by Ernst Senkowski
We want to gather data. Every contact helps us.
A full description of the ITC methods known to date becomes difficult by their great polymorphism. Spontaneous, and to a limited extent provocable, results reveal certain characteristics well known in parapsychological research: a low level of predictability and reproducibility, success rates which vary considerably according to the time factor, temporary or definite breaking off without discernible reason. On the whole, technology seems to be subordinate to non-measurable psychic and/or other unknown conditions.
Nevertheless the frequency of VOT manifestations is considerably greater than that of other paranormal phenomena. By means of ‘electronic devices of the entertainment industry which have been diverted from their original purpose’ (HEIM) nearly all patiently endeavouring experimenters succeed in verifying extraordinary, paranormal voices – all the more reason to be astonished to see the parapsychologists deliberately dodging an investigation of this phenomenon [49].
[49] The author does not know of a single institute concerned with ITC. BENDER’s (University of Freiburg, FRG) early works in the surroundings of JUERGENSON were not continued. According to recently received information, the Japanese already run industrial-scale psi laboratories with view to new methods of communication, see C-17. |
It is unlikely that the improvement of VOT might be furthered directly by laymen’s activities frivolously named ‘research’, their main interest is the realization of convincing contacts with deceased. In fact, the results obtained in this part of ITC presently are scarcely better than they were at the time of its pioneers JUERGENSON and RAUDIVE. Over and over excellent voices have been recorded using the most primitive means, but many more fall in the center-field of fairly identical intersubjective interpretation, and the major part of all remain in the field of purely subjective interpretations [50].
[50] The attempt to classify VOT in the categories A, B, C, according to the sound heard, does barely lead to any form of objective classification. |
However, the experiencing and becoming aware of ITC on a general level might contribute to tear down psychic barriers (SETH: core principles of faith, HEIM: scleromorphisms), and to accelerate the realization of new morphogenetic fields within which transcontacts will be accepted as quite natural possibilities of communication between different ‘planes’ of existence.
The instrumental part of ITC cannot be considered separately from whether the transpartners on their side (need to) use ‘transtechnical devices’ – of whatever imaginable design - in order to imprint their TI on our material-energetic systems (see E-31). Both, mediumistic and instrumental TI often contain ‘technical’ terms whose meaning is unclear to us in many cases, as well as references to deceased scientists, technicians and mediators working on the development, construction and operation of equipment, transmitters and stations. These details are backed up on our side by technically interpretable peculiar features of the phenomena which appear in similar forms independently one from the other [51].
[51] The absurdity of animistic ‘explanations’ becomes particularly evident when technically uneducated experimenters, by means of their ‘omnipotent and omniscient subconscious’ are supposed to produce ‘psychokinetically’ not only the voices, but also pre-echoes, switching noises, complex sound medleys, and chirping signals, such as those common in radar technology, to say nothing of the text and video effects. This remark shall however not exclude the clearly recognizable partaking of the experimenters’ psyche. |
If we transpose the conditions on earth on the ‘lower transspheres close to the earth’, it could be possible that there as here individuals and groups, who to some extent practise an interchange of thoughts with one another, work together for the realization of transtechnical bridges and act as intermediaries for non-technicians. In comparison with the possibly more wide-ranging abilities of the TEs, our own cooperation seems to be of secondary importance only. Indications received from the Beyond for an improvement of earthly ITC technology had short-time positive effect, but only in exceptional cases led to a kind of breakthrough. Quite frequently reveals the helplessness of the transpartners: We are working with conjectures. We owe some outstanding successes to the close mediumistic-technical cooperation between terrestrial and otherworldly partners, and some spontaneous contacts cannot be accounted for at all. In the language of communication technology, it is a matter of ITC lines or stars, out of which networks may be able to develop (see E-32).
The brief description in chapters B-9.1 to B-9.8 of the methods employed follows in parallel with A-6.1 to A-6.8 and takes its bearings in the historical development. From the microphone method it proceeds via the radio methods on to specific procedures put into practice by single experimenters only. In chapters B-10, 11 and 12 you find the results grouped according to the respective contents, forms, and signal analyses.
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