Voice Transmissions With The Deceased
by Friedrich Juergenson
240 CHAPTER 47
Hope for all who grieve and are lonely - What one should not expect - How the “language of the dead” should be understood - A few technical counsels - Cautions against internal illusions and wishful dreams! - The start of a new epoch for humanity
I am convinced that for whoever seeks a connection out of inner need, love, longing and concern with the fate of a loved one who has passed over, whoever wants to participate in building the bridge between this world and the hereafter with a pure heart and much patience, for that individual the barrier will open.
This is not to say that the seekers will be able to establish contact with the desired person on the other side right away. Not all are awake and aware of the transformation they have gone through when they died. What is required is not only endless patience, but one should not allow oneself to become discouraged if one fails to establish contact right away.
There is also the possibility that if one attempts to reach certain persons on the other side, others, perhaps relatives or friends will suddenly come forward. Anyway, this is a good beginning, and means one should patiently continue the search.
To a large extent success depends on us. Much depends on the way and means with which we seek to take up contact. We ourselves can promote or inhibit the contact. It is best to act completely naturally, to avoid all solemn, exaggerated, pompous moods. Better cheerfully agitated than unnatural and fulsome. We should never forget that the dead are people like us. We better not use the word “ghosts” because this concept is linked with an endless series of 241 erroneous preconceptions. Whoever is conscious of these distortions finds it easier to approach the consciousness level of the people on the other side.
So frequently have I recorded on my tapes the same assertions in a variety of versions, and with intensive emphasis they were spoken, shouted, recited or sung: “We live! We live! We dead, we live!” Or: “Friedel! The dead live because they are not dead!” Or: “We are PEOPLE! The dead are people!…”
I will never forget how the chorus from Verdi’s “Traviata” brought me an engaging rhyme that moved me deeply and brought me much joy. Through these verses, presented in a humorous tone, yet with deep meaning, I became aware once again of the chasm we the living have fashioned between the dead and ourselves.
The stanza ended with: “With Friedrich one doesn’t have to be a spook, with Friedel one can feel human…”
And one more thing: No one should expect that the dead would deliver themselves of edifying sermons. Let is suffice that we have managed over the millennia to preach loudly about love, brotherhood, freedom and equality, justice and humanity until we have lost our sense of truth and reality. It doesn’t matter whether the failure has been ours or that of the philosophical and religious systems we have built. The fact remains that we have created a world of conflicts and misery in which two superpowers wage a war of nerves on each other with their hydrogen bombs.
Therefore do not expect from the dead tracts on political morality, philosophy or ethics. All this mental shadow boxing has lost its 242 significance on the other side; we have to leave it behind on our deathbed whether we want to or not, along with our checkbook.
If we want to understand the unpretentious language of the dead we have to free ourselves from the tyranny of our intellect, because wherever there prevails pretense and coldness of spirit, the heart grows rigid. The language of the dead is the unvarnished pictorial language of the subconscious. Free of any compromises whether these may be caused by false politeness, stylistic prettiness or moral concerns of any kind, the “language of the dead” transmits directly the truth of the heart. Children who have not yet been affected by the spirit of hypocrisy speak this way. We ourselves should become children, not childish, but childlike, as people who have finally liberated themselves from the heavy burden of the past, because we will never be able to comprehend the new without a change in our mental attitude.
I have often been asked the question as to the best method to use to get into contact with the dead. As I have already said before, it depends exclusively on our motives, but also on our patience and persistence. This being a very subtle affair one cannot provide precise instructions or readymade recipes. On the other hand I am very pleased to share with the reader the results of my experience of seven years.
First of all, a few technical suggestions; a well-made tape recorder, not too small, two tracks are sufficient, has the advantage of not wearing out too quickly with frequent use of the forward and rewind mechanism. As a rule, use the higher speed (19 cm/sec – 7 ¼ i.p.s.). This not only results in the best sound quality, but it enables one to lower the speed at will for a better comprehension, control and monitoring of the taping sessions.
243 An audience that is too large usually turns out to be a hindrance. Place the microphone at a distance of two to three meters (from the tape recorder) and select a normal recording level. Act completely naturally but do not speak too quickly or in a mixed up way and try and leave small pauses here and there. It is best to start the recording by announcing the date, hour, and names of those present. Do not let the recording run for more than three or four minutes because it takes a lot of time to listen carefully to longer recordings.
Before I get into the most important details, I want to issue a warning. The more objective and vigilant we can be, the less we are likely to be fooled by our own hopes and dreams, because we have no greater enemy in this enterprise than our own wishful thinking! One is tempted to hear that which one desires most ardently. I have received for my verification and control numerous tapes that are supposed to contain “ghost voices” but that in reality do not show the least trace of the transcendent voice phenomena.
In the case of soft voices it is better to listen attentively fifty times than deciding hurriedly or too easily on customary syllable associations that later turn out to be erroneous interpretations.
The art of listening is a difficult art that has to be learned slowly. It needs to be practiced not only during recording sessions but daily, even hourly. Which one of us is still able in our day and age of tension and haste to manage the concentration and patience needed to listen attentively in a balanced way to anyone who talks to us? Are we not in reality always engaged by the hasty succession of our own thoughts that chase one another?
The art of listening requires four elements: relaxation, vigilance, the quieting of thoughts and inner stillness.
