by Ernst Senkowski
Medicinally dead
Present time biology [134] , now as before, is marked by DARWIN’s theory of evolution - which has become questionable since long (VOLLMERT, GITT) -, as well as by the practically applied hypothesis which holds biostructures – including man – to be fully automated electro-chemical factories.
[134] biology: ‚the modern teaching of the dead mice’. |
With a really prophetical view BAVINK declared latest in 1941, that ‚the chemical viewpoint would have to be supplemented by an electromagnetic/photonic one’, and ‚that a vast area of research lies still before us’. This statement was prompted by a controversial discussion about the existence of the ‚mitogenetic’ (cell-division) radiation in the ultraviolet range of the EM spectrum discovered by the Russian biologist GURVITCH.
It is well known to every physicist that chemical reactions, as ‚electronic’ transitions, are combined with the emission and absorption of photons. In the western part of the world, POPP was the first to catch at GURVITCH’s discovery, and to continue with it by using the most recent methods. Meanwhile worldwide 20 institutes are active in the research on the low-level light emission of biostructures, and their work extends from the cellular level up to whole organisms. In consequence of the recognition that all living matter emits a very low broad-band flux of light within the range from ultraviolet to infrared (some photons .cm-2 .sec-1 within the range of 180 nm to 800 nm), the results achieved during the last 15 years compose to a structure superordinate to the one-sided chemical orientation of (molecular) biology. All the cells’ important functions perform in conjunction with modifications of these emissions of biophotons. The DNA appears to be the source of this – at least partly – coherent light flux (similar to laser), whose intensity is sufficient to control the 105 reactions taking place in a cell every second. It seems that, in addition to the thus described intracellular communication, the biophotons mediate also the intercellular informational coupling. The basis for it might be the ‚destructive interference’ which, according to experiments made by GALLE (dissertation at Saarbruecken university), can be understood as a biological-evolutional principle of organization. POPP states four characteristic properties of this ‚optimal communication’, which bases on a (partial) extinction of the antiphase signals that are emitted by the communication partners and heterodyne within a certain volume of coherence.
The minimum intensity produced by heterodyning may serve as an identification signal to determine the degree of the communication partners’ similarity.
In case of an absolutely complete extinction, a field-free space generates between the communication partners, in which each interference with an extremely high S/N ratio can be detected as an external signal. This constitutes a basis of communication whose sensitivity cannot be topped.
This communication system cannot be ‚listened in’: it is impossible to determine from outside if a communication is taking place within the field-free space.
POPP deems this kind of communication to be able to cover the entire EM spectrum and, although limited by the speed of light, on principle of any wanted working range.
Evolution appears as an expansion of coherent states which, via continuously growing areas with increasing sensitivity, build up higher bases of consciousness.
The topic ‚medicine and consciousness’ is particularly emphasized in the articles of and on annual congresses organized by the periodical CO’MED (Complementaer-Medizin (complementary medicine)). Among other themes, they treat the matter of describing – as far as presently possible – and clarifying the psychophysical (tele-)interplay and reciprocal effects. Their endeavours aim – beyond a non-defined energy concept – more and more at the acceptance of an informative-spiritual linkage between healer and patient, possibly with the inclusion of complementarily used (radionic) appliances. -> TILLER
Similar tendencies are advocated by the „Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer energetische und Informationsmedizin e.V.“ (Registered German association for energetic and informational medicine), where a controversial discussion on the ‚Skalarwellenhypothese’ (hypothesis of scalar waves) is given large way.
Besides POPP (‚we do not believe in non-physical fields’) attributes everything that takes place and happens to EM [135]. He here is in accord with several pieces of transinformation received; it is however not clear whether ‚our’ EM is meant, or not. The ‚destructive interference’ seems to be of greater interest. First there exists analogy with BEARDEN’s ideas (D-28), according to which the extinction of EM waves excites scalar fields, secondly this principle has been recommended by AARON/EINSTEIN (F-37.12). A new technique of photons that serves as a basis for ITC was mentioned by RAUDIVE in a message received at HOMES (F-38.12.9).
[135] The here summarized ideas on the importance of the biophotons base on the lecture ‚Licht als biologische Information’ (light as biological information) held by POPP in 1994 in SWF (German South-West Television) within their serial program ‚Teleakademie aus dem Technologiezentrum Kaiserslautern’ (tele-academy from the technology centre at Kaiserslautern). – Regarding ‚light and tone’ see F-37. |
Independently from POPP’s conviction that the intensity of EM- or photonic fields is no measure for the quality of communication, since the best pre-conditions for it exist in the non-classical quantum field, it results from older Russian publications, and increasingly also from western works, that man is influenced by EM fields and -fluxes even when they fall short of the so-called safety limit values as derived from the warming up of the tissue, and the excitation of the nerves. It seems that the negation of this influence, current till just a few years ago, is slowly making way to a more open-minded approach. In the FRG the term ‚electromagnetic compatibility’ (EMV) has come to stay, a term employed for the mutual interferences of sensitive electronic appliances, and for the difficult to acquire EM effects on humans and other biosystems. In the USA, the ‚Bio-Electromagnetics Society’ (BEMS) has come into being, which publishes its own journal. On this society’s congress held in San Antonio, Texas, in 1990, 160 essays from eight countries were presented. According to COGHILL’s statements in ‚Electronics World & Wireless World’ of Oct. 1990, ‚it was perfectly clear to the participants that their research is for the most fundamental processes and occurrences in organic life, and that in the end electron physics have better prospects to throw light on some of the greatest biological mysteries than electrochemistry has’. For electromagnetic compatibility see PERRY G-41, appendix.
