by Ernst Senkowski
We transmit with pulses.
Same as computer texts, telegraphy has an impersonal character, it cannot by any means communicate all the qualities of speech. For the uninitiated, morse code is incomprehensible, and the number of telegraphists in the population is low. Given the biologically limited speed of telegraphy, its data flow rate is considerably less than that of verbal communication. This also applies to the pendulum and the Oui-Ja-Board, although trained persons have developed an amazing degree of skill in these classical ‘technically supported’ methods. In any case, at the present time the use of telegraphic signals in ITC would be a retrograde step.
A telegraphic message received in Grosseto (BACCI) in the author’s presence may, however, be of some importance in the light of the ‘declaration’ made mainly by a number of Italian parapsychologists to state that VOT were psycholinguistic illusions. It is absolutely certain that a telegraphic message composed of electronically and graphically verifiable signals, as well as a perfectly understandable direct voice message, or even dialogue, cannot be regarded as a misinterpretation of meaningless noises. Consequential to this, and as usual, there remains only the unproven, and in the wider context absurd claim of manipulation. Even the attempt of an aministic explanation, that can be regarded as a kind of last resort, goes beyond the credit granted by any relatively normal person: One would have to imagine that the individual or combined (hypothetic !) ‘subconscious’ of two individuals familiar with telegraphy, who have never seen one another before, could create a meaningful, multi-lingual message in morse-code form, which was then emitted through the loudspeaker of a radio receiver tuned to any frequency, and was heard by all persons present, and recorded on tape (for analysis see B-12.4).
Morse signals are a particular version of digital encoding used in modern data processing. Considering the practically faultless transtexts and their high transmission rate, there is reason to assume that computers will play an important role in future ITC/TTC.
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