by Ernst Senkowski
Soon we will all show ourselves in television.
As a fore-stage to the extraordinary TV effects realized with (opto-)electronic means are to be mentioned the ‘extras’ that have been observed ever since the invention of photography: deceased humans manifesting on photos in the near surroundings of (presumably) especially gifted persons (BEARDEN, HOLZER, PATTERSON, PERMUTT, TILLER).
Mr. A.J. RAAKE, Bremen, was so kind to place an extraordinary example at the author’s disposal, who has taken over the essential items of Mr. Raake’s detailed report in abbreviated form. Since the original photographic material is no more available, Ill. 10 shows a reproduction of an older DIN-A4 photostat copy. On the right of the photo, parallel with the series of posts, is a not visible railway track, the path is wet from rain. The photo was taken on Whitsuntide 1971 near Sandfluieth in Belgium. Mr. Raake had mentally heard the voice of his deceased fiancée Lena-Helena TOERING and, doubt having got hold of him, had asked her to give a visible sign. Following her instructions, he kneeled down on the earth and took a photo of the landscape in the direction indicated to him. Five of the last six negatives of the film turned out blackened, one showed his fiancée, a former dancer who had lost her life when working as a Red Cross nurse in Algeria. Not visible by the human eye, she seems to have partly materialized in a characteristic pose, between the camera and the background. |
A second group of paranormal photographic phenomena is called ‘thought photography’. This involves the intentional influencing of light-sensitive film, including the deliberate projection of mental images or ideas. Successful experiments in this field have been carried out by FUKURAI beginning in 1910. Later, after he had lost his position at the Imperial University of Tokyo, he continued the experiments in England together with HOPE. At that time already, the camera proved to be an unnecessary accessory, since the effects took place directly on the film (FUKURAI, MEEK). EISENBUD’s experiments with Ted SERIOS became better known. During one of these experiments in Denver, USA, a sort of street scene appeard briefly on a television screen while SERIOS was looking into the (connected) video camera (EISENBUD, UPHOFF). The brothers VEILLEUX in the USA and Masuaki KIYOTA, Japan, were, under controlled conditions, also able to deliberately influence photographic film layers or a video camera by psychic means (OGAWA, SASAKI). Analogous effects were confirmed by Chinese scientists using different kinds of films and opto-electronic arrangements (photocells, photo-multipliers). In addition, they observed that concealed graphical characters were ‘copied’ onto sealed photographic film in the moment when ‘seen’ paranormally (HSU, YUN-JE). In the recent past, the author learnt of two cases where ‘extras’ appeared when photostat copies were made.
The third group of extraordinary photographic effects comprises experiments made with the object to try the evidencing of so-called elemental entities, or (subtle) ‘energy forms’. The material available does not allow a reliable evaluation, one is left to the subjective explanations and to partly mediumistic statements of the experimenters. It is true, however, that the photos taken by Orin BRIDGES, USA, as well as a conversation the author had with him, gave the impression of authenticity. Using optical filters, Sinesio DARNELL photographed invisible ‘figures’ whose movements and changes of shape in the landscape can be reconstructed from sequential photos. (verbal report).
The paranormalty of the rather frequently appearing ‘light ribbons’ and ‘veilings’ (MACHALETT and others) cannot be confirmed in all cases. They may be interpreted as a consequence of handling errors, and with ‘Instamatic’ type cameras can be produced intentionally when moving the camera under adverse light conditions with open shutter. In such situations, emanating from sources of brighter light than that of the clearly shown background, partly overlapping ‘knotted light serpents’ of varying width produce, partly knotted one with the other, and with light and dark pulses in them if AC-powered flash lamps (or TV screens) are used. Similar effects showed on photos taken by the Italian UFO group GRCU (BOCCONE, CONSTABLE). As regards corresponding photographs taken by BONNET, FOSAR/BLUDORF are convinced of their paranormal character (“Karmakurier” 3/1990).
Thoroughly examined inexplicable images have manifested in Belmez in Spain since 1971. Human faces appeared again and again on the floor of a farmhouse, even after the material of the floor – and its replacement – had been removed down to 2,8 m (approx. 9 ft.) depth, where human bones were found. Powerful voices on tape were also recorded (chapter A-6.4; ARGUMOSA, A. SCHNEIDER: ‘Conceptography’).
The rather seldom phenomenon of ‘hands burned’ into wood (GRABINSKI, PETER, SIEGMUND) can also be grouped under the heading of transvideo phenomena in a broader sense. The author, together wit ROEDER, was able to confirm Anna TOETSCH’s verbal account to him of one such case by examining the entries in the record book of the St. Nikolaus of Kematen parish church in Pfitsch, South Tyrol. The material ‘proof’ had been disposed of by an uncomprehending clergyman, as so often happens in such cases (the author’s report to SIEGMUND of October 30, 1980).
