by Ernst Senkowski
Naked truth is better than a gilt lie.
Five years after having terminated the work for the book published first in 1989, whose second edition, almost identical with the first one, is sold out now, there were several reasons for preparing a revised version. The kind incitement by my publisher, Rita G. Fischer, coupled with the actual need of incorporating new results, theoretical indications, and information deemed important, were the inducement for introducing some changes in respect of the hitherto existent perspectives and valuations.
The completions comprise mainly those contacts documented during the last years by Adolf Homes in Rivenich, Germany, and collectively represent an independent technical confirmation of the transcommunicative phenomena having produced in Luxemburg, although their respective contents follow partly different priorities. The presumption that the experimenters’ mediumistic-spiritual abilities take precedence over the equipment used, was strongly supported by observations, as well as by transinformation received via technical equipment and through mediums. For this reason I resigned from repeating the extensive details of special equipment arrangements which, in a narrower sense, have to be considered outdated. Instead it was attempted to combine the possibly underlying commonnesses with those contents of the transcontacts which might lead to a real improvement of the transcommunicative effects.
In this context, particular importance is ascribed to the texts which, since 1992, have been imparted, under the name of the transentity AARON, via automatic writing to my friend Dr. Vladimir Delavre; these texts give - supposedly for the first time in such complex manner - scientifically oriented information which is completed by messages under EINSTEIN, and which in their whole come close to the most recent physical conceptions.
It also appeared purposeful to take up part of the dialogues which the author had the opportunity to have with the transentities CLAUDIUS and TESLA via trance medium Franz SCHNEIDER. They not only provide excellent examples for the possibilities achieved in mediumistic transcommunication (MTC), though, as yet, not in instrumental transcommunication (ITC), moreover their contents are revealing in several other respects.
A little more detailedly is described the theory of HEIM – in the version extended by DROESCHER to 12 dimensions, although also this version does not furnish detailed information in respect of the improvement of instrumentally supported contacts, or regarding the realization of purely technical transcommunication that would be independent from the experimenter’s psyche.
At the edges of the current sciences shows with increasing clearness the effort to fathom psycho(bio)physical connections and to develop generally valid physics of consciousness that will provide meaningful enrolment for the phenomena hitherto denied, at the best described as extraordinary, paranormal or ‘supernatural’ putative ‘miracles’.
Many a reader may be appalled by the idea that, in view of these developments, he will have to leave behind quite a number of convictions he has grown attached to. But this idea may be surmounted at the recognition of the timeless multi-dimensionality of a human embodiment of a personality core within an unlimited, holistic universe, where only those hindrances exist between this earthly world and the ‘Beyond’ which in the end have been established by ourselves.
By bringing unknown spheres to our consciousness, the transcommunicative phenomena, in whatever manner they may be interpreted in detail, demonstrate that the world is deeper than it is commonly supposed to be, and that finally nobody can be alone for he/she is indissolubly one with the all-embracing universe.
In order not to overextend the volume of this book, several sections, mainly in the documentary part, had to be shortened or replaced, partly or completely, by more recent texts. It is impossible, within the preset framework, to adequately reproduce the wealth of messages received. The changes made as a consequence of the development having taken place, do particularly not permit to draw a-posteriori conclusions about the – in any case subjective - valuation of the respective contents, and in many instances of the transentities (TEs) appearing to be the originators or sources. Some attentive readers’ kind suggestions for corrections have been taken into account where possible.
Now as before, it is the author’s aim to impart to the reader the multifarious forms of appearance of the technically supported transcommunicative phenomena, and the attempt to integrate them in a more-embracing world-picture. May also this edition, despite of the intricacies involved with the book’s theme and its representation, contribute to the understanding and the furtherance of instrumental transcommunication, and the enlargement of human world-pictures in this epoch of metamorphosis.
The new cover image ‘Hoffnung’ (hope) is borrowed from ‘Esoterische Visionen’ (‘esoteric visions’), an illustrated book composed by Stefan v. Jankovich, who was so kind to consent to the image’s publication on this book’s cover.
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