244 Today’s civilization affords us almost no opportunity for contemplation and leisure. On the contrary, the constant stimulation overload brought about by our technical achievements has robbed human hearing of its natural sensitivity. This is not only true of the cities, nowadays even the countryside is not much different. All these noises, whether they are caused by jetliners, vehicles, motorcycles, radios, tractors, power saws or ordinary street traffic have a deafening, even deadening effect on the absorption capacity of our brains.
Not only are our eardrums and auditory nerve stupefied, our brain too loses its capacity to absorb subtle sounds and timbres. If you think about the fact that dentists today are using sounds and music instead of narcotics to deaden the pain perception of patients, one can understand the disastrous effect of constant noise on human hearing.
If we wish to obtain good results in listening to the tape recordings, we need to strain our ears as little as possible with high decibel radio and TV music. Search for quiet, in nature if possible. Listen to the birds, the wind, the surf, just listen deeply into the stillness of an enclosed space, it will do you good.
Under favorable conditions it happens in most cases that the voices appear right at the beginning of the recording. Sometimes it can be a short sentence, a name, a greeting, or a shout. Do not expect too much at the beginning. There may be days in which no voices at all will be captured. Do not allow yourself to become impatient and do not try to force recordings.
245 I remember one time suddenly hearing Kersten’s voice on the tape recording when two scientists were visiting, calling out in broken Swedish but with great determination: “We want to come without being forced!”
The spontaneous moment is the decisive one. Especially in this field where two dimensions touch one another and we are confronted by still unknown factors, it is precisely here where nothing, not the least snippet at all can be forced. Too many preparations and expectation lead to meager results.
While a relaxed and dispassionate mood is of great, almost decisive significance in the case of tape recordings, listening to the recordings requires a sober objectivity. A vigilance of spirit and a good physical condition are essential above all.
That the departed can read our thoughts is a simple fact of which one becomes aware quickly. But there is nothing uncomfortable in this, nothing that should inhibit or prevent one from being oneself. On the contrary, the certainty to be able to be oneself completely without being criticized by the seeing eyes (of the living), has a liberating effect and results in an unaffected attitude. While the dead are aware of our weaknesses and will refrain from criticizing us out of tactfulness and understanding, this is not to say that they will support our weaknesses or that we can manipulate them with craftiness and sophistry to undertake actions that do not accord with their intentions.
As concerns the radio connections it would be premature to give instructions before the link by use of the microphone has been mastered. Besides, a radio link cannot be realized without the help of an assistant on the other side. But I assume that an assistant will be 246 found for those who are ready, like me, to devote them totally to the building of this bridge.
In conclusion I want to emphasize the following. We the living, who are still located on our earthly plane, should never forget that we are being afforded the opportunity for the first time by means of this bridge building to gradually solve the problem of death through a purely physical and objective method. Expressions like breakthrough, path breaking, epochal, unique, etc., do not suffice to accurately characterize the significance of this event for our time. We know that mankind depends on its relation to the environment, in isolation it would remain a sterile nothing without the possibility of progress and development.
While life and death cannot be separated, and the temporal and the hereafter represent a unity, we instead have built a wall over the millennia between the departed and ourselves. That is why our development has been one-sided. We have stubbornly tried to hop on one leg through our existence and have created a world of intellectual cripples. That the bridge to the hereafter has been realized in our day is due primarily to the efforts of the departed, because it required the initiative of a higher dimension to provide this opportunity for a connection. However, a hundred years ago such a connection could not have been realized because the technical conditions, for tape recorders and radios were not yet present.
As concerns my contribution to this effort, it is only of some preparatory significance. Incidentally, I have already received my reward in advance, because no work ever has provided me with such joy, surprise and food for thought than my work on this magic puzzle.
Let’s say it once again: The problem of death holds the key to life. 247 With its solution there disappears not only the choking fear of death itself, but that endless chain of suffering that is connected with death.
However, we will have to change our way of thinking from the bottom up. Many attitudes of thought and feeling will have to disappear. It will take much time and cause much resistance, but in the end the grave will lose its macabre character. If you can hear the living voices of the dead at home, who will want to put on black mourning clothes to visit them in the cemeteries.
I started to write this book seven years ago in Sweden on a calm, mild October morning. I was living at the time in my quiet cottage in the woods from where I enjoyed a colorful view over the surrounding wooded hills. I am ending these lines in Pompeii today. It is a crisp October morning, sunny, cloudless and a little windy. A little while ago a violent storm moved across the countryside with lashing downpours, thunder and lighting. But now all is verdant and grows with new strength, the air is fragrant with ozone, rosemary and moist earth.
The grapes in my pergola are starting to ripen. They hang over my head in heavy blue black bunches and swing gently in the breeze.
The walls of Pompeii washed by the rain are shining anew. The dust is gone and numerous puddles cover the cobblestones of the Via del Abbondanza.
From my terrace I can watch the groups of tourists moving below, but their voices barely reach up to my perch. Here the tranquility of the countryside is still about and I am really sorry that I will have to leave this place soon.
Below my feet slumbers the non-excavated part of Pompeii. Strange that it was precisely here where I was to start seven years ago with the excavation of a villa that was to be known as the “Casa Svedese”. 248 But instead I have penetrated into the depths of an unknown cavern linked to soul and spirit. Today, when the “bridge” is already practically built, I have returned to the same point of departure. Accident? Destiny? Karma?…How little we still know about the secret ways in which the fabric of life is fashioned!
One thing however, is certain! The secret of life and death lies hidden in the depth of our consciousness whose dark niches we cannot penetrate without knowing ourselves.
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