The problems that exist with the investigation of the effects of weak electromagnetic fields on bio-systems, effects whose existence basically can no longer be doubted, present on several levels. First the investigation of the great diversity of the possibilities of modulation of the EM fields of all frequencies, and of their combinations in all intensities, and of the, within short time unascertainable, long-term effects, require an expenditure (of time and money) that is not realizable in practice. Consequently one will have to confine to point for point results, a generalization of which is problematic. The claim that below certain limit values there were no biological reactions, fails to recognize the non-linear properties of organic structures, especially if very exact time functions and/or extremely rigid resonance conditions are adhered to. Beyond the measuring systematics, biosystems feature extreme sensitivities on the various complexity levels (POPP), presumably even down into the range of quanta and subquanta.
FROEHLICH has undertaken theoretical calculations/computations on this topic; PRESMAN’s work is considered to be the Russian standard work. In the FRG: GOEDDE, H.L. KOENIG, NEWI, HARTMANN. A whole host of examples is presented by SHALLIS (UK) in ‚Electric shock’.
For understandable reasons all relevant results arouse the displease of the military and (electro-)- economics. The US Environmental Protection Agency, f.i., classified the EM fields of low-frequency high-voltage lines as possibly causing cancer, but the taking into account of radio- and micro-waves was blocked from the government’s side in the last minute. If the weakest EM fields can start largely unknown psychosomatic effects that disturb life processes, the existence of EM smog, to which worldwide humanity during decades already, is being exposed to a constantly increasing degree, cannot be tolerated tacidly. For all and any biostructures this (re)presents absolutely new ‚invisible environments’ [136]. The official version of putative innocuous and therefore admissible ‚limit values’ has to be contradicted like in the case of chemical and radioactive loads/impacts. Even if within short term no detriments can be evidenced, till down into genetics, everything remains open as regards the entire lot of effects [137].
[136] E.T. HALL (according to LeSHAN 1986, p. 131): ‚...if we can imagine man inmidst of a series of expanding and contracting fields that impart information of most varying kind, then finally we will show him in a completely different light’. [137] It can be presumed that the global existence of EM smog contributes - on levels we are unconscious of - to an opening of the trans-spheres (see AARON in F-37.12). |
There finally is another hindrance for the research and acceptance of the mentioned effects. Since long there exists evidence for the fact that not only somatic processes, but also the psychic demeanour can subliminally be influenced by EM fields. So, if governors obsessed by power, or invisible groups in their back, would see in this a possibility for manipulating the masses, they would do everything in order not only to prevent the publication of the results of secret research work performed upon their order, but they would also suppress free research and discredit it in any way.
In medicine, the human being is predominantly treated with a materialistic view. According to this, man consists of individual departments (‚organs’), whose proper concerted action (‚health’) - in the end controlled by the genes – is maintained, within certain limit values, by ‚self-regulation’ via a multitude of interlinked control circuits. Disturbances in these equilibratium processes (‚illnesses’) are recognizable by means of complexes of symptons, and bacteria and viruses have to be ‚combatted’ with chemicals, organs have to be ‚repaired’, or ‚replaced’. Death has to be put off as long as possible, and in the end the definite failure of all medical art has to be accepted with resignation.
Now as before, psychosomatic remains undervalued [138] in the same way as happens to the inconceivably complex and coherent build-up and regeneration processes that take place on the level of cells and organs as processes inherent in all living systems, and to the immune system’s activity, whose existence and importance is just now being taken note of by necessity. Of the 100 billions (am.: trillions) cells of the human ‚body’ (more correct: the momentary form of appearance of a fluidal texture) several millions are substituted by newly built ones every second with an absolutely unimaginable dynamism.
[138] According to WESIAK a ‚change of paradigms’ is being observed during the last years. The author remembers the time of about 1950 when he was studying in Hamburg; at that time JORES was scorned because of his engagement for psychosomatic. |
In the last instance, the clarification of the human’s coupling into the biosphere and the whole of the cosmos (SCHOENBERGER) is at stake, in which EM and the photonic fields have particular importance. The unmeaning term ‚self-control’ would have to be recognized as such on a general scale, and on all levels would have to be replaced by theories in which – going beyond POPP – the realization of higher dimensional spiritual/mental form fields (SHELDRAKE), or of organization powers (HEIM), in space-time will have to constitute the fundamental basis.
The human’s structure and his life in different surroundings, shown in Ill. 28/29 as adopted from SCOTT/MEEK, can – same as the anthroposophical ideas – convey us an impression of such approaches (G. UNGER, 1981) [139].
