by Ernst Senkowski
We can form word by word only, that’s what we can.
L1 Toilsome articulation at the beginning of a contact, which becomes clear speech as it progresses. ‘Male’ and ‘female’ voices. Recurrence of similar voices in recordings made by the same experimenter spaced in time. Similar sounding voices of named TEs in recordings made by different experimenters, even when the deceased had not been known to them during his or her lifetime. Singing style of speech and sung passages.
An impressive example of articulation gaining rapidly in clarity is found amongst BODEN’s telephone voices: A cat-like voice begins with meaningless sounds and becomes fully understandable within a few minutes. At CETL, RAUDIVE’s voice developed in a similar manner, though over a period of several weeks in 1986.
Increasing vocalization and volume are documented also at FLINT†. At the start of a dialogue between Dr. NANJI and his deceased spouse ANNI, her ‘direct voice’ starts out in an unvocalized whisper to then improve to the point of total clarity. She asks repeatedly whether she is comprehensible and mentions the difficulty involved with the (reversive) control of her voice.
Voices of the same kind (e.g., of deceased relatives) manifest at several experimenters without being called, even after rather long interruptions, and are again recognized by their respective individual characteristics, others appear with different experimenters under the same names over longer periods of time.
A remarkable instance at BODEN consists in two telephone voices that were not distinguishable, and whose originators presented themselves at first as ENGLISCHE UND FRANZOESISCHE VERSTORBENE (ENGLISH AND FRENCH DECEASED PERSONS), and, a few weeks later, as the ENERGIEWESENHEITEN (ENERGY ENTITIES) mentioned in A-6.4. Then they manifested contents and a behaviour that diverged markedly from what had been noticed weeks before. A possible explanation for this might be the utilization of the same ‘translating machine’ [104].
[104] see A-6.4: Computer Thought Transference System, and I am speaking via computer-guided thought transference; see also L3 herebelow. TECHNIKER: I am the switching center; regarding VOT AUTOMATENENGEL (AUTOMATON ANGEL) see LEUENBERGER. |
It is not seldom to receive sung passages among VOT recorded using the radio method. Sometimes a terrestrial text seems to have been transcribed with a code converter according to L4, in other cases presumably everything is paranormal, f.i., the CHOIR at BACCI [105].
[105] During an RTL broadcast shortly before Christmas, HOLBE and JUERGENSON spoke about the happy states of existence of the children in the Beyond. In the author’s recording (1440 kHz) a children’s choir resounded (and only at this point) during a pause in the conversation: Nach der Nacht des Lebens (After the night of life), see G-39.2 |
L2 Modified, mostly abbreviated grammatical forms. Altered syntax. Antiquated forms and modes of speech. Use of dialects. Newly created words (neologisms). Multilingual (polyglott) passages. Methaphoric language. Grammatically correct ‘nonsense sentences’.
TRAJNA (GdM 1.1985) has given a striking description of what he calls the ‘psychophonic style’ of VOT:
‘The psychophonic messages come from a strange telegraph office where the rate is calculated not by the word but by the syllables, where the operator tries to save sending time by grabbing - in haste while on line – a ‘packet of syllables’ suitable for being adapted to the text to be transmitted, where the senders, for economy reasons, use any vocabulary known to the receiver, by consigning grammar and syntax to the devil, and even inventing (new) words.’
In comparison with this, the DEAV (and the TX) appear to be almost normal. From an anthroposophical viewpoint, POEPPIG writes (p. 138):
‘The dead tears the words apart again, he dissects them into their parts. He is more sensitive to these parts of the words than to the whole words. What is meant by this untwisting of language can best be experienced during meditation – the intellectual structure of language is dissolved, so to speak.’
It is conceivable that the psychophonic style is co-conditioned by such factors, so that the ‘transmission problems’ could be of transpsychic nature as well as of transtechnical kind (if it is really technics what is involved!). In “Der Verkehr mit den Toten” (Intercourse with the dead) (p. 216 and followings), POEPPIG mentions (p. 296) with reference to R. STEINER (January 22nd, 1917) that it can be tormenting for a dead to be obliged to speak in a specific language in a spiritistic séance, since in his normal life his aim is to liberate himself from the differentiations of language. POEPPIG underlines the innerpsychic (telepathic) communication, since the dead live in that sphere which for us is the so-called ‘subconsciousness’.
