by Ernst Senkowski
There are receivers and non-receivers!
But when, in which of our lives,
will we finally be open and receivers?
This book represents an effort to report concisely, though as comprehensively as possible, on the development and the present state of instrumental transcommunication and the problems associated with it. The dynamic of the phenomenology may let such exertion appear to be premature at any time. Furthermore, as yet, generally accepted, fully satisfactory theoretical foundations for its classification are unknown. Nevertheless, a wealth of relatively homogeneous, reliable experimental material, obtained in various manners and documented over the last decades, permits already now to draw a number of significant conclusions.
The author’s personal experiences, result of independent and unprejudiced working since 1976, fit together with those made by many other persons to form an astounding mosaic of a fascinating evolution, whose ultimate impact for all of humanity is as yet only faintly recognizable.
The entire complex is dealt with from the prevalent perspective of communication, and the existence of – however to be defined – ‘transentities’ in ‘transspheres’ is taken for granted. The justification for proceeding this way is based, among other reasons, on the conviction that, in the light of the results available, the essential questions regarding the sources and the conditions for the realization of ‘transinformation’ in space-time can at first only find meaningful answers within the framework of a dualistic world-view which recognizes the primacy of spirit, without however excluding a spiritualistic monism or ‘unus mundus’.
The difficulties involved in dealing with complex structures are adequately known already. Every linear analysis of holomorphic structures unavoidably breaks them up into parts which then appear to be relatively independent of one another; their factual interwovenness becomes clear only when they are looked at in a direct, not mediable, and synoptical manner. To assist the reader’s synthesizing intentions, graphics, cross references and occasional repetitions are included and should make it easier to obtain an overview and synopsis. There is much that can only be briefly indicated, not least for reasons of space, and many a thing is left unsaid. The studying of additional literature on the subject is recommended, although this is no substitute for personal experience.
I express my thanks to all those who, by their presence and their activities, have contributed to the formation of my ideas and, by this, to the carrying-out of this work.
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