by Ernst Senkowski
If you do not listen to MOSES and the prophets,
neither will you be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.
LUKE, 16,31
As a combination of non-separable psychic and physical elements, ITC appears to be an old phenomenon in new clothing and is to be classified within the complex of mediumistic manifestations. It is not possible here to go into the mediumistic contacts documented since the beginning of recorded history more detailedly than as presented in F-37. Insights and reviews are offered by a great number of authors, including f.i.
SWEDENBORG according to HEINTSCHEL, page 236: ‘Every being endowed with mind is something like a switching station, an individual mental center that takes in streams of influence, converts them in his own personal manner, prepares them anew and passes them on to the centers in his immediate vicinity, his ‘nearest’, not only intellectually, but also in love.’
VALLÉE (1984): ‘Social networks are networks of information.’
The discussion on the existence of differently defined parallel worlds has not terminated as yet. There exists a rather recent, detailed, and recommendable presentation by Fred Alan WOLF (Parallel Universes. The Search for Other Worlds.), the closing chapter of which deals with ‘time and mind in parallel universes’. Also well-known theorist Stephen W. HAWKING believes that parallel worlds may exist.
According to this, every human being is for every other one, and for himself a ‘medium’ in terms of spontaneous creativity. Only a few geniuses sought and found the sources of their works within themselves. The terms ‘con-ception’, ‘in-spiration’, ‘dis-covery’, ‘in-vention’, ‘originator’, ‘creator’, and others, have a content that far exceeds what the mechanistic hypothesis about the ‘accidental genesis’ of order and information can express [14]. MUSES: ‘The genesis of science lies in altered states of consciousness.”
[14] How the interpretation of creativity presents from a modern view can be found, f.i., in ROPOHL’s work. |
Mediumism in the narrower sense, as the conveying of TI and TC, is not accepted as such by animist parapsychologists. In their view it is a matter of either freely invented ‘products of imagination’ or ‘dramatized extrasensory perceptions’. In the more embracing spiritistical interpretation is assumed the existence of independent TEs, whose possibilities of communication are limited by difficulties only partly surmisable by us. So transmitted
MYERS via the medium WILLET: The best analogy I can find to express the difficulties involved in conveying a message is this: I am standing behind an opal glass pane that makes vision blurred and the sound muffled, and am dictating something in a weak voice to an unwilling and a little stupid secretary. A feeling of terrible incapacity oppresses me. I lack the power to say (that) what is of such importance. I cannot establish contact with those who understand me and would believe me.
STEAD: Now that I myself see the extraordinary difficulties involved for bringing through messages from this side, I am not surprised that we obtained so little (information) during all our experimenting, but that we obtained so much. For it is you, your conditions, which establish the barrier.
PELHAM through PIPER: I am just as intelligent as I ever was, but the difficulties in communicating with you are great. [15]
[15] –Also from instrumentally supported contacts communication problems become obvious. Remarkable is a concurrence with observations made by HODGSON. He found that the best communicators appearing with mediums are children having died shortly before, as well as adults who had passed at the height of their life in good health. A considerable part of the transcontacts at BACCI establish between deceased young people and their parents. The transgroup cooperating with KOENIG comprises several young people (see B-9.3.2). Strong emotional motivation and better ability of adaptation may contribute to the coming about of these communications. The VOT: Kinderfunk geht ueber Welten besser (children’s radio works better across worlds) may be interpreted in this sense. |
The simplest mediumistic phenomenon is spook in the form of ‘raps’. Early reports were made by RUDOLF von FULDA (858 A.D.) and PARACELSUS: ‘pulsatio mortuorum’. They were originally observed as acoustic signals, more or less accurately locatable in space and/or objects. Their time functions may clearly distinguish from normally produced noises (IMBASSAHY, ZSTK II/2, 1993). They also manifest in electric circuits in form of measurable pulses, and are hearable as electro-acoustic events directly via the loudspeaker of a radio. They occur either spontaneously, or upon provocation, controlled by intelligence, having a kind autonomous existence, and can be regarded as a primitive form of communication with structures we are not conscious of. The observations made point to a hybrid phenomenon: raps are known to happen in the environment of animist experiments (KIYOTA acc. to UPHOFF; CAZZAMALLI); as regards their occurrence in ITC experiments, the spiritist interpretation seems to be more accurate based on the assumption that it could be easier for pulses from transspheres to penetrate into our systems (BODEN, CETL, SENKOWSKI; [16]).
[16] It is rather easy to pass from raps to the relatively rarely observed telegraphic signals and the more frequently transmitted computer texts, see A-6.5/6 and B-9.5/6. See also VOT SENKOWSKI in F-38.4. |
While the raps’ content of information is poor, and longer transmissions take a lot of time, there are, at the other extreme of MTC, long, fluent trance-mediated messages of most varied quality. A special position among them is held by ‘crosscorrespondences’: a series of fragments received in different places at different times by different mediums independently of one another, often identical with small extracts from (classical) literature; they not only proved to be interlaced one with the other, but their contents and style made recognize their evident relation to deceased exceptional members of the English Society for Psychical Research (SPR), founded in 1882. Two thousand pages of this material, accumulated over thirty years, constitute a (communicative) masterpiece on the part of the communicators MYERS, VERRAL, SIDGWICK, GURNEY, and BUTCHER, who were concerned to provide evidence of their continued existence. Attempts to evade this nearest interpretation by means of a hypothesized intermediary ‘supertelepathy’ neither correspond to the ‘simplest explanation’ which is usually demanded, nor do they account for the necessity of coordinating directors (SCHIEBELER).