‘However, methodical questions appear to be subordinate as long as we are conscious of the great task and responsibility that rests on us when we become bridge-builders to the world of our dead, and thus at the same time open the door through which the dead can perform a function in our terrestrial world (p. 99 and followings). Lastly, such experiences encourage us to stride forward along this path, since we feel ourselves strengthened in our trust in the spiritual world’, (see also GEBSER in E-34).
Impressive examples for the monosyllabic, toilsome mode of speech described by R. STEINER and POEPPIG are several messages of BENDER, MUELLER, and other communicators which HOMES received. In Ill. 15, the timely course of one cut-out is set over against a normally spoken text, which is spoken four times as fast. KOENIG received a transmission of similar form on September 4th, 1994.
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(spacing of markings 0.5 sec.)
As regards the TEs’ use of present-day dialects, this is rare (DREISS). Under the aspect of evidencing their paranormal nature, the occurrence of an ancient or antiquated language, and of modern-times foreign languages, which the experimenter does not command, is of importance. BACCI: medieval Italian (13th/14th century); WEBSTER: Old English (16th century); PAPO: Etruscan, [106]. Voices speaking the mother tongue of attending guests are frequent.
[106] There are parallels to the ‘BRIDEY MURPHY’ case, as well as to the transmission of approx. 5000 words and expressions by TE NONA, a Babylonian princess at the time of Amenhotep, via the English medium ‘IVY B.’ (ANDREAS/ADAMS, p. 75 and followings) |
The multilingual VOT recorded mainly in the early times of ITC were obviously only comprehensible to persons sufficiently versed in one or more foreign language(s). In view of their broad and copious knowledge of languages, JUERGENSON and RAUDIVE may have been predestined for this kind of pioneering work, since the evidence for the voices’ paranormal nature could be supported by their multilingual structuring, by which – with a polyglottal COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT (JUERGENSON, p. 103) as source – they stood clearly out from terrestrial radio broadcasts.
In more recent times multilingual sentences occurred at BACCI, f.i., from TE CORDULA [107], and a multilingual telegraphic message (B-12.4). Via computer HOMES received a message in five languages under TELEMACH on December 4th, 1992 (F-38.12.14).
[107] This spiritualitju beweisen wir telepathisch durch akustrumente (Diese Spiritualitaet beweisen wir telepathisch durch akustische Instrumente. We prove this spirituality via acoustic instruments) - English, German, Italian. |
Apparently, entities of sufficiently high entelechial faculty have no problems in using any terrestrial language, not even in changing quickly from one to an other: Wir koennen alle Menschensprachen reden. (We can speak in all human languages.)
The interpretation of isolated metaphorical expressions is not always straightforward, often they remain ambiguous, often they can only be understood in a specific context, as, for instance, it is with the second part of the sentence: Die Frequenzen sind noch besser abzustimmen, verstell’ deine Salamis (The frequencies have to be tuned in better, adjust your salamis), which refers to the pulse sequences generated by the experimenter, sequences which in a mixing process, following ‘Salami tactics’, ’chopped each other into pieces’.
Neologisms in form of unusual combinations of known words are mostly well understandable, absolutely new words often remain unclear. For senseless appearing test sentences see B-10.1.
L3 Cadenced rhythmic speech, synthetical speech of computerized sound, impersonal speech, speech ‘without larynx’.
These peculiarities are difficult to describe, possibly they can/must be seen also under technical aspects. The most general impression is: ‘not used to’, ‘lack of emotional components’. RICHET (direct voice at FLINT): Everything you ever hear from us is purely artificial vibration. The translation of thoughts into sounds performs almost automatically (F-37.3). VOT: Artificial language, these are computers; you can hear telecomputers; these are computers for translating. TI received at CETL refers to computer-like structures in which the phonemes of earthly languages are stored, so that speech that is audible for us can be synthesized.
The statement ‘die Toten sprechen’ (the dead speak) is of metaphorical kind. Irrespective of the mode of transmission, we have to do with ‘materialized’ thoughts or conceptions, that become audible in forms we can understand (see MEEK/DAPKEY). AARON, too, stresses that the forming of words is performed within the brain or the psyche of the terrestrial experimenter.