[139] VOLLMERT has derived the extreme improbability of a fortuitous genesis of organic life on the macro-molecular level. |
In the human’s integration into the cosmic rhythms, water seems to play a particular role (C.W. SMITH), since it constitutes a considerable fraction of the body’s mass and ‚carries’ the processes of life (TRINCHER). Water, which by the irradiation of EM energy, or by ‚treatment’ (through a healer, DEAN, GRAD) has been ‚activated’, is capable of actuating biological effects analogous to high-potency homoeopathic agents, whose original substances are diluted to such extent that their molecules are no longer contained in all specimens (DAVENAS, VINES). PESCHKA – in connection with the ‚kinetobaric effect’ discovered by ZINSSER – and POPP (on ‚shaken water’) discussed the possibility of storing information. In the case of EM ‚activation’, the specific effects appear to fade away after months only. Still unclear is the importance of the proven angular changes observed within the H2O molecule, of the modifications in infrared transmission, and of the reduction of hydrogen bonds. The assistance of ‚mental impregnation’ (RYZL), obvious in ‚psychometry’, and claimed to exist in the ‚psychotronic generators’ (PAVLITA), might also play an important role in ITC, since, e.g., according to AARON/EINSTEIN (F-37.12) it is possible to mentally ‚program’ the employed electronic appliances for higher sensitivity. Considering this aspect, the efficaciousness of allopathic pharmaceutic agents is not independent from the mental intentions and structures introduced during their development and manufacture, and the material chemical substances would function only, or also, as mediating carriers of a corresponding potential of information.
As yet, we are not farther than in the initial stage of understanding these interrelations. Information received from the former USSR, supports the supposition that more intense research is being performed in these fields. The terms ‚bio-field’, ‚bio-plasma (body)’ (INJUSHIN, Alma Ata), the KIRLIAN effect and its dependence on psychosomatic states (P. MANDEL), as well as DUBROV’s/PUSCHKIN’s hypothesis of bio-gravitation point in this direction. The statements made by REICHENBACH (and others) about the visibility of an ‚odic blaze’, or ‚aura’ (WUEST) should be given consideration, as well as the results obtained by the Japanese MOTOYAMA and UCHIDA, and by BURT and HUNT (according to R. MILLER) in the USA. One could embark upon an expansion of the reductionist conception of man by combining the Western scientific findings, (far-)Eastern perceptions, esoteric traditions and TI. Concepts such as acupuncture, meridians, chakras, subtle-matter, ethereal, or astral bodies, as well as CALLIGARIS’s (TAROZZI) statements, should not be rejected simply because they are difficult to verify, or cannot be verified with the means of measurement technology.
‚Life processes should be defined in terms of negentropic properties of living matter, coupled with a negative time flow on the cell level. Life consists in processes directed against an increase of entropy. The time flow inside an organism can differ from the time flow in the universe’ (KUZNETSOV, 1962/63).
‚The human appears as a unique, outstanding organ that modifies the characteristics of space-time of the interior and of the exterior world’ (DUBROV/PUSCHKIN, p. 163; see A-2).
With several volunteers, H.O. KOENIG found individually different groups of six somatic transmission resonances in the VLF range of 20 kHz to 40 kHz, that were reproducible even after longer time periods. The primary signals were radiated onto the hypophysis, the transmitted signal was caught at an acupuncture point on the left hand. Background of these tests was the conjecture that a dying person could ‚take a characteristic spectrum with him into the Beyond’, and, later, could be more easily reached through the irradiation of this spectrum on the terrestrial level.
In respect of ITC it is too early to construct a connection with biophonics from some hypothetical statements (BEARDEN), and from a mostly temporary, possibly successful use of infrared and ultraviolet radiation (CETL, GREMESE, HAERTING, HOMES, KOENIG, SCHREIBER), but it cannot be excluded. The observations made by GURVITCH and POPP showed increased UV radiation during the phase of cell division and cell dying, i.e. during phases of higher activity (KLINGHOLZ). POPP established a stronger radiation of photons from the hands of healers. DE BONI (at FIDANI) and GIOVETTI (in Circulo 77) documented materializations of lasting objects in the palms of mediums. While these were occurring, bluish light appearances were noticed in Circulo 77.
Photos made with combined IR- and UV-radiation occasionally showed extraordinary effects: the human body appeared transparent in front of a discernible background (MEEK; APPLEGATE, p. 96/97). BEARDEN (‚Paranormal Pictures’) presumes a quenching of the paranormal phenomena by visible light.
Remote healing that cannot be traced back to direct verbal suggestion (IVANOVA), and the radionic effects (DELAWARR) point to beyond regular EM couplings. ‚Explanations’ indicating a transmission of (undefined) ‚forces’ and ‚energies’ obscure the processes that take place. In fact, we might have to do with informatory couplings, influxes, or activity (streams) whose energetic forms might possibly be described as ‚subtle’ (see F-37.10, and TILLER in D-29).
John WHITE: ‚Consciousness and energy are not the same. Only consciousness is able to lead a person to understanding. Energy does not control itself. In the name of higher consciousness there nowadays exists an unbelievable mass of energy-oriented nonsense’ (Journal of Near-Death Studies, 6 (2), winter 1987, p. 73 and followings).
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