by Ernst Senkowski
In the quest for the meaning and purpose of life, human beings have always attempted to look beyond purely material events. With the insight into a higher structure of existence, that envelopes earthly life, the ostensible accidentalness and absurdity of life’s events melt away. Whether this insight manifests in the belief in God, or not, is possibly not the essential point. Decisive is rather the realization that we are responsible for our acts (and thoughts!) and with these determine our development till beyond our physical existence.
Doubtlessly, single individuals’ contacts to other worlds have always existed. Typical for the early reports is that voices, ‘visions’ and other appearances broke into the concerned’s world without his agency. Only in recent times we do come across reports of deliberate attempts to make contact with worlds beyond our own. The great era of spiritualism and mediums lasted throughout the nineteenth century and into the 1920s. Séances, as spiritualist meetings were called, produced phenomena ranging from mediumistic communication via trance mediums to physical manifestations such as levitation, apports, and so-called direct voices emanating from trumpets. After some fifty years of pause, in which the activities of mediums were rarely in the public eye, they are presently enjoying a renaissance in the form of ‘channeling’. In accordance with the spirit of the age, it is predominantly entities from other planets who communicate by means of these so-called ‘channels’, and the demonstrations of such communication no longer take place in private rooms, but rather in front of a large audience. The commercial features of this development cannot be overlooked.
It seems astonishing at first glance that, by contrast, transcommunication with the aid of electronic devices has received only very limited attention until now, despite a history extending back over more than thirty years. Perhaps, this era of the mass media requires public statements on it by some prominent figures, VIPs. This appears to be even more probable than that official sciences, represented by universities and colleges, would, at least, concern themselves with boundary themes, such as transcommunication is.
To be fair it has to be added that some contemporaneous physicists postulate the existence of parallel worlds when they try to transcribe the validity of quantum physics to cosmic dimensions. These worlds exist in the midst of our interior, i.e., parallel with our everyday space-time, and, despite of this, are invisible and unattainable for us because they exist in a dimension different from ours. Though the human consciousness is not to be found in these multi-world theories, they could, one future day, become a bridge for the scientific understanding of various paranormal phenomena, and of transcommunication, too.
This book was written by a physicist, not by a parapsychologist, and this fact is characteristic for the actual situation. While the most varied paranormal phenomena are studied by multi-disciplinary scientific groups in the Soviet Union and other Eastern European countries, in the West the paranormal is still primarily a subject of psychologists, who generally display little inclination to concern themselves with questions raised by natural sciences.
With this book, Professor Senkowski has produced an unparalleled mine of information for all those interested in transcommunication. Everyone who takes the time to work through this truly comprehensive work, together with its quotations, notes, and bibliography, will then be completely up-to-date in this field. Its author has not only kept track of transcommunication in a scientific manner during the last twelve years, but, as a result of a great number of personal contacts with other researchers, has become convinced of the existence of the phenomena described on these pages. There can hardly be many scientists with comparable knowledge and experience, and we must be very grateful to Professor Senkowski for having expended the time and effort required to write up this work.
As indicated already, the study of this book will not be an easy matter, even for readers already oriented in this field. The material gathered here is so detailed and multi-faceted that it will be hard for most people to read it straight through. It contains a fascinating wealth of knowledge, from general questions of communcations technology and actual transtechnical apparatuses to paraphysical hypotheses, often in a condensed, even shorthand form. It provides an ideal grounding for those who wish to continue studying one scientific question or another on their own. Those readers with little advance knowledge of the subject would be well advised, however, after a first superficial reading through the chapters of transcommunication, to turn to the documentation and to attempt to accumulate experiences of their own, based on the introduction to experimental work contained in the appendix.
In conclusion I would like to discuss two questions which are often raised in connection with transcommunication. The first concerns the authenticity of the phenomenon in general. One can only answer that any explanation other than a paranormal one for the many thousands of voices recorded on tape would have to be extremely far-fetched, and can therefore reasonably be ignored. It is of course impossible to convince someone of the nature of a paranormal event if there is an inward refusal of being convinced, i.e., a refusal to accept the available evidence which others accept. In contrast to other psi phenomena such as telepathy, however, transcommunication by means of electronic devices has the great advantage that it is accessible to most people via experiments of their own, and these experiments can be documented on audiocassette and video-tape. Anyone who truly wants to find out if there is ‘such thing’ can therefore do so without too great difficulties.
The authenticity of such an unusual phenomenon as transcommunication does not of course exclude the possibility that in occasional cases the convictions of a listener or viewer might be helped along a little. But the possibility of such events should not be of relevance in the further development of transcommunication. Even the overwhelmingly negative or ironical commentaries in the materialistically oriented press should not prevent anyone from forming an opinion based on his own experience: “If you have ears, hear; if you have eyes, see.”
The second question is more interesting but harder to answer. It concerns the identity of the beings who establish contact with us. Although it seems clear that they are nonphysical entities, it seems likely that it is not just the deceased who make contact via our apparatuses. If we proceed from the assumption that the flow of time from the past to the future is ultimately something subjective, related to our space-time construct, then in higher-dimensional contacts we could be meeting ourselves in past and future existences. And if we transpose this model of a parallel, timeless existence to other planets, then the number of forms of existence with whom we could come in contact becomes immeasurably large, at least in theory.
A final thought concerning the content of messages from Beyond: it is quite possible that we could receive an answer to every question we ask, provided that we direct the right questions to the right place at the right time. But since the last two factors are not within our control, and it can be a tricky matter to ask the ‘right’ questions, then, despite transcommunication, we will have to live with more questions than answers for the time being. Things may not be so different for the transpersons with whom we make contact. Though we may proceed from the dead being freed from the shackles of time, there is no reason to believe that their transition has given them unlimited knowledge. And if we did in fact come in contact with more highly developed beings from other solar systems, with knowledge far beyond our own, it would be very difficult for us to reconcile their messages with our own limited intelligence.
I hope the reader will derive as much intellectual pleasure from the following book as I did. It provides a wealth of stimuli for independent thinking and experimentation. As always in life, being on the right ‘wavelength’ will be important for this.
Dr. Valdimir Delavre
Frankfurt am Main, April 1989
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