According to RICHET, an intended transmission of personal and emotional elements in addition to the content of a message requires special training from the TEs side. His statement corresponds to the experience we have gained. It was only within the process of his communications with O’NEIL that MUELLER learnt to mould his voice in such way that it sounded less computer-like, so that his true temperament and slightly sarcastic humour became recognizable. The development of the TECHNIKER’s voice (Luxemburg) took an analogous course, and in this case the emotional components appeared as a concession and adaptation to the human way of experiencing.
MUTTER (Elise Karoline HOMES) characterizes by a hasty, almost unvocalized style of speaking via telephone or radio.
L4 Short-time ‘code conversions’ (or ‘transformations’) of foreign-language passages into a language current to the experimenter, JUERGENSON: ‘metamorphosis of speech’.
Here we encounter one of the most interesting occurrences - also from the psycholinguistic viewpoint - which shall be explained by taking recourse to two examples.
Within the Russian text of a radio broadcast, experimenter KOFFKE had heard a German sentence the meaning of which was incomprehensible to her (interpretation: [108]. The author submitted the material to an acquainted whose native language is Russian (Dr. H.R.). He was able to identify an old dialect of Moscow; the text was comprehensible except for the questionable sentence fragment that seemed to have been subject to interference: ‘The discourse of an aged educated gentleman, who in his haste broke into the Moscow treble voice, deals with a letter of the poet PUSCHKIN which has an acoustically not fully understandable unknown title.’ Despite of his excellent knowledge of German, Dr. H. was unable to grasp the German version stated to him. On the other hand, the author, on the basis of his (admittedly weak) knowledge of Russian, was not able to comprehend the Russian text that had been related to him. Like experimenter KOFFKE, other German listeners had no difficulty in understanding the German interpretation.
[108] Dreifingersystem-Mensch (three-finger-system human) can be related to the three-dimensional sphere of imagination of the human consciousness while awake, or to the ‘three-finger rules’ that serve to describe the linkages between electrical, magnetical, and mechanical magnitudes. Neither of the two meanings was known to KOFFKE. |
ich mag nicht in ein Drei-fin-ger-sy-stem Mensch
pisj-ma Pusch-ki- na Jero-silj-nyi Pe-telj-mont
Brief PUSCH-KINs Jero-silj-nyi Pe-telj-mont
(I don’t want (to go) into a human three-finger-system)
A similar example was observed by the author as a possible interpretation in German of a Polish passage. The German version was not intelligible to a Polish-German lady. The number of syllables (13) is the same. The ‘a’ in the second and third Polish words are nasals, comparable with the French ‘en’.
ei-ne lo-gi-sche Gren-ze For-schungs-phi-lo-so-phie
mar-mu ro-wy sie-dza –cy po—sag fi-lo-so-fo
mar-mor-ne sit-zen-de Statue (des) Phi-lo-so-phen
(sitting marble statue (of the) philosopher)
Since such effects occur relatively often, and the accidental formation of meaningful passages is rather improbable, plausible explanations are sought. At first, the differing interpretations of the same group of signals appears to be a consequence of the fact that the listeners are programmed for their mother tongue. When the listener has sufficient adaptiveness and motivation, slight differences in amplitude and phase are enough to reduce the relative unambiguity of the signals to such extent that additional possibilities for interpretation arise. TRAJNA emphasized that it is neither theoretically determined, nor a practical fact that speech signals had to be unambiguous. Human languages can be regarded as diminishing ‘crutch-sticks’ of a complexer non-verbal telepathic communication (see below). Slurred signals would then also be suitable to open man’s extrasensory channels, and to facilitate mediumistic perception. If the TI Radiowelle wird umgebaut (radio wave is being reconstructed) describes a true activity of TEs, such speech metamorphosis might be a result of their endeavours (see H. BERGER).
