by Ernst Senkowski
That is no coincidence: as the years pass we come in better.
The use of a radio was introduced already by JUERGENSON on the recommendation of TE LENA. But because of the additional effects that take place, the interpretation as ‘radio method’ appears to be too narrow for this special case where ‘auxiliary fields’ are involved. The combination of microphone and recording device is supplemented by one or several radio or TV receivers. While the receiver is on, the experimenter speaks slowly with lengthy pauses, or he reduces the volume on the receiver (possibly down to zero) while he is speaking. Transistor radios can be switched on and off accordingly.
The function of a cable between radio output and recorder input is practically identical with that of a radio recorder. For recording the experimenter’s speech, it is necessary to switch between the radio and the microphone, to have a sound mixer inside the machine, or a separate audiomixer. The results do not appear to be sensibly different, but the recording with an acoustic link across the room would permit paranormal influence to take place also within the sound field.
It is impossible to give a definite answer to the question of the optimal tuning of the receiver. The following choices are available, by and large independently of the selected frequency band or wavelength (LW, MW, SW, VHF, UHF):
A Points on the dial where only static noise can be heard [57].
B Continuous or intermittent tone signals, predominantly on short-wave; Euro signal at 88 MHz (outmoded). |
C Foreign-language programs on a correctly or partly (‘laterally’) tuned radio transmitter [58].
D Any mixture of foreign languages, singing and music. |
D can be obtained by correspondingly tuning one single receiver, or by combining several radios which are simultaneously on wave. Eventual paranormal elements will be found when listening to the replaying tape, occasionally short DEAV are understandable immediately (A-6.3, B-9.3.2).
With method A, success is relatively rare. When employing method C or D, paranormal voices can produce with a relatively small amount of interferences in the pauses of normal speech, or normal signals can superimpose on them, or they may appear in form of short-time changes of foreign-language texts in a language familiar to the experimenter (‘language metamorphosis’). According to the author’s experience, the greatest likelihood for the formation of voices exists when method D is used. This is confirmed by commentaries like: We transmit via porridge; and: This is garbage, but we can be tracked in this garbage. For hypotheses on this subject see, e.g., in D-28.
Some experimenters have specialized on specific frequencies, for instance on the ‘JUERGENSON wavelength’ (around 1480 kHz) on which, particularly in the evenings, jamming produces by the superimposition of a number of transmitters – that unfortunately also contains misleading German elements (LUBOMIRSKY).
The existence of certain frequency ranges featuring a higher permeability (38-40 kHz, 150-160 kHz, 1.1-1.3 MHz, 1.057 GHz, infrared and ultraviolet), which are considered to be ‘magical transwindows between the worlds’ (BEARDEN) or ‘interdimensional nodal points’ (TILLER) is not any more secure than a dependency on the constellation of the stars (e.g., moon phases), and/or on weather conditions. Cosmic influences, however, such as of the solar floculi that co-determine the earth’s magnetic field, can principally not be excluded.
While the low, mostly undistorted microphone voices are disturbed by regular ‘noise’, distortions as well as infra-acoustic frequencies, and superimpositions of normal signals intricate the recognition and interpretation of radio voices. Unstable tuning of the receiver, changing conditions of propagation of the radio waves (fading and frequency deviations) can lead to misinterpretations. So can the often poor selectivity of commercial receivers, which pick up signals from transmitters broadcasting on frequencies different of those adjusted. Voice transmissions broadcast with a special modulation process, or distorted for secrecy reasons, are not correctly demodulated by ordinary receivers [see 60 above].
Despite of all this, the existence of genuine anomalies cannot be doubted. The voices’ paranormal nature is established from a multitude of extraordinary characteristics (B-11), as well as from contents referring to the actual situation, and from meaningful replies given to the experimenter’s questions or statements, factors that exclude normal terrestrial influences.
One peculiarity are the occasionally observed appearances of synchronisms (BERG, von FRANZ, JUNG-PAULI): the experimenter is either mentally or practically occupied with a certain problem, for whatever reason switches on a radio tuned on any frequency, and is surprised to hear a transmission on precisely his momentary subject. Such or similar correspondences may be dismissed as ‘coincidences’, or one can register them under the heading ‘attraction of the relevant’, or ‘proximate transdistance of similar patterns’ (HEIM), without overestimating their importance. C. G. JUNG however said: ‘The problem with which the parapsychological synchronicities confront us is a ‘hot iron’ which we should be bold to set about’ (von FRANZ, p. 126).
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