by Ernst Senkowski
When, in the course of 1999, the stock of copies of the third edition of ‘Instrumentelle Transkommunikation’ was running short, personal reasons made it impossible for the author to prepare a 4th edition of new design. Therefore, to avoid an interruption of availability, a re-edition of the unchanged book was made in agreement with the publisher, Mrs. R.G. Fischer, in 2000. In line with the book’s structuring, an epilogue, which today has to be considered outdated and is not repeated herein, gives the hang of the development of the, now as before, fascinating, technically supported ‘contacts with the Beyond’ after 1994. A supplement was made in 2002.
Seeing it optimistically, ITC can be described as a very slowly propagating global phenomenon in which unite a scientific and a human component. The scientific situation can be characterized as a special form of extraordinary reciprocal effects between spirit and matter, consciousness and reality, man and machine, effects which in other contexts and with other purports have been proven and theoretically examined. The human component clusters around love, freedom, dying, death, life after death, and the communication between the worlds perceived as being separated one from the other. While the reciprocal effects as such are objective in the current sense of the word, interpretation and significance of the transcontents and their presumed sources are left for the receiver’s subjective decision.
Since July 2000, several convincing tape-recorded voice contacts have come about with my wife Adelheid, deceased from cancer in May 2000. The first two messages under her name arrived mentally, and on tape recorder, a few hours after her passing. Twelve weeks later, two dozens of messages of partly similar up to even identical contents had come through in ten different places, mediumistic-technically, and purely mediumistically - partly spontaneously. Since in spring 2001, a series of fluent dialogues with her have come true via a medium, and the general contents of many of them are in line with other messages received from the Beyond. Intimate contents of the messages and, last not least, the comforting sentence Lichtwellen geleiten meine Freude (light waves escort my delight), can most easily be interpreted as the realization of the structure of the deceased’s mind and soul, and of her – already in the earthly life expressed - intention to make contact from the Beyond. The comprehensive reports received on the process of dying and her evolution in the Beyond can be summarized in a few sentences:
The definite transition was preceded by a repeated ‘oscillating’ between this world and the Beyond, by which she became acquainted with her future ‘place’ in the other world. At the very end, she did not experience a tunnel effect, but knew immediately that there was no more need for her to go back. After several months in pain, an indescribable feeling of blissfulness resulted when she perceived her ‘body’ healed and free of pain, and also from the absolute liberty in which she could move in a ‘landscape’ similar to the earth’s. In the ‘course of time’ she revised her earthly life in several phases. She was active as a helpmate in introducing passed humans – mainly children – to their new ‘environment’. She learnt to activate her multi-dimensional abilities, i.e., ‘doing several actions simultaneously’.
By mid-2002, she stated that, as a member of a group of congenials, she had no body. She would, at the most, ‘construct’ it mentally when useful for meeting ‘newcomers’. According to a cosmic law, the pseudomaterialistic structures of the ‘earth-resembling’ spheres appear to be necessary for facilitating the adaptation to bodyless states, to avoid states of shock, but ‘as time passes’ they would loose importance.
A touching episode clustered round one of the first contacts I had with Adelheid in the year 2000 when she transmitted a greeting from an Elisabeth, which first seemed to be desultory to me. When asking back, it was explained that the person in question was a friend of my youth, whose meeting with me had not had importance for me, but for her.Thoughts of love would accompany me in (my) life and being. In 2002, I ‘accidentally’ found in a war diary an entry of the year 1943 in which, on leave in Hamburg, I mentioned a casual meeting with Elisabeth, who in me had left the impression ‘like an elfin’. A few years later, Elisabeth died from poliomyelitis.
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