In 1984, MACRAE presented in ‘Some Findings…’ a compendium of his observations of, and his opinion on the VOT phenomenon, a compendium that carries considerable weight since coming from the pen of a communications expert [109]. The essential points are taken over here as a confirmation of the author’s independent findings:
[109] The ‘parapsychologists’ negative attitude – that may be regarded already as a traditional one – was expressed in an obvious manner in a commentary made by the editor(s) of the ‘PSI Research’ magazine in which MACRAE’s article was published. After an examination of the relations between VOT and hallucinatory voices, MACRAE suggested to look on schizophrenia under these aspects. |
A | The phenomenon in question is of general character. | |
B | The hypothesis that the phenomenon is an artifact is refuted in ten points: | |
1 |
The median length of 1 to 2 sec. characterizes the passages as unlikely events, see B-12.2. |
2 |
The recording of a high percentage of names unusual in radio broadcasts. |
3 |
A high percentage of proper names. |
4 |
The number of answers is approximately proportional to the number of questions posed by the experimenter [110]. |
5 |
Different experimenters occasionally receive at different times identical sentences containing identical names. |
6 |
Unusual, strange forms of speech. |
7 |
Unusual lenghtened out vowels. |
8 |
Synthetic speech. |
9 |
Relevant commentaries or direct answers. |
10 |
Voice and message manifest with a frequency exceeding the average. |
C |
The formants of speech are not of glottal type [111]. |
D |
Acoustical characteristics: no echo, echo, reverberation, acoustical vivacity, choir effects. Characteristical factor: time delay. |
E |
Appearance of intelligence. |
F |
Structural unity. |
G |
Appearance of intention (wish for communication). Deliberate expression of minimum 90 % of the messages, warnings, instructions, statements. But multifariousness, so far no evidence for throughout pursuit of one single purpose. |
H |
A so far unknown communication theory might exist, which appears as a more advanced one resting on a larger basis than that of the late 20th century. The communication theory of SHANNON (see A-2) and others could be regarded as a craftsman’s brief instruction for practising communication which, however, would be incomplete and rather an indication to still undiscovered connections on a more general scale. SHELDRAKE’s morphogenetic rules could in fact be laws of communication. |
J |
Summary: |
1 |
As PSI phenomena, electronic voice phenomena are available for frequent, predictable observation, if appropriate equipment is used. |
2 |
There ‘is something’ that is not acknowledged by science. |
3 |
There exist communication rules which – if they were known – could change our world-view considerably. |
[110] Ernst, wenn du willst, bitte immer fragen (Ernst, if you want, please always ask). The necessity of asking was stressed also in the mediumistic contacts with CLAUDIUS. It seems that the mental-emotional engagement of the experimenter contributes essentially to the building of a contact field: Es ist eine Sache des Gefuehls und der Technik. (It is a matter of feeling and technology/engineering). The importance which emotions have in transcontacts has been emphasized by the TEs particularly also at BACCI. – Regarding the intimate netting of earthly fields of thoughts and actions with those in the Beyond: please see SETH/ROBERTS’ “Dialogues of the soul and mortal self in time”; German edition “Dialog der Seele” p. 88/89. The here referred to symbolism of the linguistic translation, was particularly stressed repeatedly in the ITC at BACCI. The receivers were to read between the lines, so to speak, in order to conceive the interior sense of TI: …that we are progressing stepwise, when we speak, and that the result consists in reading several times to comprehend the sentence’s sense. – A great number of the transmessages seem to be ‘poorly defined’ and ‘vague’. – On May 7th, 1993, EMANUEL explained the extraordinary style via a medium: “Warum waehle ich nicht den einfachen Satz, wie Ihr ihn setzt? Seht, die Bedeutung ist, dass durch das Umstellen der Worte, dass durch die Pausenzeichnung, die ich lebe und spreche, eine andere Energie in dieses Gesagte kommt, und diese Energie, Ihr koennt dies nachvollziehen, wenn Ihr ueber einen laengeren Zeitraum diese Worte durch Euer Ohr gehen lasst, diese Energie, sie stellt das suchende, das unruhige Herze in Frieden.“ (Why don’t I choose the simple sentence, as you put it? Look, the significance is that by transposing the words, that by the marking of the pauses, which I live and speak, a different energy penetrates into what I say, and this energy -, you can/will comprehend this if you let pass these words through your ear for a longer period of time – this energy brings the seeking, the restless/troubled heart to peace.” |
[111] This is an important statement, confirmed by an examination carried out by order of experimenter ORSO at the Institute of Electrical Technology in Torino according to the ‘Voice Print Procedure’ |
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