Voice Transmissions With The Deceased
by Friedrich Juergenson
212 CHAPTER 42
Voices in the Thorlin family – Recitations with piano accompaniment – A choir in three languages
Let us now pass to the most important events of the past two years, this is to say the period after my first press conference. A gentleman named Claude Thorlin who was of English origin living in Eskiltuna visited me with is wife Ellen. He had obtained voices on tape accidentally under the following circumstances. The Thorlin’s had bought a new tape recorder and wanted to record the voice of their friend Koge O. They put in a new tape and Koge recited his poems. While Koge’s voice was heard clearly upon listening to the recording, he is accompanied in the pauses by a sonorous soprano. She started by singing, “Listen…your karma…” in Swedish.
Koge continued by reading aloud a newspaper article about myself and the voices I had recorded. Here too a song was inserted, this time a children’s choir also singing in Swedish: “Listen, listen to the radio…listen to our contact.”
During another recording when Thorlin was recording the voice of his British brother in law, a female voice came through loud and clear and delivered a sentence in German and Swedish that turned out later to have been a direct message for the Thorlin’s.
Encouraged by these recordings, Thorlin actively continued his research. He actually succeeded in recording several very interesting radio transmissions. His mother appeared and sent him greetings. A choir sings in three languages: “We are en route to Moelnbo…Friedel is getting company…”
213 I could recognize numerous voices, also the voice of the “old Jew” could be clearly heard. A voice reminiscent of Lena announces the frequencies and she too speaks quickly in Swedish and German: “Keep, keep contact…”
We become good friends with the Thorlin’s.
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