Because of the presumable participation of powerful electromagnetic fields in the instance, STEIGER discusses – because of possible further implications of the phenomenon - the apparition of a bejeweled woman lying on a couch, which was observed for about 20 seconds above the overloaded turbine of a power station in 1931:
‘If everything is vibration, and if we are vibrating at a certain frequency that makes us what we are, and makes our surroundings what they are today, then, if our vibration were changed even slightly, we could be put out of phase together with our civilization and moved either forward or backward in time’ (see chapter A-3, time-multiplex system).
MOVILLIAT has dealt with an early report from the USA according to which, in September 1954, at the moment of switching on a television set, the image of a deceased relative lying on a bed developed out of a misty light appearance. The switching to other television channels could not make it disappear. Other television sets in the same room behaved normally. After two days during which the set had stayed switched off, the image re-appeared at the moment of switching the unit on. It was photographed and disappeared after seven days. We find here a parallel to an observation made by HOMES. In the course of a transaudio contact via the television set, the voice continued to speak without any change despite of MALKHOFF having pressed several push-keys for switching to other channels (verbal report). It is obvious in both cases that no technical irradiation into the high-frequency input section of the receiver was involved. This case is an optical counter-part to an instance observed at BACCI under controlled conditions: after having removed several preselector stage tubes from the wireless receiver, the voice was still heard unchanged. Electromagnetic irradiation is, at the most, imaginable into the intermediate-frequency- or the low-frequency stages, and it would have required further examination for clarification.
From France, ROLLIN reported to the author: one of her friends had photographed a tapestry. On the developed photo appeared, in recognizable detail, the portrait of her deceased father on the television set which unintentionally had been included in the photograph, and which had been switched off shortly before the photo was taken.
We do not know the point in time at which subjective observation confirmed for the first time the many announcements made by the recorded voices: We will be on television. STEIGER (1974) mentions an instance that had happened in 1968: a woman in Minnesota, USA, who saw the image of a hand appear on the screen of an unplugged television set, and later discovered the same image on a photographic film that had been shot at the same time. Trajna dates the first appearance of extraordinary television images in Italy in 1973. Incontestably confirmed by witnesses (AISP 1979) is DELLA BELLA’s report. She began the recording of voices with the microphone method in 1973 , and in April 1974, when playing a tape without previous recording (!), she heard the voice of former pope Johannes XXIII. And she heard many voices when she let the tape run backwards. The trans-entities indicated that they were pulling threads which connect with the Beyond, and that we would soon be able to see them on the television screen. In April 1978 it was said: In October the dead will arrive on the earth, and a few days before October 14, 1978: The souls Saturday on television. Via magnetic tape, the experimenters were given the instruction to switch on an old black-and-white television set and to set it on channel 3, white screen. For about 4 minutes, set faces (including that of a well-known deceased, BRUNO) slowly moved across the screen, passing sidewards by a dark cross, from the left to the right. Later tape-recorded voices transmitted: You have seen the face of the dead(plural). We have furnished proof. It is a victory. Further trans-images were observed on October 28, 1978 (leading spirit ANNA and BRUNO, as well as on November 4, 1978 (BRUNO and others). ‘Since then, the television screen contacts have ceased, but the entities assured us (repeatedly) that they will show again, then however to a much greater audience.’ (Excerpts from a lecture held by the experimenter in May 1979 in Udine, translated by Guenter HENN.)
O’NEIL (METASCIENCE, USA), at least since 1980, has been working for a short time on a ‘vidicom system’. It has brought some success, but its development apparently has not been continued.
Instructions received on tape from his passed daughter Karin enabled mediumistically gifted Klaus Schreiber († 1988) of Aachen to realize the first technical documentation of the transvideo phenomenon. After weeks of experimenting, the opto-electronic feedback process he had developed – without any relevant professional knowledge – produced two kinds of trans-images ‘hidden’ in the recorded dynamic light-dark patterns: the ‘incident images’ revealed clearly recognizable forms from their first appearance, while the ‘processed images’ only faintly suggested (human) contours at first and only developed to good quality after a number of time-consuming ‘recycling’ steps. It appears that image formation became easier as time went on. Over the period from 1985 to January 1988, the number of images totalled more than a hundred (HOLBE/SCHREIBER, SENKOWSKI, WENZEL).