The quantity and quality of mediumistic TI have been object of very controversial debates. According to the arguments presented in chapter A-2, evaluation relies on the competence of the receiver in each case. The essential difficulty is the fact that the transmission process unavoidably utilizes the psychophysical structures of the medium, by which the original information may be altered in such a way that reliable conclusions cannot be drawn. At the best we can estimate ‘probabilities’ and compare the enouncements made by different mediums on the same theme (K. MUELLER). May be that the experimenter’s personal part is less in instrumentally supported contacts, but it remains well recognizable. For this reason we must warn against overly naïve and uncritical attitudes. In this present stage of human development, in which human beings cannot distinguish their ‘own’ thoughts from ‘foreign’ influences, only a TTC analogous to earthly telecommunication could avoid such difficulties, if it should become realizable at all (see B-10 and B12).
MTI referring to an individual afterlife is supported by materialization phenomena which are subject to still greater ‘official’ disbelief and discrimination. These phenomena produce not only in form of lasting material objects out of ‘nothingness’, but in the vicinity of particular mediums, also manifest in form of ‘phantoms’ capable of action (GERLOFF, SCHIEBELER). Comparable with the formation of clouds, water, or ice from the invisible water vapour of the earth’s atmosphere, they can pass through all stages of misty or nebulous, veil-like, faintly shining wavering shapes, up to complete physical-physiological, somatic realities till, after a limited ‘lifetime’, they disappear. They have appeared not only during séances in the dark, but also in the presence of reliable witnesses in plain daylight. Even when considering their psychophysical dependence from the medium and the other participants in the séance (catchword ectoplasm, A-5), these apparitions provide astonishing testimony of the power of morphogenetic fields (SHELDRAKE), or ‘entelechial organizational power’ (HEIM). Perhaps it is physical ionization that plays a certain role in the formation of such phantoms.
Leaving aside olfactory perception, the living human being can intersubjectively only be contacted on the mechanical level by direct touching, on the acoustical level by audible voices, on the optical level by visible signs. All these communication channels are put into practice by materialized phantoms and confirmed by competent witnesses’ statements, as well as by technical means. One cannot help asking to what else the deceased could have recourse to for ‘proving’ their existence.
In conclusion be mentioned the transposition of material ‘objects’. These effects, which are also interpreted as the de- and re-materialization, and penetration (of solid bodies by solid bodies), come forward in cases of spook and in mediumistic fields (are rarely observed also with ITC experimenters). They have been proved under laboratory conditions and they contradict the conservation principles of classical physics. According to EINSTEIN’s equation (energy = mass x the square of the speed of light), the dematerialization of the smallest quantities of matter should release enormous amounts of energy, and for rematerialization an equal amount of energy would have to be applied [17]. Consequently, absolutely different psychophysical interactions must exist (HEIM, D-22), maybe where at the deepest fundamental level of our ‘life-consciousness circle’ (BEARDEN, D-28) psychic-spiritual principles (‘information’) take the higher rank over the measurable and between themselves equivalent concepts of ‘matter’ and ‘energy’ (‘mind-over-matter’ or ‘mind-in-matter’), so that ‘objects’ (which are in fact for the most part nothing more than intersubjective events that can be reproduced relatively unchanged) can, at choice, be ‘formed’ into being or ‘deformed’, i.e., ‘destroyed’.
[17] The absurdness of this description will become clear by two examples: the disappearance of one millionth of a gram of matter within a tenth of a second corresponds to a momentary power of 1000 MW; or: 1000 MW could be generated throughout one year by the conversion of barely 400 g of matter. |
An equivalent description of such occurrences would be the transposition of ‘objects’ through ‘parallel spaces’, ‘para-worlds’ or ‘hyperspaces’ (‘parallel’ to our space-time, within higher-dimensional structures) akin to the obvious disappearance of an object beneath a water surface and its re-emergence in an other place (C-20 [18]).
[18] Higher space dimensions have been drawn upon already in the last century for explaining permeations, e.g., by ZOELLNER, see WEITZENBOECK; RENNINGER |
Chinese scientists examined young people gifted with ‘exceptional qualities of the human body’, who, among others, transposed a tone-modulated transistorized transmitter inside a room, or from one room to an other. During the transfer phase, not only did the apparatus disappear, but so did the EM signal emitted by it. After strong fluctuations, it could be detected again only after the transmitter had ‘re-appeared’ at the second volunteer. The cautious formulation of (nuclear-/elementary particles)-)physicists and physicians was:
‘The object moved from existence to non-existence and back again. We, however, are of the opinion that in-between it was in a state not perceivable by our senses or our measuring instruments.’ They held the drop-out of the signal to be attributable to its non-transmissability, or to the failure of electric energy supply, because, after the transfer action, the overheated power source was found discharged to a higher degree than is the case after the same time under normal operation conditions and ([19] GULLÀ, D-23). When electronic watches were transferred, these often lost time during the transfer (LIN).
[19] To this belong the reportings received again and again on defects in and failures of electric systems in the fields of unidentified flying ‘objects’ (Adolf SCHNEIDER, I. v. LUDWIGER) and higher-dimensional electrodynamics (EGELY). |
Sceptics should be reminded that physical ‘laws’ are nothing more than rules derived from fairly reproducible experiences, rules that must not claim absolute validity, but are limited to certain areas of validity and application. Theoretically founded statements in which certain phenomena are held to be impossible are logically untenable and (in neutral formulation) apt to limit their proponents’ perceptive faculties to narrow ‘reality tunnels’ (C-13, D-21).
Jon KLIMO’s ‘Channeling’ is rightly considered to be the first modern, comprehensive work about MTC. Although ITC, as not directly pertinent to ‘channeling’, is skirted with two indications only (RAUDIVE and MEEK), the study of this work is expressly recommended. In view of the common background, the fundamental questions and reflections are of equal importance for both these fields.
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