that the world can be adequately described by the four physical interactions without the addition of a PSI field. Germany seems to lay under an embargo, under which the translations of essential works from the USA are edited only with years or even decades of delay. An extreme case is ‘Margins of Reality’, mentioned in D-24, the translation of which was published with a delay of 12 years.
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