Since then there have been several reports on results obtained using the ‘feedback’ procedure. In a few cases they are of such high quality that specific deceased persons can be recognized. From short experiments made by the author in 1988 hazy, low-contrast images of individual figures and groups were obtained. After Gremese had received - as announced by the voices on tape - one single appearance of her deceased father, which was recorded on videotape and later disappeared from it, it was not before five years later when she received the first more distinct figures when photographing the room by using a partially reflecting glass plate. The quality improved when she switched to the ‘feedback method’ and used ultraviolet light (CISILINO, verbal report). Meanwhile, partly rather good television images have come about at FUCHS, MARTIN, SIMONET, REITERER, DARNELL and other experimenters. BABCOCK received peculiar trans-images calling fictive landscapes to the mind, and strange buildings of structures resembling gratings.
The television images verified in the course of the last years at CETL in Luxemburg and at HOMES in Rivenich, Germany, appeared directly on television sets set on free channels (in Luxemburg also short sequences showing movements, in Rivenich, with one exception, still pictures only). As already mentioned in chapter A-6.4 with reference to HOMES, at CETL, too, the images were previously announced via other equipment (radio, telephone, or computer). The sequences were very short (between some tenths of a second and a few seconds) and of varying quality. While in Luxemburg there were great variations, a fast, constant improvement was noticed at HOMES. Since a few years digitalized images have manifested on the CETL system, which is equipped with a scanner. The trans-entities (TE) seem to activate the graphic program stored on the hard disk.
After long years of preparative work, Hans-Otto KOENIG demonstrated on the meeting of his group in Buedingen in 1992 a sequence of good-quality images comprising several scenes, part of these including movements (Ill. 56). Regarding the parallel direct electro-acoustic voices, they were difficult to understand (‘Die Parastimme’ (the paravoice), no. 3, 12/1992). In 1993, a similar sequence came to pass in the same place (“Die Parastimme” (the paravoice), no. 3, 12/1993). According to the information received from Mr. KOENIG, the equipment functions in a manner similar to that of the generator system, i.e., on the basis of complex mixtures of electromagnetic vibrations which are changed every 60 seconds. All the trans-images only appeared in such an interval. During the public demonstration given in September 1994, the impressive image of a so far not identified old man was accompanied by a voice partly in synchronism with the movement of the (his) lips (“Die Parastimme”, no.1/2, 12/1994; verbal report; Ill. 55). The enigma was solved a few months later when a participant in the group’s meeting switched on the television and casually dropped on the channel emitting a film report in which he recognized that man. The man revealed to be Hubert GROSS, former city planner, who, by his making contact with our world from the Beyond, wanted to recover the reputation he had lost because had been preferred against him the charge of having cooperated with the Nazis (pls. see Doc. 38.3).
ALTERMANN provoked several images of his secretary, then on holiday in North Africa. Some, at first incomprehensible, details found explanation only after her return (verbal report). Like in the case of SERIOS, it becomes obvious here, too, that the human psyche is well able to put telepathically perceived information into television sets.
On October 21, 1987, following the instructions his spouse had mediumistically received, Claude THORLIN, Swedish friend of Friedrich JUERGENSON, took his polaroid camera and sat down in front of the television set adjusted to a free channel. When, after about 20 minutes time, the screen became black, THORLIN first thought of a power failure or a defect in the television set, when suddenly, in the left part of the screen, appeared a light point which in about six to seven seconds enlarged to such extent that it covered the entire screen, and then decreased again. The photograph taken at this moment (Ill. 46) shows clearly Friedrich JUERGENSON, whose funeral was taking place at exactly that time several hundred kilometers away (report in “Eskilstuna Kuriren” of Feb. 16, 1988, and verbal report by JACOBSON).
Mrs. PLATTNER, who had watched Luxemburg Television (RTL), observed an unknown man’s appearance on the screen after emission close-down. Later, when, by chance, she came across an illustrated report in a pictorial, she was able to attribute the unknown man’s image to Klaus SCHREIBER who had died about four weeks before. The unknown on the screen had placed one hand on his heart region; SCHREIBER had died of heart failure (telephone report to RTL, February 20, 1988).
In the course of the last years, further trans-images manifested in France, Spain and the USA, most of them according to the ‘feedback procedure’. By processing photographed small sections of the screen of the noise emitting television set with his computer, BABCOCK obtained clearly visible faces. The periodical “Tiempo” published (June 18, 1990, pages 14-18), a report according to which Francisco PADRON (Canarian Islands) has documented various phases of the formation of faces.
Up to now, rather rarely found special events are those of coloured trans-images. Two such instances have occurred at Adolf HOMES (see Ill. 27, black-and-white reproductions in chapter B-12.4 and Ill. 48 in F-35). A third one is related with the extensive work done by the English SCOLE group, where, during the last phase before the transcontacts were stopped, impressing symmetrical structures appeared, which one is inclined to interprete as ‘faces’ of ‘extraterrestrians’ (for Scole, see 9.3.1 and 38.14).
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